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以认知语言学为依托,用原型范畴化理论和意向图式分析方法对英语介词"out"的空间隐喻拓展进行认知研究。介词"out"以"空间"概念为原型,以隐喻为手段,利用家族相似性不断向外拓展和延伸意义范围,最终实现从空间概念到非空间概念的映射,即从空间域拓展到状态域、范围域、原因域、否定域以及其他域。  相似文献   

Solid granules medium forming (SGMF), a new flexible die forming technology, uses solid granules instead of a rigid male or female die (or elastomer, liquid) for sheet metal drawing. The good fluidity and compressive capacity of a solid granules medium can improve the forming limit of complex shell parts. The sheet metal drawing process of SGMF is a compound process of drawing and bulging, which is very different from the conventional drawing process. A parabolic part is used as the research object for a study of the forming process. Two concepts, drawing weight and bulging weight, are originally proposed in the sheet metal drawing of SGMF (replacing the rigid male die), and the corresponding expressions are obtained. The computational formulas of geometrical conditions and strain in the sheet metal drawing of SGMF are established, and the radius of the strain dividing circle is obtained by calculation. The established theoretical model is applied to the research object, an aircraft part, to analyze the forming process. The results show that the proposed theory can be applied to analyze the strain in different deformation regions of SGMF. This original theory provides a new theoretical analysis for studying the sheet metal drawing of SGMF.  相似文献   

中国传统画论、文论中,“笔墨”被仅当做存在于文本表现阶段的创作技巧和各种媒介形式的总称。郑燮的绘竹理论表明,“笔墨”作为一种思维方式,存在于艺术创作过程的各个环节之中。  相似文献   

This article explores relationships between Neuro-linguistic Programming - a growing school of thought and practice - and established learning theory, drawing a distinction between models, strategies and theories. Some evaluative comments are made about the coherence of Neuro-linguistic Programming as it currently stands, both in terms of its internal consistency, and in relation to established learning theories. In relation to its internal structure, questions are asked as to how far copying an expert's behaviour can really lead a learner to becoming an expert, and about the lack of attention within the theory given to the domain of application. Two other important areas are examined: the dissonance between the claim that Neuro-linguistic Programming caters to individuality in learning while also proposing a view that learning is best done experientially; and a specific aspect of the theory, named the ‘logical levels’, asking whether learners are really as predictable and as subject to cause/effect as this theory would suggest. Finally,the epistemological basis of Neurolinguistic Programming is questioned. It is argued that, though Neuro-linguistic Programming has begun to make an impact in education, it remains a set of strategies rather than a theory or a model, and these internal inconsistencies need to be addressed if it is to have a place among the dominant learning theories of our age.  相似文献   

室内设计透视图反向求解其真实尺寸是室内设计领域中一个有意义的课题。目前设计者可以借助电脑绘图软件,根据经典透视理论方便地实现这一过程,以某室内空间两点透视图为例,分析室内设计透视图反向求解的可能性及一般步骤,并对室内设计中复杂几何空间的透视反求原则进行探讨。  相似文献   

从结构上看,数学是问题和问题解的集合,逻辑是问题和答案之间的桥梁。具体到中国古代数学,其一般结构表现为:问、答、术(图)、草。"术(图)"阐述解题原理和步骤,"草"给出详细的解题过程,二者的功能和西方数学中逻辑的功能完全相同。中国数学中的"术(图)"和"草",就是中国古代数学中的中国逻辑。中国数学是中国逻辑必然推理的研究对象,二者具有相同的源流。  相似文献   

The use of self-generated drawings has been found to be a powerful strategy for problem solving. However, many students do not engage in drawing activities. In this study, we investigated the effects of the enjoyment of the drawing strategy, anxiety about the drawing strategy, and prior intramathematical performance on the use of the drawing strategy and modelling performance. We explored the role of the drawing strategy as a mediator between emotions and modelling and whether intramathematical performance moderated the effects of emotions (N = 220, mean age 14.5 years). Enjoyment and anxiety with respect to generating drawings and intramathematical performance predicted the use of the drawing strategy. Enjoyment positively affected modelling performance indirectly via the use of the drawing strategy. Anxiety negatively affected modelling performance via the use of the drawing strategy for students with lower intramathematical performance. Our findings demonstrate that experiencing activating emotions (i.e., enjoyment and anxiety) with respect to strategies and prior intramathematical performance are important for strategy use and modelling performance. Implications for the theory of self-generated drawing and the control-value theory of achievement emotions and practical implications for training and supporting the drawing strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Computer simulations create a context that is well fitted for exploratory or discovery learning. The aim of the present two studies was to gain deeper insight into what constitutes exploratory learning and to assess the effects of a number of instructional support measures. The domain involved was control theory at the university level. In the first study we made an inventory of exploratory learning processes by observing 17 students working with a computer simulation and analyzing students' thinking-aloud protocols. Subjects received a structured assignment with hints as an instructional support measure. In the second study, 91 students received an open-ended assignment with instructional support that consisted of an information sheet and a set of fill-in forms. On both sheets and forms, six cells were presented. A cell was given for each of the following six learning processes: identifying variables and parameters, generating hypotheses, designing an experiment, predicting, interpreting data, and drawing of conclusions. Information sheets were either of a domain specific or of a general nature. The set of fill-in forms were either free or had the cell HYPOTHESIS already filled in. The statements of the students on the fill-in forms were analyzed in a stepwise order. Twenty-two detailed learning processes were identified and classified. Two of the main classes of processes are transformative and regulative. Both studies showed that students were reluctant to apply learning processes that are considered characteristic for exploratory learning. Furthermore, students had problems with the exploratory learning processes, especially with the processes of generating hypotheses, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. Effects of the instructional support measures were not conclusive. Hints did not result in significant improvements of the study process. Supporting learning processes with information sheets appeared to help students in performing learning processes, but no different effects of domain specific and general information could be found. Students who were provided with hypotheses showed a higher global activity level and higher scores in domain correctness of their learning processes.  相似文献   

笔运用VBA技术在AutoCAD下进行二次曲面交线的开发,提出了具体的开发理论和实现方法,建立了相应的数学模型,实现了参数化智能绘图的功能。最后,给出了一个具体的应用实例,证明了此方法的可行性。  相似文献   

高职道桥工程专业毕业生主要从事按照施工图的组织、指导、监督施工,因而施工图的识读能力成为其核心职业能力。高职"桥梁施工"课程教学中存在教学与实际相脱节的问题。为培养学生实际工作岗位能力,应以施工图为载体进行模拟教学,改革考核方式和内容。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的介入,手工制图逐渐淡出图学舞台。但绘图理论作为画法几何与工程制图课程的核心内容为许多工科专业的课程奠定坚实的基础。在当前新工科建设及工程专业认证两大政策导向下,如何在有限的课时内改革制图课程,使之更能向培养新工科应用型人才方向迈进,是授课教师亟待思考的重要问题。  相似文献   

以成功教育理论和心理学理论为指导,将成功教育理论与《机械制图》教学有机结合起来,研究在《机械制图》中实施成功教育的教学模式。根据以往的教学经验,提出了成功教学的新思路。  相似文献   

文艺理论的借鉴与文学批评的活动之间有着密切的关系。首先,文学是人学,由此各种文艺理论之间相互交流、借鉴是可能的,其次,文艺理论的相互借鉴能促进双方的文学批评,再次,批评家的个性与文艺理论的有机结合能形成批评特色,最后,批评家在理论借鉴中都具有能动性。以上几个方面告诉我们,要发展文艺理论,我们应该首先重视文学批评,并在文学批评实践中不断促进文艺理论的发展。  相似文献   

The connection between language and drawing development has always seemed a plausible proposition despite the lack of research in this area. This paper reports on the research findings and theory offered to date in support of links that are purported to exist between these two human abilities. The most convincing arguments for this proposition emanate from the work and ideas of the Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky who claims that drawing behavior is inextricably linked to the development of language in humans. In addition, more recent research by Dyson et al has revealed a crucial role for drawing as a prerequisite for the development of writing skills.  相似文献   

长期以来,在有关传统人画的研究中,往往是谈形式的多,论内涵的少,这极不利于对人画的全面认识,也不利于对传统艺术的继承和发扬。其实,人画的本质和灵魂只有从人画家的身上才能找到它的根源,尤其是人画家深厚的学养和举世高标的人格魅力,充分展示了中国古代人、学的人精神和审美理想,也造就了人画所特有的超逸的艺术风格。  相似文献   

机械制图课程的案例教学法探索与实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
机械制图是机械类专业的主干课程,既有系统的理论,又有很强的实践性,它是培养学生能力的主要教学环节。从案例教学法的概念与特点,组织过程、实施效果等方面,论述将案例教学法应用于机械制图课程中是培养和提高学生工程应用能力的有效手段。有效提高了学生的观察能力、思维能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

苏轼的“常理“说蕴涵着文人画的绘画图式和美学理念。绘画图式是指绘画合乎对象自然而然的生机和情态。文人画家创作“合于天造“的绘画图式,是为了在这样的绘画图式中寄寓“胸中盘郁“,即心中既抑郁又生机勃勃之意。因此,“常理“说的美学理念是“寓意于画“。  相似文献   

Nucci L 《Child development》2004,75(4):1009-1012
The Arsenio and Lemerise (this issue) proposal integrating social information processing (SIP) and domain theory to study children's aggression is evaluated from a domain theory perspective. Basic tenets of domain theory rendering it compatible with SIP are discussed as well as points of divergence. Focus is directed to the proposition that domains constitute latent structures of SIP. Latent structures are described as cogenerative elements of online processing rather than cumulative stores of social information. Microgenetic studies of the reciprocal role of productive systems described within SIP and latent structures attributed to domain theory are proposed as important to the study of children' aggression. Domain theory studies of social exclusion and bullying are proposed as rich contexts for future research.  相似文献   

机械制图与计算机绘图是一门机械工程领域的技术基础课程,课程教学质量的准确评价有助于课程的改革、课程教学质量的提高与课程学习目标的确定。文章在分析影响机械制图与计算机绘图课程教学质量因素的基础上,给出了评价指标体系,并运用模糊综合评价的方法,对机械制图与计算机绘图课程的教学质量进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

工程制图一直被认为是一门实践性学科,其整合了几何学、建筑、力学、电子制图等,从而将理论与现实图像联系起来,工程制图能为每个不同形状、尺寸的物体提供精确的、完整的图像。通常,即使在开放与远程教育环境中,工程制图的教学也是通过面对面的教学模式来进行的。由于其特殊性,一些学习者可能难以想象并解释这些图像。然而,尖端的技术使得可以通过在线的方式加强工程制图的学习。研究者基于建构主义模式开发了一个面向工程制图教学和学习的网络系统。该系统适用于几种工程制图,例如展开图、刻面图、等角图和斜角图。学习过程包括导论、概念学习、工程制图方法,以及应用与练习等阶段。在导论阶段,系统为学习者提供了专题简介,然后是概念学习阶段。系统所提供的学习环境允许工程专业的学生从三维透视、一维透视、平面图、侧立面、正立面等不同角度来观察物体。经过概念学习阶段后,系统将引导学生通过动画和模拟学习每个专题中制图方法的不同步骤,学习者也能重复观察任何剖面。另外,还通过图像、动画和视频等方式展示真实的工程制图应用案例。最后,为了评价学生的理解能力,在每部分内容后面都附有相关的练习。  相似文献   

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