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Starting with the writer’s own experience as a reader, this article discusses poetry by Eric Roach, Derek Walcott, Linton Kwesi Johnson, John Agard, Edward Baugh, Michael Smith and Velma Pollard. It explores the sense of place felt by writer and reader, going on to analyse the poets’ use of Nation Language, poetic metre and intertextuality in order to create distinctive and authoritative poetic voices. The relationship with the oral tradition and performance is also considered, as is the effect these voices have on a non-Caribbean reader encountering the poems for the first time. The article goes on to present the responses of a class of Year 8 students (12–13-year-olds) who were also reading the poems for the first time, evaluating the extent to which they had moved beyond a tourist’s engagement with the poetry through their study of language, context and performance. Lastly, the article argues for an approach to poetry teaching that recognises the fundamental importance of performance and voice in appreciating Caribbean poetry and considers whether this is possible within the new National Curriculum.  相似文献   

儿童诗歌绘本加入图画语言抒情表意,丰富了表现手法的同时,也必须关注诗歌的文体特征。在当代优秀的中外合作诗歌绘本中,图画以其直观形象性、独特的修辞表达与文字文本互动,对诗歌中的诗意、诗情进行回应、改变、丰富,拓展了儿童诗歌的表意空间。同时,也因为跨文化合作的关系,在利用图画的结构布局对诗歌音韵美进行回应方面略有缺失。  相似文献   

This study investigated how two readers of Mandarin with differing reading‐proficiency skills interacted with a narrative passage, as well as what knowledge they brought to and made use of while reading the text. The perspectives of reading comprehension, transactional theory and social‐cognitive models of reading served as this study's theoretical framework. Two Sixth‐Grade participants were selected for inclusion through snowball sampling. The data in this study were obtained from interviews and think‐alouds. Qualitative analysis indicated that the skilled Mandarin reader's stance moved along the efferent/aesthetic continuum, while the less‐skilled Mandarin reader's was mainly efferent. The skilled reader employed strategies of inferencing, summarisation and synthesis during and after reading, while the less‐skilled reader applied bridging inferences, paraphrasing and repetition. The findings of this study corroborate previous findings that proficient readers employ more sophisticated approaches to reading than less‐proficient readers.  相似文献   

In this article, we want to present and analyse the picture book The World has no Corners (2006/1999) by the Norwegian author and illustrator Svein Nyhus. The book represents a new trend in Norwegian picture books for children by inviting the readers into a world of thinking and wondering about existential topics such as life and death, growing up and getting old, God, children’s relationship to nature, etc. The picture book does not give clear answers to the questions that are raised, but has a potential for exploratory dialogues between child and adult readers. In our analyses of verbal text and images—and the relation between these—we build on social semiotic theory by Halliday, Kress and van Leeuwen, reception theory by Eco and Iser, and aesthetic theory represented by Dewey and Rorty. Through analyses of some selected spreads, we want to show both the framework keeping the readers inside the text, and the indeterminacies inviting the readers to wonder and speculate about the questions raised. We also want to draw attention towards a special way of co-reading of the spreads. Compared with the process of reading picture books where the adults often confirm or correct the child readers’ way of putting their interpretation into spoken language, the co-reading between children and adults in this picture book seems to be rather existential and poetic as well as democratic. We will shed light upon this reading process, as we consider it as a way of the readers fortifying themselves into the world.  相似文献   

This study investigated Korean and U.S. preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives, their classroom book environments, and their teachers’ attitudes about reading aloud. The participants were 70 Korean and American 3- and 4-year-olds enrolled in 2 university lab preschools and their 4 teachers. The structures and content of the preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives were analyzed. The teachers’ attitudes and practices about their language and literacy curriculum, including books provided in the classroom and selected for reading aloud, were examined for associations with preschoolers’ narrative productions. Research Findings: The content of preschoolers’ personal narratives and the structural levels of their fictional narratives differed between the 2 Korean and 2 U.S. classrooms. The classroom book environments in the Korean and U.S. classrooms also differed, with more fictional books displayed in the 2 U.S. classrooms than in the 2 Korean classrooms. The 2 Korean and 2 U.S. preschool teachers also held different attitudes about the use of fiction and nonfiction for read-aloud story sessions, and U.S. teachers allocated more time in their school day for reading aloud than did Korean teachers. Practice or Policy: U.S. preschoolers may profit from a greater balance between fiction and nonfiction books in the classroom. Korean children might benefit from more exposure to fiction and fantasy along with more practice in creating fictional narratives.  相似文献   

Reacting to incoherent English teaching in the 1930s, Percival Gurrey probed the psychological processes involved in literary appreciation. He sought ways of teaching poetry that avoided lifeless tasks such as labelling ‘poetic devices’. Later, in the 1950s, he wrote about the processes involved in learning to write. At a time when psychology dominated educational discourse, he was in touch with new developments in both literary criticism and linguistics, and he evolved a bridging theory of language, learning and development that spanned philosophy, psychology and literary theory. I connect Gurrey’s sense of wholeness of response to his reading in Coleridge. By returning to debates surrounding Coleridge I show how a new appreciation of what language accomplishes emerged. Gurrey discovered that writing has a central place in children’s development as a whole. From such hard-won discoveries a unified theory of development in talking, reading and writing duly emerged.  相似文献   

Many primary grade students are not afforded nonfiction-rich opportunities, with fiction comprising the majority of books read aloud in classrooms. With the Common Core Standards recommending that half of the texts made available to students be nonfiction, educators are increasing their use of informational text. The present study explored the impact of explicitly teaching reading comprehension and vocabulary strategies with nonfiction text compared to fiction text in primary-grade classrooms. Two first-grade (n = 39; 25 male, 14 female) and one second-grade class (n = 20; 13 male, 7 female) participated in the quantitative study that followed a repeated measures design in which the students alternated every 2 weeks between fiction-based instruction and nonfiction-based instruction for a total of 8 weeks. Vocabulary and use of comprehension strategies were assessed at the end of each 2-week period. Overall findings indicated that students were better able to apply the comprehension strategies and define vocabulary following nonfiction-based instruction; they also were more motivated to read informational text. The authors recommend that teachers use more nonfiction texts in the primary grades to support students’ reading comprehension and vocabulary development.  相似文献   

沈从文是以小说、散文名世的,诗论是他作为编辑、读者的副业,却体现了独特的历史价值与学术价值。沈从文的诗论注重对文本的解读,注重对人的关怀,注重诗人的人格修养;可以概括为本体论、创作论、诗史诗人论三个主要方面,每个方面都体现了他对诗歌艺术的独到思考和独特的诗学品格。  相似文献   

晚唐大家李贺的诗歌或大量运用小说材料,或吟咏演绎小说故事,或藏传奇故事于诗中,表现出用事隐僻、构思奇特、神怪诡异的特点,这与他喜欢涉猎奇书、爱取传说故事入诗有密切关系.李贺的诗歌创作加深了诗歌与小说间的文体交融,在诗史的演进过程中有重要的促进作用.  相似文献   

This article explores ways in which children's picture books form networks of relationships, and their implications for readers and classroom teachers. In this exploration, reading is seen to involve making connections within and beyond the text at hand. These connections, evoked differently across readers, shape readers' interpretations of text. Many possible meanings may arise from just one text, reinforcing the idea that no single correct meaning resides in a text. This article demonstrates tools for exploring textual connections with readers, and the value of such explorations for opening‐up reader interpretations of a text.  相似文献   

雅克·普雷维尔是法国20世纪著名诗人,同时也是一个小有名气的剧作家。他的诗歌没有复杂繁复的行文结构,没有艰深晦涩的词汇句子,却是语言简洁,通俗易懂,读起来朗朗上口。其清新自然的风格就犹如一股清风吹入艰深晦涩之风盛行的法国诗坛,为走向衰落的法国诗歌带来了生气,也因此雅克.普雷维尔的诗歌被称为诗歌死亡时代的奇迹。  相似文献   

马利坦的“诗性经验”是精神前意识中的一种非概念化认识状态 ,由诗性直觉的直接效力传达到作品中便是作品的诗性意义。他从诗性直觉与诗性经验的两阶段推导出灵感内在于精神的实质 ,从诗性意义出发认识诗的朦胧性 ,从作者、作品、读者三方面入思探讨诗性意义 ,这些都颇具启发性  相似文献   

Picture books, as both sophisticated aesthetic objects and literary texts, provide the ideal site for critically examining how values and ideology are transmitted to children. How the child reader might be affected by the process of reading a picture book—that is, how he or she might be moved emotionally and potentially gain new insights about the world—is of interest to scholars and educators alike. This article draws upon cognitive literary theory as a conceptual frame through which to explore the cognitive and emotional affect that reading may have upon children. “Reader response” and “cultural criticism” are approaches to literature that seek to understand how readers interact with texts. Cognitive theory, when applied to literature, builds on these discourses by focusing on why reading fiction might cause the brain to produce emotional and cognitive responses in readers. As metaphors are a feature of language and of thought, a study of the metaphorical in picture books aptly lends itself to the theoretical framework offered by cognitive literary theory. Drawing on examples from four picture books produced for children, broadly correlating to different developmental stages, this article examines the role of metaphor in encouraging skills in decoding and creative thinking. Talking to children about visual metaphor or metaphorical expression introduces them to a feature of language and thought that provides a conceptual frame for richer understanding and expression of ideas. Examining how the metaphorical operates in picture books thus takes us a step closer to understanding how the process of reading affects children and enriches their lives.  相似文献   

图画书不是插图书,不是认字书,也不是语言教科书。图画书运用"图"和"文"两种媒介,为幼儿创造了独特的阅读世界。从生命教育的角度看,阅读图画书就是幼儿与图画书、与同伴、与老师展开对话,共同建构多元化意义,从而引领幼儿享受图画书所创造的感性世界、故事世界、幻想世界的乐趣的过程。让图画书走进幼儿的日常生活,需要以合作共享为轴心建立生态阅读圈,以经验整合为轴心建立阅读系统。如此,逐步使阅读成为幼儿的生活方式,图画书才能真正以润物细无声的方式惠泽幼儿的生命。  相似文献   

图画书已经成为儿童文学中不可或缺的重要且基础的一类,是儿童早期阅读中非常重要的资源。师范生在大量阅读图画书的前提下,应该逐步进入图画书的创编。在进行图画书创编时可以从续编或仿编开始,逐渐进入创造性创编。从传统故事、成长经验、阅读体验中提取故事因子,注意文字的简洁、童趣和节奏感,用图画的造型、色彩、布局和图画的细节展现故事,重视讲述故事时的图文结合点,做到真正意义上的创造性创编。  相似文献   

Narrative for a dual audience of children and adults is a field of expanding interest among children’s literature scholars. A great deal of the extant research is implicitly or explicitly informed by longstanding anxieties about the status of children’s fiction, a context that shifts the parameters of the analysis to questions of literary sophistication. Whilst some attention is paid to the reader-subject position of the child reader, rather less is given to the positioning of the adult reader in relation to the pedagogical agendas of such texts. This article examines picture books featuring parents reading to preschool children. In the context of family literacy, it is an instance in which the pedagogical address to the adult reader is as significant as the address to the child. Drawing on distinctions between double and dual address, the article examines the ways in which representations of parents reading to children position adult and child reading-subjects to understand reading as work and leisure, respectively. We conclude with some observations about how the dual address might in fact subvert the literacy agendas in these texts.  相似文献   

Despite increased attention toward children’s nonfiction and informational texts in recent decades, there is still little research that investigates the ways in which various cultural identities are depicted in nonfiction children’s books. Focusing specifically on the 143 winners and honor recipients of the Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction Literature for Children (1990–2017), this article reports the findings of a critical content analysis of depictions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) identified people in award-winning nonfiction youth literature. The authors look across this set of texts as a literary construction of the world, making explicit where and how LGBTQ people are visible in these award-winning books for young readers. By analyzing specific depictions of queer-identified people, the authors argue the creators of these books rely upon heteronormative constructions, queer erasure, and compulsory heterosexuality to minimize (and even eliminate) queerness.  相似文献   

张雪 《成才之路》2020,(2):106-107
绘本教学对开发幼儿智力、培养幼儿逻辑思维、提高幼儿阅读兴趣、发展幼儿语言能力具有至关重要的作用。探究有效的绘本教学组织策略,能激发幼儿兴趣,调动幼儿学习的积极性,提高绘本教学效率和教学质量,提升幼儿阅读能力。文章从怎样选择绘本、怎样开展绘本教学、怎样进行绘本阅读等方面进行探究。  相似文献   

对冰心诗歌创作的研究本无新意,但从译介学的角度对之加以论证的却不多见。本文在论述泰戈尔对冰心诗歌创作的影响实质上是郑译泰诗的影响的基础上,主要论述了阅读郑译本《飞鸟集》对冰心诗歌形式内容和语言意象的影响,并探讨了阅读译诗建立起来的翻译文学概念对冰心后来翻译思想和翻译实践的影响。  相似文献   

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