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足球教学的目的是使学生掌握一定的足球基本理论和基本技能,提高学生足球技术、战术水平.依据足球教学的基本原则和运动技能形成的理论,分析研究足球专项课技战术教学训练问题.  相似文献   

高校足球专项课教学特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校足球专项课教学特点研究山东建材学院刘楠,薛存国1研究目的目前,高校足球专项课教学没有脱离足球训练课的模式,从内容到形式都缺乏专项课的教学特点。为此,笔者通过查阅有关文献资料,并结合教学现场调查进行了专题研究,旨在探讨高校足球专项课教学特征,为提高...  相似文献   

目前,各高校大都开设了足球专项课,研究如何上好足球专项课,对提高教学质量非常重要。一、足球专项课的任务与教学方法的选择足球专项课与一般体育课的区别是:教学时数长,一般为一学年;教学内容全面、系统;技战术要求都高于普通教学,其主要任务有以下三个方面:第一,促进身体正常发育和机能的发展,提高专项素质,以适应正常的教学与训练。第二,传授足球基本知识、基本技术和基本技能,  相似文献   

为了提高女生足球课教学质量,增强学生的学习效果,使学生享受到足球带来的快乐,在女生足球课中运用快乐教学法进行实验研究。结果表明:通过在女生足球课中运动快乐教学法,学生上课的自觉性提高了,能够更加主动地投入到足球课中去;对足球课更加满意,课后锻炼也增多了;学生真正享受到足球带来的快乐,学习效果更好;学生的身体素质和足球专项素质都有较大提高,而且综合素质得到加强。  相似文献   

体能是进行足球课教学的重要前提,学生只有具备了充沛的体能,才能开展好足球教学。而足球课又能有效地训练学生的体能,因此体育教师在足球课中训练小学生体能时要遵循技术性、重复性、动态性的原则,从耐力、速度、灵敏度三个方面在足球课中加强对小学生的体能训练。展现学生的实力,激发学生的潜能,促进学生体能发展,提高学生身心素质。  相似文献   

通过文献资料和调查研究的方法,对我国高等学校足球专项课教学内容、教学模式及教学课程设置三方面进行了分析,认为我国现有的足球专项课教学内容陈旧,教学模式单一,教学课时安排不尽合理,从而导致高校足球专项课教学质量普遍下降。为了改变这一不利局面,必须对上述三个方面进行改革创新,重新激发学生的学习兴趣,进一步提高足球专项课的教学质量。  相似文献   

设计理念:本次课的内容是足球课的灵敏素质训练,是在学生已经学习完基本的技术动作的基础上,为了提高学生在足球比赛中的灵敏素质而设计的,本次课的新颖之处就是从身体运动功能训练的角度入手,合理有效的解决学生运动中存在的实际问题,将绳梯融进足球课中,通过绳梯练习和足球运球的结合,提高学生对素质练习的兴趣,激发学生进行灵敏素质训练的激情。  相似文献   

对12分钟跑和YOYO训练这两类发展足球专项体能的训练方法进行比较,找到更适合发展足球受试者专项有氧能力的方法.将20名大学体育专业足球专项男生随机分为12分钟跑组和YOYO训练组,结果表明四周"YO-YO"间歇耐力训练显著提高了足球运动员的有氧代谢能力."YO-YO"间歇耐力训练运动模式、能量代谢特点相对12分钟跑与足球专项特点更接近,YOYO训练手段更有利于提高足球运动的专项体能.  相似文献   

普通高校足球专项课常见运动损伤的原因及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在普通高校体育课程所设置的多种类型课中 ,足球专项课深受学生的欢迎 ,部分高校还开设了女生足球课 ,学生在教学过程中精神极为投入 ,学习积极性很高。但由于足球运动是一项身体对抗较为激烈的运动 ,技战术难度相对较高 ,目前的场地设施条件尚不理想 ,学生的个人能力参差不齐 ,因而在足球专项课的教学过程中 ,容易发生一些常见的运动损伤。损伤的发生不仅影响了学生的正常学习生活 ,也会加重学生对足球专项课学习的心理负担 ,不利于教学工作的顺利开展。在足球专项课的教学中 ,如何预防运动损伤的发生 ,并对已出现的损伤进行及时妥当的处理 ,是本文探讨的重点。1 研究对象与方法研究对象 :对上海水产大学和同济大学 99级参加足球专项课的学生进行了统计 ,两校学生人数共计 2 6 5人。其中上海水产大学食品专业 33人、渔业专业 30人、海洋专业 2 8人 ,分为 3个教学班。同济大学日语专业 13人、英语专业 17人、汽车专业 32人、计算机专业 32人、土木专业 33人、地下系 30人、城规专业 2 7人 ,分为 6个教学班。研究方法 :对两校 9个足球专项教学班共 2 6 5名学生 ,进行一学年共 72学时的足球专项课教学...  相似文献   

适当的体育锻炼可以提高骨量,预防骨质疏松。本文对进行足球专项训练的男性少年进行跟骨骨骼质量测试,结果显示:进行足球专项训练的少年在骨密度、骨强度和骨折风险指数上与非训练少年都存在显著性差异,提示足球训练对提高少年的骨骼质量具有一定作用,有利于提高其成年的峰值骨量  相似文献   

运用辩证逻辑方法审视足球技术理论中的基本概念。发现足球技术理论中的概念存在逻辑错误及概念模糊。因此本文对足球运动技术理论中的概念进行重新定义及梳理,认为足球技术可分为基础技术、基本技术和比赛技术,并描述了足球技术的基本框架。  相似文献   

运用了文献资料、数理统计等方法,对影响高校足球教练员执教工作顺利进行的能力因素进行了分析和研究,研究发现影响高校足球教练员执教工作的能力因素依次为:专项训练因子、指挥比赛因子、管理因子、认知因子、创新因子、交往协作因子、科研因子、自学因子。以期为探索高校足球教练员执教能力建设提供一定参考。  相似文献   

该文采用逻辑分析法和文献资料法来进行社会足球青训机构教练员能力因素的研究。社会足球青训机构教练员是足球教练员这个群体中的一个分类,随着草根足球和校园足球在中国的不断发展,社会足球青训机构教练员的数量正在不断增加。现阶段,社会足球青训机构教练员是绝大部分青少年的“足球启蒙教练”,因此对其能力因素的研究十分重要。该文以社会足球青训机构教练员为研究对象,研究了其指导运动训练能力、临场指挥比赛能力、团队管理能力和影响能力的综合因素。通过研究发现社会足球青训机构教练员需要各种能力,但最为重要的是指导运动训练的能力。  相似文献   


The football goalkeeper position arguably represents a unique role within the team sport. Despite its highly complex skill demands, research on football goalkeeping has only sporadically examined the position within isolated and limited parameters. In particular, there is limited literature on “modern” skill acquisition training methods and approaches within the field of goalkeeper training. In a cross-cultural study with fifteen expert goalkeeper coaches, researchers here examined the overarching research question of “how does the modern football goalkeeper train?”. Semi-structured interviews explored expert coaches’ views on critical skills for performance in goalkeeping and the training approaches used to develop these critical skills. Results indicate that four skill sets are considered essential by goalkeeper coaches, these are: decision-making skills, athleticism, mentality, and technical skills. In terms of developing these skills in goalkeeper-specific training, the majority of expert coaches apply a similar microstructure to training sessions. This structure involves a steady progression from simple to complex training tasks, where for large parts, isolated technical training appears to be prioritised over a holistic training approach that integrates technical skills and perceptual-cognitive components (e.g., decision making). Scientific and practical recommendations for researchers and practitioners in the field of football goalkeeper coaching are provided.  相似文献   

In the first part of this study, the football potential of 67 football players was predicted from their scores on a football-potential test. The test battery consisted of motor ability items as well as football skill items. Substantial correlations were obtained between most test items and the test criterion, the sum of T scores. Size, as depicted by McCloy's classification index (C.I.), had a negative, nonsignificant correlation with the criterion. The discriminative power of the battery was evidenced by the highly significant correlation between the test criterion and the coaching staff's ranking of individual players (rho = .840). It was concluded that athletic potential in football can be predicted by testing. In the second part of the study, football teams from three different strata of competition were evaluated on the basis of the test battery. The battery substantiated a step-wise progression between the teams on most items, with significant differences being noted. The test showed validity, in that the test criterion (the sum of T scores) was significantly different between the teams.  相似文献   

青少年足球教练员应具备的素质   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过参加2004年3月全国U-17足球春训工作,观察、比较了外国专家和中国教练员,认为中国青少年足球水平低下的主要原因之一是教练员的素质不高,主要表现在工作态度不端正、训练课质量不高等方面,并提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 2013/2014 season in England and Wales, 90 head coaches of the 92 men's national professional football league clubs and 20 of the 22 men's professional rugby union clubs had tenure as a professional elite player in their respective sports. Moreover, Rynne [(2014). ‘Fast track’ and ‘traditional path’ coaches: Affordances, agency and social capital. Sport, Education and Society, 19, 299–313] has claimed that many former elite athletes are ‘fast-tracked’ through formal accreditation structures into these high-performance coaching roles. The reasons why former elite athletes dominate head coaching roles in professional sports clubs and why a ‘fast-track’ pathway from elite athlete to high-performance coach is supported remain unclear. Thereby the present study sought to address this issue by investigating the basis for ‘fast-tracked’ head coaching appointments. Eight male directors of men's professional football and rugby union clubs in England were interviewed to examine how particular coaching skills and sources of knowledge were valorised. Drawing upon Bourdieu's conceptual framework, the results suggested that head coaching appointments were often based upon the perceived ability of head coaches gaining player ‘respect’. Experiences gained during earlier athletic careers were assumed to provide head coaches with the ability to develop practical sense and an elite sporting habitus commensurate with the requirements of the field of elite sports coaching. This included leadership and practical coaching skills to develop technical and tactical astuteness, from which, ‘respect’ could be quickly gained and maintained. The development of coaching skills was rarely associated with only formal coaching qualifications. The ‘fast-tracking’ of former athletes for high-performance coaching roles was promoted by directors to ensure the perpetuation of specific playing and coaching philosophies. Consequently, this may exclude groups from coaching roles in elite men's sport. The paper concludes by outlining how these findings might imply a disjuncture between the skills promoted during formal coaching qualifications and the expectations club directors have of elite coaches in these sports.  相似文献   

During this study, 10 expert coaches were interviewed to examine their views on aspects of their individual coaching practice. Four themes emerged from the interviews: (a) the long-term approach, (b) the authentic coaching environment, (c) creating a learning environment, and (d) the quality and quantity of training sessions. These coaches were consistent in their attempts to facilitate learning experiences for the athletes, while setting high standards in both training and competition. The study's findings show that expert coaches have to orchestrate a large number of variables when planning and executing a training session, and their success depends on their coaching knowledge and their skill at contextualizing the necessary components for specific situations.  相似文献   


The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the impact of a novel coach development intervention (MASTER) on coaching practices of football coaches. The study involved six coaches (of 10–12 year old) from one representative football club (Australia February–July 2017). The 15-week multi-component intervention included a face-to-face workshop, ongoing mentoring, modelled training sessions, peer assessments and group discussions. MASTER is underpinned by positive coaching and game-based coaching practices and aimed to educate coaches on how to implement and operationalise a number of evidence-based coaching elements. At each of baseline and immediate post-intervention coaches were filmed three times and evaluated using a modified version of the Coach Analysis Intervention System. Using linear mixed model analysis, significant changes were observed for time spent performing playing-form activities [+15.4% (95% CI 6.01–24.79)(t(15) = 3.5, P = 0.003], with significant changes in the type of interventions undertaken and the nature of feedback given to athletes. Program feasibility was examined using measures of recruitment, retention, adherence and satisfaction. Results indicate program feasibility and high coach evaluation ratings. MASTER demonstrated effectiveness for improving coaching practices of football coaches during training sessions. Further large-scale trials will build evidence for the utility of MASTER for guiding coaching practices in football and other sporting codes.  相似文献   


During this study, 10 expert coaches were interviewed to examine their views on aspects of their individual coaching practice. Four themes emerged from the interviews: (a) the long-term approach, (b) the authentic coaching environment, (c) creating a learning environment, and (d) the quality and quantity of training sessions. These coaches were consistent in their attempts to facilitate learning experiences for the athletes, while setting high standards in both training and competition. The study's findings show that expert coaches have to orchestrate a large number of variables when planning and executing a training session, and their success depends on their coaching knowledge and their skill at contextualizing the necessary components for specific situations.  相似文献   

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