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苏轼在徐州的表、奏、书、启等应用性文章,较少引起研究者关注,却具有较高的史料价值,从一个侧面反映了苏轼在徐州知州任内微妙、复杂的处境,艰难的选择及其政治作为。苏轼不以个人政治进退介怀而以天下苍生为念的政治气度、民生情怀、人道关怀,永远值得人们学习和景仰。  相似文献   

目的:比较使用半量GnRHa与全量GnRHa,进口促性腺激素(Gn)与国产Gn在体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)控制性超排卵中的疗效和费用。方法:将142例不孕症患者分为4个组进行控制性促排卵:甲组采用半量GnRHa+国产HMG+HCG;乙组采用半量GnRHa+进口HP+HCG;丙组采用全量GnRHa+国产HMG+HCG,丁组采用全量GnRHa+进口HP+HCG。结果:四组平均获卵数、优质胚胎数、妊娠率及流产率、副作用卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)及宫外孕的发生率无显著性差异;全量GnRHa组使用Gn的总量及天数多于半量GnRHa组;甲组(半量GnRHa+国产HMG)的医疗费用低于其它三组P<0.01)。结论:使用半量GnRHa+国产Gn可以较低的医疗费用获得与使用全量GnRHa及进口Gn相同的控制性超排卵效果。  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate clinical, Quality of Life (QoL) and medical cost outcomes in patients with symptomatic reflux esophagitis (RE) receiving different ″triple combination therapy″. Methods: A multicenter medical effectiveness trial conducted in 10 hospitals of 5 regions in Zhejiang Province. 248 patient-volunteers were assigned to 8 weeks of ″ triple combination therapy″ with Lansoprazole plus Cisapride and Sucralfate or Ranitidine plus Cisapride and Sucralfate. Main outcomes assessment included symptoms scale scores, RE severity, QoL at baseline and 8 weeks. Medical cost data were collected with cost analysis questionnaire. Results: (1)More Lansoprazole group patients noted RE symptoms resolution than Ranitidine group(92.3% vs 78.4%, P<0.01). There was no striking difference between two groups in RE healing rate (90.8% vs 82.9%, P>0.05). (2)RE significantly impaired QoL of patients(P<0.001).Compared with Ranitidine group, QoL in Lansoprazole group had significant improvement (rate of ″good″ QoL 64.5% vs 45.6%, P<0.01). (3)There was close correlation between symptomic effectiveness and QoL rating scale in both the Lansoprazole and Ranitidine group(P<0.01, r=0.235 and 0.353 respectively). There were no statistical difference of medical cost between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: RE significantly impaired QoL of patients. ″Triple combination therapies″ can significantly improve RE symptoms and QoL. Lansoprazole combination therapy was more cost-effective than Ranitidine combination group.  相似文献   

The study of gross Anatomy through the use of cadaveric dissections in medical schools is an essential part of the comprehensive learning of human Anatomy, and unsurprisingly, 90% of the surveyed medical schools in Africa used cadaveric dissections. Donated cadavers now make up 80% of the total cadavers in North American medical schools and all the cadavers used for dissection in the United Kingdom are donated. Because the sources of cadavers used in Africa are not clearly known, a questionnaire to gather information on cadavers used at medical schools was designed from the relevant literature and was sent by electronic mail to 123 Anatomy lecturers in 23 African countries (48 medical schools). Fourteen lecturers from 14 medical schools in ten countries responded to the questionnaires. The results indicate that, in most countries, the cadavers are unclaimed bodies from the hospitals and prisons, and the bodies of dead bandits. In South Africa and Zimbabwe, the donations are mostly from the white community, and medical school in the Islamic country of Libya is importing cadavers from India. The lack of knowledge about body donation programes and firmly held cultural and religious burial traditions may explain the lack of bequests from black communities. The use of unclaimed bodies may disproportionally affect people who were homeless and poor, criminals, people with fewer social links, and social outcasts. The Anatomy lecturers felt that there should be broader national awareness programes for body donations, although the benefits of this could take decades to materialize. Anat Sci Educ, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

采取数理统计法、问卷调查法、文献资料法等科研方法对健身舞(操)对怀化市群众心理健康的影响进行研究.从而得知通过健身舞(操)锻炼,会对群众的心理健康素质水平起到良性影响,面向社会推广健身舞(操)具有深远的现实意义,不但有助于群众心理健康水平的提高,同时也是推动群众文化建设,丰富社区文化的重要举措之一.并针对结论作出适当建议.  相似文献   

目的:探究泰安高校某院系学生的心理健康状况及影响因素,为心理健康教育模式构建及医教协同路径选择提供参考。方法:运用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自编问卷,采用分层整群抽样,对泰安高校某院系本、专科共580名学生进行问卷调查,运用t检验、logistic回归进行统计学分析。结果:SCL-90总分97~281分;心理问题阳性检出率13.16%。该院系学生SCL-90各因子分均低于全国大学生常模,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。心理问题排在前三位的依次为焦虑、人际关系敏感、抑郁。Logistic回归分析显示,性别、年级、贫困、社团活动、独生子女、幼年不幸、近期应激事件影响学生心理健康。结论:应针对影响因素,开展心理健康教育,提升学生心理健康水平。  相似文献   

1898年,德国以巨野教案为借口,出兵胶州湾,强迫清政府签订《胶澳租界条约》,对青岛进行了长达17年的殖民统治。期间,大批传教士来青岛开展宗教活动。此外,传教士还开办学校、创办报纸和医院。其中传教士在青岛建立的医院主要有:花之安医院、福柏医院、天主教会医院以及一些诊所。这些教会医院和诊所在救人治病、改变民众传统医疗观念、促进西医在青岛的传播等方面产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

网络人际交往及其与网络成瘾倾向的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究运用问卷法探讨网络人际交往及其与网络成瘾倾向的关系.通过对409名大、中学生的调查结果表明:(1)QQ聊天、电子邮件和在线互动游戏,是青少年网络人际交往的重要方式;(2)女性较男性更多地将网络人际交往作为现实生活人际交往的延续;(3)在线互动游戏、网上聊天等对青少年网络成癌有一定的预测作用;(4)不断与陌生人交流以及通过这种交流结识网友,是网络成瘾倾向者人际交往的一个显著特征.  相似文献   

研究了多用户场景下多载波码分多址系统(MC—CDMA)的下行信道和功率分配,并将吞吐最大化问题建模成一个混合整数优化问题.为了简化分析,将问题分成2个低复杂度的子问题:功率分配和信道分配.这2个子问题可分别被一个次最优自适应功率分配算法(APA)和一个最优自适应信道分配算法(ACA)解决.通过联合APA和ACA算法,进一步提出了一个自适应信道和功率的分配方案.仿真结果表明:与传统的均匀功率分配算法相比,提出的APA算法更加适用于MC—CDMA系统;此外,提出的自适应信道和功率分配方案可以显著地提高系统吞吐量性能.  相似文献   

本文采用现代方言与传统音韵学结合的方法,以徐州方言为基础材料,对徐州话和普通话系统的区别作分析,探讨现象背后的规律,论证徐州方言的音韵学价值,对某些问题提出了个人的看法;另一目的在于帮助徐州人学习普通话时自觉地运用语音对应规律正音  相似文献   

A coefficient of unfairness in the allocation of goods to people can be extended to measuring consensus among judges. The notion of relative variability underlies the formation of these measures.  相似文献   

宋代解额分配制度历经数代的改革,使解额本身的价值与唐代相比发生质变,使科举的政治功能明显强化,特别是解额分配在地区间坚持相对均衡的原则及在士庶阶层采取分流的原则,既体现了公正、公平的理性原则,也是权力资源分配面向诸社会阶层,减少各阶层之间在追逐权力时的矛盾,是巩固政权、安定社会的重大举措。因此,宋代的解额分配制度对后世的选才制度多有启迪。  相似文献   

文章采用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对7个省(市)394家乡镇卫生院的预防保健工作覆盖情况进行调查研究,发现东部地区和中部地区预防保健各项工作覆盖率已达到较高水平,但也存在资源配置不合理、利用率不高的问题,而西部地区预防保健工作覆盖率、运转效率较低。今后农村预防保健工作的重点是提高资源配置和使用效率。  相似文献   

Research on information spillover effects between financial markets remains active in the economic community. A Granger-type model has recently been used to investigate the spillover between London Metal Exchange(LME) and Shanghai Futures Exchange(SHFE) ,however,possible correlation between the future price and return on different time scales have been ignored. In this paper,wavelet multiresolution decomposition is used to investigate the spillover effects of copper future returns between the two markets. The daily return time series are decomposed on 2n(n=1,…,6) frequency bands through wavelet mul-tiresolution analysis. The correlation between the two markets is studied with decomposed data. It is shown that high frequency detail components represent much more energy than low-frequency smooth components. The relation between copper future daily returns in LME and that in SHFE are different on different time scales. The fluctuations of the copper future daily returns in LME have large effect on that in SHFE in 32-day scale,but small effect in high frequency scales. It also has evidence that strong effects exist between LME and SHFE for monthly responses of the copper futures but not for daily responses.  相似文献   

跨文化敏觉力被认为是成功进行跨文化交际的首要条件,而进行跨文化敏觉力培养的首要步骤便是跨文化敏觉力的调查与评估。该论文基于陈国明和Starosta关于跨文化敏觉力的理论,应用其设计的跨文化敏觉力量表,从大学文、理、工科学生中分别抽取样本来评估非英语专业大学生的跨文化敏觉力。对评估结果进行分析的基础上,作者发现了非英语专业本科学生在跨文化敏觉力的五个维度上的具体表现,并针对大学英语教学中如何提升学生的跨文化敏觉力提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Background: The specialty of allergy developed quickly in western countries because of the rapid increase of allergic diseases, whereas it developed relatively slowly in China. The prevalence of allergen sensitization and allergic diseases in Zhejiang Province of China is high and improving the medical services for these diseases is critically needed. Objective: To investigate the working status of the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases, including doctor resources, diagnostic methods, and allergen-specific immunotherapy in patients of Zhejiang Province, and to provide instructions for the strategic development of subspecialties of allergic diseases. Methods: First we defined the doctors who treat allergic diseases, and designed a comprehensive questionnaire to collect personal and hospital information for these doctors. The questionnaires were distributed to hospitals with different ranks and from different areas in the province. The general condition of doctor’s resources, carryout of diagnostic methods, and allergen-specific immunotherapy were described and variations in the different specialties, hospitals, and areas were further analyzed. Results: Doctors in their thirties with bachelor’s degrees were the mainstream for diagnosing and treating allergic diseases. The main specialties of the doctor resources were the specialties of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT), Respirology, Pediatrics, and Dermatology. The Pediatrics specialty had a more reasonable infrastructure of doctor resources with more young doctors working in this subspecialty. The development of allergy subspecialty varied within hospitals at different levels or from different areas. The carryout of the skin prick test (SPT), serum specific IgE (ssIgE), and subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) was best performed in provincial hospitals, while sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) was prescribed most commonly in municipal hospitals. The performance of SPT and ssIgE in Hangzhou, Jiaxing, and Wenzhou areas was much better than that in other places. The performance of SCIT and SLIT was best in Wenzhou. Conclusions: Our survey revealed a very initial and unbalanced development for the allergy subspecialty in Zhejiang Province. Doctor resources for allergic diseases were mainly from the specialties of ENT, Respirology, and Pediatrics, and the performance of diagnosis and treatment was mainly focused on provincial and municipal hospitals. Continuous education of allergies could be extended to primary healthcare centers and more efforts should be directed to those areas with poor medical resources.  相似文献   

For many years, medical students at the University of Sydney undertook their clinical clerkships in traditional metropolitan teaching hospitals, which were regarded as the ‘gold standard’ for clinical training. In 2001 the university established a rural clinical school at which increasing numbers of students now complete a significant proportion of their medical education. The aim of the study reported here is to examine students’ perceptions of what facilitates their learning in clinical settings and to compare their perceptions across rural and metropolitan settings. Focus groups were conducted to collect students’ views on their experiences of learning in clinical settings. The findings were used to generate a questionnaire with items designed directly from focus‐group data ensuring content validity. The questionnaire was sent to all students in the 2004 cohort. Exploratory factor analysis was used to provide evidence of construct validity. The internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Factor scores were computed to compare students’ perceptions across the two settings. Four factors were extracted: (1) clinical teachers’ orientation to teaching; (2) opportunities to develop clinical skills; (3) supportiveness of the clinical setting; and (4) student confidence and sense of self‐efficacy. Students rated the rural experience more highly and positively than the metropolitan hospital experience with regard to all four factors. This study highlights the positive role that rural attachments can play in providing an educationally sound learning experience. The findings are important in the context of both the drive, among medical programs worldwide, to seek out additional and alternative settings for clinical education and the national agenda to foster student interest in rural careers through positive rural training experiences.  相似文献   

The Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) is the next generation of broad-band network technique. A crucial issue in EPONs is the sharing of uplink bandwidth among optical network units (ONUs). This article provides a novel dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm, i.e. threshold dynamic bandwidth allocation (TDBA), which is based on adaptive threshold, to increase resource utilization. The algorithm uses ONU data-transmitting rate to adjust optical line terminal (OLT) receiving data threshold from an ONU. Simulation results show that this algorithm can decrease average packet delay and increase network throughput in a 10G EPON system.  相似文献   

Learners of all ages face complex decisions about how to study effectively. Here we investigated three such decisions made in concert—time allocation, ordering, and spacing. First, college students were presented with, and made judgments of learning about, 16 word-synonym pairs. Then, when presented with all 16 pairs, they created their own study schedule by choosing when and how long to study each item. The results indicated that (a) the most study time was allocated to difficult items, (b) relatively easy items tended to be studied first, and (c) participants spaced their study at a rate significantly greater than chance. The spacing data, which are of particular interest, differ from previous findings that have suggested that people, including adults, believe massing is more effective than spacing.  相似文献   

对高速铁路下行MIMO-OFDM系统中的动态资源分配问题进行研究.联合考虑子载波、天线、时隙和功率,将多维资源分配问题建模为混合整数非线性规划问题.分析移动速度对多普勒频移的影响,并计算子载波间干扰功率.在总发射功率不超过一定阈值的约束条件下,将最大化系统吞吐量作为优化目标.为了降低求解最优化问题的计算复杂度,采用两步求解法得到次优解.首先,在等功率分配的前提下,将子载波、天线和时隙分配给不同用户.然后,根据第1步资源分配的结果,进行功率分配.仿真结果显示,提出的多维资源分配策略与已有策略相比在系统吞吐量方面具有较大的性能提高.  相似文献   

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