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伍尔夫的短篇小说《邱园记事》和《墙上的斑点》是伍尔夫意识流作品的奠基之作,本文通过由微观到宏观的创作观,后印象主义绘画在小说中的运用和人们异化感的体现这三个方面来分析伍尔夫小说的特点,来说明这两篇小说在伍尔夫小说创作中的艺术价值。  相似文献   

光与影的世界——伍尔夫的《邱园记事》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内对伍尔夫小说的解读大多集中于她的意识流代表作《到灯塔去》和《达洛维太太》。本文依据伍尔夫的生命观解读了她的短篇小说《邱园记事》。在伍尔夫看来,生命的精髓在于重要的瞬间。该小说融光、形、影、色于一炉,以流动的画面展示出人生剪影,并将生命中美丽一瞬所承载的内心积淀以幻影的形式呈现出来。小说中思想的闪光与色彩的闪光交相辉映,光色的无限播散默默地传递着心灵的声音。  相似文献   

张欧 《江西教育学院学报》2013,34(2):138-140,173
文章参照Leech&Short(1981:74-82)所提供的文体分析框架,从词汇特征、语法特征、修辞手段、语境与衔接四个方面对曼斯菲尔德短篇小说《布里尔小姐》与伍尔芙短篇小说《邱园记事》的开篇选段进行量化文体分析和对比,揭示了这两位女性作家在文体风格上的差异。  相似文献   

刘星 《文教资料》2014,(10):12-13
国内对伍尔夫小说的解读大多集中于她的意识流代表作《到灯塔去》和《达洛维太太》。本文依据伍尔夫的生命观解读了她的短篇小说《邱园记事》。在伍尔夫看来,生命的精髓在于重要的瞬间。该小说熔光、形、影、色于一炉,以流动的画面展示人生剪影,并将生命中关丽一瞬所承载的内心积淀以幻影的形式呈现出来。小说中思想的闪光与色彩的闪光交相辉映,光色的无限播散默默地传递心灵的声音。  相似文献   

小说中的艺术表现形式更是多种多样的,只有运用五花八门的艺术表现手法,才能更好地吸引读者的注意从而达到让读者身临其境的艺术效果。在众多文学艺术瑰宝中,英国女性作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的小说作品《邱园记事》正是运用了多种艺术表现手法的代表之作,而如何将这些不同的艺术表现手法融入到小说作品中并表现出小说作品的特色,是文学领域中各学者和研究者高度关注的话题之一。基于上述几点考虑,本文通过对《邱园记事》中多种艺术表现手法的应用和体现进行详细的阐述,拟为读者更能理解现代主义小说的艺术表现手段提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

在《邱园记事》中,伍尔夫运用了景物描写的前景化、代表性的人物选择和反复出现的蜗牛意象三个策略将文中看似零散的碎片有机结合起来,实现了小说各部分之间的连贯和统一。  相似文献   

《邱园记事》中,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫一改传统叙事风格,以现代主义的笔触为读者呈现出一系列表面上看似支离破碎的情节,但是其中一只小蜗牛的出现却将文章的支离破碎有力衔接成一个整体,同时蜗牛还象征着自然的和谐之美,客观的时间推移,积极的人生意义。  相似文献   

南开大学历史系魏宏运教授主编,刘健清,张洪祥,高德福,左志远同志参加编写的《华北抗日根据地记事》(以下简称《记事》)一书已经出版。这是我国第一部以记事体裁,系统、完整记述华北地区抗日斗争的工具书。内容丰富、史料翔实,这是《记事》一书的显著特点。这部分是在查阅了大量档案,文献、报刊等第一手资料的基础上编成的。它吸取了近年来史  相似文献   

来自孩子的声音:"我喜欢阅读"张小倩是宁县早胜小学六年级学生,她告诉记者:"我每天都会抽时间读书,我最喜欢周末和假期,可以自由地安排阅读时间"。她已读过《白雪公主》《少女的红发卡》《唐诗三百首》《西游记》等40多本课外读物。她还告诉记者,从记事时起,父母每年送给她的生日礼物都是一本书。她拿出书包里正在阅读的《格林童话》,在扉页上记者看到,这本书就是小倩过11岁生日时爸爸送给她的。同时,在书里,记者还看到她作的勾画、注音或解释。在课间活动时间,记者随机采访了一位四年级  相似文献   

写人和记事有着密切的联系。写人离不开具体事例,因为人物特点是通过具体事例来表现的;而记事的文章往往也要写到有关的人物,因为无论什么事都是人做出来的,怎样才能正确区别写人和记事的文章呢?一、看文章的题目。文章的题目就是文章的“眼睛”,它最能反映文章的主题。例如《我的同桌》与《我和同桌》,这两个题目只有“的”与“和”一字之差,但其要求就截然不同。前者  相似文献   

Botanic gardens, as well as being widely acknowledged as beautiful places, are often scientific organisations that aim to engage visitors, including families, in science learning. Yet, the extent to which families view them as settings for science learning is largely unexplored. Drawing upon social constructivist perspectives, this paper investigates families’ views of science learning at Kew Gardens. Kew is one of the largest botanic gardens worldwide and an internationally renowned scientific organisation located in London, UK. Twenty-four families took part in the study, which involved interviews and accompanied visits. Findings indicate that all families referred primarily to the aesthetic beauty of Kew, while its function as a site for science learning was less well acknowledged. However, interpretation helped families establish what constitutes science at Kew, and linked science to the beautiful plants, which offered avenues for families to appreciate science learning. The findings provide implications for developing interpretive provision in botanic gardens.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Design Education: the Foundation Years Richard Kimbell Who's a Designer? Design and Industries Association, 17 Lawn Crescent, Kew Gardens, Surrey. The Sociology of Art Arnold Hauser (translated by K. J. Northcott) Working in Art and Design Peter Green  相似文献   

<正>When it comes to Murder of Genovese,it always occurs to us that"For more than half an hour thirty-eight respectable,lawabiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in Kew Gardens."Actually,newly related documents turned out that not all neighbors reacted apathetically to this accident,and the data alleged by Martin Gansberg was erroneous.Besides,owing to those errors in the related reports,this neighborhood showered with blames was made infamous.The exact number of the bystanders can be hardly confirmed because nobody  相似文献   

‘Gardens for Bellies' [Haver til Maver] is an organic school gardens project at Krogerup farm in Northern Sealand, Denmark, which provides children with first-hand experiences in a natural, outdoor environment. The general intention of the project is to expand children's competences and their knowledge of nature, farming and food preparation. This article draws on a new evaluation of ‘Gardens for Bellies' based on qualitative as well as quantitative studies carried out by education researchers. The evaluation shows very positive learning benefits linked to experience and enjoyment. The outdoor learning programme and environment represents a unique addition to the national curriculum of the Danish state school system, providing the possibility of interdisciplinary and enjoyment-based learning. One of the main conclusions is that the pupils who participate in the ‘Gardens for Bellies' programme develop a desire to learn. A number of the competencies they develop relate directly to the subject of science, as well as other school subjects. Parents confirm the learning benefits and view ‘Gardens for Bellies' as a unique supplement to regular school teaching. The experience dimension and a certain communication of love together with the teachers' passion to show their passion for teaching on site provide one possible explanation as to why the desire to learn is stimulated among the pupils.  相似文献   

《傲慢与偏见》中女主人公伊丽莎白的女性主体意识是通过人物关系揭示出来的。从她与达西和韦翰等男性的关系分析,表现了这种女性主体意识从认知他者到认知自我的过程;从她与几位女性人物的关系分析,表现了这种女性主体意识从认知自我到批判社会的过程。这样的女性主体意识不仅有文学意义还有现实的社会意义。  相似文献   

英国皇家植物邱园位于伦敦西郊,是全英最大的植物园,于1795年由奥古斯塔公主下令建成。在英国18-19世纪殖民扩张蓬勃发展阶段,这里不仅仅供大众游览,同时担负着对海外殖民地植物的科学研究、树种优化、珍稀植物标本保存等科研任务。而对于例如金鸡纳、橡胶树等经济附加值很高的植物,邱园又承担着提高植物产量和输送新品种到其他海外属地的作用,以此发挥其经济功能。所以,殖民扩张时期的邱园对英国产生的作用可以分为三部分,即公共社会服务、植物学研究、提高经济作物价值的作用,这奠定了邱园在英国近代史上的独特历史地位。  相似文献   

中国古典园林是中华文化孕育出来的一颗璀璨明珠,它与诗歌、绘画等姊妹艺术一道把缥缈难踪的道家思想具体化为静、深、远的诗意空间,充分满足了文人士大夫对山水林泉的热切渴求与畅神悦意的精神需求。古典园林这种可行、可望、可游、可居的理想空间的营造与隔的艺术手法的运用密不可分。"隔"的作用表现为:"隔"以求静、达深、致远。  相似文献   

铁凝各个时期的作品始终贯穿着一种主体精神,即对女性的生命关爱和深刻的女性忧患意识。《永远有多远》是铁凝这种主体精神的续延,白大省的形象是铁凝对女性自身的弱点的再度思索,并提出女性的自尊、自爱、自强,才是女性真正的觉醒,是女性精神家园建设的关键所在。这种主体精神的续延,体现了“五四”以来知识分子所追求的人文关怀。  相似文献   

园桥是中国古典园林的重要造景元素,园桥空间是水、陆、空三个系统的交叉点,在中国古典园林中独具特色.园桥造景,除形态具有关感外,还须与周边环境协调,根据所在空间的特色采用不同的空间组景方法,方能神形兼备,营造出“虽由人作,宛似天开”的园桥空间.  相似文献   

Nelly and her children live in Queensland, Australia. When it came time for her second youngest son to start school, Nelly was not prepared for the difficulty that she had enrolling him at the school of her choice. In spite of her son's disability, Nelly thought that it was natural that he would go to his local school with his sister. It is not surprising that she expected this, given the legal and policy endorsement of inclusive education that exists in the Queensland education system. What unfolded in Nelly's life as she pursued this enrolment is the subject of this article. This is the story of a mother who believed in and hoped for inclusive schooling for her son but who found herself caught in a series of events and experiences which ultimately led to the decision to transfer him into a special school. This is also the story of how, disillusioned and regretful, she went on to undo that decision. Told primarily in Nelly's own words, this narrative provides a deep insight into one mother's efforts to exercise her parental authority, the difficulties she encountered in trying to do so, and the consequences for her son.  相似文献   

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