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The area of electronic government (eGovernment) has received increased prominence and attention over the last few years. In spite of the current developments, many avenues in the area of eGovernment remain unexplored. One such area is the comprehensive assessment of eGovernment projects. We propose that understanding the value of projects drives the assessment process. Assessment of information technology (IT) initiatives is conducted either as an ex-ante (before implementation) or ex-post (after implementation) procedure. In this study, we present an ex-post framework for the assessment of eGovernment projects. Assessment identifies the value of the eGovernment project post-implementation. This paper examines a three-dimensional framework for the assessment of eGovernment initiatives. The three dimensions are eGovernment maturity level, stakeholders, and assessment levels.  相似文献   

In February 2001, the Directive on ‘the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society’ was approved by the European Parliament and therefore takes effect. This article highlights the changes introduced by the European Parliament in the Directive and comments on the implications of the change.  相似文献   

Cloud computing enables cost-effective and scalable growth of IT services that can enhance government services. Despite the Australian Federal Government's ‘cloud-first’ strategy and policies, and the Queensland State Government's ‘digital-first’ strategy, cloud services adoption at local government level has been limited—largely due to data security concerns. We reviewed the ISO 27002 Information Security standard with extant literature and found that operational security, individual awareness and compliance matters pose more significant government challenges than the often-highlighted technical and process-oriented cloud security requirements. This study identifies and explores the critical factors associated with information security requirements of cloud services within the Australian regional local government context. We conducted 21 field interviews with IT managers, and surveyed 480 IT staff from Australia's 47 regional local governments. We propose a conceptual cloud computing security requirements model with four components – data security; risk assessment; legal & compliance requirements; and business & technical requirements – in order to promote a balanced view on cloud security for governments. Using this model, governments can work together to demand uniform security requirements for adopting cloud services.  相似文献   


The interest to improve library services is worldwide. Standards, various kinds of assessments and customer surveys are used as tools. To be more successful in their business libraries should pay more attention to the customer experience and use qualitative methods in evaluating services. Library Ranking Europe (LRE) is a pilot project which looks at public libraries from a customer perspective. The method is mystery shopping, anonymous visits to libraries. The aim is to create a ranking system that stimulates benchmarking. The ranking system consists of different factors – categories and subcategories – which reflect library services. In the evaluation, every category is scored. The LRE scale generates a ranking system that categorizes libraries according to the scores from one to six stars, from Poor to Exceptional. The system will be developed further but after five years of testing, we find that LRE offers a relatively easy way to compare public libraries in different European countries. It even makes it possible to evaluate and compare libraries in big cities and small villages. The ultimate goal of this method is to enhance quality development.  相似文献   

Helen Wood 《Media History》2015,21(3):342-359
This article considers the responses of women, many of whom describe themselves as housewives, in the 1949 Mass Observation Television Directive, in order to interrogate some of the broader assumptions around television's relationship with ‘the housewife’ as key to its success. Against the backcloth of social histories revising ideas about gender, modernity and suburbia in the post-war period, this article considers some of the ways in which initial reluctance towards television was recorded and negotiated. It presents three themes around tensions between home and leisure, the domestication of entertainment and ‘going out’, and the appreciation of particular genre, which suggest that the adoption of television as mass entertainment by women might not have been as smooth a process as we have come to understand.  相似文献   

This article analyses the unintended consequences of master data management systems in the administrative state for the access of citizens to public services and benefits. We analyse the case of the Dutch civil registry, in which hundreds of (semi-)public organisations use the information from the civil registry to determine whether people are eligible for their services. We use the framework of administrative burdens and administrative exclusion to show that this system turns the consequences of mutations in registration into a black box, produces legal contamination by forcing its own address definition upon user organisations, reduces the discretionary space of street-level bureaucrats to handle social complexity and unintended consequences of the system, and creates a behavioural incentive in which municipalities are pushed into the role of enforcers rather than registers. The result is a ‘digital cage’: an exclusionary infrastructure that hinges on information architecture instead of Weberian rules and procedures. These findings increase our understanding of master data management systems, emphasise the importance of understanding information architecture as an ethical issue, and help us develop a new vocabulary for understanding and studying administrative burdens as part of a bureaucratic infrastructure.  相似文献   

The growth of eGovernment applications has initiated profound re-engineering of numerous citizen-government interactions but has not yet provided significant impacts on internet-based voting (iVoting). This study examines the role of trust and the technology adoption model (TAM) in influencing citizen intentions to adopt iVoting, and whether a social identity perspective may play a role in this individual decision process. The study is based on the integrated trust and TAM model. TAM posits that people choose to adopt a new Information Technology (IT) because they perceive it to be useful and sometimes also because it is perceived as easy to use. Trust plays a central role in building that sense of perceived usefulness in cases where the IT is a conduit to the trusted party, as we propose for iVoting. In support of this social identity extension to the trust and TAM model, our results show that citizens' perceptions that they share the same values as the individuals affiliated with providing eGovernment (and internet-based voting) services are especially instrumental. The perception that the agency is made of “people like me” is associated with increased trust in the agency, which in turn is associated with increased levels of other factors that contribute to the intention to vote electronically over the internet. Implications for theory and practice are identified.  相似文献   

Governments worldwide are encouraging public agencies to join e-Government initiatives in order to provide better services to their citizens and businesses; hence, methods of evaluating the readiness of individual public agencies to execute specific e-Government programs and directives are a key ingredient in the successful expansion of e-Government. To satisfy this need, a model called the eGovernment Maturity Model (eGov-MM) was developed, integrating the assessment of technological, organizational, operational, and human capital capabilities, under a multi-dimensional, holistic, and evolutionary approach. The model is strongly supported by international best practices, and provides tuning mechanisms to enable its alignment with nation-wide directives on e-Government. This article describes how the model was conceived, designed, developed, field tested by expert public officials from several government agencies, and finally applied to a selection of 30 public agencies in Chile, generating the first formal measurements, assessments, and rankings of their readiness for e-Government. The implementation of the model also provided several recommendations to policymakers at the national and agency levels.  相似文献   

Nudging is seen to complement or replace existing policy tools by altering people's choice architectures towards behaviors that align with government aims, but has fallen short in meeting those targets. Crucially, governments do not nudge citizens directly, but need private agents to nudge their consumers. Based on this notion, the paper takes on an institutional approach towards nudging. Rather than looking at the relationship between nudger and nudgee, the research analyses the regulatory and market structures that affect nudge implementation by private actors, captured by the ‘budge’ idea. Focusing on the European energy policy domain, the paper analyses the contextual factors of green nudges that are initiated by Member States, and implemented by energy companies. The findings show that in the smart meter context, there are regulatory measures that affect implementation of smart meters and that government has a central role to ‘budge’, due to the dependence on private agents.  相似文献   

The reform of Italian public administration, which started in the 1990s, shifted the consolidated paradigm towards a results-oriented management of the res publica. The new regulatory framework emphasised the role of the evaluation process carried out by the designated audit authorities (OIV or NDV); legislators provided a new information system principally making accessible the audit-related data and other information via the institutional websites of Italian cities. In this context, the Minister of Public Administration promoted the platform called ‘Bussola della Trasparenza’, the goal of which is to ensure easy access to institutional data of the municipalities and to evaluate the available information. However, we found that the results provided by this platform were unreliable. Our study of 525 municipalities showed severe discrepancies with Bussola's evaluation, suggesting a lack of transparency. We therefore propose a logit model as an alternative framework to evaluate the probability that a municipal website is compliant with the new regulations using a set of predictors to consider a broader and more complete definition of transparency. This model is thought to be a practical tool to correctly evaluate the compliance of municipal websites.  相似文献   

During the last decade, various types of eGovernment evaluations have been proposed. These evaluations have primarily focused on international benchmarking using supply side metrics. Demand for eGovernment has been largely ignored. Recently, this oversight has been recognised, but research in this area is still in its infancy. This paper proposes the use of an already established usability literature from computer science. Advantages of applying usability methods to eGovernment include recognising barriers to use, identifying future development priorities and using already existing methods to assess and compare online offerings. Importantly, the inclusion of and focus on real users also fits with the wider government ideals of greater public participation and strengthening democracy.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of the Internet and World Wide Web applications, people are increasingly interacting with government to citizen (G2C) eGovernment systems. It is therefore important to measure the success of G2C eGovernment systems from the citizen's perspective. While general information systems (IS) success models have received much attention from researchers, few studies have been conducted to assess the success of eGovernment systems. The extent to which traditional IS success models can be extended to investigating eGovernment systems success remains unclear. This study provides the first empirical test of an adaptation of DeLone and McLean's IS success model in the context of G2C eGovernment. The model consists of six dimensions: information quality, system quality, service quality, use, user satisfaction, and perceived net benefit. Structural equation modeling techniques are applied to data collected by questionnaire from 119 users of G2C eGovernment systems in Taiwan. Except for the link from system quality to use, the hypothesized relationships between the six success variables are significantly or marginally supported by the data. The findings provide several important implications for eGovernment research and practice. This paper concludes by discussing limitations of the study which should be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

自《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》颁布实施以来,我国政府信息公开服务得到了强有力的政策保障和精心的项目培育,但仍存在一些问题。福建省图书馆在政府信息公开服务中主动融入地区发展规划、注重环境建设、加强馆员培训学习、开展专题服务、规范服务标准,得到了公众和政府部门的认可,同时获得了良好的社会效益,其宝贵经验值得推广和学习。  相似文献   

Interoperability (IOP) is the ability of a product or system – whose interfaces (APIs) are publicly documented – to connect to and operate with other products or systems, without restrictions. Interoperability further enables information and usable data to be properly exchanged and ensures the alignment of different business processes in critical sectors. In addition, is a prerequisite for transparent, domain-agnostic, and sustainable public sector digital services, where Public Administrations (PA) can efficiently interact across borders and domains by using common frameworks, standards, and processes for sharing information and data. The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) enables interoperability with guidelines for digital services. Therefore, the alignment with EIF becomes pivotal for the European Union (EU) countries since different regulations that facilitate and impose the implementation of European policies such as the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) regulation and the Once-Only Principle (OOP) consider the IOP a crucial technical and operational component for government digital services. This article proposes the update of the Greek NIF, with guidelines of EIF, OOP and other technological trends in conjunction with new legal and policy provisions. This proposed assessment methodology can be reused in other countries and can be further adapted for updating the EIF.  相似文献   

基于29个省、自治区、直辖市高校图工委关于高校图书馆在新冠肺炎疫情防控期间开展服务情况的调研报告,以及11个高校图书馆在此期间开展的支撑在线教学服务情况的报告,总结了全国高校图书馆在疫情防控期间为保护读者和馆员健康、保障高校在线教学和科研顺利开展而推出的一系列应急措施和创新型服务。  相似文献   

This article challenges the conventional assumptions about the serious decline of public libraries in England. The author asserts that, as shown by the comparative data for the United States and Australian public libraries, it has not been caused by changes in society or technology. Nor has government austerity been the driving force. The loss of public interest originated in the years from 1990 to 2010 when major alterations were made to the ethos of the service. The current budget cuts and moves to ‘hollow out’ and close library services have come because of the consequent fall in public affection.  相似文献   

Copyright has developed over the years from an instrument of taxation and censorship to a complex set of rules, primarily to protect the creator, but now having to grapple with cyberspace. This article examines that development, and looks at some of the arguments for and against the existence of copyright. It is argued that copyright is flexible enough to cope with the electronic world. The article examines the lessons learned from the past, and asks whether the Gowers Report helps or hinders. The author also raises the question ‘what is the future of copyright?’, given the intense interest not just of the UK government but also of the European Commission, which is determined to provide a ‘level playing‐field’ across the countries of the EU. Lastly, the author examines the five main pressure points relevant to the future of copyright and asks who the publisher of the future will be.  相似文献   

根据我国社会主义市场经济体制进一步纵深发展所提出的转变政府职能的要求,认为在我国实施图书馆行业管理制度是大势所趋。图书馆行业管理制度,是在政府有关部门的政策指导和监督下,以图书馆行业协会为行业内部事务的管理主体,赋予图书馆协会以规划、协调、规范、监督、服务等职权,对图书馆行业内的事务进行自主管理的体制安排。政府部门和图书馆协会作为图书馆行业管理的"双主体",两者之间必须形成互补性的分工与合作关系。国外的图书馆行业协会有明确的职能定位,在行业管理中起到了不可或缺的主体作用。借鉴国外的经验和做法,在我国培育和建立图书馆行业协会组织,是在我国实施图书馆行业管理制度的必备条件之一。  相似文献   

By modeling research systems as complex systems we generalize similarity measures used in the literature during the last two decades. We propose to use the mathematical tools developed within the spin-glasses literature to evaluate similarity within systems and between systems in a unified manner. Our measure is based on the ‘overlap’ of disciplinary profiles of a set of research systems and can readily be integrated in the framework of traditional bibliometric profile analysis. The investigation of the distribution of the overlaps provides useful insights on the dynamics of the general system, that is whether it converges toward a unique disciplinary structure or to a differentiated pattern.We illustrate the usefulness of the approach by investigating the dynamics of disciplinary profiles of European countries from 1996 to 2011. We analyze several bibliometric indicators (including publications and citations) of European countries in the 27 Scopus subject categories. We compare the disciplinary profiles of European countries (i) among them; (ii) with respect to the European standard; and (iii) to the World reference.We find that there is a convergence toward a unique European disciplinary profile of the scientific production even if large differences in the scientific profiles still remain. The investigation of the dynamics by year shows that developing countries are converging toward the European model while some developed countries are departing from it.  相似文献   

Disability is an increasing issue as never before. It is not just a health issue, it is a complex social phenomenon that separates a person from society. India, a country which is known for its multicultural diversity, leads as a top country in various assets. India is proactive in the disability sector ever since the subject of ‘disability’ was pointed out in the State List in the Seventh Schedule of Constitution. The Constitution of India mentions the word ‘citizen’ to cover all persons who legally belong to India. This article presents the library services provided by the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (formerly National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped) for divyang users.  相似文献   

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