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中学数学教师MPCK是由数学学科知识、一般教学法知识、有关数学学习的知识和教育技术知识等经过教学实践反思融合而成的一个有机知识体系。数学教师MPCK的发展经历了假想、萌芽、成型与完善等阶段。数学教师MPCK水平对学生有效数学信念的形成、提供学习任务水平及学生探究性学习的支撑等有着重要影响。在职前教育中加强师范生对数学统领性知识的理解、设置初等数学教材疏通课程,在职后加强反思性实践等是提高数学教师MPCK水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

金莹 《中学数学研究》2011,(4):F0002-F0002,1,2
1数学教学内容知识(MPCK)概述 在教师的专业发展中,知识无疑处于核心地位。对于数学教师来说,并非只要具备充足的数学知识就能成为一位好的数学教师,还需要具有针对特定数学内容的教学知识,  相似文献   

数学教学内容知识(MPCK)是教师的一种新的知识形式,在教师的知识结构中处于核心地位。其结构包括一般结构成分和课堂结构成分;表现形式有话题MPCK、课堂MPCK;MPCK对课堂有效教学的作用体现在:数学教学目的的统领性观念促进对数学教学的理解;关于学生理解和学习情境理解的知识为教师提供了有效的教学基础;整合课程知识促进教学内容的整体把握;特定课题的教学策略及表征的知识促进学科知识和教学知识的转化。  相似文献   

在解析MPCK的内涵与构成、梳理数学教师教学反思研究的基础上,发现教师的MPCK能够为教师教学反思提供可操作的程序,理解并掌握MPCK理论有助于数学教师反思教学.结合MPCK理论的结构划分,从数学学科知识、教学法知识、关于学生的知识和教育技术知识四个方面探析数学教师教学反思的内容.  相似文献   

数学教学内容知识(MPCK)是教师的一种新的知识形式,在教师的知识结构中处于核心地位。其结构包括一般结构成分和课堂结构成分;表现形式有话题MPCK、课堂MPCK;MPCK对课堂有效教学的作用体现在:数学教学目的的统领性观念促进对数学教学的理解;关于学生理解和学习情境理解的知识为教师提供了有效的教学基础;整合课程知识促进教学内容的整体把握;特定课题的教学策略及表征的知识促进学科知识和教学知识的转化。  相似文献   

MPCK是由数学学科知识(MK)、一般教学法知识(PK)、关于学生的知识(CK)和关于教育技术的知识(TK)融合而成,其本质是教师如何将数学知识的学术形态转化为教育形态,以促进学生的数学理解、提高学生的数学能力和提升学生的数学素养.若从微观和宏观层面上看,可把MPCK分为话题MPCK和课堂MPCK.对于话题MPCK而言,其表现形式是:针对特定内容和特定学生,教师"呈现"数学问题的方式;对于课堂MPCK而言,其表现形式是:针对特定内容和特定学生,教师"组织、呈现、调整"数学课堂教学的方式.MPCK对数学教师的专业发展意义重大,它有助于数学教师进一步加深对教师专业的认识,有助于数学教师进一步发展专业知识.  相似文献   

<正>舒尔曼1986年提出PCK(学科教学内容知识)理论后,立即引起各国学者关注,从而使数学教师特有的学科教学知识从PCK泛学科的研究中独立出来,形成MPCK(数学学科教学内容知识)理论.MPCK要求数学教师面对特定问题时,反思学生遇到困难的原因并采取有效教学策略,构建高效的解题教学,这是MPCK理论在解题教学中的应用.本文基于MPCK理论,从哲学观点来反思一道月考试题解答过程,不妥之处,敬  相似文献   

数学教学内容知识(Mathematic Pedagogical Content Knowledge,简称MPCK)MPCK是关于某一特点的数学教学内容该如何进行表达、呈现和解释,从而使学生更容易接受和理解的知识.按照香港中文大学黄毅英教授的观点,MPCK是三个基本集:  相似文献   

正传统的数学教学一般以数学知识(即MK方式)的教学方法为主,这种教学方法包含科学内容的数学知识、作为课程内容的数学知识、作为教材内容的数学知识、作为教学内容的数学知识和作为学习所得的数学知识等知识。教师使用这种教学方法会使学生对数学的理解仅仅停留在知道数学知识的层面上。目前人们提出数学教师应以数学教学内容知识(即MPCK方式)引导学生学习数学。它包括应让学生知道数学知识、理解数学知  相似文献   

结合数学学科来剖析PCK,即为数学教学内容知识,简称MPCK.初中农村教师MPCK状况有两大特点:注重直观化的表达或解释、注重教学内容的前后联系.初中农村教师MPCK来源有两大特点:本原性和单一性.具体来说,"自身的教学经验与自我反思"和"教科书"是初中农村教师发展MPCK的两个主要来源,其次是"与同事的日常交流"和"课堂听课与教研活动",接下来是"教学参考资料"、"网络资源"、"职前教育"、"在职培训"、"专业书刊"和"作为学习者的经验".  相似文献   

Mathematics pedagogical content knowledge (MPCK) of teachers cannot be easily defined but is a complex concept integrating generic pedagogical knowledge, mathematics teaching methodology as well as knowledge of the discipline of mathematics. It is the objective of mathematics methodology courses in teacher preparation programmes to begin the development of MPCK in their pre-service teachers. As part of a research study on the development of MPCK in primary school beginning teachers, a 16-item instrument was developed to measure some aspects of the MPCK for teaching mathematics at primary level. The instrument was administered to the 2003 Intake of the Diploma in Education student teachers at the National Institute of Education, Singapore just at the beginning of their programme. As they completed their methodology course in February 2005, the instrument was administered again. This paper will discuss the findings concerning their performance in these two tests, with reference to the overall performance as well as topic-specific and MPCK construct-specific performance. The findings indicate that student teachers at the beginning of their programmes are generally quite weak in their mathematics pedagogical content knowledge, as might be expected. There was significant improvement in some aspects of their MPCK on completion of their mathematics pedagogy course.  相似文献   

教师基于自己的学科知识、经验等,借助于“课例学习+行动跟进+经验打磨+实践反思”等“行动学习”策略进行教学设计,实现有效教学,不断重组、提升学科教学知识。通过强化教学设计(实践),解决数学教学中存在的问题和困惑,在实践中传递、积累数学教学知识,在反思体验基础上改进课堂教学,发展数学教学能力,提升数学教师的数学教育观念。  相似文献   

Graduate students play an integral role in undergraduate chemistry education at doctoral granting institutions where they routinely serve as instructors of laboratories and supplementary discussion sessions. Simultaneously, graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) balance major research and academic responsibilities. Although GTAs have substantial instructional facetime with large numbers of undergraduate students, little is known about their conceptions of teaching or their identities as teachers. To investigate the knowledge that GTAs have regarding teaching in this unique context, their teaching identities, and how these developed, we conducted 22 interviews with graduate students from several universities at various levels in their graduate school career using a modified Teacher Beliefs Interview. Interviews were analyzed for two overarching teacher learning constructs: teacher knowledge and teacher identity. We characterized chemistry GTAs' teacher knowledge and identity and determined major influencing factors. We found that chemistry GTAs often identified as a tutor or lab manager, which hindered their self-investment in developing as teachers. The results presented herein contribute to an understanding of GTAs' teacher knowledge, teacher identity, and their teaching context, from which training can be designed to best support GTA development.  相似文献   

通过对初中数学青年骨干教师L老师的叙事研究.研究者认为初中数学学科教学知识对学科内容知识量的要求是有限的,但对教师理解内容知识的深刻性有较高要求;实践与反思是形成学科教学知识的关键。L老师学科教学知识的生成途径有其独特的地方,值得其他教师借鉴和学习,可以概括为“二研五专”,即:研究教材、研题磨题、专业阅读、专题研究、专业现场、专题写作、专家引领。  相似文献   

PCK是学科教学知识(Pedagogical Content Know ledge)的简称,是教师知识范畴中使教学最有效的知识。为了研究PCK产生了一种新的研究模式。这种模式被称为"教师教学的教育重建"(ERTE)模式,它代表了研究科学教师PCK的结构框架,它是一个庞大但是之前又未涉及的研究领域。基于此,从PCK的定义到ERTE模式作介绍,以期进一步促进教师教学的有效性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Instructional practice plays a significant role in understanding teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The aim of the study reported on was to compare mathematics and technology pre-service teachers’ knowledge of PCK. The study used a case study approach of five mathematics and five technology pre-service teachers with a total of ten. Data was collected in seven public schools around Gauteng province in South Africa. The observation technique was employed in order to understand students’ classroom practice, using a video camera to capture the setting. One lesson of 45 minutes presented by each pre-service teacher, rendering a total of ten lessons, was observed. The study adapted the theoretical framework of PCK (Shulman 1987). The study scrutinised the data based on the qualitative content analysis method and found that most pre-service teachers in both mathematics and technology possess a limited knowledge of PCK. In both subjects, most of the pre-service teachers’ classroom practice did not exhibit comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter or knowledge of the learners. However, the difference is that only mathematics pre-service teachers have some knowledge of assessment. The data also indicate that “9E” instructional practice can be a valuable tool to enhance field-specific PCK within the field of mathematics and technology education subjects. Therefore, the study proposes further investigation of the “9E” instructional model that could be used as field-specific PCK within the fields of mathematics, science and technology.  相似文献   

In this study, 12 pre-service mathematics teachers worked in teams to develop their knowledge and skills in using teacher-led spreadsheet demonstrations to help students explore mathematics concepts, stimulate discussions and perform authentic tasks through activity-based lessons. Pre-service teachers’ lesson plans, their instruction of the lessons designed, experiences and lesson enactment outcomes were examined. The pre-service teachers in the study were able to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and skill adequately in designing and enacting activity-based mathematical lessons supported with spreadsheets. The results also showed that the pre-service teachers’ use of the spreadsheet as an instructional tool promoted student in-depth mathematical concept formation and an activity-based learning approach to make lessons less teacher centred and more interactive.  相似文献   

生物发生律认为个体发生是种系发生短暂而迅速的重演.迁移到教学领域,这条法则意味着个体知识的发生过程遵循人类知识的发生过程.有效的学习要求学习者追溯正在学习的主题在历史中演变的主要步骤.围绕这条法则,人们展开了经验的论述、实证的检验、理论的探讨.这条法则为用教育取向的数学史发展教师的学科教学知识奠定了理论基础.以教育取向的数学史为指导,教师可以更好地发展学科教学知识,进行教学设计,从而实现认知的历史发生原理的教学工程化。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation into the conceptual knowledge, through the domain of fraction division, of prospective secondary mathematics teachers in their final/fourth year of undergraduate initial teacher education. The aim of the study is to assess if levels of conceptual knowledge in this domain are sufficient in order for these prospective teachers to teach for understanding. Some impact of conceptual understanding on teaching approaches is also explored. The content of the teacher education program and its suitability for preparing prospective mathematics teachers is also considered. The results indicate that in spite of four years of mathematics teacher education, these prospective mathematics teachers hold a fragmented and limited conceptual understanding of dividing fractions. To address this issue and to ensure the effective implementation of Project Maths, it is argued that initial teacher education programs need to be revised to include an emphasis on school mathematics.  相似文献   

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