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学习障碍和未成年犯罪扦有共同特征。未成年人犯罪前辍学有复杂的背景,有其自身的问题,也有家庭和学校教育的问题,更有社会环境不良因素的影响,是各种问题的综合反映。矫正青少年学习障碍,预防和减少犯罪必须采取综合对策。  相似文献   

发展犯罪学侧重研究青少年年龄与犯罪的关系、犯罪人的分类及青少年犯罪成因.从发展犯罪学有关青少年犯罪成因的相关研究中,总结出影响青少年犯罪尤其是两种类型犯罪人犯罪行为的多种因素.这些因素包括个体冲动性或低自我控制、家庭背景、学校适应、同辈关系及成熟代沟.目前发现发展犯罪学的研究结论尚有不一致之处,并且缺乏中国背景下的实证研究,未来还需要就发展犯罪学在国内的应用作进一步的探索和研究.  相似文献   

家庭结构与青少年犯罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从社会学的角度对家庭结构进行了解释,论述了不健全的家庭结构对子女成长的消极影响,进而阐明家庭结构与青少年犯罪的关系。此外本文也说明了学校教育在预防青少年犯罪方面的补救作用。  相似文献   

近年来,青少年犯罪研究主要集中于青少年犯罪的特点、原因和对策等方面。特点研究,理论界和实际管理部门存在差异,研究者根据自身研究的需要也存在差异。原因研究主要表现为常规性犯罪因素的研究.即主观原因和客观原因的研究。对策研究主要集中于对青少年犯罪搞好预防,依法对青少年犯罪予以刑事制裁,以及做好违法青少年的帮教工作方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,青少年犯罪研究主要集中于青少年犯罪的特点、原因和对策等方面。特点研究,理论界和实际管理部门存在差异,研究者根据自身研究的需要也存在差异。原因研究主要表现为常规性犯罪因素的研究,即主观原因和客观原因的研究。对策研究主要集中于对青少年犯罪搞好预防,依法对青少年犯罪予以刑事制裁,以及做好违法青少年的帮教工作方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

睡眠障碍问题在当代青少年日常生活中日益普遍和严重。文章从青少年睡眠障碍的现状分析、青少年睡眠障碍与心理健康的关系,以及如何引导青少年战胜睡眠障碍、促进心理健康等几个方面进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

通过对青少年犯罪进行心理成因和心理预防两个方面的阐述,论述如何有效地预防和控制青少年犯罪的发生。  相似文献   

近年来,我国青少年犯罪日趋严重,犯罪率不断上升,已成为当今严重的社会公害之一.因此,加强青少年犯罪问题的研究、探索,总结青少年违法犯罪的特点和原因,动员全社会共同担负起预防青少年犯罪工作,维护社会的稳定,创建良好的青少年成长环境,是关系着国家发展前途的大事.  相似文献   

近年来,我国的青少年犯罪率也逐年攀升,危害程度不断升级,日益成为社会和家庭关注的热点问题,也是困扰法律界与教育界的一个难题。加强对青少年犯罪的预防,进一步遏止青少年犯罪现象的蔓延,是摆在我们面前的一个严肃的课题。本文从我国青少年违法犯罪的现状、特点出发,通过研究造成青少年犯罪的家庭、学校、社会等方面的原因,发现带有普遍性、规律性的问题,从中找出青少年犯罪的问题根源,并对青少年犯罪的预防作尝试性探讨。  相似文献   

家庭环境在预防青少年犯罪中的重要地位和基础性作用是无可取代的,近年来随着众多学者对青少年犯罪问题的深入探讨研究,家庭环境与青少年犯罪的关系的研究重点已由最初的家庭结构变量(如家庭完整性、家庭经济状况)逐渐扩展并聚焦在家庭功能变量(如家庭气氛、亲子依恋和亲子沟通等)和家庭成员行为变量(如教养方式、父母监控等)。预防青少年犯罪年在家庭领域应积极开展家庭教育咨询、营造和谐的家庭环境、全社会应关心帮助缺损家庭的孩子,使他们在身心上得到与健全家庭孩子同等的、健康的发展。  相似文献   

Content analyses of journals in the field of LD provide a means of surveying research and publication trends, the knowledge of which may inform policy and practice related to future research agendas. As the first decade of the current millennium was particularly contentious for the field of LD, we felt that a content review would be timely. In this paper, the content of three refereed LD journals—Journal of Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, and Learning Disabilities Quarterly—was analyzed. Articles from 2001–2010 (n = 841) were systematically coded to capture article type, area of interest, population of interest, sample characteristics, and inclusion of students with LD. Results indicate that across the decade, (a) 68% of articles reported empirical research; (b) empirical research trended up; (c) publication of intervention research remained steady; (d) the most common foci were literacy and the non‐academic characteristics of individuals with LD; and (e) inclusion of participants labeled as having a LD declined. We discuss trends, possible explanations, and implications, highlighting areas for future research.  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童的视觉运动特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文回顾了前人对学习障碍 ,尤其是对非言语性学习障碍视觉运动特征的研究成果。视觉运动障碍会影响阅读、算术、书写等学习活动的顺利完成 ,导致儿童理解社会情境和人际交往困难 ,从而阻碍社会适应性和情绪的正常发展。不同类型的学习障碍儿童其视觉运动的特点和受损程度不同 ,因此有必要对不同类型学习障碍的视觉运动特征分别作深入细致的研究 ,以保证教育和干预的针对性和有效性  相似文献   

学习不良儿童自我概念研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学习不良儿童自我概念的研究是当前学习不良儿童社会性发展的一个重要研究领域。综述主要围绕学习不良儿童自我概念的特点、影响因素、功能和干预展开。文末还指出了研究中存在的问题和未来研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The final session of the National Research Center on Learning Disabilities (NRCLD) Responsiveness-to-Intervention (RTI) Symposium, "What are alternative models to LD identification other than RTI?" included four papers that discussed concerns over the exclusive reliance on an RTI approach to learning disability identification, considerations for analyzing proposed LD identification models, and various alternatives to LD identification. The work of the participating panelists is summarized in this discussant paper, and next steps for the NRCLD in light of these presentations are suggested.  相似文献   

非言语学习障碍 (NonverbalLearningDisabilities,简称NLD)是近年来学习障碍研究领域中出现的新课题。本文从NLD的成因与检出率、心理特点、诊断与干预等方面对NLD研究的最新进展进行述评  相似文献   

Learning disabilities (LD) has never been officially recognized as a category of special education in New Zealand. This article discusses the main reasons for the rejection of the LD category. The education system in New Zealand is described, and the nature of special education is outlined to provide a context for considering LD. Attempts by the parent group SPELD (New Zealand Federation of Specific Learning Disabilities Associations) to have "specific learning disabilities" (SLD) recognized in legislation are discussed, along with reasons for the rejection of these attempts by state education officials. It is concluded that LD/SLD will never be recognized as such in New Zealand. The needs of students with LD may potentially be met by new policies for "high incidence" special needs. But teachers' lack of skills and strategies for working with a range of learning difficulties is seen as an impediment to students with LD being adequately helped in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

学习困难生的社会信息加工范式是目前研究学习困难学生社会性发展的主要范式,学习困难儿童自我概念的研究是当前学习困难儿童社会性发展的一个重要研究领域。目前比较一致的认为,自我概念一般包括三个维度:学业自我概念、非学业自我概念和一般/总体自我概念。从学习困难的概念与理解、学习困难学生自我概念和学习困难学生自我概念的干预研究三个方面进行了总结,并提出相关思考和建议。  相似文献   

Research has documented overlapping and coexisting characteristics of learning disabilities (LD) and emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD). Such concomitance may impact teacher referrals of children at risk for LD which in turn may influence service delivery. Using the Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory (LDDI) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), we examined teachers’ ratings of EBD and LD symptoms in 439 students referred for LD in elementary schools in Oman. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed that there were no gender differences in LD symptoms, whereas there were significant gender differences in teachers’ ratings of hyperactivity and conduct problems in referred children. There was an association between teachers’ ratings on the LDDI and SDQ dimensions, reflecting children’s concurrent display of LD and EBD symptoms. Implications are discussed within an Omani context in which there is a need to increase teachers’ awareness of the behavioural and emotional profile of children at risk for LD.  相似文献   

Recent consensus reports concur in suggesting major changes in the federal regulatory approach to the identification of learning disabilities (LD). These reports recommend abandoning the IQ-discrepancy model and the use of IQ tests for identification, and also recommend incorporation of response to instruction (RTI) as one of the identification criteria. These changes are also recommended to states in the current reauthorization of the U.S. Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA). While not mandatory, states that follow these recommendations will experience major changes in identification and treatment of students served under the LD category. This paper reviews the basis for these recommendations, summarizing four recent consensus group reports on special education that concur in suggesting these changes. Seventeen commonly asked questions about these changes are presented, with responses. In order to ensure adequate instruction for students with LD, it is essential that identification practices focus on assessments that are directly related to instruction, that any services for students who are struggling prioritize intervention over eligibility, and that special education be permitted to focus more on results and outcomes and less on eligibility and process. Identification models that incorporate RTI represent a shift in special education toward the goals of better achievement and behavioral outcomes for students identified with LD, as well as those students at risk for LD. Supported by grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, HD25802-13, “Center for the Study of Learning and Attention Disorders” (JMF); and the Office of Special Education Programs: H326Y02002, National Center for Special Education Accountability Monitoring (WAC); H324U010004, National Research Center for Learning Disabilities (DJR), and H324X010013, Preventing Reading Difficulties: A Three-Tiered Intervention Model (SRC). The National Center for Learning Disabilities also provided support for the development of this paper. The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be viewed as necessarily representative of others associated with the centers listed or the funding agencies supporting these centers.  相似文献   

With the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the United States and the Canadian Chartre of Rights and Freedoms, there is a new work environment for individuals with learning disabilities (LD) in North America. This qualitative study sought to compare the employment experiences of 25 U.S. adults with LD and 24 Canadian adults with LD. Areas of comparison were job getting, experiences on the job, and job advancement. Remarkably, the U.S. and Canadian adults with LD had nearly the same employment experiences. In essence, each set of data mirrored the other despite marked differences in U.S. and Canadian federal disability legislation.  相似文献   

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