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一位成功的随班就读数学教师的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以质性研究的方法,通过与教师、家长、随班就读工作管理者的7次深度访谈,并结合资料采集、分析,对一位成功的随班就读教师进行个案研究。揭示了随班就读教师的心路历程,并从成功的随班就读教师特征,随班就读教师取得成功的外因,有效的教学策略,有效的班级管理策略等方面展示了成功的随班就读教师所具有的能力,还揭示了随班就读教师面临的压力与当前随班就读工作存在的问题。  相似文献   

上海市随班就读教师现状调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用自编"随班就读教师现状调查问卷"对上海市410名随班就读教师对随班就读的认识、对随班就读学生的接纳态度,以及教师的工作现状进行了调查.调查显示:上海市随班就读教师的教龄、学历分布合理;教师们对随班就读有理性上的认同,对特殊学生总体接纳态度较好;教师们对特殊教育专业培训意愿较强.调查还表明,目前上海市接受过特殊教育专业培训的随班就读教师比例偏低;教师们更倾向于接纳智力残疾、肢体残疾和学习障碍的学生,而对脑瘫、情绪和行为障碍等学生的接纳度较低;教师对特殊儿童的教育需求和学习特点不够了解,对特殊学生开展的课堂教学与课外指导存在困难.  相似文献   

河北省残疾儿童随班就读的现状分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以问卷形式调查了河北省残疾儿童随班就读的基本状况,探讨了普通学校领导、教师以及残疾儿童家长对残疾儿童随班就读的态度和认识.结果表明绝大多数普通学校的领导和教师对残疾儿童的随班就读态度消极;家长对孩子的随班就读也普遍心存疑虑.在分析其原因的基础上提出了构建残疾儿童随班就读支持保障体系的设想,以促使残疾儿童随班就读的进一步发展.  相似文献   

程玮伦 《成才之路》2022,(10):97-99
随班就读是一种在普通教育机构中对特殊儿童实施教育的形式,它是一项社会系统工程,需要整个社会的支持和配合.教师和家长的态度往往会影响特殊儿童的个人发展,以及随班就读的实施效果.文章从随班就读的意义、随班就读对特殊儿童发展的价值入手,对我国特殊儿童随班就读现状、家长和教师对特殊儿童随班就读的态度及原因进行分析,指明实施学前...  相似文献   

在随班就读的教育实践中.资源教室是支持随班就读工作的载体和平台,它在随班就读工作管理、对随班就读学生的教育训练以及对随班就读家长的咨询指导中发挥了重要作用。但是在资源教室的建设中也存在一些问题.其中有两个问题值得注意:其一,资源教室只负责随班就读学生的“补课”、“训练”任务,或者说资源教室就是随班就读学生的“乐园”,  相似文献   

目前,特殊儿童随班就读主要存在学校和教师对随班就读认识不足、随班就读师资力量薄弱、管理不到位和资金投入相对不足等问题.为了提高随班就读的教育质量,从学校、教师、家长到社会都要转变理念,提高认识;加强随班就读师资力量;严格落实个别化教育计划;借助外力,形成教育合力;利用活动挖掘潜能,增强信心.只有这样,才能切实改善随班就...  相似文献   

对我国随班就读发展现状评价的问卷调查报告   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
本调查对我国随班就读的发展现状进行了评价。结果表明 :中国随班就读工作是成功的 ,其成就包括 :保障体系有力 ;班级氛围较好 ;特殊儿童交往能力发展较好 ;教师具有奉献精神 ,能够制定个别教育计划 ;随班就读对特殊儿童有利 ;检测和评价较好。但在教育行政部门管理、教育资源、学校氛围、特殊儿童生活与自律能力、教师接受专业培训、学校与家长合作等方面存在许多问题。  相似文献   

本研究通过对上海市青浦区 1 89名担任随班就读工作教师进行的《随班就读学生在学校范围内获得社会支持现状的调查》问卷调查 ,旨在探讨现有的社会支持系统是否满足有效的随班就读工作的需要 ,以帮助这些孩子回归主流社会。本研究从学校行政领导、教师以及同伴等方面来调查随班就读学生学校范围内获得社会支持的现状。问卷结果表明 ,学校行政、教师以及同伴所提供的社会支持仍旧非常有限 ,还有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

本研究利用自编的《随班就读任职教师职业适应问卷》以及修订的《小学教师社会支持量表》对437名小学随班就读任职教师进行了调查研究,同时探讨随班就读任职教师职业适应和社会支持的关系.本研究得出以下结论:随班就读任职教师的职业适应水平与其社会支持有着较强的共变关系,社会支持高低不同的教师在职业适应水平上存在显著差异;整体来看,校长支持、同事支持以及情感支持和讯息支持对随班就读任职教师职业适应的预测力较强,而家人支持、家长支持以及工具性支持相对较弱.在此基础上,建议加大学校领导对随班就读工作的支持力度;为教师创造更多沟通交流的平台;进一步完善随班就读任职教师职前培养和职后培训工作,提高其职业适应能力.  相似文献   

在随班就读的教育实践中,资源教室是支持随班就读工作的载体和平台,它在随班就读工作管理、对随班就读学生的教育训练以及对随班就读家长的咨询指导中发挥了重要作用.但是在资源教室的建设中也存在一些问题,其中有两个问题值得注意:其一,资源教室只负责随班就读学生的"补课"、"训练"任务,或者说资源教室就是随班就读学生的"乐园",训练的内容以"游戏为主"、以"感统训练为主",在学校教师的眼中,"资源教室就是为随班就读学生提供的活动场所";其二,有随班就读学生就有资源教室的工作,没了随班就读学生,就没了资源教室工作,资源教室的工作在学校整体工作中可有可无,资源教师也可以选择学校中的"剩闲"之人去"看堆",去"维持". 针对以上问题,笔者以建设资源教室长效运作机制为课题进行初步研究后认为,科学、客观地理解资源教室的服务对象和有效地为有特殊教育需要的学生服务,是资源教室长效运作的前提.  相似文献   

大力开展残疾儿童少年随班就读是普及残疾儿童义务教育的需要。它既符合国情,是发展残疾儿童少年义务教育的主要形式,也符合国际上残疾儿童少年教育发展的大趋势。“七五”中期至“八五”期间,北京市在开展盲、低视力、聋和重听以及轻度弱智儿童随班就读方面进行了较为广泛的实验。这次对随班就读工作的全面调查和分析,为贯彻北京市特殊教育“九五”发展规划中提出的“巩固、发展、完善、提高”一方针,使北京市残疾儿童随班就读工作发展到一个新的水平,提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

通过典型调查,就天津市九年义务教育的基本情况、现有的特殊教育评估体系、随班就读的规模、安置形式、分布情况及各界的态度反映和对随班就读的教学、管理、评估与师资培训等十二个方面问题进行研究,反映出天津市随班就读效果的实际情况,并通过调查探索残疾儿童少年成功随班就读的决定因素,为推广随班就读的原则、措施、方法提供理论依据,促进这项事业更快发展。  相似文献   

残疾儿童的个体差异较大,如何确定并保证残疾儿童的学习潜能在普通课堂上得到充分的开发,需要引起学校、家庭、社会及教、科研工作者的高度重视,需要建立一套系统的评估残疾儿童随班就读效果的指标体系。本文旨在通过对随班就读评估的目的、评估内容、评估方法和成果的分析报告,达到“本课题研究的开题目的,同时也向人们阐明对残疾儿童随班就读效果评估的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

论当代课堂管理的变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课堂管理不仅关系到课堂教学质量的提高,而且直接影响着学生的发展状况。当今教育从学会生存到学会关心到可持续发展的价值取向及终身化、民主化、主体化、多样化和国际化的特征,对旧有的课堂管理提出了严峻的挑战。倾向于行为控制和学生服从、注重课堂秩序和程序的旧式课堂管理,伴随着教育的变革,正朝向灵活、民主、柔性的方向不断迈进。应从课堂管理的目标、课堂环境、课堂交流与沟通、学生的激励等方面构建新的课堂管理范型。  相似文献   

Patterns of verbal communications between a teacher and student can influence the classroom environment, quality of the instructional program, and student management in the classroom. This study examined teacher-student communication patterns in both regular and special education classes for behaviorally and emotionally handicapped students. It was expected that special class communication patterns would differ substantially from those used in regular classes. Those communications would result in more effective student management and more time on-task for learning. Webster's (1984, 1986) Process Interaction Model was used to analyze the communication patterns. Expected differences between how regular and special class teachers interact with students were not found. Implications of findings are discussed in relationship to teacher training, teacher effectiveness, and classroom management.  相似文献   

In the US, there is a significant number of learning-disabled high school students included in regular science classrooms. It has been argued that students with learning disabilities can succeed in science if they receive the kind of instruction they need. To facilitate such instruction, the special education teacher is often incorporated into the class along with the learning disabled students. We observed 53 high school science lessons from ten pairs of science and special-education teachers who were responsible for delivering instruction to groups of students, some of whom were learning-disabled. We analyzed narrative notes collected in these lessons reflecting the kinds of classroom activities, organization of work, and teachers’ roles. In addition, we interviewed the teachers individually to gain a better understanding of these inclusive classes. The underlying question of this research was whether inclusive classes with two teachers delivered the type of science education that is better than solo-teaching in addressing the needs of learning-disabled students. Our evidence indicates that even with a special-education teacher present in the class, learning-disabled students usually did not receive a science education that met their needs. We elaborate on the reasons for this problem and make suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of constructivist classroom contextual factors in a life science laboratory and a traditional science classroom on elementary students’ motivation and learning strategy use. The Constructivist Teaching Inventory was used to examine classroom contextual factors. The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire was used to examine student motivation and learning strategies. A Wilcoxon nonparametric test determined that constructivist teaching practices were found to occur more often in the life laboratory than in the regular classroom. Although constructivist teaching practices increased at each observation time in both the regular classroom and in the life laboratory, a Friedman test determined that they were not statistically significant increases. Paired sample t tests determined that student motivation and learning strategies were higher in the life laboratory than in the regular classroom overall as well as at each survey time except for learning strategies at Post 1. A 2 × 4 between 3 within repeated measure ANOVA determined that student MSLQ motivation and learning strategy scores in the regular classroom varied statistically significantly by teacher. Student MSLQ motivation and learning strategy scores in the life laboratory varied statistically significantly by teacher. To triangulate data, individual interviews of students were conducted at the end of the semester and revealed students regard the life laboratory as an asset to their science study; however, students do appreciate and value working in the learning environment that the regular classroom provides.  相似文献   

大学非英语专业学生英语学习风格调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取问卷调查与访谈的方式,就学生学习的感知模式和课堂学习模式对某大学非英语专业本科生进行了探析,发现了不同学生的多种学习风格。分析学生学习风格倾向的原因后,提出了不同的对策,教师可以据此调整教学方法,提高课堂教学效率,帮助学生提高成绩。  相似文献   

Connected classroom technology (CCT) is a member of a broad class of interactive assessment devices that facilitate communication between students and teachers and allow for the rapid aggregation and display of student learning data. Technology innovations such as CCT have been demonstrated to positively impact student achievement when integrated into a variety of classroom contexts. However, teachers are unlikely to implement a new instructional practice unless they perceive the practical value of the reform. Practicality consists of three constructs: congruence with teacher’s values and practice; instrumentality—compatibility with the existing school structures; and cost/benefits—whether the reward is worth the effort. This study uses practicality as a framework for understanding CCT implementation in secondary classrooms. The experiences of three science teachers in their first year implementing CCT are compared with matched-pair mathematics teachers. Findings suggest that despite some differences in specific uses and purposes for CCT, the integration of CCT into regular classroom practice is quite similar in mathematics and science classrooms. These findings highlight important considerations for the implementation of educational technology.  相似文献   

A student's score on the final examination in a classroom learning situation does not necessarily represent the amount learned during the course. Various measures of gain have been advanced to measure the amount learned, but all have subsequently been found inadequate. It is hypothesized that the relationship between test scores and knowledge is curvilinear. A rationale is presented for the curvilinear nature of the posited relationship and for the fit of the model to classroom learning. From hypothetical data conforming to the model expressed in a mathematical formula, it was shown that it is possible for the final examination to be the best indicant of amount learned, even though individuals are not equal in proficiency at the beginning of the learning task. Based upon several considerations it was concluded that, at present, the best indicant of amount learned in many classroom situations is the final examination.  相似文献   

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