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为了解唐山地区城乡中学生的营养状况,以为制定相应的健康教育计划提供科学依据.按《学校卫生工作技术规范操作程序》要求,随机抽取唐山地区两所中学14.17岁共2204名学生测量身高、体重,采用“1995年全国学生7.22岁身高标准体重值”确定学生营养状况。结果表明唐山城乡中学生营养不良检出率均低于全国平均水平,女生营养不良率显著高于男生(P〈0.01);营养过剩率均高于全国平均水平,且城市高于乡村(P〈0.01),男生高于女生(P〈0.01)。城乡间的营养不良检出率无显著差异(p〉0.05)。  相似文献   

目的比较襄樊职业技术学院2000年至2005年新生营养状况.为指导高职学生合理营养和健康教育工作提供依据。方法以2000年至2005年新生为研究对象.对6年间新生身高、体重和2000与2005两年体重指数为指标。采用《营养与膳食》体质指数(BMI)标准,对正常体重、营养不良、超重和肥胖等4种营养状态的检出率进行比较。结果襄樊职业技术学院男女新生平均身高和体重都有增加,经统计学处理,身高增加无显著性差异(P〉0.05),而体重增加有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。2005年新生中男生超重和肥胖的栓出率与2000年比较有显著性差异,分别为P〈0.05、P〈0.01;女生超重有极显著差异(P〈0.01),而肥胖增加无显著差异(P〉0.05)。女生的营养不良检出率高于男生(P〈0.01)。男生的超重和肥胖检出率高于女生(P〈0.01)。结论开展健康教育,提倡合理营养。加强体育锻炼,促进体格全面发育。  相似文献   

目的:了解广丰县在校学生营养状况。方法:抽取某所监测点学校(含小学、初中)在校学生进行身高、体重测量,采用身高、体重法评价个体营养状况。结果:被调查的2718名学生中,营养正常者占67.51%,营养不良者占27.12%,超重或肥胖者占5.37%。营养不屈以轻度为主,占82.90%(611/737)。不同年级学生的营养不良率差异有显著性(P〈0.01),随着年级的升高而逐渐上升,不同年级学生的超重或肥胖率差异则无显著性(P〉0.05)。女生营养不良率高于男生(P〈0.01),男、女学生超重或肥胖率差异则无显著性(P〉0.05)。结论:所调查的该校学生的营养不良情况较严重,如何改善学生的营养状况仍值得各方的关注。  相似文献   

目的:探讨和分析武夷学院大学新生心理健康状况,以便有效地进行心理健康教育和临床心理辅导。方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对武夷学院2011级校本部大学新生进行全面测查,有效样本2987份。结果:该校2011级新生SCL-90总均分以及各因子均值分都显著低于全国常模(P〈0.001或P〈0.01);男生SCL-90总均分以及躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖4个因子各自均分都显著低于女生(P≤O.01或0.05〈P≤O.01);是否为独生子女SCL-90得分差异并不显著,只在敌对、恐怖两个因子得分上有差异(P≤O.01或0.05〈P≤0.01);农村生源的学生与城镇学生得分在统计学上无显著差异(P〉0.05);家庭月收入(800—1500元&2000-5000元)SCL-90得分上并无显著差异(P〉0.05);该校学生的入学满意度SCL-90各因子得分都差异显著,入学比较满意的学生各因子得分和总均分都显著低于不太满意的学生(P≤0.01)。结论:该校大学新生心理健康状况表现良好,部分群体需特别关注,女生、入学不太满意、独生子女类学生心理健康水平较低。  相似文献   

目的:观察健身塑形运动处方对超重肥胖大学生血脂、体质指数及心理的影响.探讨维护超重肥胖大学生身心健康的有效途径.方法:采用配对随机化的方法,将86名超重肥胖大学生自愿者分为两组,一组为实验组,另一组为对照组.实验开始,所有实验参加者均进行血脂检测,测量身高、体重并计算体质指数(BMI),同时采用scl-90进行问卷调查并做出评定,然后,实验组实施健身塑形运动处方,对照组按原锻炼习惯锻炼,16周后实验结束.在同等奈件下复测血脂、体重、身高,再次问卷调查并评定.结果:对照组实验前后血脂、BMI、及SCL-90各因子变化无统计学差异(P〉0.05),而实验组实验前后及实验后与对照组组间对照血脂、BMI有明显差异(P〈0.05 P〈0.01).SCL-90问卷调查评定结果:实验组实验前后在强迫症状、抑郁、敌对3个因子上差异明显(P〈0.05),在人际关系、焦虑、精神病性因子上差异非常明显(P〈0.01).实验组与对照组组间对照:人际关系、抑郁、精神病性、焦虑4因子统计学差异明显(P〈0.05).结论:对超重肥胖大学生实施健身塑形运动处方有助于提高身心健康水平.  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生目标追求与心理幸福感心理落差的关系研究。本研究采用目标追求的入世出世问卷、心理幸福感问卷、大学生心理落差自评问卷对某高校600名大学生进行问卷调查,发现不同性别的大学生在学习方面(t=2.30,P〈0.05)、人际交往(t=2.29,P〈0.05)、课外生活(t=2.47,P〈0.01)、低要求(t=2.64,P〈0.01)、出世(t=2.19,P〈0.05)存在显著差异;是否是独生、是否是学生干部和生源地在心理幸福感与心理落差、目标追求的入世出世关系各维度上无显著差异(P〉0.05):心理幸福感总分与目标追求的出世(r=0.47,P〈0.01)入世(r=0.42,P〈0.01)存在显著正相关;心理幸福感总分与心理落差总分(r=-0.54,P〈0.01)存在显著正相关;大学生心理落差、目标追求的出世入世对心理幸福感具有预测作用(F=49.22,P〈0.001)。男大学生在学习方面、人际交往、课外生活、低要求、出世方面均高于女生:大学生心理落差越低,心理幸福感越强。大学生目标追求的入世出世的分数高,心理幸福感越强;大学生心理落差对心理幸福感具有负向预测作用;大学生目标追求的出世入世对心理幸福感具有正预测作用。  相似文献   

调研目的:了解彝族地区智力落后儿童社会适应行为、社会支持与生活质量的现状。方法:采用问卷调查法,在云南省、四川省彝族地区的两所特殊学校,整群抽取126名智力落后儿童。结果:彝族智力落后儿童的社会适应行为性别差异显著,女生显著高于男生(p〈0.01);不同居住地的彝族智力落后儿童的社会适应行为差异显著(p〈0.05);父母不同文化程度的智力落后儿童的社会适应水平差异显著(p〈0.05);不同支持水平的彝族智力落后儿童的生活质量差异显著(p〈0.01);支持利用、社会责任进入彝族智力落后儿童的生活质量模型(p〈0.01)。  相似文献   

大学生人格特征、社会支持、应对方式间存在一定的相关性。不同年级大学生人格特征、不同性别大学生幻想应对方式差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),其余各组间差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。N(神经质)人格特征与解决问题应对方式呈负相关(P〈0.01);与自责、幻想、退避、合理化呈正相关(P〈0.01);与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。应对方式中解决问题与客观支持、主观支持、支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01);自责与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。求助与支持利用度和支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01)。幻想与客观支持呈负相关(P〈0.01)。年级是大学生人格特征的影响因素、女性大学生更多运用幻想的应对方式。  相似文献   

大学生人格特征、社会支持、应对方式间存在一定的相关性。不同年级大学生人格特征、不同性别大学生幻想应对方式差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),其余各组间差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。N(神经质)人格特征与解决问题应对方式呈负相关(P〈0.01);与自责、幻想、退避、合理化呈正相关(P〈0.01);与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。应对方式中解决问题与客观支持、主观支持、支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01);自责与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。求助与支持利用度和支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01)。幻想与客观支持呈负相关(P〈0.01)。年级是大学生人格特征的影响因素、女性大学生更多运用幻想的应对方式。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查得出如下结论:总体宿舍人际关系基本出于良好状态。但一小部分部分同学明显受到宿舍人际关系的困扰。在四个维度上的调查结果为:女生的宿舍人际关系好于男生:女生(M=18.85)〉男生(M=17.45):无显著性差异(0.05〈P=0.10);(2)非独生子女的宿舍人际关系好于独生子女:非独生子女(M=18.93)〉独生子女(M=17.66)。有显著性差异(P=0.04〈0.05)。(3低年级学生的宿舍人际关系好于高年级学生:低年级(M=18.96)〉高年级(M=17.52);存在非常显著性差异(P=0.00〈0.01)。说明宿舍人际关系水平呈现随年级升高而递降的趋势;(4)不是班干部学生的宿舍人际关系好于班干部学生.无显著性差异(0.05〈P=0.43)。研究结果将丰富高职院校人际交往领域的知识;为高职宿舍人际关系实践提供了启示、参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

1999年至2003年连续5年追踪测量了黄冈市实验小学学生的生长发育状况。被测量的103名学生均为1992年出生。结果表明,黄冈市小学生的身高、体重及克托莱指数均低于全国城市同龄学生,两性身高增长的交叉年龄在11岁,比全国城市平均水平推迟1年,体重没有出线交叉现象,与全国城市学生一致。黄冈市小学生体质发育滞后于全国城市平均水平可能与该地区的社会经济发展水平和学业负担较重有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨硫化氢(H2S)对兔离体心脏心率的影响.方法:用标准微电极细胞内记录技术,观测硫化氢对兔右心房心肌细胞动作电位频率的影响.观测指标:自发放电频率(rate of pacemaker firing,RPF).结果:(1) 用200μmol/LNaHS 灌流时,和正常对照组相比,RPF显著减小(P<0.01).(2) 400μmol/L NaHS与对照组比较, RPF显著减小(P<0.01).和200μmol/LNaHS相比,RPF显著减小(P<0.01).(3)以上使RPF减小的效应在NaHS灌流3~5min出现,10min时已经有显著减小(P<0.01),25~30min达到高峰.结论:H2S可浓度依赖性的影响兔离体心脏的心率.  相似文献   

采用翻译修订版IPPA对大学生的依恋类型与上网时间和内容之间的关系进行了问卷调查。结果显示:同伴依恋的三个水平在上网时间上存在极强的差异(F=3.976,P<0.01),高低水平组在上网内容上存在显著差异(F=0.000,P<0.01);父子依恋的三个水平在上网时间和上网内容上均存在显著差异(F=0.976,P<0.05;F=1.876,P<0.05);母子依恋的三个水平在上网时间和上网内容上都具有显著差异(F=0.976,P<0.01;F=1.876,P<0.01)。表明依恋类型和依恋水平直接影响了大学生上网内容的选择和上网时间的长短。  相似文献   

The aim of this case study was to investigate issues surrounding the social inclusion of hearing-impaired pupils within a mainstream comprehensive school in a large northern city. The study focused on the four hearing-impaired pupils in Years 8 and 10. Year 7, Year 9 and Year 11 pupils, were omitted on the grounds that they were relatively new to the school (Year 7) or were involved in external examinations (Years 9 and 11). Sociometric questionnaires were completed by the hearing-impaired pupils and their form-group peers. Interviews were carried out with the hearing-impaired pupils, with their form-group peers identified as popular (sociometrically), and with those identified as having few friends. Form tutors and mainstream subject teachers of the hearing-impaired pupils were also interviewed. The data collected suggested that these hearing-impaired pupils were not particularly well integrated socially with their hearing peers. The sociometric data showed the hearing-impaired pupils to be of low status within friendship groups. Interview data from pupils suggested that the hearing-impaired young people's social experience was very akin to that of those children with very low sociometric status, and very unlike that of the 'popular' pupils, those with the highest sociometric status. Of note was the belief of popular pupils that the role of friendship--and the role of communication in establishing and maintaining friendship--was crucial to their happiness in school. Interview data from mainstream teachers suggested that they had little relevant knowledge of the personal concepts and social experiences of hearing-impaired pupils. Recommendations are made to improve the social skills of the hearing-impaired young people, and to foster a greater degree of peer-group support, with some adaptations to their curriculum to stress social learning and communication skills.  相似文献   

During 1963, arrangements were made by the then Ministry of Education for a national experiment in foreign‐language teaching to be carried out in selected primary schools in England and Wales. The main purpose of the experiment, which came to be known as the Pilot Scheme for the teaching of French in primary schools, was to discover whether it would be both feasible and educationally desirable to extend the teaching of a foreign language to pupils who represented a wider range of age and ability than those to whom foreign languages had traditionally been taught. Under the Pilot Scheme, French was to be introduced into the primary school curriculum on an experimental basis from September 1964 onwards. The choice of French as the language to be taught was virtually inevitable, since it would have been impossible to provide an adequate teaching force for the implementation of the experiment if any language other than French had been chosen. In most of the schools taking part in the Pilot Scheme, French was to be taught throughout the primary stage of the experiment by class teachers who had received special in‐service training, rather than by specialist teachers of French. Arrangements were made to provide continuity of teaching at the secondary stage, so that all the pupils taking part in the experiment would be able to continue learning French without interruption for at least five years.

Once the experiment had been set up, it was agreed that its effects should be evaluated over a period of years by the NFER. In the event, the NFER evaluation spanned the period 1964‐1974, taking the form of a longitudinal study of three age‐groups or ‘cohorts’ of pupils attending the schools taking part in the experiment. The sole criterion on which pupils were chosen for inclusion in one of the experimental cohorts was their date of birth. In the first instance, French was to be taught to all eight‐year‐old pupils in the selected primary schools from September 1964 onwards; thereafter, the teaching of French was to be extended to a further year‐group each autumn, until it involved all pupils in the 8‐11 age‐range. Thus, the first cohort to come under study was composed of all pupils in the large primary schools taking part in the experiment who fell within the age‐range 8‐0‐8#lb11 on 1st September 1964 and all pupils in the small primary schools who fell within the age‐range 8#lb0‐9#lb11 on that date: this provided a sample of approximately 5.700 pupils. (A wider age‐range was sampled in the small primary schools, to avoid the creation of unworkably small groups.) The second cohort was composed of all pupils in the large primary schools in the sample who fell within the age‐range 8#lb0‐8#lb11 on 1st September 1965: this provided a sample of approximately 5,300 pupils. Pupils in the small primary schools were not represented in the second cohort, since most children of an appropriate age had already been included in the French classes set up for the first cohort.

Originally, the NFER evaluation was to have been based entirely on a longitudinal study of the pupils forming the first two experimental cohorts. It was hoped that the results of this study would provide sufficient information to enable valid conclusions to be drawn regarding the feasibility and advisability of teaching French at the primary level. As the experiment progressed however, it became clear that the pioneer status of the first cohort had entailed an atypical introduction to French. During the first year of the Pilot Scheme, for instance, difficult staffing problems were encountered which had not always been foreseen: in some primary schools, French teachers were absent without replacement for a whole term in order to attend intensive language courses in France; in others, no trained staff were available to teach French during the first term of the experiment, with the result that the first cohort pupils in these schools started to learn French one term later than the others in their age‐group. The first year of the experiment could therefore be regarded with some justification as an essentially exploratory period, calling into question the validity of using the results obtained from the study of the first cohort as a basis for future comparison. In view of these circumstances, it was considered advisable to extend the evaluation to a third cohort of pupils: those who would begin their study of French in September 1968. The third and final cohort to come under study was thus composed of all pupils in the large primary schools still taking part in the experiment who fell within the age‐range 8#lb0‐8#lb11 on 1st September 1968 and all pupils in the small primary schools who fell within the age‐range 8#lb0‐9#lb11 on the same date: this provided a sample of approximately 6,000 pupils. Inclusion in the experimental sample was again determined solely by the age of the pupil. This meant that the sample was drawn from all the socioeconomic strata normally represented within the national educational system and, in consequence, was characterized by a wide range of ability.

The time‐span of the evaluation did not allow all the pupils taking part in the experiment to be studied for an equal period of time. The pupils in the first and third cohorts were under study for a total of five years: three years in the primary school and two years in the secondary school. The pupils in the second cohort were under study for a longer period: three years in the primary school and five years in the secondary school. During the ten‐year period of the evaluation, the main aims of the study were: (i) to investigate the long‐term development of pupils’ attitudes towards foreign‐language learning; (ii) to discover whether pupils’ levels of achievement in French were related to their attitudes towards foreign‐language learning; (iii) to examine the effect of certain pupil variables (such as age, sex, socio‐economic status, perception of parental encouragement, employment expectations, contact with France, etc) on level of achievement in French and attitude towards foreign language learning; (iv) to investigate whether teachers’ attitudes and expectations significantly affected the attitudes and achievement of their pupils; (v) to investigate whether the early introduction of French had a significant effect on achievement in other areas of the primary school curriculum.

The main findings to emerge during the earlier years of the evaluation were published in two interim reports (Burstall, 1968, 1970); the recent publication of the final report (Burstall et al., 1974) brought together both the earlier and the later findings and provided an overall view of the effects of the experiment during both its primary and secondary stages. What follows is an attempt to review briefly the research evidence presented in the final report, but it must be borne in mind that limitations of space will inevitably impose a certain selectivity on this review.


为了解大肠埃希氏菌对常用抗生素的敏感性及耐药性,以指导临床选择最有效的抗生素治疗细菌感染,本文应用10种抗生素对从各种标本中分离的349株大肠埃希氏作了药物敏感性测定和分折。结果表明:①大肠埃希氏菌对10种抗生素大都敏感,尤以卡那霉最好,敏感性为66.19%(231株),居各药之首。庆大霉素、四环素、先锋霉素Ⅴ等敏感者均超过50%以上,而对其他部分抗生素已不同程度地产生了耐药。②虽然大肠埃希氏菌对卡那霉素、庆大霉素、四环素等均呈较高的敏感性,但也存在着不同程度的耐药菌株。③各标本间大肠埃希氏菌对药物敏感性经方差分析,349株不同标本的菌株间有显著性差异,F值=52. 53(P<0.01)。大肠埃希氏菌菌株对各种药物的敏感性也有显著性差异,F值=7.07(P<0.01)。因此,常用抗生素在治疗大肠埃希氏菌感染的疾病中仍然是主要的药物。药物敏感减低无疑将会给临床治疗和药物研究工作者带来一定困难。根据上述结果分析,对于大肠埃希氏菌菌株在培养、鉴定之后,选择特定的药敏试验,为指导临床正确并合理地使用抗生素,减少菌株抗药性提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

Pupils' perspectives are clearly a very significant element in seeking to understand and evaluate the educational process. In spite of this, research into 'the way pupils see it' has been limited. This paper focuses on a group whose views have so far suffered particular neglect. The writer sought the views of pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties attending special schools. These pupils were asked what factors had influenced the way they had behaved in mainstream school. Their views on many aspects of their experience have implications which go beyond the education of this specific group. The paper concludes with a number of proposals for changes in mainstream education which might reduce the number of pupils currently educated outside the mainstream.  相似文献   

城乡小学生幸福感成分的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城乡小学生生活满意度与父母的学历、职业呈显著正相关,城乡差异不具统计学意义。小学生感到幸福的事件引用频数最多的为:休闲娱乐、父母关心、物质享受和学习,但父母关心、学习、休闲娱乐城乡小学生引用频数差异较大;不幸福的事件引用频数最多的为:父母批评打骂、学习压力、个性成长,但师生关系、休闲娱乐、同伴关系三项城乡小学生引用频数差异较大。城乡小学生幸福感既有相同成分也存在差异,生活满意度差异不显著。  相似文献   


Pupils’ perspectives are clearly a very significant element in seeking to understand and evaluate the educational process. In spite of this, research into ‘the way pupils see it’ has been limited. This paper focuses on a group whose views have so far suffered particular neglect. The writer sought the views of pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties attending special schools. These pupils were asked what factors had influenced the way they had behaved in mainstream school. Their views on many aspects of their experience have implications which go beyond the education of this specific group. The paper concludes with a number of proposals for changes in mainstream education which might reduce the number of pupils currently educated outside the mainstream.  相似文献   

The research was carried out in four secondary schools, two with a peer support system and two without, and involved a total of 931 pupils (49.5% males and 50.5% females). Participants were aged between 11 and 15 years of age, mean age 12.8 years. The aims were: to compare the perceptions of safety on the part of older and younger pupils in secondary schools with and without a system of peer support in place; to find out if there are differences in perceptions of safety within peer support schools on the part of those who are aware of the existence of a peer support service in their school and those who are not aware; and to find out if pupils in peer support schools are more likely to tell someone about school violence and bullying than those in schools without peer support. The results indicate very little difference between pupil perceptions of safety in schools with and schools without a peer support system in place. In fact, older pupils in the schools without peer support responded that they felt safer than pupils in schools with a peer support system in toilets and lessons. However, within the peer support schools there were significant differences in perceptions of safety between the substantial minority of pupils who were unaware that their school had a peer support system and those who were aware of it. The pupils who were aware felt safer in lessons, perceived school as a friendlier place to be, and worried significantly less about being bullied in comparison with those who were unaware. They were also much more likely to tell someone when bad things happened at school. The results are discussed in the light of previous research in the field and some recommendations are made for the practice of peer support.  相似文献   

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