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新形势背景下,推动报纸文化版面创新发展,可以更好满足当前报纸文化发展和创新等工作的需求.文化版面是报纸的重要一部分,并且对于报纸的发展产生重要作用和影响.随着经济社会的不断发展,报纸行业发生翻天覆地变化,这也使得文化版面的地位产生重大变化.为推动报纸文化版面在新形势背景下与时俱进发展,让其更好在功能方面与现代化发展相匹配,需要合理分析新形势背景下报纸文化版面的创新发展意义、创新发展问题,然后有针对性地探究报纸文化版面在现实环境背景下的发展和生存策略.  相似文献   

报纸应对网络媒体挑战的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵瑾 《新闻爱好者》2005,(11):17-17
作为一种全新的信息交流平台,互联网具有实现新闻传播、商务、会议、交友、游戏、远程教育等多种社会活动的功能,而新闻传播是其中相当重要的一项功能。网络媒体迅速发展,日渐成熟,影响力也日趋扩大,对报纸形成了强劲的挑战。网络媒体对报纸产生了什么影响?报纸应当如何应对来自网络媒体的挑战?  相似文献   

报纸、广播和电视等媒介具有多元化功能:有政治宣传功能,有信息服务功能,有娱乐消遣功能,还有传承社会文化功能,等等。不同时空中的媒介会被赋予各异的功能,不同的观察视角也会产生各异的媒  相似文献   

潘子江 《青年记者》2006,(15):71-71
谈到活动营销,首先要明确报纸营销的含义。报纸因为所发布的信息对社会行为具有指向作用,所以被认为是专属于横跨经济基础和上层建筑两个层面的产业类型。从报纸作为上层建筑所表现出的面向社会主体的传播层面的功能来看,它有四种功能:1、守望功能,监视环境;2、协调决策功能;3、价值传承的功能,使社会知识和规范等精神遗产代代相传;4、提供娱乐的功能。将其作为经济基础层面的功能概括起来还包括“作为企业,赢得利润”的功能。报纸的上述功能使它的消费主体也表现出二元化的结构,一个是对报纸传播内容的消费人群,另一个是对报纸产生的信息传播和受众行为影响能力进行消费的个人和消费人群。  相似文献   

正报纸版面被称为"报纸的门面",它可以使读者直观地了解到报纸的风格,而一张报纸中的"标志性建筑"则是其中的特色版面,它代表着报纸的高度和亮度,是报纸的灵魂与眼睛。一张没有风格特色的报纸很难谈得上有什么读者,更不要提报纸的影响力了,这就涉及到报纸版面的设置。版面设置科学合理,则能最大限度地吸引读者群,并在其间产生大的影响,从而为塑造报纸的品牌形象发挥积极的作用。版面应有的功能版面犹如衣裳,最先进入人的眼帘。它有强化的作用、有美化的功能、有个性的展示。从某种意义上说报纸的竞争实质上是版面的竞  相似文献   

在报纸版面的构图中,采用特殊的手段增强局部的色彩效果,使之产生吸引读者视觉的功能,被称为报纸版面中的强势艺术。 强势艺术,是近年来报纸版面构图在改革后采用的一种全新的设计方式。这种方式的构成,是将高质量的图片、题目的标题和巧妙的留白组合在一起,形成一  相似文献   

版面作为新闻宣传的载体,是报纸的感性外观,是各稿件间布局的整体表现形式,它担负着评价新闻、吸引读者、展示个性的功能,是报纸内容与形式的能动反映。一张办得成功的报纸首先吸引读者眼球的是精美的版式,它会使读者在阅读报纸内容之前就有一种审美的愉悦,这种美的产生是和版面设计的美学原理分不开的。以下是本人对此论点所做的探析。  相似文献   

浅析色彩在日报中的运用——兼析《新快报》的色彩运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
色彩是报纸版面的一种编排手段。随着出版行业的飞速发展,电子排版以及印刷技术的不断提高,色彩在报纸版面中的作用也越发凸显,它往往先于文字和图形给人们留下深刻的第一印象,使报纸产生美感,从而大大增强了报纸的吸引力。一、色彩在报纸版面中的作用随着人们思想观念的变化,色彩在现代报纸中得到越来越多的运用,其作用也越来越受到重视,具体说来,色彩在报纸版面中具有以下几个作用:1、强势作用。色彩在版面上具有影响读者视线流动的能力,它在报纸版面中具有强势功能。把一张黑白版面的报纸和一张彩色版面的报纸放在一起,人们视觉首先关注…  相似文献   

纵观报纸功能演进历程,一部报业发展史,从某种意义上讲,是新闻报道边界不断拓展、报纸内容不断丰富的历史.研究报纸功能演进脉络,认清报纸功能演进的基本路向,把握拓展新闻报道边界艺术,是破解传统纸媒发展困境的现实课题.  相似文献   

线饰──报纸版面美的使者赵永枝用线条装饰报纸版面,使其产生美感效应,更好地发挥版面为读者导读的功能,是报纸版面设计的一种形式,这种形式通常被人们称为“线饰”。线饰报纸的版面是非常考究的。在我国报业实现激光照排、胶版印刷技术之前,文汇报坚持用黑色的细线...  相似文献   

The World Newspaper Archive is an ongoing collaborative digital project of the Center for Research Libraries and its partner institutions to preserve historical newspapers and news‐related materials from around the globe and provide persistent electronic access to them. The first release, begun in December 2008, involves newspapers from Latin America. With the cooperation of member institutions, the WNA is expected to grow to include Eastern European newspapers as well. The author encourages librarians to contact him with information on complementary collections of material as well as interest in collaboration.  相似文献   

在美国报业史中,党派报纸在19世纪的大部分时间里占据着主导地位。本论文试图分析美国党派报纸的报道方式,并从美国十九世纪下半叶国家政治的变化导致的政党角色的变化中解析美国的党派报纸如何因政党功能的变化而在报道方式上发生改变。  相似文献   

This study investigated how newspapers adopted partisan branding as a product differentiation strategy under pressure of intense market competition, through cases of conservative dailies in South Korea. Despite academic interest in news media's partisanship, only a few studies attempted to conduct analysis at the organizational level. Drawing on the hierarchy of influences model as a main theoretical framework, the present study examined how partisanship of newspapers was related to the social and economic forces. Evidence demonstrated that conservative bias increased as market competition intensified. Conservative bias was positively associated with the ideological mood of the conservative group, and the revenue decreased as conservative newspapers carried stronger conservative bias. These results will add insight into the prevalence of partisanship in today's media environment.  相似文献   

The researchers examined student perceptions of campus and community newspaper credibility at the University of Florida using a Web survey (n = 1,906) of those enrolled in a general education class. A moderate correlation (r = .28) existed between college newspaper credibility and community newspaper credibility. Using hierarchical linear regression, the researchers found interest in news content to be a statistically significant predictor of credibility for both local newspapers and college newspapers. In addition, students whose parents encouraged them to read a newspaper found both newspapers more credible than did their peers, and exposure to a newspaper was found to be a strong predictor of credibility for that newspaper. Finally, the results of this case study also suggest White respondents find local newspapers more credible than other races. Implications for researchers and practitioners were discussed.  相似文献   

In the second half of the twentieth century, the volume, content and appearance of arts journalism in Western daily newspapers have changed significantly in accordance with wider transformations in the arts and journalism. Previous studies have focused on (1) which culture receives attention, (2) the way culture gets attention, and (3) economic pressures underlying transformations. In this article we aim to bring these strands together by analyzing how changes in the packaging of arts journalism have evolved in relation to the cultural content which is discussed and the volume of (cultural) advertising that is featured in newspapers. We conduct a content analysis of the coverage given to both “highbrow” and “popular” art forms in French, German, Dutch and US elite newspapers for four sample years: 1955, 1975, 1995 and 2005. The results show that newspapers all seem to converge into a balance between news reporting and reviewing. We find evidence for an increased catering for the needs and interests of audiences in some aspects (e.g. more popular culture) but not in others (e.g. no more human interest). Finally, most newspapers show an increase in cultural advertising, although the European newspapers in our sample contain much less advertising than the American ones. A stronger presence of advertising is positively related to both a lifestyle orientation of newspapers and a focus on popular culture.  相似文献   

This article surveys a sample of sources of the information about Romania available to British readers in nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals. It traces first contacts between the Romanian lands and Britain after the union of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia in 1859, then after their independence from the Ottoman Empire. The article highlights an increased Romanian interest in British periodicals, which reported and reviewed Romanian literature and scholarship. The article concludes that nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals offer a great variety and wealth of new material previously unavailable or unknown to researchers. It also states that only a portion of a large quantity of this material has been indexed and is therefore available via the bibliographic sources mentioned in the article. The author argues for the need of a new and updated British-Romanian bibliography, which can draw on new online resources offering access to thousands of new newspapers and periodical records.  相似文献   

Theory and past research argue for the importance of understanding the effect of various campaign communication forms (e.g., newspapers, television news, radio, debates, candidate advertising, and personal discussions) on levels of issue knowledge (IK). This study used a meta-analytic approach to examine how well these forms predict IK. The aggregate analysis indicates that any of these forms can affect IK but that the different forms are not equally successful. Findings also indicate that the level of campaign interest moderates the effect of reading newspapers and watching television news and that those who watch debates in years with incumbents are less likely to learn. In addition, studies of newspapers are less likely to find significant effects in recent years, even though the issue content of newspapers has increased. The findings also suggest that television news is more likely to influence IK when levels of issue content are greater. These data indicate that measures of media use and IK can systematically influence the study results. Several conclusions are drawn from the research in the hopes of moving toward a theoretical model of communication forms and the attainment of IK.  相似文献   

黄罕奭 《新闻界》2008,(2):49-51
首先,从整体格局来看,中国的体育新闻报道呈现出综合性日报弱、专业体育报纸强的特点,而在美国,恰恰相反。其次,中国报刊的体育新闻报道往往带有更强烈的感情色彩,而美国的体育新闻报道更注重客观性的要求。第三,美国报刊体育版面比较漂亮,但是文字并不华丽、生动。中国报刊追求文字的生动活泼,但同时也暴露出在遣词造句上的一些不足。中美两国的报刊体育新闻报道都面临着如何应对电视和互联网挑战的问题,而他们采取的对策惊人的相似:一是拓宽体育报道的深度和广度;二是走娱乐化的路线。  相似文献   

以瑞典《地铁报》为代表的免费报纸的成长给全世界的传统付费报纸带来了机遇与挑战。传统付费报纸与免费报纸存在着竞争与合作。本文对传统付费报纸和免费报纸的竞争战略进行分析,指出以瑞典《地铁报》为代表的免费报纸采取了蓝海战略,与付费报纸并没有在同一市场上进行有限资源的争夺,而是服务于不同的细分市场。同时,本文还对免费报纸与传统付费报纸进行优势、劣势、机会与威胁的分析,并在此基础上分析传统付费报纸的相应竞争战略,此外本文还根据市场机会的大小,传统付费报纸对免费报纸市场的态度等方面,分析在实践中传统付费报纸的四种战略。最后,本文指出国外传统付费报纸和免费报纸的竞争战略对我国报业发展的三方面借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Declining advertising revenue and print copy sales have propelled extensive paywall experiments in local newspapers to generate new revenue and fund local journalism. The success of these experiments is ultimately depending on whether or not they deliver the value that customers require. This article studies local newspapers’ potential to build successful paywalls by conducting a two-sided analysis of paywall value propositions and local news audiences’ responses to these value propositions. Drawing on mixed methods – in-depth interviews with 20 newspaper managers and a national survey (N = 1586) among local newspaper audiences – our study identifies a major gap between intended value of paywalls and customer value perception and behavior. These are misalignments between the intended attractiveness of paywalled content and audience attitude toward this content, and misalignments between access to paywalled content and use. Local newspapers’ offerings are particularly misaligned with younger, lower income and lower news interest customers. When these groups hit a paywall, they most likely bounce off.  相似文献   

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