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Chronic post-hypoxic myoclonus, also known as Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS), is a rare complication of successful cardiopulmanry resuscitation often accompanied by action myoclonus and cerebellar ataxia. It is seen in patients who have undergone a cardiorespiratory arrest, regained consciousness afterwards, and then developed myoclonus days or weeks after the event. Worldwide, 122 cases have been reported in the literature so far, including 1 case of Chinese. Here we report 2 Chinese LAS patients with detailed neuroimagings. Cranial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of patient 1, a 52-year-old woman, showed a mild hypoperfusion in her left temporal lobe, whereas patient 2, a 54-year-old woman, manifested a mild bilateral decrease of glucose metabolism in the frontal lobes and a mild to moderate decrease of the N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) peak in the bilateral hippocampi by cranial [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomographic (PET) scan and cranial magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), respectively. We also review the literature on the neuroimaging, pathogenesis, and treatment of LAS. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30600193), the Youth Talent Special Fund of the Health Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China (No. 2004QN012), and the Health Bureau of Zhejiang Province, China (Nos. 2000A114 and 2007A100)  相似文献   

Fulminant type 1 diabetes is a recently discovered subtype of idiopathic type 1 diabetes, defined as diabetes with an extremely rapid process of β-cell destruction and progression to hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. In this report, we present a case of fulminant type 1 diabetes in a 45-year-old Chinese woman, along with a review of the literature. The patient presented with sudden onset of polydipsia and polyuria after flu-like symptoms. Findings on admission included a high blood glucose level and ketoacidosis, but normal HbA1c level. The C-peptide stimulation test showed severe impairment of insulin secretion. Autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) were negative. These results are compatible with the diagnosis of fulminant type 1 diabetes. Human leukocyte antigen-DR7 (HLA-DR7) was available in this case. It is concluded that this rapidly progressing type of diabetes exists, and we propose that HLA-DR7 might be predisposed to fulminant type 1 diabetes in Chinese patients.  相似文献   

Granulomatous hypophysitis (GRH) is extremely rare and commonly presents with chronic inflammatory of the enlarged pituitary gland. In our study, 66-year-old and 57-year-old women, both Chinese, were diagnosed with GRH presenting preoperatively definite imageology characters as pituitary adenoma. The 66-year-old woman presented with a year of headache,half a year of gradual decrease of visual acuity, and one month of right ptosis. Serum prolactin level was slightly elevated.Screening computed tomography (CT) scanning revealed typical low density mass found on the enlarged sella, which demonstrated invasive extension from the sella to the right cavernous sinus by contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Consequently, the patient was diagnosed with probable invasive pituitary adenoma. The other 57-year-old woman complained a light headache and had been previously treated as nonfunctional pituitary adenoma in other hospital. Finally these two patients underwent transsphenoidal microsurgery and were diagnosed with GRH according to postoperative histopathology. They then were treated with steroid. During the follow-up, the clinical symptoms such as headache, visual damage, and ptosis vanished, and the mass of the sellae dramatically shrank on repeated MR images. Clinically and radiologically, GRH is a rare sellar entity easily to be misdiagnosed as a pituitary adenoma. Trans-sphenoidal surgery can decompress the optical nerve or oculomotornerve as a therapeutic strategy, and support biopsy or further pathological diagnosis. However, the hormonal therapy should be emphasized both as diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Conservative and tentative steroid treatment should be performed in preoperative period without acute nerve damage.  相似文献   

Chinese bayberry Myrica rubra is a very popular fruit in southeastern China. In spite of its wide consumption, no allergies to this fruit have been reported previously. Here we report on a 40-year-old woman suffering from anaphylaxis to Chinese bayberry fruit. Prick-prick skin tests revealed strong reactions to fresh Chinese bayberry fruits as well as to peach, and weaker reactions to some other fruits including apple, melon, and banana. ImmunoCAP analysis revealed identical titers of specific IgE (4.3 kUA/L) to peach extract and its lipid transfer protein (LTP, rPru p 3), which was confirmed by detection of a 9 kD band following immunoblotting. Immunoblot analysis with Chinese bayberry extract gave bands of 22, 45, and 90 kD, but no 9 kD band was recognized. There was also no evidence of LTP recognition for loquat (36 kD) or melon (24 kD). This first report of a severe allergic reaction to Chinese bayberry fruit in a patient with LTP-mediated peach allergy indicates that other as yet unidentified non-pollen related fruit allergens are involved in this new severe fruit allergy.  相似文献   

Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma(ChRCC) metastatic to the testis has not,to the best of our knowledge,been reported in the literature.Nor have there been reports of delayed bilateral adrenal metastasis of ChRCC.Here we report a case of metachronous contralateral testicular and bilateral adrenal metastasis of ChRCC in a 70-year-old man who underwent right radical nephrectomy for RCC six years ago.He was admitted to the hospital because of left intrascrotal enlargement of two-month duration.Ultrasonography re...  相似文献   

中国古代文学的圣殿是由男性作家和女性作家共同构建的,女性作家的作品具有男性作品所不可替代的价值,但是在现行文学史中却难觅女性作家的芳踪。这既是儒家男尊女卑的的陋习在文学史上的直接反映,也是男性主导历史、对女性愚化的结果。要想全面构建中国文学史,就必须客观地展现女性作者在文学史上的应有地位。  相似文献   

The coexistence of myelolipoma within adrenal cortical adenoma is extremely rare, for both tumors present usually as separate entities. There are only 16 such cases reported worldwide. To the best of our knowledge, the case we reported here is the first one of myxoid adrenal cortical adenoma associated with myelolipoma reported. A 32-year-old Chinese woman with 4-year history of hypertension was presented in our study. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen showed a large heterogeneously-enhancing mass (4.5cm in diameter) in the left suprarenal region. Clinical history and laboratory results suggest a metabolic disorder as Conn's syndrome. The patient underwent a left adrenalectomy, and a histopathological study confirmed the mass to be a myxoid adrenal cortical adenoma containing myelolipoma. The patient was postoperatively well and discharged uneventfully. In the present case report, we also discuss the etiology of simultaneous myelolipoma and adrenal adenoma associated with Conn's syndrome, and the methods of the diagnosis and differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Increasingly, clients who present forcounseling have cultural values and beliefsystems, which differ from those of thecounselor or access and subscribe toalternative health care practices. Theimplications and challenges this presents arediscussed through case studies: (a) A54-year-old African woman experiencing maritaldiscord is unable to make decisions withoutconsulting a paternal uncle who forms part ofher `extended family system'. The valuesinherent in traditional African marriages areexplored as potential areas of difficulty incounseling. (b) A 14-year-old Chinese immigrantin the United Kingdom presents to the emergencydepartment after attempting suicide. Theunderlying conflicts in the parent-childrelationship are discussed. (c) A 16-year-oldBritish girl is referred for psychiatricevaluation to assess her psychotic symptoms. She believes she is a medium and can channelspirits. While differences in values andbeliefs can impact significantly oninterpersonal relationships, counselors shouldbe sensitive to cultural diversity, considertheir responses but should maintain theirprofessionalism and not feel dis-empowered oroverwhelmed.  相似文献   

浅析农业农村节能减排问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源消耗与环境污染在我国农业农村广泛存在,互为因果。本文基于文献资料,初步探讨了当前我国农业农村节能减排现状及其成因,总结了推进农业农村节能减排的基本思路与切入点,提出了通过技术创新和制度创新推进农业农村节能减排的重要对策。具体而言,政府要侧重制度创新,村镇企业要侧重技术创新,农户要侧重循环农业发展模式创新。  相似文献   

在印度《罗摩衍那》成书之前我国已经有猿猴能言、慧辨、善变的志怪文学,到《罗摩衍那》定型成书的汉魏时期,猿猴志怪说法已经臻于大全。唐代已经大量创作猿猴变人的志怪小说,但多数是"盗女"及祸害性内容。却也有积极性的开拓,由此飞跃而升华,成为孙悟空的正面而丰富多彩的形象渊源。而帮助玄奘出国境的"候者"正是孙悟空的原型历史人物。猿猴志怪文学的主要艺术方法是借助谐音,达到指鹿为马的违反事理而谐趣怪异的艺术效果。孙悟空形象与整个《西游记》正是继承了这个方法。孙悟空是中国文学土生土长的形象。哈奴曼影响"八证"说不能成立。  相似文献   

李清照是中国古代文学史上为数不多的女性作家中的佼佼者,她多才多能,文学成就斐然,尤以词著称。她能成为中国历史上文学成就最高的女词人,诚非偶然之事。社会环境的影响,家学氛围的濡染,坎坷的人生经历,再加上她聪颖的天资和女性独有的情感,这一切造就了才女李清照卓越辉煌的文学成就。  相似文献   

本文以文学社会学的方法考察冰心在中国白话文学铸型时期的自我塑形。论述冰心与期刊的结构性关系,冰心以进取、向上的姿态,成功地被期刊打造成一个成功的女作家形象和她面对的种种事实;论述冰心与她周围的人们的结构性关系,他们与冰心的创作在文学社会学方面的意义,冰心以她持续的文学个性成为中国白话文学铸型时期的先驱者。  相似文献   

《浮生六记》刻画了一位生活在清代中叶的奇女子陈芸。林语堂曾盛赞其为"中国文学中最可爱的女人"。通过对她坎坷的生平、诗化的性情等方面进行解析,分析她在中国文学史和中国民间的典型意义。  相似文献   

杜十娘为爱而悲,"自灭"投江,千古绝唱;美狄亚因爱而狂,"灭他"复仇,广为传颂。这两位典型形象的情爱意识与复仇行为的差异,鲜明地体现了中国柔性文化及希腊刚性文化对各自女性的爱恨情仇所产生的深刻影响。  相似文献   

Somatostatinoma is a very rare neuroendocrine tumor that originates from D cells and accounts for less than 1% of all gastrointestinal endocrine tumors. The duodenum is the most frequent site for this tumor, followed by the pancreas. We here describe a 46-year-old Chinese woman who developed pancreatic somatostatinoma presenting with the characteristic inhibitory syndrome, but the symptoms were obscure and seemingly uncorrelated. This case is also unique for its large tumor size and mixed pathological patte...  相似文献   

中国的世界文学史写作与世界文学观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国学者从1927年撰述世界文学通史类著作至今,已经积累了丰富的成果,展现了深具特色的世界文学观:有"排中"的世界文学史,也有中国文学包含其中的世界文学史,后者更有利于呈现世界文学的整体面貌;在后一类世界文学史著述中,"中国文学"的位置有多种体现方式。中国的世界文学史类著述强调东西方文学的二元对立,以及东方文学对世界文学的贡献;在世界文学史动力理论的探讨上,中国学者提供了阶级论、人性论、世界主义三种有价值的模式;中国学者撰述的世界文学通史,其构成因素基本上只取那些在国别文学中"享有世界声誉的优秀作品",而国际间对此却有更丰富、深入的探索。  相似文献   

俄罗斯自18世纪末开始译介中国通俗文学作品,迄今已逾二百年。老一代汉学家如В.П.瓦西里耶夫、B.M.阿列克谢耶夫在介绍和研究中国俗文学与民间文化方面,做出了开拓性的贡献。当代俄罗斯汉学家李福清、司格林、华克生和郭黎贞等在这一领域的研究,也取得了杰出的成果。对中国俗文学与其他民族俗文学的比较研究,以及民间文学与文人文学的相互影响研究,是前苏联中国俗文学研究的两大主题,并且一直延续到今天的俄罗斯。俄罗斯中国俗文学研究具有材料特殊、视野开阔、角度新颖、观点创新的特点和长处,但也存在着用源于西方的一般文艺学、美学理论生硬诠释中国文化和后继乏人等问题。  相似文献   

基于行处理的SAGE算法在PET图像重建中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用基于行处理(RA)的"单块"投影子集法改进了空间交替广义期望最大(SAGE)算法的收敛性. 新的RA-SAGE算法以正交单投影序列的方式对投影数据进行处理, 以减少投影间的相关性, 达到加速收敛的效果. 此外, 在迭代搜索同时, 新算法结合了超松弛变量, 使其能快速接近全局最大似然解. 实验中, 运用RA-SAGE与SAGE对正电子发射断层(PET)进行了重建. 结果表明,RA-SAGE收敛性能比SAGE优越, 且重建图像质量较高.  相似文献   

Gastric carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells (OGCs) is an extremely rare tumor. So far, only six cases have been reported in the literature. Here we report an additional case of this tumor in a Chinese 78-year-old man presented with abdominal pain, vomiting, and hematemesis. Physical examination and gastroscopy revealed a tumor in the gastric antrum. The biopsy and pathological findings indicated a gastric adenocarcinoma with OGCs, which were present in both the tumor and the metastatic lymph nodes. Further immunohistochemical staining indicated that OGCs were reactive with CD68, CD45, and vimentin protein, but not with pancytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen, or epithelial membrane antigen, suggesting the monocytic/histiocytic derivation of these OGCs. In situ hybridization for Epstein-Barr virus showed no nuclear positivity in either adenoearcinoma or OGCs. Postoperative follow-up showed that the patient had survived for at least 6 months without recurrence. Further investiga-tion is warranted to clearly define the prognostic significance of OGCs in gastric carcinoma.  相似文献   

Objective:To review our experience of the treatment of bilateral primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). Materials and methods: Retrospective chart review was followed by an on-clinic or telephone interview. Patients were cared for by one thoracic surgeon in four medical centers or community hospitals in Northern and Central Taiwan. Thirteen patients with bilateral PSP underwent bilateral VATS simultaneously or sequentially from July 1994 to December 2005. Results: Twelve males and one female, with age ranging from 15 to 36 years (mean 23.1 years), were treated with VATS for bilateral PSP, under the indications of bilateral pneumothoracis simultaneously (n=4) or sequentially (n=9). The interval between the first and second contra-lateral VATS procedure for non-simultaneous PSP patients ranged from 7 d to 6 years. Eleven of 13 patients (84.6%) had prominent pulmonary bullae/blebs, and underwent bullae resection with mechanical or chemical pleurodesis. The mean operative time was (45.6±18.3) min (range 25-96 min) and (120.6±28.7) min (range 84-166 min) respectively for the non-simultaneous (second VATS for the recurrence of contralateral side after first VATS) and simultaneous (bilateral VATS in one operation) procedures. There was no postoperative mortality. However, prolonged air leakage (>7 d) occurred in one patient (7.7%) who recovered after conservative treatment. The mean duration of chest tube drainage was 3.1 d and the median follow up period was 3.4 years. Conclusions: VATS is a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of bilateral PSP. Bilateral VATS is only recommended for patients with simultaneously bilateral PSP, because the incidence of recurrence, even with visible bullae, was not so high in my group and in some previous literature. Bilateral VATS in a supine position should only be used in selective cases, because of possible pleural adhesion or hidden bullae on the posterior side.  相似文献   

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