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采用群际囚徒困境差异最大化游戏(IPD-MD)和群际囚徒困境游戏(IPD)的重复决策设计,模拟具有不同冲突历史的群际冲突情境,探讨不同回报方式对个体在群际冲突情境中的决策动机及行为的影响。结果发现,不论群际间是否存在冲突历史,个体在模拟的群际冲突情境中都表现出了一致的决策动机和行为特点:在虚拟回报条件下,超越外群体的竞争动机主导着个体的行为,个体捐献更多的游戏券到组间公用基金以最大化群体的相对收益;在现金回报条件下,使内群体受益的利他动机主导着个体的行为,个体捐献更多的游戏券到组内公用基金以最大化群体的绝对收益。回报方式对个体在群际冲突情境中的决策动机及行为有显著影响。  相似文献   

小组协作学习(又称合作学习)于20世纪70年代率先兴起于美国,现已被广泛应用于中小学教学实践。协作学习的基本做法是依据学业水平、能力倾向、个性特征、性别乃至社会与家庭背景等方面的差异将全班学生分成若干个异质学习小组(每组3~6人),创设小组成员不仅要努力争取个人目标的实现,更要帮助组内同伴实现目标的情境。协作学习将班级授课制条件下学生个体间的学习竞争关系改变为“组内合作”“组际竞争”的关系。协作学习以建构主义学习理论为支点,强调学习以学习者为中心,学生在一定的学习环境下主动探索、主动发展、主动建…  相似文献   

合作学习是以小组活动为主体而进行的一种教学活动。它把全班学生按一定的方法平均分成若干个“组间同质、组内异质”或“组间异质、组内同质”的小组。教学过程的大部分环节都以小组活动为核心。要求学生互助合作尝试探索知识,并以小组的总体成绩以及全体的表现作为评价和奖励的依据。小组合作学习将班级授课制条件下学生个体间的学习竞争关系改变为“组内合作、组间竞争”的关系,将传统的教学与师生之间单向或双向交流改变为师生、生生之间的多向交流。因此,合理的合作形式就成了有效合作学习的关键。由于小学生的年龄小,好奇心强,学生之…  相似文献   

母亲教养方式与幼儿焦虑的关系   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
本研究采用父母教养方式问卷和学前儿童焦虑量表对556名幼儿的母亲进行问卷调查。结果发现:1.母亲的教养方式不因幼儿的年龄和性别而不同。2.母亲的教养方式不存在显著的年龄差异,但却存在显著的受教育水平差异。受教育水平较高的母亲对幼儿的权威行为显著高于受教育水平较低的母亲。3.母亲的权威行为显著高于其专制行为。4.幼儿的焦虑情绪随年龄增长呈逐渐下降趋势。5.母亲的权威行为与幼儿焦虑之间呈显著负相关,专制行为与幼儿焦虑之间呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是从中国人为大我争面子的行为与小我争(或护)面子行为间的关系的角度探讨中国人大我争面子行为的心理学意义。研究一结果显示:小我争、护面子导向量表得分双高组的大我争面子量表得分显著高于一高组和双低组,即提示前者更需要采取为大我争面子的方式来解决小我争面子与护面子需要间的冲突;研究二结果显示:小我争面子导向高的个体会在能力类特质上进行自我增强,小我护面子导向高的个体会在共享类特质上进行自我增强.而大我争面子导向高的个体则同时在两类特质上表现出自我增强,即提示为大我争面子可以让个体同时实现两类社会赞许价值。最后,笔者针对本研究所存在的问题以及进一步研究的议题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

教学过程是教师与学生、学生与学生之间的交往活动,活动中师生互动行为影响着课堂教学。新课程实施中课堂师生互动的主体由传统课堂的三主体(教师个体、学生个体、学生群体)发展为四主体(教师个体、学生个体、学生小组、学生群体),师生互动行为也发展为师个互动、个个互动、师组互动、个组互动、组组互动、师群互动、个群互动等七种类型。教师实施互动教学应做到:选择合适的互动方式;合理分组;培养学生良好的“倾听”、“建议”与“接纳”习惯;课堂评价合理、公正,并有艺术。  相似文献   

该研究选取165名在校大学生,进行了内隐态度测验,从中筛选出高内隐竞争态度者和高内隐合作态度者各22人,构成内隐竞争组和内隐合作组,然后用公共物品两难实验范式考察了这两组被试在无组间竞争情境和有组间竞争情境中的合作意向及合作行为的变化及差异.结果表明:在有组间竞争情境中,高内隐竞争态度者比高内隐合作态度者表现出更强的合作行为;高内隐竞争态度者在有组间竞争情境中,其合作意向及合作行为都比无组间竞争情境中显著提高,而高内隐合作态度者没有显著变化.  相似文献   

江雪宁 《广西教育》2013,(38):53-53,58
基于小组合作的活动式班级管理模式以小组为单位,以组内合作、组际竞争的形式开展多样有效的班级活动,在活动过程中,小组成员按照一定的规则,通过成员的共同努力实现小组目标的同时也获得个人目标的实现,从而达到学生品德、智力、能力全面发展的培养目标。它不仅有利于优秀班集体的形成,还能充分发挥学生的主观能动性,增强学生的群体合作意识,挖掘学生的个体潜能,真正达到育人的目的。小组的组建:民主选举出四位小组长,小组长协同班主任将全班分为四个组内异质、组间同质小组,并由小组讨论决定本组组名、组号及自勉格言警句。在此基础上,构建活动式班级管理体系。具体操作方法如下:  相似文献   

随着教师专业水平的整体发展,教师队伍中出现了两种状态:一是教师满足于现有的发展成绩,出现职业倦怠;二是教师个体水平提高后,教师间竞争激烈,保守的竞争意识导致教师间个体资源缺乏交流。如何激发教师的内在潜力,如何将个体资源融合为学校发展的整体资源,成了学校新阶段发展中面临的重点问题。  相似文献   

内江城市在职居民参与休闲体育活动人群差异分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对内江城市在职居民参与休闲体育活动人群中不同社会群体的休闲体育行为进行研究.结果表明:性别、年龄、职业、学历与月收入是影响内江城市在职居民休闲体育活动方式差异的主要变量.验证了参与休闲体育活动人群中不同社会群体在休闲体育活动方面存在的差异性及时代性特征,以期为经济水平类似地区休闲体育活动、休闲健身产业发展提供一些有价值的参考.  相似文献   

The current study examined the hypothesis that group size can influence whether children display self-assertive versus self-deprecating responses to interpersonal competition, especially under stress. Twenty same-sex play-groups (N = 120) of 9- to 10-year-old children played a competitive game in groups and in dyads. Stress was induced by causing some of the children to lose the game and watch as their opponents received psychological and material rewards. Results demonstrated that both the dynamics of the game and individual reactions to stress varied consistently as a function of the social context. Individuals displayed more assertive behaviors in groups than in dyads. In contrast, individuals exhibited more self-deprecating behaviors in dyads than in groups. Given that under naturalistic conditions males are more likely than are females to interact in groups and females are more likely than are males to interact in dyads, group size provides one possible mechanism for the development of sex differences in self-assertive versus self-deprecating behaviors.  相似文献   

This research explores the relevance of cooperation and students’ environmental disciplinary concentration on decision-making with respect to environmental issues – specifically the use of water, a limited common-pool resource. For this purpose, 61 environmental sciences students and 46 educational sciences students played the role of farmers and made decisions about irrigating their fields in the simulation ‘Irrigania.’ Prior to the simulation exercise, participants were randomly assigned to an experimental condition (competition or cooperation). Results demonstrated that both a cooperation situation and students’ environmental disciplinary concentration are related to the use of more pro-environmental and less selfish irrigation strategies in the simulation. Moreover, high levels of cooperation were able to counteract the lack of students’ disciplinary concentration on environmental problems; inversely, high levels of disciplinary concentration on environmental problems were able to counteract the competitive situations. This study highlights the relevance of programs that provide learning of (1) cooperative contexts that may reinforce cooperative frameworks on which students could base their behaviors, and (2) broader disciplinary concentration related to environmental problems that could lead to students feeling powerful in respect of knowing how to act against those problems and, thus, behaving in less selfish ways, with positive implications for the planet.  相似文献   

In this study, the performance and attitudes toward instruction of learners working individually on a computer-based sex education lesson were compared with those of learners working cooperatively in dyads. A tatal of 60 eighth-graders received treatments that either required individual work or encouraged cooperation with a partner. Results indicated that students who worked cooperatively significantly outperformed those who worked individually. On an attitude measure, interactions were detected between instructional method and gender, as well as among instructional method, gender, and ability. High-ability males and females reported comparable attitudes toward each instructional method, but ratings for low-ability students were differentiated according to instructional method: Low-ability males responded most favorably, while low-ability females responded least favorably to individualized methods, and low-ability females responded most favorably and low-ability males least favorably to cooperative methods.  相似文献   

Play fighting is a common form of play reported among species of mammals, birds, and some other taxa. The competition present in play fighting revolves around gaining some advantage, such as biting a partner without being bitten. The behavior simulated during play fighting need not be restricted to that present in adult serious fighting, but can involve competitive interactions derived from amicable behavior, such as sex and social grooming, or from nonsocial competition, such as predation. What unifies play fighting, irrespective of the functional behavior being simulated, is that it involves some degree of reciprocity, or turn taking, that requires that the competition be attenuated by cooperation. However, there are several different ways in which cooperation can be inserted into playful interactions, and these vary in use across different species. The moderation of competition with cooperation forces animals to monitor their own actions and those of their partners, and this common feature appears to be one vehicle through which the experience of play fighting in the juvenile period can train animals for greater psychological resilience. The monitoring and contextual adjustment of actions influences the development of executive functions of the brain, which, in turn, leads to the development of more adaptable adults.  相似文献   

李强  魏巍 《襄樊学院学报》2010,31(11):74-77
城市群之间的竞争与合作问题已成为理论界和实践部门关注的热点,目前国内学者更侧重于对城市群竞争的研究,而对城市群合作的研究则较少涉及.鉴于此,引入了生物学中的共生理论,分析江淮城市群和长三角城市群合作的共生单元、共生模式和共生环境,提出应从争取国家政策支持、加强地方政府间的合作和建立有效的分工协作机制等方面开展经济合作,为城市群的合作研究提供了一种新的视角.  相似文献   

合作教学作为一种新的教育理念,以合作学习小组为基本教学形式。在成人英语教学中运用合作教学,有利于充分利用成人学习者的经验,激发成人学习者的学习动机,增强成人学习者的合作意识,培养新型的师生关系。通过选择适当的教学内容,进行经验分享式教学,师生之间加强交流与合作以及采用多元化的评价方式,促进成人英语合作教学的有效开展。  相似文献   

在科教园区开展协同创新的过程中,影响各方利益相关者实现协同创新目标的主要因素有创新目的与利益的不同、绩效评价导向的不同、关系处理方式的不同。科教园区协同创新的模式组合包括四种简单模式(内部合作模式、内部竞争模式、对外合作模式、对外竞争模式)与四种复杂模式(双重合作模式、内合外竞模式、内竞外合模式、双重竞争模式)。科教园区协同创新必须坚持战略协同、多元互动、合作共赢和多边治理的原则,建立有利于协同创新的动力机制、分工机制、运行机制、沟通协调机制与利益分配机制。  相似文献   

虚拟联盟运行过程中的伙伴关系是既合作又竞争的性质,目前虚拟联盟伙伴关系存在问题是其竞合关系中所存在的目标不一致、合作中利益失衡、伙伴企业间信任难等方面,因此提出了从构建良好平衡的伙伴间竞合关系的利益分配、中突的协调解决、合同对义务的约束、信任机制的维护等方面切实可行的实施措施。  相似文献   

Gamification has become a popular approach to blending learning with fun and enjoyable experiences. However, gamification research has been criticized for mostly focusing on game mechanics and related outcomes while paying little attention to the psychological processes that mediate the relationship between these mechanics and outcomes. Furthermore, the majority of existing gamification studies have focused on competitive game features. Thus, the full potential of cooperative gamification has yet to be explored. Given this background, the current study compared how gamified cooperation and competition impact task effort, learning achievement, motivation and social relatedness in English vocabulary learning with a mobile application. The study utilized Social Interdependence Theory to explicate the psychological processes in gamified cooperation and competition. 75 participants were randomly assigned to either the gamified cooperation or the gamified competition condition and studied English vocabulary for 14 days. No difference was observed between the conditions regarding task effort, learning achievement and motivation. However, social relatedness in the gamified cooperation group was significantly higher than in the gamified competition group. The current findings emphasize that the positive influence of gamified cooperation on creating meaningful connections amongst learners should not be ignored, even though it facilitates similar learning and motivational outcomes as gamified competition.  相似文献   

人与人之间的教育关系并非只有合作,而且还要竞争,“人类在本质上是遗传了竞争和个人主义的本能”.教育竞争既有正向功能,但也有一定的负作用.教育制度恰是通过形成教育秩序,为约束过度的教育竞争、实现教育合作创造了条件.  相似文献   

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