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In higher education,the concept and model of general education has become the concern in recent researches.Traditional culture of ethnic minorities is an important part of the Chinese traditional culture.To integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities in general education is both the social requirement for the training goal of general education and also one of the indispensable ways to inherit ethnic traditional culture.Exploring education of multi-cultures in general education is not only an issue to be considered in education and teaching reform of higher learning institutions,but also a perquisite for safeguarding social stability and harmonious development.  相似文献   

In sixty years after the founding of New China,the Party and the state have deepened understanding of ethnic education.In value theory of ethnic education,our party and the state not only attach importance to significance of ethnic education in realizing ethnic equality,enhancing national unity and protecting national integrity,but also lay stress on its value in economic and social development of ethnic regions and regard it as the basic project of promoting harmonious development in politics,economy,culture and society of ethnic regions.In methodology of ethnic education,stress is laid in carrying out reform and development according to reality of ethnic groups and ethnic regions.In development strategy of ethnic education,the emphasis is put on increasing input and support for ethnic education,implementing development strategy of"low barycentre",developing ethnic normal education to cultivate qualified ethnic teachers,and strengthening leadership for ethnic education.Since the founding of New China,innovation and change in ethnic education concept have provided basic understanding for the development of ethnic education in China.  相似文献   

A study was made on differences in cultural inheritance of the Tujia people,the Miao and Dong people in Southeast Guizhou Province and Tunbao people in Anshun.It is believed that family education and social education are important means to inherit ethnic culture.Suggestions are put forward that in university entrance examination,test on ethnic culture should be given and the score of it be added instead of lowering scores for ethnic students;economic lever be used to make ethnic schools live up to the name;and higher-level law be applied to strengthen ethnic customs so as to inherit ethnic culture.  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society of bilingualism in ethnic regions,language planning and policy for language education should be made in accordance with both immediate need and long term interest of ethnic minorities.In other words,we should take into consideration of the tool function and social and cultural functions of language on one hand;and on the other hand,we should not neglect emotional factor and identity function of language.Efforts should be made to encourage and guarantee the application of both mother tongue and national common language,support coexistence of schools using different teaching models in ethnic regions,integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities into economic development of modern society,balance spiritual and material needs of ethnic minorities and effectively coordinate relations between ethnic identity and national identity.  相似文献   

If Taiwan's indigenous people are not able to save their own languages, they will lose their ways of thinking, cultural heritage, and the relation to the rest of the universe that distinguishes them as indigenous peoples. Taiwan is a multi-ethnic country. Although the majority of the population is comprised of Han speakers, there is also a significant indigenous Austronesian-speaking population. The multiple cultural manifestations of the indigenous people of Taiwan enrich the overall culture of Taiwan's society. Under the influences of globalization and colonial governance, indigenous peoples are facing the disappearance of their traditional languages and cultures. Therefore, Taiwan needs to carefully handle the topic of the development of its people's cultures; otherwise, it is not difficult to see the outcome of cultural assimilation due to encroachment by mainstream cultural dominance. Education is the best method of helping protect and revitalize non-dominant cultures and their languages; by the same token, it is also the most effective means of cultural assimilation. What course should indigenous education take? From the development of local culture subject to current stage of dialects subject, indigenous languages are still highly subject to the nightmare of extinction. Thus, in this paper, the author analyzes the development status of Maori education in New Zealand, with the aim of providing Taiwan's education authorities with different viewpoints for consideration so that appropriate educational methods may be applied for the development of indigenous people, and also appeal to Taiwan's indigenous people to take on the challenge of ridding themselves of the rigid modes of thought caused by colonial education, and, from the bottom-up, contribute their efforts for the sake of revitalizing the languages and cultures of their people.  相似文献   

胡晓梅 《海外英语》2013,(6X):218-220
Cultural awareness, which plays a big part in our efforts of culture development, comes from active comparison and contrast of different cultures, especially between the domestic and foreign cultures. Though the Chinese culture and the western cultures have much in common, they differ in value and morality concepts, Social customs, etiquette, relations, the spirit of individuality and so on. We should bear in mind this cultural awareness when making cultural policies, or having cross-cultural communications, which enables us to become more active in culture development.  相似文献   

我国民族教育经济研究的回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of economic society and the further development of the West,studies on educational economy have gradually developed in ethnic regions with higher level,wider range and more achievements,which have made a great theoretical contribution to the reform and development of education in ethnic regions.However,some problems still exist in the research such as lacking foresight,neglecting special and ethnic characteristics of ethnic regions,and lacking research specialists and methods.Efforts should be made in building a research system,setting up centers to train professional talents,and attaching importance to interaction among ethnic education,culture and economy.  相似文献   

In education for ethnic minorities,the need for respect is the high-level need of education receivers.It is the basis of accomplishing the need for self-realization and the important factor to be taken into consideration in designing and implementing ethnic education.Respect is a dynamic development process and an active identification of harmonious development of multi-cultures.Through analysis of the connotation of "respect",we can deepen our understanding of the significance of adhering to the development concept of "equality and diversity"in ethnic education.  相似文献   

Music education in teachers’colleges of ethnic regions is multi-cultural in nature.But there are contradictions between single culture and multi-cultures.In order to develop music education system from single culture to multi-cultures,basic elements in music education activities should be taken into consideration.Among them music educators form the basis,content of music education is an important part and music learners are the key factors.  相似文献   

The start of higher education of primary school teachers in 1959 marks a definitive step in a process. This training has had an effect on all areas. In terms of music training, different periods can be observed which appears during the full strategic change of the training. Professionals, however, have always tried to find the proper place for music which has to be fought for from time to time. Music education has never lost sight of the Kodaly concept in public education. We aim to prepare our students to internalize the abilities necessary to become a successful primary school teacher, keeping in mind the requirements of qualification for the major. In this process, the changes taken place in the Hungarian higher education were determinative. Music education practically has kept its place in general and special primary school teacher training. The major of primary school teacher is a definitive undergraduate course in the teacher training field. Its importance directly shows in public education. One of the crucial points of education should be the formation of values of schoolchildren. General education is a cultural level different in every society and age that a society sets as a standard for its members. This education itself should have a European culture as a prerequisite with Hungarian characteristics.  相似文献   

民族教育政策只关注教育资源的配置、机会均等、扶助贫困等是远远不够的。面对技术理性的泛滥,关注民族智力资源的可持续发展成为突出的问题。智力资源与民族生存的自然人文生态环境密切相关,它是民族创新力和适应性生存的基础,是内源性发展的根本动力,民族教育应把智力资源的可持续发展作为根本战略。民族教育文化理论建构、民族传统文化传承与发展、多元文化教师教育、民族文化进入课程等都是这个宏大工程的组成部分。教育政策的着力点应从形式转向实质内容。  相似文献   

加拿大多种民族、多种民俗、多种宗教及多种语言并存的社会现状构成了其特有的多元文化的历史特征,其多元文化主义政策的实施使得这个国家的文化得到了丰富多样的发展,民族矛盾得到缓和,社会繁荣稳定,这对我国的教育发展,尤其是少数民族教育的发展以及少数民族文化的保存具有重要的借鉴意义。结合我国的具体国情,少数民族地区应加大师资培养的力度,开设符合地方特色的、多样化的课程,拓宽少数民族语言使用的范围,加大双语教学的力度,并注意各个阶段教育教学的合理衔接,从而逐步改进、推进少数民族地区及少数民族特色教育的发展。  相似文献   

民族地区学前教育高质量发展是实现民族地区教育现代化的重要基点,也是激发民族地区内发动力的触点。从政策和理论视角出发以教育理念、资源供给、师资队伍、课程建设、监测体系五方面析出民族地区学前教育高质量发展的应然特征,可为民族地区经济社会发展注入新的活力。进入新时代,我国民族地区学前教育高质量发展进程加速,但同时也存在着观念、资金、师资、课程、监管方面的困境。突围以上困境,需由粗放式的基本普及转向内涵式的高质量发展,其实践路向包括:尊重不同民族的文化,促进民族间文化认同;加大学前教育财政投入,合理配置资源;加强师资队伍建设,提高教师专业化水平;构建优质课程体系,着力推动国家通用语言文字教育发展;提供高质量的学前教育监测体系等。  相似文献   

西部地区民族教育应开展"民族—族群"教育:一是对全体国民进行"民族教育",在受教育者中树立起民族—国家观念与公民意识,使得作为整体的民族和国家观念深入人心;二是对各族群成员分别进行有关族群历史、文化、语言、信仰、习俗的教育,即"族群教育",培养受教育者的地方和族群认同感及对乡土社会的热爱。"民族—族群"教育对社会经济文化的发展和中华民族的团结与和睦共处都具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

人性灵:教育的人性论——解读涂又光教育思想之人性论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人生而蕴含灵性的潜能,随着人在社会生活中的正常成长、接受教育和自觉努力,灵性的潜能就会在不同人的心里不同程度地发育、生长。人性灵指人拥有丰富、微妙、敏感的精神状态,这体现在四个方面:灵动的意识生成独立的认识和体验,主动的意向形成能动的存在趋向,健全的自我促成自为、生成的生命形态,敞开的灵明引导超越的精神向度。教育应以性灵说为人性论,以发展人性为任务,通过和谐并进、相得益彰地发展人的知情意,促进灵性的充分敞开,促成人的全面发展。  相似文献   

少数民族非物质文化遗产的教育传承,不仅是一种被长期忽视的民族民间文化资源进入主流教育的过程,一种民族古老生命记忆的延续,同时,也是一个对民族生存精神和生存智慧及活态文化存在的认知过程,是一个更具人性发现和理性精神的民族文化整合过程。个人、家庭、社会和学校相互交融、重叠和互补,构成文化传承的教育主体,共同传承和创造着一个具有民族文化基因特色和持续发展的美好未来。  相似文献   

文化的发展与传承依赖于教育,教育是人类文化传承的唯一途径。多元文化整合教育为民族文化的传承与发展奠定了理论基础。要树立多元文化整合教育理念,通过构建具有民族特色的多元文化课程体系、培养师资队伍和实施多样化的教育手段,促进民族文化的传承与发展。  相似文献   

当前课程改革给少数民族教师专业成长带来了双重困境,使他们面对传统课程理念与新课程理念、学习主流文化与传承民族文化的双重矛盾。少数民族教师在专业成长过程中,需要把本民族文化与其他民族文化通过某种合理的方式融合起来。而民族文化课程资源的开发利用可以帮助教师实现多种课程文化的整合,从而实现教师专业成长和促进民族教育事业的双赢。  相似文献   

教育传承是民族文化保护的重要形式,学校教育应肩负起民族文化在现代社会中保存、传承和创新的历史使命。通过对黔东南民族文化进课堂的调查,分析民族文化进校园在学校教育中的现状,进而提出深化学校民族文化教育传承的实现路径。  相似文献   

渝东南地区旅游资源丰富,民族特色浓厚,要维持这种特色优势,同时改变落后的经济发展水平和较低的科技水平,当地教育的发展应该借鉴"威斯康星理念",结合地域特色发展教育,使得该地区"脱贫"并得以持续性地"致富"。"生存论"、"民族共生教育"等理论可以为"威斯康星理念"在渝东南地区的运用提供理论支撑。该地区教育发展过程中,义务教育阶段要把当地民族文化更多地融入到学生的学习过程中;高等教育的发展要延续现有的发展思路,把旅游优势与民族特色相结合,并将其运用到日常教学中,进而转化为较高的生产力水平。  相似文献   

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