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城市更新研究多以局部地段为案例,以整个“老城区”或“历史城区”为案例的研究较少。以长沙老城区为研究对象,首先,归纳并分析了老城区城市更新面临历史保护、功能疏解、业态升级、设施老化、拆迁安置和政策体制等突出问题。其次,基于老城区现状特点,提出了老城区城市更新的总体目标与专项目标,梳理了适应老城区城市更新不同类型的技术模式为微改造、综合整治、环境提质、拆除重建四类,运作模式为政府主导、开发商主导和多元主体合作三类。最后,基于多种因素考虑,因地制宜地将老城区划分为多个城市更新单元,并从整体保护、空间优化、城市活力和公众参与等方面提出了长沙老城区城市更新的规划策略。  相似文献   

建国以来,我国退役士兵安置一直沿用指令性办法,由政府直接派遣岗位,形成了中国特色的安置模式.随着社会变迁,该模式的制度能量已经释放完毕,制度执行已经陷入重重困境.文章认为,走出困境,实现妥善安置目标,必须实现双重转型,即城乡一体化转型和货币安置转型,转型的关键在于公共财政制度对退役士兵安置改革的建构与运用.  相似文献   

通过对成都市水井坊片区历史建筑的调研,发现对老建筑改造利用与居民安置存在问题,而这些问题通过对单纯建筑的改造是不能完全改变的,这些问题的解决有赖于社会各个方面的关注,例如通过建筑与人的相适关系做出探讨,证明历史街区的保护规划应该是人和建筑并重的模式。  相似文献   

城中村是我国城市化进程中的特殊产物,其拆迁后的更新不仅关系到城市品质的提升,也涉及失地居民的生计问题。以往传统的“大拆大建”模式,往往会忽视城中村居民的生理和心理需求,使其普遍面临空间福利失配、持续生计乏力、互动机会欠缺等不包容困境。因此,如何在城市更新的背景下,实现城中村拆迁后的包容性更新,满足失地居民的可持续生计需求,是一个亟待解决的社会问题。通过梳理国内外失地居民包容性研究及实践进展,分析城中村失地居民的包容性困境与需求,基于可持续生计视角,建构了包容性的城中村拆迁后更新的理论基础和设计框架,并以苏州陆慕老街为实践案例,结合设计框架从“情感-自然、实质-经济、交往-社会”3个维度,提出“功能聚焦、空间营造、交通建构、绿色均等、设施共享”的技术路线,旨在为构建包容性的城中村拆迁后更新模式提供理论依据和策略建议。  相似文献   

构建生态宜居城市评价指标体系,从居民满意度视角对株洲城市生态宜居水平进行调查,运用探索性因子分析、方差分析和相关分析等方法,研究居民满意度的影响因素,测算株洲市及其4个主城区的生态宜居水平.研究结果表明:(1)株洲市生态宜居满意度评价主要由城市参与、人居环境、城市保障和人居经济4个维度因子构成,且影响效应呈递减趋势.(...  相似文献   

孙洁 《中国名城》2023,(3):25-31
城市更新是中国城镇化进入中后期的主要任务,也是推动城市高质量发展的必由之路。有序实施城市更新需要健全的法规体系支撑,但是当前城市更新的立法工作显著滞后于实践。回顾我国城市更新地方立法从空白到全面探索的历史过程,梳理25个大城市相关法规文件的内容,总结当前城市更新地方立法的迭代性、创新性以及不足。最后,从系统化、精细化、法定化、本地化4个方面对未来城市更新地方法规的制定提出展望,以期为地方政府构建完善的城市更新制度体系提供参考。  相似文献   

张泉 《中国名城》2023,(1):10-15
历史文化保护一直以来都是城乡建设领域的重点工作之一,在大力推进城市更新行动的新时代,历史文化保护与传承也被列为城市更新的九大任务之一。“新生于旧”,城市更新话题永远脱离不开对“旧事物”,即对历史文化的关注与研究。通过诠释城市更新的基本定义与动因,从一般规律的角度,尝试在城市更新语境中梳理历史文化与城市更新的基本关系,分析在保护中更新、演进的必要性与主要难点,探索建构一种新时代的历史文化与城市更新的辩证关系,并提出历史文化应在保护中更新、演进,保护与更新都应注重素质更新等观点。  相似文献   

胡友好 《职业圈》2007,(11):132-132
经纬仪的安置是经纬仪操作的基本工作,安置的质量对工作效率和观测精度有较大影响.根据学生的特点,文章结合工程实践中的情况,提出一般方法.  相似文献   

分析城市发展过程中的中心城聚集现象所导致的城市问题和矛盾,以及由此对城市历史文化遗址带来的影响和冲击。指出城市更新是优化城市要素,解决旧城矛盾的有效途径,也为城市历史文化遗址保护工作突破发展提供新机遇。在分析延安城市更新模式的基础上,比较现有保护管理体系,结合延安市革命遗址群保护项目实例,提出具有可操作性的保护范围划分,动态性的保护过程,多元化的管理主体为重点的保护管理新策略。为其他城市在城市发展更新进程中出现的历史文化遗址保护问题提供方法和借鉴。  相似文献   

在历史文化街区保护的前提下,以地下空间开发为研究对象,旨在探讨城市更新背景下历史文化街区地下空间开发的现状、问题和解决方案。首先,分析城市更新影响下历史文化街区保护现状及其地下空间利用存在的问题,并总结历史文化街区地下空间开发的难点。其次,分析城市更新对历史文化街区的影响与作用。接着,探讨历史文化街区保护与地下空间开发的相互关系,分析历史文化街区地下空间开发对历史文化街区保护的影响,以及历史文化街区保护对地下空间开发的影响。最后,在此基础上,从多方合作、规划建设和公众参与3个方面提出城市更新背景下历史文化街区地下空间开发的具体实施策略和建议。对于促进城市更新背景下历史文化街区地下空间开发具有一定的理论意义和实践价值,并可为相关研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

城市形象是城市竞争力的重要组成部分。依托全球媒体有关广州的报道,对广州城市形象的全球媒体影响力开展实证分析,并从强化政府主导、畅通参与渠道;融入国家战略、提升传播层级;推进科技创新、塑造崭新形象;发展数字产业、夯实传播基础;布局未来传播、增强舆论引导等方面构建提出了增强广州城市形象全球传播能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

A discrete choice model of consumption of cultural goods: the case of music   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this article we present an empirical analysis of the ‘patterns of cultural choice’ in the musical domain in Italy. The main goal of the article is to verify whether musical tastes in Italy are diversified, with the presence of a group of ‘cultural omnivores’. Our study is based on the theoretical model of the demand for cultural goods proposed by Lévy-Garboua and Montmarquette (1996). In the empirical analysis we simultaneously evaluate the probability of choosing different musical genres. Through the specification of the set of alternatives into three groupings of musical genres —“only classical music”, “only popular music” and “all music”—we were able to detect the relative impact of several socio-economic characteristics on the probability of having “univorous” or “omnivorous” musical likings. In addition, our approach allows us to verify the existence of different patterns of music consumption by testing the significance of differences among the estimated coefficients of the probability functions related to the three groupings of musical genres. We find that age, gender and education are important predictors of an omnivorous taste.
Carlofilippo FrateschiEmail:


Two studies examined cultural differences in verbal and nonverbal apology strategies. Self-administered structured survey was employed with a convenience sample composed of undergraduates. U.S. American and Chinese participants were asked to answer questions regarding their choice of verbal and nonverbal apology strategies in a potentially apologetic situation. Study 1, using open-ended questions, and Study 2, using close-ended questions, yielded some different findings. For example, both the U.S. American and Chinese participants did not show significant differences in their apology strategies toward in-group and out-group members in Study 1, but the Chinese showed significant differences in their apology strategies toward in-group and out-group members in Study 2. Overall, the most common apology strategy in the given situation for both cultural groups was a simple apologetic statement. Other findings, implications, and limitations of these studies are discussed.  相似文献   

以黄石市为例,通过构建经济转型评价指标体系,运用主成分—因子分析法,评价该市2001—2017年经济转型效果,结果显示:(1)黄石经济转型效果评价因素由经济—就业状况、接替产业状况以及采矿业发展状况三部分构成。(2)2001—2017年黄石市经济转型可分为两个阶段,第一阶段为2001—2010年,是逐渐探索转型之路的低速上升阶段;第二阶段为2011—2017年,是转型规划后的快速上升阶段;黄石市经济转型过程中产业结构调整效果并不明显,接替产业发展缓慢。(3)采矿业虽为经济转型过程中应该逐渐弱化的产业,但在转型期其转型效果并不明显,过度发展在一定程度上阻碍了黄石市整体经济的发展。基于上述结论,对黄石市经济转型提出三点建议:加大对接替产业的扶植,逐渐削弱对资源型产业的过度依赖;重视下岗工人的培训和再就业;经济转型短期内应采取采矿业与接替产业协调发展的模式。  相似文献   

法律体系的构成要素是制定法,人才流动法律体系的形成及演变是由其要素的变动来反映的。对人才流动的法律规范的研究是认识和分析法律体系的基础。我国目前关于人才流动的法律规范位阶较低,系统性、协调性差,规范的刚性不足,人才权益的救济程序设计不合理,尚未形成涵盖人才及人才流动关系整体的相对完整的规范体系。  相似文献   

分析大运河生态文化与美丽中国建设的相互关系,理清古老的大运河文化蕴含的丰富生态文明成果,将大运河生态文化作为推动美丽中国建设的源动力.不仅从上下联动、生态补偿、流域性平衡、可持续发展4个方面提出传承运河生态文化、构建美丽运河建设机制的建议,而且就以运河生态文化引领打造美丽运河三条走廊,提出具体的方法和路径:修复河岸环境...  相似文献   

在郊区化背景下,以上海为例,利用网络开放数据与统计年鉴数据探究工业、居住、商业三类城市功能空间的郊区化轨迹.研究发现,上海经历了工业郊区化引领、城市蔓延的郊区化、多中心发展的成熟郊区化3个阶段.郊区化模式的渐进发展带来了城市功能空间复杂性演化,郊区由单一产业导向的生产空间向工业、居住、商业多要素互动的综合城区转型,进而...  相似文献   

The use of phase change materials (PCMs) in civil buildings as an effective thermal energy storage solution has been well documented in literature and proven in the field. When applied to Cultural Heritage, PCMs’ technology needs to be adapted to specific requirements. Besides the important objectives of economic return and human comfort, the indoor microclimatic conditions have to be suitable for conservation purposes. The application of PCMs’ technology to Cultural Heritage has been investigated within the European MESSIB (Multi-source Energy Storage System Integrated in Buildings) project. Firstly, several methodologies of incorporation of PCMs in different materials were studied and tested. The thermal properties of gypsum panels and silicon coatings incorporating micro-encapsulated PCMs in the form of powder and emulsion were analysed in the laboratory. Then, PCMs incorporated in gypsum panels in contact with a wooden panel were tested and their effect on the thermal behaviour of the wooden panel was evaluated under thermal cycles in a climatic chamber. PCMs incorporated in silicon coatings in contact with a painting were also tested. Moreover, gypsum panels containing PCMs were tested in the S. Croce Museum in Florence, Italy, where the microclimatic monitoring has shown thermal conditions potentially dangerous for the works of art preserved. The research performed both in the laboratory and on the field confirmed the effectiveness of the PCMs as thermal storage solutions, but also gave evidence on an important drawback when the material incorporating PCMs is in direct contact with an object of art.  相似文献   

Five optical analyses of a given work of art are presented, using multispectral imaging, optical coherence tomography, goniophometry, UV-fluorescence emission spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. All these methods are non-destructive, contactless, and implementable in situ. They all lead to results in quasi-real time. The multispectral camera allows imaging of the whole painting with very high definition and recording of 240 millions of spectra. Optical coherence tomography allows local 2D and 3D imaging with in-face and in depth stratigraphies inside the painting with a micrometric accuracy. It allows the evaluation of the pigment volume concentration inside a layer, the measurement of the thickness of one or two varnish layers, the detection and measurements of gaps inside the paint layer, the depth of varnish micro-cracks. Goniophotometry allows the measurement of the upper surface state of the painting in different locations, by quantifying the mean slope of the facets making up the surface. UV-fluorescence emission spectroscopy allows the identification of the resin, the binder and the ageing state of varnishes by use of databases of reference varnishes. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy leads to pigment, pigment mixture and dye identifications again by use of databases. The three last methods are implemented with the same portable multi-function instrument. It allows time saving, locations on request in front of the artwork and easy use by non-scientists. Each instrument is described with its protocol and accuracy. The studied painting is a portrait of a lady painted by the Austrian artist Franz Strotszberg, chosen for its several restorations. The five kinds of results are successively detailed, analysed and compared between themselves. It is shown that the different results are complementary and their crosschecking brings thorough information. For example, the shape of the network of varnish micro-cracks detected on the surface with the multispectral camera is added to the measurement of their depth with optical coherence tomography. Another example allows connecting two different surface states of the upper varnished surface measured by goniophotometry with the identification of these varnish with UV-fluorescence and with their thicknesses measured with optical coherence tomography.  相似文献   

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