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武器装备采办的知识管理模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper applies the theory and method of knowledge management to the field of defense acquisition,and proposes a new idea of knowledge-based defense acquisition management model for this field.  相似文献   

As for the training of talented persons for the acquisition of new equipment in the army,this paper uses the system dynamics method for simulation analysis and performance evaluation of the size of talented persons,the organizational institutions and so on.The paper constructs the performance evaluation index system,brings forward the Poisson distribution model for the passing in and out of talented persons,and makes a simulation analysis of the variables such as the factor of size regulation based on the system dynamics model.  相似文献   

波普世界3理论反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper analyzes Popper's Theory of Three Worlds, points out that its essence is the three basic concepts, that is, information, intelligence and knowledge, and calls on that we should insist on Marxism's dialectical materialism in researches on the basic theory of information studies.  相似文献   

Most traffic control systems available in major cities in Cameroon are still out dated, make use of theories and models which are very slow to implement, waste resources and their efficiency is very low. Thus the number of road accidents encountered on our major highways and inter urban traffic networks has been increasing despite the various efforts made by government and certain NGO to synthesize road users on certain aspects of traffic control and safety road use. Taxis are not left out in the whole show and most of the blame always falls on them. The need to use available Information and Communication Technology ICT to improve on the control of traffic in inter urban cities and major highways is imperative. ITS optimizes the use of resources, reduce pollution, contribute to environmental protection and increases the national economy. . This paper starts by giving a brief situation of the transportation system in Cameroon, its drawbacks and proposes an optimized ITS based system.  相似文献   

竞争情报系统建设方法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Two methods for the construction of competitive intelligence systems - independence and outsourcing, are compared. Problems existing therein are pointed out. Based on the theoretical study and practical application of competitive intelligence systems in China,this article puts forward an idea about the alliance between enterprises and institutions of high learning to construct competitive intelligence systems. It also introduces the steps for the enterprises to follow in the construction of competitive intelligence systems.  相似文献   

The Partner Group does research in cosmology, focussing on the quantitative modeling of the structure and evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, the pattern of galaxies and of larger structures. The usual approach in this field is the dark matter paradigm, i.e. the assumption that the basic structures are laid out in a matter component of particles which interact only gravitationally. Numerical simulations of large scale and high resolution are used to follow the evolution of condensations of dark matter particles during cosmological evolution. Analytic models and detailed statistical investigations of astronomical data sets supplement the numerical work.  相似文献   

Along with the issuance of a series of the regulations and rules allowing foreign enterprises to acquire or buy out Chinese enterprises in China in recent years, foreign enterprises have stepped up their efforts to get into the Chinese market by way of cross-border merger and acquisition of Chinese enterprises. China is now becoming a newly e-merging market for multinationals to buy out enterprise, and  相似文献   

近十年我国文献计量学研究述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Based on a statistical analysis of the articles on bibliometrics, this paper discusses the present situation and development trend of researches on bibliometrics in China since 1990s.  相似文献   

Morphine and heroin as effective pain relievers are among the most widely consumed drugs of abuse today, capable of arousing physiological and psychological dependences by severely disturbing people's neuron functions. Despite their slight structural differences (Figl), a number of distinctive properties between the two have already been revealed by previous researches. In a recent study, CAS scientists show that the two drugs have different modulation effects on hippocampal synaptic plasticity during the addiction process.  相似文献   

知识产业结构初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With a discussion on the event that marks the birth of knowledge industry, its structural components and the relations among these structural components, this article points out that knowledge industry mainly consists of information industry, high-tech industry and manpower capital industry. The relations among these three industries are analyzed.  相似文献   

延伸近年来有关企业技术取得理论的研究,将决策者个人素质对决策过程与结果的影响纳入考虑,对影响我国中小企业技术取得模式的因素进行了深入的分析。研究结果显示,厂商参与技术联盟的经验、决策者的工作经验、技术复杂性、技术隐含性以及厂商研发资源投入的程度,是影响中小企业技术取得模式最为重要的五项变量。  相似文献   

在互联网与现代教育融合的背景下,我国教育管理者的信息化思维逐渐建立。教育信息化对教学改革的作用日益凸显,但信息化发展水平尚不均衡,优质资源的深度应用和融合创新力度亟待加强。该文分析了教育信息化推进中的关键因素,分别从政策支撑和行政推进、学校教育信息化管理制度研究、教师信息化素养培育和教育信息化资源开发以及深入应用等方面开展研究,以期形成统筹推进教育信息化的合力。  相似文献   

依托微信公众平台,结合足球教学特点,对高校足球教学翻转课堂教学模式进行设计研究,主要围绕微信公众平台的设置与开发、视频的提供与制作、教学模式的结构设计、教学目标的设计以及教学流程的设计等多个方面进行论述,旨在为增强足球教学效果提供一种有效的教学模式,也为高校专项足球教学模式创新和足球教学信息化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

网络嵌入性对知识有效获取的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
网络嵌入性影响着企业知识的有效获取.现有研究对于这种影响更多的是从知识获取的最终效果这一综合整体角度入手分析的,使得研究结论难以统一.在对相关文献梳理的基础上,将知识获取分为搜寻、辨识、接收、创新四个阶段.从考察知识获取不同阶段的特征入手,实证分析了关系性嵌入与结构性嵌入对企业知识有效获取的影响.研究表明,网络嵌入性对企业闯知识获取效果的影响因阶段不同而表现出较大的差异性.  相似文献   

刘勤侠 《科教文汇》2020,(4):101-102
互联网时代下,高职教师在课程教学实践中必须创新教学方法,把信息技术、信息资源和课程内容深度融合起来,进行信息化教学改革,才能不断激发学生学习兴趣、提高教学效果。本文以高职市场调查课程中的市场信息数据的整理这项任务为例,从教学分析、教学策略、教学过程和教学总结四个方面来分析信息化教学设计与实践。  相似文献   

提出多维度才是大数据的本质,而数据在量上的大规模仅仅是大数据的表象。并基于多维度的本质,分析大数据的基本特征,包括由于数据维度间的关联而大量出现的数据冗余,关注的重点也由数据本身转向数据间关系的发掘和应用。并从数据处理、数据使用以及决策方式的角度指出多维度大数据对管理决策的影响。最后,结合大数据的应用现状,指出大数据带来的潜在管理问题,以指导大数据思维的应用。  相似文献   

朱雅莉 《科教文汇》2013,(20):82-82,86
联结主义理论通过模拟大脑神经结构的运作来研究认知行为。该理论的基本特征是分布式表征和浮现特征。通过联结主义理论对语言习得进行研究是认知科学的一个重要组成部分,能够深化我们对语言习得过程的认识。  相似文献   

2018年9月,重庆市教育委员会举办了重庆市首届高等职业院校信息化教学大赛,对重庆高职院校教师信息化能力提升具有重要意义,是新时代重庆高职人才强校战略与教师专业发展路径的新突破。全市29所高职院校共125项作品参赛,最终全市22所高职院校共75项作品获奖。本文通过对获奖作品内容(组别)、院校分布、区域分布和参赛教师特征数据进行统计分析,发现现状特点及尚需改进之处,并提出对策建议。  相似文献   

文章指出了当代中国时代精神的主旋律、信息化技术的发展和读者的需要决定了电子阅览室系统安全人本化管理价值取向的必然性.阐述了系统安全人本化管理技术支撑的对策措施。  相似文献   

唐爱莲 《科教文汇》2012,(2):132-135
二语预制语块在二语习得中的重要性日益受到关注。本文结合他人的研究和亲身教学实践,从语块产出所涉及的主要心理认知因素出发.探讨语块教学对提高语块意识和促进语篇生成技能的有效性.以及在外语课堂教学语境中语块教学应注意的问题,以期对课堂语言教学有所裨益。  相似文献   

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