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对154位“两院”院士以及《中国科学:物理学力学天文学》《科学通报》编委和资深审稿人的问卷调查结果表明,科研人员对我国科技期刊的现状满意度不高,其中高水平稿源的缺乏和期刊影响因子主导的科研评价方式是制约我国科技期刊发展的主要因素。该文从集中力量办好一批精品期刊、完善科研评价体系等方面提出了发展我国科技期刊的举措。  相似文献   

为了使中国的广大科技工作者、期刊编辑部和科研管理部门能够科学快速地评价期刊,客观准确地选择和利用期刊,国家科技部委托中国科技信息研究所,连续六年编辑出版了《中国科技期刊引证报生》。2003年版《中国科技期刊引证报告》共选择了1534种中国大陆出版的科技期刊作为来源刊,其中收录了陕西出版的科技期刊75种,  相似文献   

从传统的科技期刊管理体制、网络技术应用以及科学评价体系等方面剖析了科技期刊发展中的制约因素,以及与国外优秀期刊的差距,总结了我国科技期刊发展的对策应是在加快科技发展、提高科研水平的基础上,加快科技期刊国际化的的步伐,建立灵活的管理体制和运作机制,从而促进期刊发展。  相似文献   

科技期刊应当坚持以人才为核心竞争力,多维度培养编辑人才专业技能,打造复合型编辑人才,创新发展编辑人才队伍培养,从而推动科技期刊可持续性发展。《生态学报》编辑部通过鼓励编辑深入科研一线,培养编辑信息收集、挖掘能力,提升编辑专业技术和出版传播服务能力,优化完善编辑部工作制度,提高期刊整体办刊能力,保证科学、严谨地完成期刊“科学研究—科学表达—优质出版—高效传播”全生命周期的出版服务工作。本文通过介绍《生态学报》编辑部在多维度期刊编辑人才培养方面的探索和实践,为我国科技期刊高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

关于评价科技期刊质量的几点建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量是期刊的生命线。办出高水准、高质量的期刊,是每个期刊社及编辑的目标。1994年国家科学技术委员会发信字犤1994犦148号文件制定了科技期刊的质量要求及评估标准。①随着这些年我国科学技术的不断发展,作为科技事业组成部分的科技期刊也得以长足发展。由于国家科学技术委员会颁布的评估标准不涉及对科研成果水平高低的定量评价,而SCI(ScienceCitationIndex,科学引文索引)利用科学计量指标和引文分析法来评价科研水平和学术地位,越来越受到科研管理者的欢迎并渐渐被定为科技期刊尤其是学术期刊的评价标准。SCI有其长处但也存在不足,由此也引发了“用SCI作为评价标准是否公正”的经年讨论。由于科技期刊及论文的评价直接影响到科研人员及编辑人员的职称晋升、获奖、申报课题、知名度提高等一系列问题,如何做到客观、公正、合理、科学,符合中国国情,显得尤为必要。国家科学技术委员发基字犤2003犦142号《关于改进科学技术评价工作的决定》②明确提出要“区分不同评价对象,明确各类评价目标,完善各类评价体系”。因此,建立健全多学科、多层次、多方位、结构合理的质量评价体系,正确评价科技期刊的质量,既关系到期刊的生存与可持续发展,...  相似文献   

《科学引文索引》与中国科技期刊   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
详细介绍了《科学引文索引》的主办单位及对评价我国科学水平的影响、对世界科技期刊的作用、期刊与论文入选须知、她的组成与编排格式,并介绍了被收录的中国科技期刊.  相似文献   

为了推动我国评价事业的快速和健康发展,中国科学学与科技政策研究会、全国学位与研究生教育评估 所、中国科技信息研究所、《中国青年报》社、中国科学评价研究中心和《科技进步与对策》杂志社特联合主办“第 四届大学评价与科研评价国际研讨会”。其主题为:“大学评价”、“科研评价”与“期刊评价”。  相似文献   

为了厘清美国《科学引文索引》(SCI)和《社会科学引文索引》(SSCI)中收录我国高校主办期刊的情况,借助《期刊引证报告》(JCR)和基本科学指标数据库(ESI),对我国高校主办科技期刊的学科类别、影响因子、分区等情况进行整理分析。结果显示,我国主办的346种期刊中有84种SCI/SSCI收录期刊由高校主办,涉及18个ESI学科门类,其中63种期刊属于Q1和Q2期刊,73种期刊由“双一流”建设高校主办。我国高校主办的科技期刊已经取得了一定的学术影响力,但在学科分布和期刊数量上仍有较大的发展空间。建议我国高校可以从创办新刊、集群化办刊、增加社交媒体推广和提高开放获取占比等角度促进期刊与学科的协同发展。  相似文献   

高校科技期刊应努力转变办刊理念   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
颜帅  佟建国  蒋伟 《编辑学报》2006,18(3):206-208
高校主办的科技期刊是我国科技期刊的重要组成部分,为我国科技学术交流、科技进步、人才培养等做出了突出贡献;但是,一些高校科技期刊固有的办刊理念和模式限制了期刊的进一步发展.认为不同类型的高校应根据具体情况科学、准确定位,努力办出与高校科研实力相应、层次相当的科技期刊,建立新的期刊出版机制.  相似文献   

贺嫁姿  赵大良 《编辑学报》2020,32(4):361-366
由教育部和科技部联合印发的《关于规范高等学校SCI论文相关指标使用 树立正确评价导向的若干意见》,要求破除论文“SCI至上”的评价导向,建立科学的评价体系,这将对我国科技期刊的发展产生深远的影响。本文通过分析该文件印发的背景、给科技期刊带来的挑战与机遇,提出科技期刊在破除论文“SCI至上”的背景下应注重扩大学术影响力,塑造良好的学术声誉;回归期刊出版本质,服务科学研究;开放办刊,与国际接轨,建设一流科技期刊。  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, China has seen an enormous rise in the number of scientific journals, second only to the USA. However, their overall academic level has not been high as expected. In fact the frequent occurrence of ‘trash’ journals has been a very negative development. In this regard, we will define trash journals and analyze their characteristics. In addition, we explore how such journals come into existence and look at their relationship with ‘legal’ journals. The development of trash journals is directly associated with market demand and profit, and a flawed academic evaluation system. We advocate action by government departments to purge academia of trash journals and give examples of how this could be done.  相似文献   

繁荣中文科技期刊应成为我国文化大发展的重要内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了当前在重点科研院所和高校科研管理中普遍推行的"SCI核心期刊"政策,不仅已经直接影响到中文科技期刊的发展,造成的科技成果报告著作权外流、科技成果评价标准外挂,更将会损害中华民族的战略核心利益。繁荣中文科技期刊是提升我国文化软实力的重要方面,应成为我国文化大发展的重要内容之一。为促进中文科技期刊的繁荣与发展,我国应重视独立的科研成果评价体系建立,重视科技期刊编辑队伍的建设,重视创新科研管理制度等。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, China has witnessed a market-oriented reform that created real market players and removed institutional hurdles for its scientific, technological and medical (STM) journals’ international development; it has kept enhancing the journals’ editorial forces, which not only upgraded editorial staff’s international communication skills but also facilitated the journals’ international collaboration with their foreign counterparts; it has also adjusted the journals’ publishing workflows and established a quality-control mechanism centered around peer reviews; and it has tried to internationalize both the journal publishers’ productions and services. Under the above-mentioned endeavors, Chinese STM journal publishing has achieved its initial internationalization progress.  相似文献   

胡升华 《编辑学报》2020,32(2):119-127
科学价值观引导着一个国家的科技发展战略,影响着科研成果的评价标准,从而也影响着科技期刊的发展。由于科学价值观出现偏差,使得以SCI为主导的学术评价标准得以盛行,对我国科技期刊的发展形成了制约,不利于国家创新体系的建设,也会威胁到国家科技数字资源的安全。从以往的实践经验看,科技期刊的发展要想取得实质性突破,还需要借鉴我国出版集团化发展的经验,制定科技期刊发展的国家战略,进行系统化的政策设计,多措并举,多方发力,才能收到实效。  相似文献   

以《地学杂志》为例,探究清末民初科技期刊的传播渠道及其信息流动模式。研究认为,清末民初,中国科技期刊的传播渠道主要有4种:会员内分发;邮寄、分售、代售;交换、赠阅;以官方渠道进入学堂。其信息流动模式主要有2种:学科共同体内的交流;向社会民众的传播。这2种信息流动模式并不是单向和孤立的,而是形成了循环、融汇、互动的信息流...  相似文献   

Over the years, the number of journals indexed in Scopus has increased, although it varies significantly between countries. The increasing proportion of international journals of a country provides new venues for papers from that country to be seen by other researchers worldwide. In this work, we evaluate the relationship of a country’s scientific performance or publication success with both its journals’ quantity and quality. The specific objective of the study is to identify the relationship between the country’s publication success and the quantity and quality of those country’s journals indexed in Scopus during 2005–2014. The publication success of 102 individual countries, measured by their scientific productivity, impact and collaboration indicators, the quantity of country’s Scopus-indexed journals in 2014 (a total of 22,581 journals) as well as the quantity of its journals were investigated. Scopus-indexed journals are predominantly from Western Europe (48.9%) and North America (27.7%), with the United States and the United Kingdom dominate with a total 51%. The contribution from the peripheral countries is comparatively small, however there are a good number of contributions from the South-East Asian countries. Estonia is the fastest growing country in terms of having indexed journals in Scopus, following by Iran and Malaysia. Among the studied indices, it was found that publication success (total publications and total citations) of 102 countries are strongly correlated with quantity (number of indexed journals and number of documents published in indexed journals) and quality (citations per paper, SJR, h-index, CiteScore and SNIP) indicators of country’s journals. We can conclude that the scientific productivity of a country depend critically on the number of journals indexed from that country in citation databases. The study provides a context with which the relative success of publications can be assessed, yielding new insights into the scientific impact of individual countries and the performance of journals that they published.  相似文献   

Between 1929 and 2002 over 200 English‐language scientific journals were founded in China. The number of China's English edition journals in each discipline is, however, not correlated to the corresponding output of China's articles listed in the ISI's Science Citation Index. Clearly, the goal of these journals is to be internationally recognized. It is shown that this goal is rarely achieved. We think that lack of good‐quality papers, low international visibility and a citation ‘Matthew effect’ are the main causes for the small role played by China's English‐language journals.  相似文献   

科学数据仓储为科学数据提供存储、管理和共享等服务,有利于促进我国科学数据战略的实施。通过调研我国在re3data中注册的科学数据仓储,运用SWOT分析法并融合PEST模型,分析re3data中我国科学数据仓储的发展现状并从政府、科研机构和高校图书馆以及学术出版商等建设主体的角度提出适合我国国情的科学数据仓储发展策略,以推进我国科学数据仓储高质量发展。  相似文献   

The early days of the People's Republic of China saw the development of science and technology at home with an accompanying development of scientific and technical journals. A succession of natural disasters then weakened the economy and many journals had to cease publication. The disruption of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution followed and only twenty journals survived. Since the opening up of the economy the Chinese government has supported scientific and technical journals and these have developed rapidly. There are now a large number of journals but many of them are still of low quality and little impact, and too few are in English. The number in English will now increase considerably, as will their international influence.  相似文献   

体育类核心期刊的刊名和版权块中英文标志的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冉强辉  张业安 《编辑学报》2011,23(5):409-411
采用内容分析法,结合科技英语的特点及体育科技期刊英文编辑加工的相关规范,对我国9种体育类核心期刊的封面英文刊名、版权块中的英文标志现状进行调查,揭示存在的主要问题,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

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