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现代教育越来越重视对教师专业素质的培养,提升教师专业的核心素质是促进教师专业发展的重要途径。通过十余年的中小学教师专业成长的行动研究,我们提出了教师专业的核心素质观,认为关注学生发展的倾向和具备系统教育教学思维能力是教师专业的核心素质。并以此为依据开展“学与教”理论引领的校本教学研修,有效促进了教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

21世纪的全球化竞争是经济竞争,更是教育竞争,而教师素质是教育竞争的关键。近年来,如何提高教师素质,促进教师专业发展受到了国内外专家、学者的广泛关注。由影响个体发展的内外动因可见,教师个体的自主发展是教师专业发展的理想范式,而反思、教育叙事研究和合作教学是有效促进教师专业发展的有效实践途径。  相似文献   

滕书筠 《广西教育》2009,(18):65-66
新世纪高职教育事业的快速发展,要求教师必须加强自身学习,提高自身素质,加强专业教学及实践能力。本文通过对高职院校教师队伍专业教学及实践能力培养模式的分析,结合高职院校开展的专业教师培养工作,提出如何有效培养教师专业教学与实践能力、提升教师队伍的整体素质、促进高等职业教育的改革与发展的相关措施。  相似文献   

教育事业成败的关键是教师队伍素质的高低,提高教师整体素质最快捷、最有效的方式就是校本培训,通过校本培训提高教师的专业素质,可使教师的教育教学能力得到极大提高,进而提高课堂教学效率和教学质量。  相似文献   

陈燕 《学周刊C版》2019,(15):107-107
研究教学典型案例,不仅对教育教学具有重要作用,而且对教师的专业成长具重要意义。教师有意识的研究教学典型案例,是促使其专业成长的有效手段和方法。通过研究教学典型案例,有助于教师立足课堂、提升综合素质、提高科研能力,从而促使教师的专业成长。  相似文献   

笔者多年来从事中小学音乐教师培训,深感教师的素养与专业技能关乎教学成败。通过对中小学音乐教师继续教育内容的思考,笔者认为应从音乐教师的音乐专业技能、教育专业素质、人格素养入手,分析当前培训课程内容中存在的问题,力图探索适合基层中小学音乐教师专业发展的培训新模式。一、培训音乐教师的教育专业素质教师的教育专业素质是多方面的,主要包括教育学、心理学及教师的教学  相似文献   

教学研究活动是以校为本的实践性教育教学研究活动,通常是以本校学科教研组为单位,有时辐射区域学科教研组,研究教师教育教学过程中面对的各种具体问题。有效开展教学研究活动,能够增强教师的课程实践能力,切实提高教师专业素质,促进教师专业成长。从教育教学实际出发,研究学校如何有效开展教学研究活动,可以因地制宜,实施一系列措施,促进教学效率的提升。  相似文献   

季萍 《考试周刊》2012,(7):22-23
专业成长与教育素质的提高有着必然的联系。专业成长是指教师在教育教学领域中加强学习,不断提高自身素质和能力的过程。教师素质从理论上讲,就是教师在教育教学活动中表现出来的,决定其教育教学效果,对学生身心发展有着直接而且显著影响的心理品质的总和。从结构上讲,教师素质至少包括以下成分:教育观念、职业理想、知识水平、教学监控能力,教学行为与策略及专业成长能力。  相似文献   

丘名实  邝雄 《教师》2008,(12):21-22
现代物理教育教学对物理教师的专业素质应有新的要求。文章从优秀教师的基本素质结构出发,结合现代物理教育教学的新要求,从物理教师的专业知识、专业技能、专业情意等方面论述了现代物理教师的专业素质。  相似文献   

新课程改革下物理教师专业素质结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育课程改革对物理教育提出了新的要求,对物理教师的专业素质提出了更高的要求。物理教师的专业素质包括职业道德素质和心理素养、教育理论素质和扎实的教育教学能力、科学素养和教育科研素质。  相似文献   

教师教学效能感及其相关因素研究   总被引:79,自引:0,他引:79  
教师心理研究的一个重要目的在于提高教师素质,而教师教学效能感等因素是影响教师素质的重要方面。教师教学效能感是教师在教学活动中对其能有效地完成教学工作、实现教学目标的一种能力的知觉与信念,并与教学监控能力、教学策略和教学行为等因素相关。教师教学效能感及其相关因素的研究为正在实施的“跨世纪园丁工程”提供了一个新视野  相似文献   

目前国内对"教师职业专业化"的认识还处于初始阶段,对"教师职业专业化"概念的还模糊不清,给当前教师教育理论研究与实践都带来较大的影响和困难."教师职业专业化"要求选择教师职业的人具备教师素质,包括以教师职业道德为基础的教育理念、教学经验、教学方法等个人的教育教学能力.明确认识"教师职业专业化"的内涵,以利教师教育事业健康发展.  相似文献   

目前国内对“教师职业专业化”的认识还处于初始阶段,对“教师职业专业化”概念的还模糊不清,给当前教师教育理论研究与实践都带来较大的影响和困难。“教师职业专业化”要求选择教师职业的人具备教师素质,包括以教师职业道德为基础的教育理念、教学经验、教学方法等个人的教育教学能力。明确认识“教师职业专业化”的内涵,以利教师教育事业健康发展。  相似文献   

This research examines two images of teachers as seen by students of education: the ideal teacher and their own self‐image as teachers. The research compares the students’ perceptions of these two images using two sub‐groups of students of education: students at an academic teachers’ college who will be referred to as student teachers and beginning teachers, who, while teaching, are completing their academic degrees at teachers’ colleges or regional academic colleges. Data were collected from 89 students at the two colleges by means of a questionnaire that included open‐ended questions which were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of the research indicate that there are two major categories that comprise perceptions of the ideal teacher: first, personal qualities; and second, knowledge of the subject taught as well as didactic knowledge. Both groups of students similarly attributed great importance to the personal qualities of the ideal teacher, but there is a difference in their perception of the importance of knowledge: the beginning teachers attributed great importance to knowledge and perceived it as a quality similar in importance to personal characteristics, while the student teachers, who had not begun their teaching careers, attributed less importance to knowledge as a characteristic of the ideal teacher. A quality which was less prominent when profiling the ideal teacher is general education and wide perspectives. The teacher as a socializing agent, a person who promotes social goals, was not mentioned at all. Students maintained that, during their studies, they had improved their qualities as ‘empathetic and attentive’ teachers, ‘knowledgeable in teaching methods’, and in ‘leadership’. But they had hardly improved their knowledge of the subject they taught or their level of general knowledge. The discussion of knowledge and the desirable personal qualities of a teacher is relevant to the current debate regarding the relative merits of disciplinary education in contrast to pedagogical education in preparation for teaching as a profession. The clear preference for disciplinary education by policy makers in Israel and elsewhere in the field of teacher education is contradictory to the emphasis placed on the personal development of future teachers and their pedagogical education by the students of education who participated in this research.  相似文献   

大学教师专业化发展是教育理论工作者和教师所共同关注的问题。教师专业化发展既是职业特点的内在要求,又是高等教育发展向教师提出的挑战。大学英语教师必须重视教师专业化发展,必须通过有效的途径不断提高自身的素质。大学英语教师要有专业化发展的观念和意识,要积极参加在职学习与培训,要以开放的态度与其他教师相互交流和对话,要重视反思在教师专业发展中的作用,要积极开展教学研究。  相似文献   

老一代外语教师的学习经历和教学经历是我国外语教育传统的宝贵财富。老一代优秀外语教师的素质包括高尚的道德情操、坚实的英语基础和广博的知识、强烈的自我发展意识、高超的教学艺术、完美的教师人格。这些素质对当代外语教师的培养和发展具有启迪作用和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国现代教育的目标是实现人的现代化,这意味着教育要注重激发人的创造性,全面提高人的素质,现代化的人所具备的一切素质都源于其主体性的发挥,教师作为现代教育的承担者应立足于培养学生的创造性思维能力,从各个角度发挥学生的主体性,进而使之贯穿于教学改革的各个环节之中。  相似文献   

教师心理研究的一个重要目的在于提高教师素质,而全面提高教师素质是推进和实现素质教育的基本保证,教师教学效能感和教学监控能力是教师教学素质的核心成分,是促进教师专业化发展的重要方面,因而有必要探讨二者的内涵、结构、作用及相互关系和培养提高的方法与途径。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to increase our understanding of the concept ‘coherency in teaching’ as part of the search for a good teacher. The research was conducted in two stages. The first stage comprised class observations and interviews with a good teacher and with five of her students. The second stage comprised interviews with expert trainers of pre‐service teachers. The paper exposes the concept of coherency in teaching gradually starting with a theoretical review, continues with a practical example, and ends with an analysis of the significance of coherency in teaching. The concept of coherency in teaching shows it is not sufficient to examine the qualities that make a teacher effective and good at teaching as separate components, but the way these components are linked to each other is also important and has the function of outlining teachers’ constant search for adjustments while retaining their ability to teach.  相似文献   

Teacher quality has been a perennial issue in the field of education. In addition to academic ability, psychological and motivational characteristics are regarded as increasingly important dimensions of teacher quality. This study has established a multidimensional framework of teacher quality including social competency, adaptive ability and career commitment and used it to examine the qualities of pre‐service college students in teacher education programs based on a national survey in Taiwan. It is found that in this country where ‘those who are academically able, teach’ has been a tradition, pre‐service students further possess better adaptive and motivational qualities than their non‐teaching counterparts. The underlying policy and socio‐cultural contexts of such a positive phenomenon of ‘those who are adaptive and motivated, teach’ are further explained and implications for teacher educators and policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

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