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本研究采用锚测验非等组设计,探究了锚测验样本量的变化对等值结果的影响。数据来自全国英语等级考试(PETS),使用以Bigsteps为核心的自主改进软件,基于Rasch模型估计题目参数。为了探究等值结果对合格分数线的影响,本研究对比了不同样本量锚测验参数估计值与锚题参数给定值的差异,并对不同样本量锚测验得出的实考试卷等值结果与最大样本量锚测验得出的实考试卷等值结果进行了差异分析。结果表明,当锚测验样本量达到150时,等值结果比较稳定。这一结果表明,PETS设定的300人左右的锚测验样本量是合理的。  相似文献   

基于项目反应理论,文章介绍了测验等值问题的意义和模型,然后分析了测验等值的原理,并采用最小二乘估计法对其中涉及到的转换系数进行了参数估计,真正实现了项目反应理论中的项目参数等值和真分数等值.  相似文献   

传统的时间序列分析与预测方法没有考虑样本和参数的先验信息,导致预测结果和实际数据的偏差较大,贝叶斯参数估计方法可以充分利用参数的先验信息,使得估计参数的方差更小,估计结果更加精确,预测结果更真实有用。随着MCMC方法和WinBUGS软件的发展,贝叶斯分析方法估计模型的计算困难逐渐减弱,因此,近年来贝叶斯时间序列预测方法越来越受到关注。本文基于上证指数收盘价的数据,采用Eviews和WinBugs软件,对样本数据进行预处理,利用贝叶斯参数估计方法进行时间序列自回归模型的实证研究分析。  相似文献   

测验等值使得不同形式的考试能进行比较,从而保证了测验之间的相对稳定性。基于IRT的分数等值是在估计出参数的基础上进行的参数转换,等值结果的稳定性与考生样本量密不可分。本研究针对汉语水平考试(HSK)阅读分测验,采用真实数据模拟共同组锚测验设计,确定等值的参照标准,考察考生样本量的变化对IRT分数等值稳定性的影响。结果表明,考生样本量为2000左右时各种方案的等值结果均比较稳定。考生样本量进一步增大时,等值误差不降反增。  相似文献   

本研究应用Caojing等人的Bayesian IRT Guessing系列模型,分析初中二年级学生在汉语词汇测验中的猜测行为,使用DIC3指标评价模型的拟合程度,并将参数估计结果与双参数Logistic模型进行了比较。研究发现:(1)猜测模型的拟合度优于双参数Logistic模型;(2)初中二年级测验数据最适合临界猜测模型(IRT-TG),约有3.5%的学生存在TG型猜测行为;(3)猜测者的存在会明显影响本身的能力估计与项目难度估计,但是对非猜测者的能力及区分度参数估计影响不大。  相似文献   

参数估计是项目反应理论应用和发展的前提。本研究采用项目反应理论,使用PARSCALE4.1软件,选择两参数和三参数罗杰斯蒂(Logistic)混合模型对某年区域初中毕业生中考物理测验成绩进行项目参数估计,发现不同参数的项目参数估计结果在不同程度上存在差异。  相似文献   

在模式识别理论中,如果分类学习样本给定,随机观测序列的条件分布概率密度已知,那么该序列的分类问题可利用学习判据解决这一判据是在假设学习样本分类没有偏差的情况下,用极大似然估计参数替代贝叶斯定理中的真值进行的。讨论了学习样本的分类可靠性难以确信时的模式识别问题,研究了利用条件密度极大似然估计进行贝叶斯风险决策时,学习样本分类错误对它的影响,以及在此情况下的判据稳定性问题。  相似文献   

本文研究线性回归模型中响应变量受到另一随机变量序列污染时,模型参数和污染系数的估计问题.利用贝叶斯统计原理,给出了污染系数的贝叶斯区间估计及模型参数估计.  相似文献   

本研究以高中化学热化学领域为例,考察在认知诊断测验中,最新提出的Cui和Wang分类准确性系数的应用。选取DINA模型,分析了694名高二考生的知识掌握状态及分类准确性系数。同时,抽样选取30名考生的试卷,由教师诊断给出考生真实知识掌握状态,与模型对比得到实证分类准确性系数。结果表明:(1)模型估计的分类准确性系数和实证分类准确性系数较为吻合,可在实际测验中应用;(2)教师可以在模型估计结果的基础上,结合自身判断进行教学指导。  相似文献   

1前言 测验等值是对考核同一心理品质的多个测验形式系统地做出测验分数转换.从而使不同测验形式的测验分数之间具有可比性。由于项目反应理论(IRT)将项目难度与心理特质(能力)定义在同一量表上,故也可以认为IRT中的等值是将考核同一心理品质的多个测验形式系统地做出项目参数转换.从而使不同测验形式中的项目参数之间具有可比性。  相似文献   

A Note on the Invariance of the DINA Model Parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs), as alternative approaches to unidimensional item response models, have received increasing attention in recent years. CDMs are developed for the purpose of identifying the mastery or nonmastery of multiple fine-grained attributes or skills required for solving problems in a domain. For CDMs to receive wider use, researchers and practitioners need to understand the basic properties of these models. The article focuses on one CDM, the deterministic inputs, noisy "and" gate (DINA) model, and the invariance property of its parameters. Using simulated data involving different attribute distributions, the article demonstrates that the DINA model parameters are absolutely invariant when the model perfectly fits the data. An additional example involving different ability groups illustrates how noise in real data can contribute to the lack of invariance in these parameters. Some practical implications of these findings are discussed .  相似文献   

Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) have been developed to evaluate the mastery status of individuals with respect to a set of defined attributes or skills that are measured through testing. When individuals are repeatedly administered a cognitive diagnosis test, a new class of multilevel CDMs is required to assess the changes in their attributes and simultaneously estimate the model parameters from the different measurements. In this study, the most general CDM of the generalized deterministic input, noisy “and” gate (G‐DINA) model was extended to a multilevel higher order CDM by embedding a multilevel structure into higher order latent traits. A series of simulations based on diverse factors was conducted to assess the quality of the parameter estimation. The results demonstrate that the model parameters can be recovered fairly well and attribute mastery can be precisely estimated if the sample size is large and the test is sufficiently long. The range of the location parameters had opposing effects on the recovery of the item and person parameters. Ignoring the multilevel structure in the data by fitting a single‐level G‐DINA model decreased the attribute classification accuracy and the precision of latent trait estimation. The number of measurement occasions had a substantial impact on latent trait estimation. Satisfactory model and person parameter recoveries could be achieved even when assumptions of the measurement invariance of the model parameters over time were violated. A longitudinal basic ability assessment is outlined to demonstrate the application of the new models.  相似文献   

Cross‐level invariance in a multilevel item response model can be investigated by testing whether the within‐level item discriminations are equal to the between‐level item discriminations. Testing the cross‐level invariance assumption is important to understand constructs in multilevel data. However, in most multilevel item response model applications, the cross‐level invariance is assumed without testing of the cross‐level invariance assumption. In this study, the detection methods of differential item discrimination (DID) over levels and the consequences of ignoring DID are illustrated and discussed with the use of multilevel item response models. Simulation results showed that the likelihood ratio test (LRT) performed well in detecting global DID at the test level when some portion of the items exhibited DID. At the item level, the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the sample‐size adjusted Bayesian information criterion (saBIC), LRT, and Wald test showed a satisfactory rejection rate (>.8) when some portion of the items exhibited DID and the items had lower intraclass correlations (or higher DID magnitudes). When DID was ignored, the accuracy of the item discrimination estimates and standard errors was mainly problematic. Implications of the findings and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The DINA (deterministic input, noisy, and gate) model has been widely used in cognitive diagnosis tests and in the process of test development. The outcomes known as slip and guess are included in the DINA model function representing the responses to the items. This study aimed to extend the DINA model by using the random‐effect approach to allow examinees to have different probabilities of slipping and guessing. Two extensions of the DINA model were developed and tested to represent the random components of slipping and guessing. The first model assumed that a random variable can be incorporated in the slipping parameters to allow examinees to have different levels of caution. The second model assumed that the examinees’ ability may increase the probability of a correct response if they have not mastered all of the required attributes of an item. The results of a series of simulations based on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods showed that the model parameters and attribute‐mastery profiles can be recovered relatively accurately from the generating models and that neglect of the random effects produces biases in parameter estimation. Finally, a fraction subtraction test was used as an empirical example to demonstrate the application of the new models.  相似文献   

Cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) typically assume skill attributes with discrete (often binary) levels of skill mastery, making the existence of skill continuity an anticipated form of model misspecification. In this article, misspecification due to skill continuity is argued to be of particular concern for several CDM applications due to the lack of invariance it yields in CDM skill attribute metrics, or what in this article are viewed as the “thresholds” applied to continuous attributes in distinguishing masters from nonmasters. Using the deterministic input noisy and (DINA) model as an illustration, the effects observed in real data are found to be systematic, with higher thresholds for mastery tending to emerge in higher ability populations. The results are shown to have significant implications for applications of CDMs that rely heavily upon the parameter invariance properties of the models, including, for example, applications toward the measurement of growth and differential item functioning analyses.  相似文献   

Most of the existing classification accuracy indices of attribute patterns lose effectiveness when the response data is absent in diagnostic testing. To handle this issue, this article proposes new indices to predict the correct classification rate of a diagnostic test before administering the test under the deterministic noise input “and” gate (DINA) model. The new indices include an item‐level expected classification accuracy (ECA) for attributes and a test‐level ECA for attributes and attribute patterns, and both of them are calculated based solely on the known item parameters and Q ‐matrix. Theoretical analysis showed that the item‐level ECA could be regarded as a measure of correct classification rates of attributes contributed by an item. This article also illustrates how to apply the item‐level ECA for attributes to estimate the correct classification rate of attributes patterns at the test level. Simulation results showed that two test‐level ECA indices, ECA_I_W (an index based on the independence assumption and the weighted sum of the item‐level ECAs) and ECA_C_M (an index based on Gaussian Copula function that incorporates the dependence structure of the events of attribute classification and the simple average of the item‐level ECAs), could make an accurate prediction for correct classification rates of attribute patterns.  相似文献   

差比句定中短语比较项的出现常常是不对称的。文章通过考察分析6种差比句式变换情况,发现:(1)差比句定中短语比较项具有“整体-部分”比较的意思,且具有语言共性;(2)定中短语是否表“整体-部分”义既受到领有标记“的”的制约,又受到定中短语语义关系的制约,还受到差比句式构式赋义的制约;(3)形容词比较结果项的语义指向会干预定中短语比较项的“整体-部分”义的判定;(4)差比句比较项的对称只存在于理想认知模型中。  相似文献   

De la Torre and Deng suggested a resampling‐based approach for person‐fit assessment (PFA). The approach involves the use of the statistic, a corrected expected a posteriori estimate of the examinee ability, and the Monte Carlo (MC) resampling method. The Type I error rate of the approach was closer to the nominal level than that of the traditional approach of using along with the assumption of a standard normal null distribution. This article suggests a generalized resampling‐based approach for PFA that allows one to employ or another person‐fit statistic (PFS) based on item response theory, the corrected expected a posteriori estimate or another ability estimate, and the MC method or another resampling method. The suggested approach includes the approach of de la Torre and Deng as a special case. Several approaches belonging to the generalized approach perform very similarly to the approach of de la Torre and Deng's in two simulation studies and in applications to three real data sets, irrespective of the PFS used. The generalized approach promises to be useful to those interested in resampling‐based PFA.  相似文献   

通过构建一个同质产品的古诺市场竞争模型,在贸易自由化背景下,比较了外国企业技术授权和兼并方式对于本国社会福利的影响。分析表明,在不同贸易自由化水平下,外国企业偏好的技术授权方式会发生变化;虽然外国企业更偏好兼并本国企业,但是兼并可能会降低本国的社会福利。当贸易自由化程度较高时,外国企业才会采取双重收费的技术授权,此时引致本国社会福利处在较高水平。与兼并相比,固定收费或特许权收费方式的技术授权所引致的本国社会福利变动幅度,则需具体情况具体分析。与特许权收费的技术授权相比,兼并引致的社会福利几乎总是较高的。  相似文献   

Using a bidimensional two-parameter logistic model, the authors generated data for two groups on a 40-item test. The item parameters were the same for the two groups, but the correlation between the two traits varied between groups. The difference in the trait correlation was directly related to the number of items judged not to be invariant using traditional unidimensional IRT-based unsigned item invariance indexes; the higher trait correlation leads to higher discrimination parameter estimates when a unidimensional IRT model is fit to the multidimensional data. In the most extreme case, when rθ1 θ2= Ofor one group and r θ1 θ2= 1.0 for the other group, 33 out of 40 items were identified as not invariant. When using signed indexes, the effect was much smaller. The authors, therefore, suggest a cautious use of IRT-based item invariance indexes when data are potentially multidimensional and groups may vary in the strength of the correlations among traits.  相似文献   

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