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(一) 混淆辩证法,违反逻辑,歪曲真理,这是人们对诡辩论普遍的看法。单纯从诡辩论本身来看,这自然是无可厚非的.如果从诡辩论的形成过程,从制造诡辩论的诡辩论者的主观意图来看,那么就应该在这个基础上进一步强调,这一切都是诡辩论者有意所为。只有这样,才能从本质上把握住诡辩论的特征。诡辩论者对一切都是采取为我所用的态度,而很难说诡辩论本来就应该是个什么样,更谈不上有什么理论体系。如果说有,大而言之,支配这种论  相似文献   

(一) 混淆辩证法,违反逻辑,歪曲真理,这是人们对诡辩论普遍的看法。单纯从诡辩论本身来看,这自然是无可厚非的。如果从诡辩论的形成过程,从制造诡辩论的诡辩论者的主观意图来看,那么就应该在这个基础上进一步强调,这一切都是诡辩论者有意所为。只有这样,才能从本质上把握住诡辩论的特征。诡辩论者对一切都是采取为我所用的态度,而很难说诡辩论本来就应该是个什么样,更谈不上有什么理论体系。如果说有,大而言之,支配这种论  相似文献   

什么是诡辩?诡辩有哪些手法?怎样反驳诡辩?这是本文所要探讨的问题。一、诡辩的实质及其产生根源我们的思维要合乎逻辑,表达要合乎逻辑。如果思维和表达不合逻辑,就会产生各  相似文献   

对公孙龙,以往总是在政治上把他打成复辟奴隶制的反动思想家,哲学上的唯心论者,逻辑上是诡辩学派的首领,但这是不符合历史事实和不公正的。本文以为,公孙龙在政治上是为新兴封建主服务的思想家,在哲学上是形而上学的唯物主义者,在逻辑上则是中国古代逻辑的创始人,并对此作了相应简略的论述。  相似文献   

对公孙龙,以往总是在政治上把他打成复辟奴隶制的反动思想家,哲学上的唯心论者,逻辑上是诡辩学派的首领,但这是不符合历史事实和不公正的.本文以为,公孙龙在政治上是为新兴封建主服务的思想家,在哲学上是形而上学的唯物主义者,在逻辑上则是中国古代逻辑的创始人,并对此作了相应简略的论述.  相似文献   

诡辩是一种故意违反逻辑规律和规则,为制造和坚持谬误所进行的似是而非的辩护论证。深剖诡辩论证的思想根源,在于相对主义、绝对主义和折衷主义的思想方法,它也都是以形而上学的、主观主义的思想方法为认识论基础的。反驳诡辩,应从论题、论据、论证三方面进行,而且要具有相当的知识储备尤其是唯物辩证法的头脑。  相似文献   

新时期高职大学生存在政治价值观功利化、盲目崇尚西方政治价值观、政治心理发展不平衡等问题,文章以新媒体时代为背景,从社会根源、教育根源、主体根源三个方面对大学生出现政治信仰危机的原因进行分析,并提出重构大学生政治信仰的对策。  相似文献   

诡辩是一种特殊的负面思维形式,诡辩是人类思维发展到一定历史阶段才产生的,其中既有社会历史的原因,又有人类思维与认识发展自身的原因,随着逻辑思维的发展,逻辑规则的确立,有可能克服诡辩这种负面思维现象,尽管诡辩现象还不会消失。  相似文献   

一战前期,中国知识界对德国的关注度颇高。论者承认德国在战场上的优势地位并预测战争未来的走向,大部分论者认为,德国将不能获得战争的最终胜利,持"德国必胜"论者则是凤毛麟角。知识界对德国的军国主义总体上持赞扬态度,认为其乃德国强盛之根源,值得中国仿效学习。但也有少数论者看到了军国主义的弊端,认为其会给德国带来灾难。  相似文献   

曾经成为人们千夫所指颇多微辞的歌唱演员的假唱问题最近又一次尖锐地被突现出来,其缘由是因了好几位大牌明星居然站出来公然强弹“假唱有理”论调,而这些近乎诡辩的歪论又被我们的电视荧屏和小报版面和盘托出在观众与读者面前,令人气愤之余觉得有必要隐去论者大名而对歪论一一予以批驳,以正视听,以树正气。  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider the problem of truth telling through the notion of parrhesia as developed and explicated in Foucault’s last lectures at the College de France (1982–1983 and 1983–1984) and the figure of the pariah that runs throughout Arendt’s work. In tracing connections and tensions in the way the two thinkers explore questions and dilemmas around the courage to tell the truth in philosophy and politics, I look into the current climate within the UK academia, where there is a lot of ambivalence about whether people mean what they say or say what they mean anymore. In a Foucauldian mode of inquiry, I raise the question: what is the role of the academic when going through ‘dark times’, vis-à-vis questions of truth telling; what are the conditions of possibility for truth telling itself to be recognised as a question or a problem and how can we start mapping the effects of what we as academics do or refrain from doing?  相似文献   

真值表对假言命题的真值形式的定义不符合假言命题的直观含义。真值表所刻画的是真值形式与其所含命题变元之间的真值函数关系,而假言命题反映的则是其支命题之间的真假制约关系。有人从对真值表的错误理解出发,试图否定真值表不符合假言命题的直观意义,这完全是徒劳的。  相似文献   

彭丹 《培训与研究》2004,21(1):55-57
目前刑事诉讼法学界在证明标准问题上存在着“客观真实”与“法律真实”的争论。本文从认识论、价值取向与现实分析三个角度对刑事诉讼的证明标准问题进行论述,认为“客观真实”观存在诸多的不合理之处,而“法律真实”观既符合辩证唯物主义认识论的基本原理,又符合我国当前主流诉讼价值观的要求。因此应提倡以“法律真实”作为我国刑事诉讼的证明标准。  相似文献   

在关于戴维森的真理理论与意义理论的讨论中,真理理论对于意义理论是否充分一直有很大争论。这一争论的背后,涉及意义是否能够外延化的问题。意义的内涵主义者认为,真理理论对于意义理论来说并不充分,对意义进行外延主义解释行不通。戴维森对真理理论与意义理论的处理,表面上还存在矛盾:一方面,他认为真理理论对于理解意义来说是充分的;另一方面,这种充分性不能脱离意义而成立,作为内涵实体的意义无法在意义理论中消解。其实,这种张力体现了戴维森意义理论的巧妙之处,如果对真理与意义做出合理的解读,那么这一矛盾将会消失:真理和意义不是语词所指称的对象,而是在语言的理解与使用中显现出来的;并且二者是一体两面的关系。  相似文献   

“苏格拉底的无知”不是假装无知,他是真诚地认为自己无知。不过,这种“无知”不是经验性的无知,而是一种求知态度,即认为人类永远无法占有绝对真理,但又始终不渝、孜孜不倦地追求真理。“苏格拉底的无知”引导了一种理想的“师生关系”。在这种师生关系中,教师不是权威,不是真理的拥有者,学术标准面前,师生平等。因此教师不是在传授真理,而是在向学生传达这种“无知之知”的求知态度和求知方法。教师的职责是帮助学生变得自足,然后自主地追求真理。  相似文献   


Biesta has suggested that education after humanism should be interested in existence, not essence, in what the subject can do, not in what the subject is—the truth about the subject—and this is the way inspired by Foucault and Levinas. In this article, I analyze Foucault’s alleged deconstruction and reconfiguration of the subject and Levinas’ approach to human subjectivity and suggest that Foucault’s early and later works have already implied certain concepts of the subject and that Levinas’ approach to human subjectivity does not, as has often been perceived in educational circles, avoid theorizing about human subjectivity. Drawing on the French philosophy of difference, particularly Levinas’ ideas of alterity and subjectivity, I propose a post-humanist subject as a singular existence that ‘announces, promises, and at the same time conceals’, that cannot be exhausted, totalized, and replicated. The singular and unique subject, open and responsible to the world and beyond, is indispensible to the educational mission of subjectification.  相似文献   

古典修辞学中充满着大量现代性的因素。尼采早期的文章中为修辞学正名,要确立一种"修辞认识论"。他认为一切语言皆为修辞,一切对世界的理解和认识也都是修辞;修辞并不展现世界的"真相",这并不是因为修辞没有真理追求,而是由于真理的修辞本性使我们只能拥有"完全拟人化的真理"。这样的修辞不是"用",乃是"体";不只是语言运用的"技术",更是一门高深的"艺术"。  相似文献   

Pursuing Truth in Narrative Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In substituting aesthetic criteria for the time-honoured yardsticks of reliability, validity and generalization, narrative researchers are sometimes criticized for devaluing the notion of truth. This paper suggests that what is an issue here is not so much empirical quantitative truth as rather artistic literary truth. The latter notion of truth is characterized in terms of ‘authenticity’ and the ramifications of authentic truth for narrative research are posited and explored. Only such an understanding of truth and the resolve seriously to apply it will garner narrative researchers the epistemic respectability they seek.  相似文献   

邓小平真理观在坚持马克思主义实践标准的基础上,把是否有利于促进生产力发展作为检验真理的科学标准,把是否有利于增进人民福祉作为检验真理的价值标准,并在此基础上提出了判断是非功过的"三个有利于"标准,从而实现了科学标准和价值标准的有机统一,实现了对马克思主义真理观关于真理检验标准思想的丰富和发展。  相似文献   

Since Plato, Western thought has framed knowing as a method within ‘some realm of what is’ and a predetermined ‘sphere of objects’. The roots and the consequences of this stance towards reason and truth were noted by Heidegger, who equates the history of Western thought with the history of metaphysics. Since Plato, truth has relied on definition, hierarchy and mastery. Discourse on the truth begins to be discourse on the limits of things and, thus, on who is able to set these limits and discourse. This dominant position erases its own traces, presents itself as unique and unavoidable, and excludes all other ways of thinking. This exclusion includes violence, and this violence is not merely a philosophical matter. It is written in the history of the West, which is a history that includes conquest, genocide and war. However, we can also identify in Heidegger ways to transcend this inner violence by returning to the originating stance towards truth, namely, truth as aletheia, or world disclosure. This article provides the groundwork to argue that Heidegger's thought, based on a call for existential responsibility, requires education to remake our existence.  相似文献   

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