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With the fast development of cutting-edge technologies and their greater integration into human life, more ethical challenges emerge. The problem became more salient when the world''s first genetically edited babies were born in China in violation of existing ethical rules. Although the responsible researcher He Jiankui was sentenced for imprisonment for three years last December, it is still necessary to examine the current status of research ethics and the challenges in China. Has China set up a sophisticated research ethics system? For research ethics and their implementation in China, are there unique national characteristics? Can the dominant ethics principles primarily developed from life science research be equally adopted in the emerging artificial intelligence research and development? At an online forum organized by National Science Review (NSR) and through subsequent correspondences among forum participants, NSR Executive Editor-in-Chief Mu-ming Poo and guest moderator Hepeng Jia asked three scientists and three bioethicists or philosophers of science and technology in the field to examine the dynamic development of research ethics in China. Weiwen DuanPhilosopher of Science and Technology at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China Junjiu HuangLife scientist focused on genetics at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Renzong QiuBioethicist at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China Qiang SunLife scientist and the principal investigator (PI) of clone monkey program at Shanghai Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China Yi ZengArtificial intelligence scientist at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Xiaomei ZhaiBioethicist at Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences/Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China Mu-ming Poo (Chair)Neurobiologist at Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China Hepeng Jia (Co-chair)Professor of Science Communication at Soochow University, Suzhou, China  相似文献   

Chen-Ning Yang ( ) is the most distinguished Chinese theoretical physicist. In 1954, together with Robert Mills, he formulated the Yang–Mills Gauge Theory, which led to the development of the Standard Model, the leading framework for understanding particle physics. In 1956, Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee ( ) proposed the possibility of parity non-conservation in weak interaction, which won them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957. Besides these two major achievements, Yang made many other seminal contributions to particle physics, statistical physics and condensed matter physics. At the end of 2003, Yang returned to China from the US and established the Institute for Advanced Study at Tsinghua University in Beijing. NSR’s Executive Editor-in-Chief Mu-ming Poo ( ), a neurobiologist, and Alexander Wu Chao ( ), an accelerator physicist at Stanford University, talked with Professor Yang on a variety of topics, ranging from his retrospective view on Yang–Mills theory, on his contemporary physicists, on tastes in scientific research, and on the current and future developments of Chinese science. The following is an excerpt from this conversation that took place on 21 March 2019 at Tsinghua University, Beijing.  相似文献   

China has traditionally placed tremendous importance on agricultural research. Meanwhile, in recent years, sustainable agriculture has been increasingly highlighted in both policy agenda and the capital market. However, while terms like environmental friendliness, low carbon, organic and green agriculture have become buzzwords in the media, few meaningful discussions have been raised to examine the relationship between science and technology (S&T) development and sustainable agriculture. What''s more, some environmentalists stress that sustainable agriculture should abandon modern agriculture''s heavy reliance on science and industrialization, making the link between agricultural S&T and sustainable agriculture seem problematic. What is the truth? If S&T are to play an important role in advancing sustainable agriculture, what is the current status of the field? What factors have caused the sustainable development of agriculture in China? At an online forum organized by the National Science Review (NSR), Hepeng Jia, commissioned by NSR executive editor-in-chief Mu-ming Poo, asked four scientists in the field to examine the dynamic relationship between sustainable agriculture and agricultural S&T in the Chinese context. Jikun Huang Agricultural economist at Peking University, Beijing, China Xiaofeng Luo Agricultural economist at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China Jianzhong Yan Agricultural and environmental scientist at Southwest University, Chongqing, China Yulong Yin Veterinary scientist at Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha, China Hepeng Jia (Chair) Science communication scholar at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA  相似文献   

In recent years, Chinese scientists have achieved significant progress in paleontological discoveries and scientific studies. Series of studies published in top journals, such as Science, Nature and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), have astonished the world by presenting beautiful fossils that furnish robust evidence to enrich the understanding of organismic evolution, major extinctions and stratigraphy. It has been portrayed as the heyday in the paleontology of China. What is the status of the field? What factors have caused the avalanche of fossil discoveries in China? What implications can these new discoveries provide for our understanding of current evolution theories? How, given their significant contribution to the world''s paleontology scholarship, can Chinese scientists play a due leadership role in the field? At an online forum organized by the National Science Review (NSR), its associate editor-in-chief, Zhonghe Zhou, asked four scientists in the field as well as NSR executive editor-in-chief Mu-ming Poo to join the discussion. Jin Meng Paleobiologist at American Museum of Natural History Mu-ming Poo Neurobiologist at Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shuzhong Shen Stratigrapher at Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shuhai Xiao Paleobiologist and geobiologist at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Zhonghe Zhou (Chair) Paleobiologist at Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

It has been more than 10 years since Satoshi Nakamoto published his famous paper entitled ‘Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system’, which set the foundation of blockchain technology. Accompanied by the price volatility of bitcoins from 2017 to 2018, blockchain has been a hot word on the internet, and particularly hot in China. Blockchain offers a distributed and secure system for data storage and value transactions. Its applications are springing up in multiple fields.The Chinese government is considering these trends with great caution. Initial coin offering has been banned in China since September 2017. By contrast, an official white paper on China''s blockchain technology, which was released in May 2018, said that blockchain technology will be widely applied in the real economy of China within 3 years. In a recent panel discussion held by National Science Review, experts talked about related topics. Their opinions may provide a quick view of the future development of blockchain in China and abroad. Jing Chen Assistant Professor of Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University and Chief Scientist at Algorand LLC, USA Xiaotie Deng Professor of School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, China Guohua Gan Vice President of Beijing Tai Cloud Technology Corp., China Xiaoyun Wang Professor of Institute of Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, China Zhiming Zheng Professor of School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beihang University, China Lei Guo (Chair) Professor of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China  相似文献   

The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is located in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, and has its own characteristics among the universities in China. Established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), USTC is distinctively tinted with a scientific color. It is also famous for its ‘Special Class for the Gifted Young’ and is considered one of the best Chinese universities in the fields of science and technology (S&T). Recently, National Science Review interviewed Professor Xinhe Bao, the President of USTC, about the characteristics of the university and the education and research in China. Xinhe Bao is an academician of CAS and has made seminal contributions in catalysis and energy chemistry in the past decades. Before joining USTC, he had worked at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), CAS and Fudan University (Shanghai), and thus possesses an in-depth understanding of the education and research in China.  相似文献   

Mingjie Zhang is a distinguished structural biologist whose research interest is the protein assemblies in cells, particularly those at the synapse, where two neurons meet and transmit nervous impulses from one to the other. In recent years, his group discovered the phenomenon of phase separation in both the pre- and post-synaptic sites of neurons and elucidated its regulation and physiological function. In this interview, NSR Executive Editor-in-Chief Mu-ming Poo talks with Prof. Zhang on the fast-developing research area of biological phase separation, as well as Zhang''s new role as the Founding Dean of the School of Life Sciences at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen.  相似文献   

The reductionist approach to science seeks to understand the behaviour of systems by studying their individual components. It has been an enormously productive approach, but it is also widely acknowledged now that in some systems the behaviour of interest is an emergent property that cannot be discerned in the separate parts. Biology is replete with such examples, from the flocking of birds to the way metabolic processes in cells rely on a dynamic interplay of proteins and other components.Yet molecular systems do not have to be particularly complex before their properties become more than the sum of the parts. A classic example is the appearance of bulk-like metallic behaviour in small clusters of metal atoms only once they exceed a certain critical size. One of the most striking instances became apparent in 2001, when Ben Zhong Tang of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and his co-workers found that heterocyclic silicon-containing molecules called siloles become luminescent as nanoscopic aggregates even though the individual molecules in dilute solution do not emit light [1]. This looked like the opposite of the well-known phenomenon of concentration quenching, in which energy transfer between fluorescent (generally organic) molecules quenches the emission, an effect explained in 1955 [2]. Aggregation-induced ‘switching off’ is intuitively understandable, but ‘switching on’ due to aggregation was more surprising.Yet this effect of ‘aggregation-induced emission’ (AIE), as Tang and colleagues called it, was apparently seen, but not understood, much earlier [3]. In the 1850s, George Stokes noted that some inorganic complexes were fluorescent in the condensed, solid state but not in solution. At first, AIE was seen as a curiosity and deemed likely to be rare. However, subsequent research has shown not only that it is a rather common effect but also that it can be considered just one manifestation of a wide range of behaviours that arise from aggregation—leading to the proposed field of ‘aggregate science’, manifesting at the supramolecular level of small clusters or groups of molecules held together by relatively weak interactions. The field might be considered to illustrate George Whitesides’ notion of a chemistry ‘beyond the molecule’ [4], which bridges disciplines ranging from colloid science to crystal growth, nanotechnology, liquid crystals, photochemistry and molecular biology. At the same time, it echoes the famous insight of physicist Philip Anderson about emergent phenomena and the hierarchical nature of science: ‘More is different’ [5]. An ability to switch properties on and off by controlling intermolecular interactions and aggregation suggests various applications, from optical device technologies to targeted drugs for cancer therapy [6].NSR spoke to Ben Zhong Tang about the origins and possibilities of the field.

NSR: It seems you noticed AIE in 2001 by accident. How did it come about? Tang: Yes, it was serendipity. Development of new light emitters for the fabrication of organic light-emitting diodes was a hot topic at that time. We were trying to make new luminophores [light-emitting molecules] with high efficiencies and novel structures. Attracted by the aesthetically pleasing molecular structures of siloles, I asked my students to prepare various silole compounds. One day, a student told me that he could not see any luminescence when he used a UV lamp to excite the solution of the silole compound he had made. This surprised me, because I myself prepared a silole compound when I was a PhD student and I remember that its crystal was luminescent. I sensed something strange and immediately rushed to the lab. After careful verification and discussion with the student, we concluded that both of us were correct: the silole solution was not luminescent (his observation was right) but the silole powder was emissive (my memory was right). The non-luminescent molecular species in the dilute solution were induced to emit light through formation of aggregates in the solid state. We termed the process aggregation-induced emission or AIE.
A mesoscopic aggregate can have a property that its molecular species does not exhibit at all.—Ben Zhong Tang
Open in a separate windowBen Zhong Tang of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China (Courtesy of Ben Zhong Tang). NSR: The phenomenon seemed to defy conventional expectations. Did you have trouble persuading others—or yourselves!—that it was real? Tang: I initially thought the student might have done something wrong, for the phenomenon he observed was totally unexpected. The common belief in the community of photophysics research is that luminescence from an organic dye generally weakens when its molecules are aggregated, an effect often referred to as aggregation-caused quenching or ACQ. I was shocked when I realized that the silole luminogen was showing an anti-ACQ effect. Still, I felt lucky to encounter something ‘abnormal’. No matter how odd a phenomenon seems, if it can be repeatedly observed, it must be real. We repeated our experiments many times and we were eventually convinced that the AIE effect was true. We had trouble, however, to understand why the silole luminogen behaved in such a way that was diametrically opposed to conventional ACQ. NSR: Are there any historical precedents—experiments in which this effect might have been glimpsed previously, but not recognized as such? Tang: When we published our first AIE paper in 2001, we thought the photophysical effect was unprecedented. However, we gradually found out that similar phenomena had been previously observed by other scientists. For example, in 1853 George Stokes reported in a paper that some inorganic platinocyanide salts ‘are sensitive’ (meaning luminescent in modern terminology) ‘only in the solid state’ but ‘their solutions look like mere water’. Sadly, he didn’t follow it up. Other people have made similar observations in different dye systems, which were, however, not recognized as AIE processes. Partially because of this, we had great difficulty in finding relevant reference papers. As a matter of fact, Stokes’ report, published in the mid-19th century, was not known to us until the middle of 2018. However, we are not surprised by those early works, for we understand that science progresses not in an abrupt but in a continuous way. George Smith articulated this: ‘Very few research breakthroughs are novel. Virtually all of them build on what went on before.’ A discovery is often a happenstance. We happened to have ‘rediscovered’ a very old but largely unnoticed phenomenon. Luckily, we grasped the opportunity to see more and farther by standing on the shoulders of giants.  相似文献   

Throughout history, gender inequality has persisted in most parts of the world. Since the founding of the People''s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, substantial progress has been made towards gender equality in China. Today, a large number of Chinese women scientists are making significant contributions to advance science. However, are they facing gender discrimination in hiring and promotion? Do they have access to the same opportunities as their male colleagues? What are the potential approaches to further promote gender equality in China''s scientific community given myriad unfavorable social factors? Recently, NSR invited five Chinese female scientists and two gender experts to discuss these issues. Here are their observations and suggestions. Bing LiuProfessor at the Department of the History of Science, Tsinghua University Jun LuSenior Engineer at Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, and Deputy Chief Designer of BeiDou Grounded Test and Validation System Chih-chen WangProfessor at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hongyang WangPresident of the China Women''s Association for Science and Technology (CWAST), Director of the National Center for Science in Liver Cancer Xiaoyun WangC. N. Yang Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University Yan ZhengChair Professor at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology Wenpei Tang (Chair)Professor at the School of Health Humanities, Peking University  相似文献   

The deep Earth is the engine of whole Earth systems and plays a key role in surface evolution and geological hazards. Scientists have been deciphering the internal processes that shape our habitable planet, especially since the formulation of plate tectonics theory. To date, how the deep Earth works remains mysterious. At the end of 2020, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) started to set up the Center for Excellence in Deep Earth Science, headquartered in the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry (GIG), with long-term support for these emerging and interdisciplinary research areas. NSR recently talked to Professor Yi-Gang Xu, GIG’s Director, about why the study of the Earth''s interior is essential, the current progress of deep Earth science in China, and what makes our planet habitable.  相似文献   

AbstractMathematics is the foundation of science and rational thinking. Math education for the younger generation is the fundamental project to upgrade the mathematical literacy and the creativity of the whole society. China''s education system has long been different from that of Western countries. China has fostered many gold medal winners of the International Mathematics Olympiad, but is also criticized as lacking creativity. In this NSR forum on math education in China, educators of high schools and universities as well as researchers of different scientific fields gather to talk about the current predicaments and future developments of China''s math education. Zenghu Li Mathematician; Professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Chao Tang Quantitative biologist; Director of the Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University, Beijing, China Zhihong Xia Mathematician; Professor of Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA and the Founding Chair of the Department of Mathematics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China Jinlong Yang Computational chemist; Professor of the School of Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Huawei Zhu Headmaster of Shenzhen Middle School, Shenzhen, China; Former leader and head coach of the national team of China for the International Mathematics Olympiad, China Gang Tian (Chair) Mathematician; Professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China  相似文献   

One of the more frequent activities in health sciences is the measurement of biological quantities. Frequently, when reading biomedical books and journals some confusion on the metrological meaning of biological quantities related to the concepts ‘concentration’ and ‘content’ may be observed. Classically, a concentration is an amount of any type per volume of liquid or gas system, whereas content is an amount of any type per mass of liquid or gas or solid system. However the concepts ‘concentration’ and ‘content’ alone are still ambiguous because, depending on the type of amount of the component (analyte) per volume or mass of a system, there are different types of concentrations and contents. This article attempts to give a clarification of these concepts, mainly based on international recommendations about nomenclature and terminology of metrology, chemistry and clinical laboratory sciences.  相似文献   

‘It is planning, it is science, it is management, and it is a huge change of human relations with the ocean.’ As introduced by Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Executive Secretary and Assistant Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (the Decade, 2021–2030) got underway this January.To echo that, on 14 January 2021, a Special Forum on the Decade was held in hybrid mode as part of the Fifth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Science (XMAS-V) in Xiamen University, China. The Forum was organized to promote the Decade through insightful talks and in-depth discussions with international and regional representatives who have been actively involved in the planning of the Decade. In addition to Dr Ryabinin, Zhanhai Zhang, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, gave an inspiring opening speech. What followed were presentations by invited speakers. They then joined a panel discussion chaired by Dr Minhan Dai from Xiamen University. This article is edited and re-organized from the record of this Special Forum.Open in a separate windowPanellists. First row from left to right: Brandon Justin Bethel (PhD Student of Marine Meteorology at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China), Fei Chai (Professor at University of Maine, USA), Karen Evans (Principal Research Scientist of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Oceans and Atmosphere, Australia), and Fangli Qiao (Senior Scientist at the First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China). Second row from left to right: Martin Visbeck (Professor and Head of Research Unit, Physical Oceanography at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany), Wenxi Zhu (Head and Programme Specialist of IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC)), and Minhan Dai (Chair, Professor and Director of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, China)  相似文献   

The current aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens) sometimes suffer from poor targeting selectivity due to undesirable aggregation in the hydrophilic biosystem with ‘always-on’ fluorescence or unspecific aggregation in the lipophilic organelle with prematurely activated fluorescence. Herein, we report an unprecedented ‘amphiphilic AIEgen’ sensor QM-SO3-ER based on the AIE building block of quinoline-malononitrile (QM). The introduced hydrophilic sulfonate group can well control the specific solubility in a hydrophilic system with desirable initial ‘fluorescence-off’ state. Moreover, the incorporated p-toluenesulfonamide group plays two roles: enhancing the lipophilic dispersity, and behaving as binding receptor to the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium (KATP) on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane to generate the docking assay confinement effect with targetable AIE signal. The amphiphilic AIEgen has for the first time settled down the predicament of unexpected ‘always-on’ fluorescence in the aqueous system and the untargetable aggregation signal in the lipophilic organelle before binding to ER, thus successfully overcoming the bottleneck of AIEgens'' targetability.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of hyoliths has long been unsettled, with recent discoveries of a tentaculate feeding apparatus (‘lophophore’) and fleshy apical extensions from the shell (‘pedicle’) suggesting a lophophorate affinity. Here, we describe the first soft parts associated with the feeding apparatus of an orthothecid hyolith, Triplicatella opimus from the Chengjiang biota of South China. The tuft-like arrangement of the tentacles of T. opimus differs from that of hyolithids, suggesting they collected food directly from the substrate. A reassessment of the feeding organ in hyolithids indicates that it does not represent a lophophore and our analysis of the apical structures associated with some orthothecids show that these represent crushed portions of the shell and are not comparable to the brachiopod pedicle. The new information suggests that hyoliths are more likely to be basal members of the lophotrochozoans rather than lophophorates closely linked with the Phylum Brachiopoda.  相似文献   

夏婷 《学会》2013,(8):5-9,21
本文通过对美国科学促进会参与科学决策咨询的体制机制的分析,深入阐述了美国科促会参与决策咨询的主要途径和基本方式,并就美国科促会参与决策咨询体制机制对我国科技社团参与决策咨询的启示进行了分析。  相似文献   

我国省级科技馆现状与发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张明生 《科技通报》2001,17(2):74-80
科技馆是公益性的科普教育机构,展览内容突出现代科学技术的知识、原理、应用和发展,采用观众参与的展示方式。全国已建成省级科技馆24座,不少省份正在建设和筹建上规模、高水平的科技馆,全国科技馆建设呈现蓬勃发展的势头,但是,浙江省科技馆的建筑面积居全国24个省级科技馆倒数第2倍,展厅面积也是倒数第2位。  相似文献   

The Chinese lunar probe Chang''e-4 (CE-4) landed in the Von Kármán crater within the South Pole–Aitken (SPA) basin on the far-side of the Moon on 3 January 2019. Following this, the moon rover Yutu-2 separated from the CE-4 lander and started its travels and exploration on the far-side of the Moon. Before this landing, humans had remotely observed the far-side of the Moon with lunar satellites. However, it was the first time that a man-made spacecraft had landed there and actually left behind wheel prints belonging to humanity.Since China''s Lunar Exploration Project (CLEP), or Chang''e Project, started in 2004, China has accomplished the first two steps of its three-step plan of ‘Orbiting, Landing and Returning’. CE-3 and CE-4 landed successfully on the near-side and far-side of the Moon, respectively. In the near future, CE-5 will land again on the near-side of the Moon and take lunar rock and soil samples back to Earth, thus completing the three-step plan of CLEP. In April 2019, National Science Review (NSR) interviewed three key figures of CLEP: CLEP Chief Engineer Weiren Wu (), the first CLEP Chief Scientist and CLEP senior consultant Ziyuan Ouyang (), and CLEP third phase Vice-Chief Engineer, CE-4 Ground Research and Application System Director Chunlai Li (). They talked about the scientific expectations and future plans of China''s lunar and deep space exploration.  相似文献   

The University of Surrey (referred to as Surrey hereafter) is one of the renowned universities in the UK that was established on 9 September 1966 with the grant of its Royal Charter and its roots go back to Battersea Polytechnic Institute, founded in 1891. Surrey is the research hub of small satellites, mobile telecommunication and artificial intelligence in Europe. In 2016, Surrey was named as ‘University of the Year’ in the UK and, in February 2018, Surrey won the Queen''s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education (Surrey''s fourth award)—the highest national award for the UK universities, in recognition of the outstanding contribution of Surrey to nutrition and health.The president and vice chancellor of Surrey, Professor Max Lu, took this position in 2016 and is also the first scholar of Chinese origin to be the leader of a British university. Before he joined Surrey, he was the provost and senior vice president at the University of Queensland in Australia. Professor Lu is not only a talented leader in education field, but also a distinguished scientist in materials chemistry and nanotechnology area. He has been honored with numerous awards, including the Orica Award, RK Murphy Medal, China International Science and Technology Award and Medal of the Order of Australia, etc. He has been also appointed to the Prime Minister''s Council for Science and Technology and the Board of UK Research and Innovation, etc. The rich experience and open-mindedness lead to his profound insights into higher education around the world. Lately elected as a fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) and foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Lu shared his broad and deep perspectives on higher education with National Science Review during his travel in Beijing.  相似文献   

Search ‘de novo protein design’ on Google and you will find the name David Baker in all results of the first page. Professor David Baker at the University of Washington and other scientists are opening up a new world of fantastic proteins. Protein is the direct executor of most biological functions and its structure and function are fully determined by its primary sequence. Baker''s group developed the Rosetta software suite that enabled the computational prediction and design of protein structures. Being able to design proteins from scratch means being able to design executors for diverse purposes and benefit society in multiple ways. Recently, NSR interviewed Prof. Baker on this fast-developing field and his personal experiences.  相似文献   

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