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This article investigates the prevailing social inertia of vocational training. Previous research indicates that gendered social norms contribute to sustaining gender segregation. Few studies, however, have paid attention to how the interplay of emotional and material factors impact on gender norms in vocational training. The article builds on an ethnographic study in a Swedish upper-secondary educational programme traditionally dominated by masculinity norms, namely the Building and Construction programme. Employing Sara Ahmed's notion of happy objects, the article centres on vocational students' expressed joy in the practical work and shows how joy contributes to sustaining and challenging dominant masculinity patterns. Though students enjoyed practical work, the study indicates that a particular version of happiness was normalised which ruled out non-heterosexual and female students. The article suggests that further studies of social inertia in vocational training need to account for the interconnectedness of the emotional, material, and corporeal dimensions of gender.  相似文献   

发达国家职业教育的体系比较完整,人才培养方案的特点比较突出,积累了值得学习和借鉴的成功经验。通过对德国和奥地利两国几所职业技术学校的考察,结合对国务院关于职业教育决定的学习,阐述了高职教育在办学定位、学生实践能力和职业技能培养、弹性学制和学分制、职业技术培训、师资队伍建设、产学研结合与校企合作等方面的启示。  相似文献   

经济结构调整与产业升级、各种政策和改革方案的出台以及个人发展需求变化,为上海市职业培训提供了广阔的发展空间。当前,上海市基本形成了全方位、多层次的立体职业培训网络体系,并呈现出培训对象年轻化,培训层次高移,培训项目不断推新,培训市场逐步规范.培训信息更加快捷,培训机构品牌化,培训服务个性化等发展趋势。  相似文献   

终身职业技能培训作为现代社会福利,公共性是其重要属性,具体表现为福利保障普惠化、供给主体多元化、治理方式社会化。福利保障普惠化即终身职业技能培训面向全体、服务终身、惠及社会, 供给主体多元化即政府、企业、劳动者、志愿组织共同承担终身职业技能培训责任, 治理方式社会化即依法规范与契约约束相结合,推动终身职业技能培训协同治理。  相似文献   

关于加强高职学生实践能力培养的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在高职人才培养中对学生实践能力的培养是完成人才培养目标的至关重要的内容,也是在人才培养方案修订中需要重点考虑的因素之一。结合沈阳工业大学高等职业技术学院办学实际情况和相关专业的社会需求情况,对高职人才培养方案的修订进行了认真思考,并针对加强学生实践能力的培养提出了一些修订意见。  相似文献   

通过分析广西高职音乐专业的发展现状,提出高职音乐专业教学应遵循实用化、职业化、市场化的原则,尊重学生个性发展特点、注重因材施教,建立"订单式"、"个性化"的培养方案,建设高职特色课堂教学模式,发展"强势品牌专业"等新的构想,以此促进广西高职音乐专业的发展。  相似文献   

Antje Barabasch 《Compare》2013,43(2):155-183
Germany's vocational education and training (VET) and corresponding teacher-education programmes are known worldwide for their integrated framework. Government legislation unifies companies, unions and vocational schools, and specifies the education and training required for students as well as vocational teachers. Changing from the Diplom programme model to the Anglophone Bachelor and Masters degree model has raised concerns for VET teacher preparation. It is within this context that we explore Germany's VET teacher-education system and current academic debates. We further investigate challenges in the development of Canada's VET teacher-education programmes and suggest some policy borrowing from the German model.  相似文献   

For many years the possible introduction of the German dual vocational education programme into other countries has been discussed. The transferability of the German vocational education and training system into other countries has been controversially discussed in the work of development assistance and in international comparative vocational education research for a long time, even though the empirical basis is quite narrow. The present study focuses on the vocational and training behaviours of German corporations in their subsidiaries in Japan, China and India. Even though all three nations are important countries for the German corporations the culture, the vocational education and employment systems are very different. Based upon the theory of the EPRG model in international management, this study analyses the vocational education and training activities and in terms of the EPRG model by interviews with experts. The findings indicate that a polycentric approach is used exclusively in India and to a significant extent in China. In Japan, in addition to the prevalent polycentric approach, there is also a strong influence of geocentric training styles. The similarities can be partly explained by the stronger focus on theoretical training institutions and a more academic attitude in society as a whole, which means that purely vocational training plays a marginal role with low esteem. In this context, it would be difficult to implement the German style of vocational education and training.  相似文献   

在我国高等教育进入大众化发展阶段后,走内涵式发展道路成为高等职业教育发展的必然选择,全面提高人才培养质量,建立与之相适应的人才培养质量评价体系成为高职教育教学改革的重要内容。本文从人才培养质量标准的基本内涵出发,分析了高职教育人才培养质量的根本标准,在此基础上,构建了高职人才培养质量评价体系,包括多元评价主体的组成、评价内容和评价指标体系的构建、评价方法的选择。  相似文献   

特色专业的建设,有利于优化专业学科结构,推进教学改革,提升专业核心竞争力,培养出高质量的应用人才,更好地适应经济社会发展的需求。南通职业大学精细化学品生产技术专业在特色专业建设中,通过创新人才培养模式、深化课程体系改革、强化实训基地建设以及师资队伍建设等一系列措施,努力培养高质量的应用性人才,彰显出高职特色。  相似文献   

面对经济全球化和教育国际化的挑战,欧盟各成员国对于职业教育与培训重要性的认识达到了前所未有的高度。自20世纪90年代中期开始,欧盟启动了著名的里奥那多·达芬奇计划(Leonardo da Vinci Programme)(简称达芬奇计划),其目的在于推动成员国范围内的职业教育一体化进程,通过区域合作增强实力,提升欧盟国家职业教育在国际上的整体竞争力。达芬奇计划的实施取得了一些成效,但也存在不少有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The development of a continuing vocational training programme at the Information Satellite Systems Joint-Stock Company (ISS JSC) during the transition from the planned Soviet economy to what is now called the Russian market economy is briefly outlined. How the collapse of a planned economy led to the degradation of engineering higher education (HE) is shown. The present system of engineering HE is criticized as a degraded relic of the Soviet one and an argument is made in favour of continuing vocational training in businesses like the ISS JSC, where the engineers are engaged in innovative activities. The schematic programme of training, retraining and improving the professional skills of the company’s personnel is presented. Some work assignments of the centre for personnel management at the ISS JSC are examined, in particular the preparation of target students along the ‘school–HE–industry’ chain.  相似文献   

This article discusses the community-based vocational rehabilitation (CBVR) of persons with disabilities. In 1991, a pilot project was instituted by the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Development Programme in conjunction with Oyo State Government in Nigeria. The aim was to facilitate the reintegration of persons with disabilities into their communities after a vocational rehabilitation programme. This project has resulted in the successful training of about 155 individuals with disabilities since its inception and a number of the trainees have benefited from a revolving loan scheme. The initial seven areas of vocational training have, over the years, expanded to 24. Recently, the project has been introduced to six other states in Nigeria. Various problem-solving strategies have been employed in the course of the project as the need arose and the community-based vocational rehabilitation programme has proved to be a success in Nigeria so far. In this paper, Eunice Alade, associate professor in the Department of Special Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya, provides an evaluation of an innovative alternative approach to vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities. She discusses some of the problems experienced in Nigeria and offers suggestions about how to sustain the work. Her ideas will be of direct interest to those seeking to promote social inclusion in developing countries and elsewhere around the world.  相似文献   

What is described in this article is a project for the training of para‐professionals for adult education programmes (AE), namely, people who will be able to lead adult education without having previously acquired the necessary professional background. The project is being carried out on an experimental basis by means of an agreement between the Ministry of Education (MEC) of Spain and the Universities of Val‐ladolid and Salamanca. Community development, the basic idea underlying adult education programmes, revolves around four themes: vocational training; education directed at fostering the awareness of students of their rights and responsibilities as citizens; personal growth; and the acquisition of basic literacy. This programme is conducted in three stages: acquisition of basic knowledge via courses on theory; practical classes and workshops; and monitored practical training classes. By means of this experimental course programme, the Spanish university system is opening itself up to the training of educators of adults as a new if still minor area in the field of social education.  相似文献   

In vocational education, students have to develop competences for reflection to self-regulate their development during their career. Students' reflection can be supported by teachers interacting with students and giving them prompts. In this study, 46 videotaped feedback dialogues of 23 teachers and their individual students were analysed. A total of 16 teachers participated in a training programme and 7 teachers formed a control group. The study aimed to investigate teachers' questions and responses and students' reactions, and the effects of the training programme. Analysis showed that, in the post-test, the trained group used a broader repertoire than the control group. The trained group, on average, used more hybrid prompts, deep reasoning questions, and prompt responses, which potentially stimulate students to elaborate and reflect.  相似文献   

培养中基层应用型、技能型人才的高职院校,责无旁贷地应承担起高职创业型人才培养重任,把这一工作纳入学校长期发展战略中去,构建适合高职创业型人才培养的组织机构、文化内涵、选拔与培养及课程体系,最终形成健康完善的高职创业型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

远程职业教育核心是职业教育。远程教育作为手段、方法、策略甚至战略应用于职业教育,为的是更好地促进职业教育发展。远程职业教育以职业需求为导向构建其课程资源与实践教学体系,主要包括:以职业需求为导向的实用性课程资源建设;强化面向远程职业教育的实践性教学资源建设;培养远程职业教育双师型教师队伍;校企合作开展远程职业教育。  相似文献   

高职教育培养的是适应生产、服务第一线的高层次应用性人才。其特点是独特的培养目标、独特的培养方式、专业设置的职业本位性、教学内容的应用性、职业教育的区域性。具有高职业教育特点的质量评价体系分为宏观评价体系和微观评价体系。相应地,评价标准也分为宏观评价标准和微观评价标准。  相似文献   

培养创新性人才对于建设创新型国家具有极为重要的意义。结合高职专业创新性人才培养的背景,对当前高职专业创新性人才缺失的原因进行了分析,并以桂林师范高等专科学校生化制药技术专业为例,对该专业学生创新性培养模式的探索与成效进行了总结,同时对高职专业创新性人才培养模式的完善提出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents an initiative by the Brazilian Metalworkers Union, the Centro Nacional de Metalurgicos, which seeks to integrate vocational training with the construction of a new citizenship that represents a radical departure from the corporatist legacy of 'regulated citizenship'. The programme incorporates a strategic vision of the construction of citizenship of the workers through intervention in the development of public policy, principally in relation to policies concerning the creation of work, wealth and education, and in the unions' role in their negotiation. The Programa Integrar transcends the traditional Latin American adult education paradigms of human resource training and popular education, and it is argued that it is an example of an integrated education and training for civil society.  相似文献   

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