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三各种类型的球类项目的技、战术特点1 乒乓球、羽毛球、网球比赛的技、战术特点由于乒乓球、羽毛球,网球比赛的基本形式是“对攻”,因此在比赛中每击一次球,都应该以给对方制造困难或使对方难以回击为原则。我国的乒乓球队和羽毛球队已经有了一套比较成熟的经验,这些经验可以归纳为:落点准、速度快、球旋转、体力好、随机应变。落点准:主要是在任何情况下,能够随意将球击到“七点”中的任何一点(网前两角、底线两角、两腰和追身)。速度快:一是速度,二是运动员的移动速度,三是运动员的反应速度。球速决定于击球的力量和方法,移动速度决定于步长和步频,反应决定于运动员对情况的正确判断和神经反应。  相似文献   

网球运动员应重视专项速度素质训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网球运动员应重视专项速度素质训练网球运动员除须全面发展速度、力量、灵敏和耐力素质外,还应着重发展网球专项身体素质,网球比赛中,要求判断快、反应快、起动快、移动快、动作快。因此要求网球运动员必须具有良好的专项速度素质,这是获胜的基础和关键。网球运动所需的专项速度。是指运动员完成单个动作的速度,即为打好一个来球脚步的移动速度和击球速度。其特点:一是身体的移动和击球不是周期性的动作,在比赛中运动动作的先后顺序没有固定的规律;二是一个动作完成后到下一个动作开始前有一定的间歇时间。故在网球运动中参与运动的…  相似文献   

1网球的特点1.1网球项目的运动特征网球项目运动的基础动作结构属于多元动作结构类变异组合,网球运动员应该通过比赛中对手的实际竞技情况,并根据自己学到的基础动作结构,选择有效的战术配合来控制比赛节奏,并且及时准确地根据球的方向和落点进行跑动,通过人与球的空间位置感、平衡感、球感,促使运动员选择合适的握拍方式和击球方式.  相似文献   

网球底线脚步移动初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、前言网球是通过各种击球技术的运用,使对方失分的一种场地项目。运动员在其训练或比赛中,都应在最佳位置上得心应手地把球击到对方的场地上去。然而双方在对持中的相互调动和制约,意在迫使对方处于被动局面,所以回球落点几乎没有一个前、后相同的来球。这就要求运动员必须每球必动,以保证自己能处在最佳的击球位置。正因为如此,说脚步动作是网球运动的“灵魂和生命”是恰如其分的。也就是说,尽管你有再好的手法,如果没有好的步法,脚步动作不能及时到位,挥拍击球瞬间人与球的位置关系不合理,会造成不能有效地回击来球,不能发…  相似文献   

借助高速摄像机,运用编成数据软件,对网球比赛录像相关数据进行记录、梳理,旨在研制一个网球三维运动参数采集及技战术实时自动分析系统.该系统具有扫描网球比赛中网球及运动员人体的三维运动轨迹及三维投影图,数字化同步重放、任意运动点及运动时段(或时刻)运动员动作图像,网球各项技战术统计、归整、分析,快速灵活查询运动员档案等功能,对运动员在网球比赛中技战术运用和策略制定提供直观的、科学的数据参考.  相似文献   

网球运动员的体能训练主要指网球运动员身体运动能力和自身素质提升而采取的必要训练措施。随着网球运动事业的不断发展,网球技术流派的打法击类型层出不穷。尤其是以底线进攻为主流的进攻方法成为运动员最为推崇的类型。基于此,网球运动员在比赛中所产生的体能消耗更为巨大,赢得比赛的关键就在于运动员是否具备良好身体素质和充沛体能。网球运动员体能训练遵循比赛导向、系统性复合、适量区别、适度恢复的基本原则。在网球运动中,要强化体能训练的速度训练中反应速度、位移速度、动作速度等几个方面的训练,提升网球运动员的整体技战术水平。  相似文献   

李静 《精武》2011,(A1):15-18
在当今网球比赛中,对抗的日益激烈、攻防转换速度提高以及比赛时间持续的增加,使得网球运动员在比赛中必须具备更充沛的体能。一年中网球运动员需要参加频繁的大型比赛,一方面运动员需有较稳定可靠打法,以取得更好的成绩,另一方面,运动员需要必须在整个赛季中保持充沛的体能。本文从网球运动项目的特征及其体能特点展开论述,旨在说明体能是网球运动的基础,是提高技战术水平的关键因素。教练员应从网球项目的特点来安排相应的专项体能训练。  相似文献   

网球是一项移动特点突出的体育运动,也是一项要连续不断地应对各种变化的运动。每一次击球都具有不同的速度、旋转和落点。因此,网球运动员在场上步法移动的好坏,成了决定他们是否能击好球或取胜的关键。  相似文献   

丁世伟 《精武》2013,(19):142-143
网球是由两名运动员形成单打或由4名运动员组成双打的用球拍往返击球的一项体育运动,也是体育项目中重要的球类项目之一,充分了解井熟练运用网球竞赛规则,不仅有助于提高运动贞对网球技能的掌握,更有助于运动员在竞赛中赢得比赛。  相似文献   

判断来球是击球动作的首要环节,正确地判断来球是决定步法移动和采用某种技术击球的前提,判断错误,步法、手法再好也将失去作用。乒乓球比赛的特点是,球台面积小,球速快,旋转、落点变化多。要准确地判断每板来球,其难度确实是很大的。然而,任何一项运动均有其内在的规律性,通过刻苦、科学的训练,不断总结经验,其规律是可以被人们逐渐认识和掌握的。随着乒乓球运动技术水平的迅速提高,比赛更为紧张、激烈、复杂,对运动员各方面的运动素质,提出了更高的要求。判断来球的能力,是乒乓球运动员必不可少的重要运动素质之一,在高水平的比赛中,其作用更为突出。  相似文献   


In ball games, players have to pay close attention to visual information in order to predict the movements of both the opponents and the ball. Previous studies have indicated that players primarily utilise cues concerning the ball and opponents' body motion. The information acquired must be effective for observing players to select the subsequent action. The present study evaluated the effects of changes in the video replay speed on the spatial visual search strategy and ability to predict free throw success. We compared eye movements made while observing a basketball free throw by novices and experienced basketball players. Correct response rates were close to chance (50%) at all video speeds for the novices. The correct response rate of experienced players was significantly above chance (and significantly above that of the novices) at the normal speed, but was not different from chance at both slow and fast speeds. Experienced players gazed more on the lower part of the player's body when viewing a normal speed video than the novices. The players likely detected critical visual information to predict shot success by properly moving their gaze according to the shooter's movements. This pattern did not change when the video speed was decreased, but changed when it was increased. These findings suggest that temporal information is important for predicting action outcomes and that such outcomes are sensitive to video speed.  相似文献   

运用数理统计法、实验对照法,对山东女排和山东农业大学女排部分队员高姿势防守移动效果及起动速度、击球时间进行研究.结果显示,高姿势防守起动速度慢而移动速度快,便于脚踢球,而对于落点靠前的球防守效果差,从而提出高姿势前进式防守理念.  相似文献   

黄卓 《安徽体育科技》2012,(3):27-29,33
通过录像观察法、数理统计法等对2011所进行的6项国际羽毛球赛事中中国男双运动员(蔡斌贝/傅海峰)和韩国男双运动员(郑在成/李龙大)的技术特点进行对比研究,研究显示:对手已经针对傅海峰的重杀布置了技战术准备,减少了挑球等技术的使用,减弱了付海峰的进攻威胁;网前球双方场均得分相差距不大,值得注意的是在网前搓放球技术的运用中,网前球质量,网前球线路和落点的变化,以及预判对方球路的能力上都不如对手;郑在成/李龙大防守反击的意识强,平抽快挡球的速度快、落点刁、球路变化多。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the pre- and post-impact three-dimensional kinematics of the ball and racquet during first and second serves performed by elite tennis players. Data were collected from four male and four female right-handed professional players during competition using two high-speed cameras (200 Hz). For each player, one first serve and one second serve from the 'deuce' or right service court that landed within the specified target area were analysed. To test for significant differences between the first and second serves, Wilcoxon tests (P < or = 0.05) were performed on selected parameters. The results indicate that the ball travelled forward and to the left during the flight phase of the toss in all but one trial. The average pre-impact ball forward location for the first serve was significantly more in front and had a higher associated forward ball velocity than the corresponding values for the second serve. On average, the decrease in post-impact ball speed from the first to the second serve was 24.1%. No significant differences between the first and second serves were found in the pre-impact racquet head speed and orientation, which was represented as a unit vector perpendicular to the racquet face. The major adjustments made by the players when going from the first to second serve were a decrease in pre-impact ball forward location (P < or = 0.01) and an increase in the pre-impact racquet vertical and lateral velocities (both P < or = 0.05). This implies that the players tossed the ball closer to the body and imparted topspin and sidespin on the ball by changing the racquet vertical and lateral velocities when going from the first to the second serve.  相似文献   

Peak joint angles and joint angular velocities were evaluated for varying speed forehands in an attempt to better understand what kinematic variables are most closely related to increases in post-impact ball velocity above 50% of maximal effort. High-speed video was used to measure three-dimensional motion for 12 highly skilled tennis players who performed forehands at three different post-impact ball speeds: fast (42.7 +/- 3.8 m/s), medium (32.1 +/- 2.9 m/s), and slow (21.4 +/- 2.0 m/s). Several dominant-side peak joint angles (prior to ball impact) increased as post-impact ball speed increased from slow to fast: wrist extension (16%), trunk rotation (28%), hip flexion (38%), knee flexion (27%), and dorsiflexion (5%). Between the aforementioned peak joint angles and ball impact, dominant-side peak angular velocities increased as ball speed increased from slow to fast: peak wrist flexion (118%), elbow flexion (176%), trunk rotation (99%), hip extension (143%), knee extension (56%), and plantarflexion (87%). Most kinematic variables changed as forehand ball speed changed; however, some variables changed more than others, indicating that range of motion and angular velocity for some joints may be more closely related to post-impact ball speed than for other joints.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、录像观察法、逻辑分析法,从传球时间和速度的视角研究足球比赛中“快传球”和“传快球”技术对比赛的影响。认为:“快传球”和“传快球”是创造有利进攻时间和空间的基础,是足球比赛中战术的灵魂,对赢得比赛胜利有重要影响。旨在为我国足球教学训练和比赛提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

多球训练在女子乒乓球运动员专项素质训练中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测试女子乒乓球多球训练和比赛中一些指标的变化 ,探讨乒乓球多球训练的理据、方法及合理运用 ,经过二个月的多球训练 ,运动员的无氧代谢供能等专项素质得到明显提高。结果说明 ,磷酸原→磷酸原糖酵解→糖酵解 3种组合模式的多球训练是提高乒乓球运动员专项素质的有效手段  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the science of rugby league football at all levels of competition (i.e. junior, amateur, semi-professional, professional), with special reference to all discipline-specific scientific research performed in rugby league (i.e. physiological, psychological, injury epidemiology, strength and conditioning, performance analysis). Rugby league football is played at junior and senior levels in several countries worldwide. A rugby league team consists of 13 players (6 forwards and 7 backs). The game is played over two 30 - 40 min halves (depending on the standard of competition) separated by a 10 min rest interval. Several studies have documented the physiological capacities and injury rates of rugby league players. More recently, studies have investigated the physiological demands of competition. Interestingly, the physiological capacities of players, the incidence of injury and the physiological demands of competition all increase as the playing standard is increased. Mean blood lactate concentrations of 5.2, 7.2 and 9.1 mmol . l(-1) have been reported during competition for amateur, semi-professional and professional rugby league players respectively. Mean heart rates of 152 beats . min(-1) (78% of maximal heart rate), 166 beats . min(-1) (84% of maximal heart rate) and 172 beats . min(-1) (93% of maximal heart rate) have been recorded for amateur, semi-professional and junior elite rugby league players respectively. Skill-based conditioning games have been used to develop the skill and fitness of rugby league players, with mean heart rate and blood lactate responses during these activities almost identical to those obtained during competition. In addition, recent studies have shown that most training injuries are sustained in traditional conditioning activities that involve no skill component (i.e. running without the ball), whereas the incidence of injuries while participating in skill-based conditioning games is low. Collaborative research among the various sport science disciplines is required to identify strategies to reduce the incidence of injury and enhance the performance of rugby league players. An understanding of the movement patterns and physiological demands of different positions at all standards of competition would allow the development of strength and conditioning programmes to meet the precise requirements of these positions. Finally, studies investigating the impact of improvements in physiological capacities (including the effect of different strength and conditioning programmes) on rugby league playing performance are warranted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the science of rugby league football at all levels of competition (i.e. junior, amateur, semi-professional, professional), with special reference to all discipline-specific scientific research performed in rugby league (i.e. physiological, psychological, injury epidemiology, strength and conditioning, performance analysis). Rugby league football is played at junior and senior levels in several countries worldwide. A rugby league team consists of 13 players (6 forwards and 7 backs). The game is played over two 30?–?40 min halves (depending on the standard of competition) separated by a 10?min rest interval. Several studies have documented the physiological capacities and injury rates of rugby league players. More recently, studies have investigated the physiological demands of competition. Interestingly, the physiological capacities of players, the incidence of injury and the physiological demands of competition all increase as the playing standard is increased. Mean blood lactate concentrations of 5.2, 7.2 and 9.1?mmol?·?l?1 have been reported during competition for amateur, semi-professional and professional rugby league players respectively. Mean heart rates of 152 beats?·?min?1 (78% of maximal heart rate), 166 beats?·?min?1 (84% of maximal heart rate) and 172 beats?·?min?1 (93% of maximal heart rate) have been recorded for amateur, semi-professional and junior elite rugby league players respectively. Skill-based conditioning games have been used to develop the skill and fitness of rugby league players, with mean heart rate and blood lactate responses during these activities almost identical to those obtained during competition. In addition, recent studies have shown that most training injuries are sustained in traditional conditioning activities that involve no skill component (i.e. running without the ball), whereas the incidence of injuries while participating in skill-based conditioning games is low. Collaborative research among the various sport science disciplines is required to identify strategies to reduce the incidence of injury and enhance the performance of rugby league players. An understanding of the movement patterns and physiological demands of different positions at all standards of competition would allow the development of strength and conditioning programmes to meet the precise requirements of these positions. Finally, studies investigating the impact of improvements in physiological capacities (including the effect of different strength and conditioning programmes) on rugby league playing performance are warranted.  相似文献   

本文从我国优秀女子足球运动员的训练与比赛实际出发,试图探讨建立符合实际的专项速度耐力综合测试模型。文章认为传统的测试方法因为大多是在无球状态下进行,存在一定的缺陷,特指出必须结合有球的速度耐力测试才更具有实践指导意义。  相似文献   

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