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本研究旨在探索在华外国人对中国媒体的接触状况及对中国媒介公信力的评价。研究通过对在京890名外国人的调查后发现,中国媒体是在华外国人了解中国的重要渠道,在长期在华外国人中,超越了人际传播渠道和本国媒体渠道;在华外国人同中国本土民众接触最多的媒体有较大重合,CCTV1是中国民众接触最多的媒体,也是在华外国人接触最多的中国媒体。因此,我们亟需重视对内传播的对外传播效应。此外,在华外国人对中国媒介绝对公信力的评价总体上呈中性偏积极;相对公信力评测中,在华外国人选择最多的是本国人在华出版的母语报刊。我们尝试建立了在华外国人对中国媒介绝对公信力评价的回归模型,模型中显示对中国政治模式的评价和对中国媒体发展水平、记者业务素质的评价两方面的变量对中国媒介公信力起重要影响。  相似文献   

一、文献回顾 对于媒介公信力的判断维度,自从Hovland等在上世纪五十年代初以消息来源为研究对象,并发现公信力具有专业知识和可靠性两个最主要的维度以来,学者们不断对媒介(渠道)、消息来源、媒介机构三个部分的公信力判断维度进行实证探讨。  相似文献   

大众媒介虚假、滞后、片面的报道为流言的流布留下了充足的传播渠道空间,这会降低媒介公信力导致媒体危机,甚至演变为公共危机、政治危机.因此,媒体要为公信力增减及其所带来的利益得失而承担起媒体的社会责任,维护社会稳定、平复公众情绪.政府则要及时、准确、全面地向媒体开放信息源,建立科学、完备的公信力测评标准检测媒介公信力,规范媒介行为,使大众媒介占据信息传播渠道主导地位,阻滞流言流布.  相似文献   

姜苏  徐惠 《新闻大学》2013,(1):149-152
媒介公信力是指大众传播媒介在新闻传播过程中,自身所具有的一种被受众信赖的良好的品质.媒介公信力建设具有极重要的意义,有助于维护政府形象,打造诚信社会和提高媒介的品牌价值.近年来,我国媒介整体公信力得到大幅提高,但不可避免的也出现了一些问题:有偿新闻、虚假报道、不良广告、低俗之风等.这些问题一定程度上损害了媒介的公信力.本文通过对现今我国媒介公信力现状和问题研究,探讨提高我国媒介公信力的途径.  相似文献   

中国大众媒介公信力影响因素分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本论文基于社会调查数据,对中国大众媒介公信力测评量表的因子结构也就是影响因素进行了探讨,并对其特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

张军 《青年记者》2012,(27):53-54
人民网的舆情调查显示,目前因社会公信力下降而引发信任危机的,以政府、专家及媒介最为严重。媒介作为政府和百姓沟通的渠道,本来是为了更好地顺通民意,结果,由于一些领导  相似文献   

媒体是信息传播的主体,受众是媒介公信力的评价主体.在当今竞争不断加剧的环境中,公信力既是媒体的核心竞争力,也是媒体生存发展的基础.公信力的流失必将加剧公众对媒体的质疑,同时也会对媒体自身造成严重伤害.  相似文献   

公信力是一种道德承诺,一种价值观.媒介公信力是建立在自身所提倡的诚信机制和向社会所传播的道德规范上的.媒介是社会价值观念的示范者,建立媒体的公信力,是取信于民的关键因素.  相似文献   

媒介公信力与视听率,发行量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
可以说,早先就有很多类似于“公信力”的提法,如 “可信度”等,但实际上,公信力的内涵与外延比可信度要大得多:可信度主要是强调媒介刊发新闻的真实性而言,而公信力则不仅局限于此,它还体现了一个媒体存在的权威性、在社会中的信誉度和在公众中的影响力等多重特征。“公信力”这一提法的出现,客观上讲,是随着各媒体之间竞争的加剧,尤其是随着媒介产业化的发展和完善,媒介集团争相树立自身形象而出现的。从普遍意义上讲,我认为媒介的公信力是媒介在长期的发展中日积月累而成的,是在社会中有广泛的权威性和信誉度、在受众中有深…  相似文献   

由于商业思潮的侵袭等原因,一些媒介公信力下降是不争的事实,公共新闻报道,有利于媒介调整传播理念,强化社会责任感、维护公共利益,提升公信力.  相似文献   

The current study investigates how social media affordances influence individuals’ source credibility perceptions in the presence of risk information, specifically examining how bandwagon heuristics interact with different identity heuristics at the individual level. The MAIN model and warranting theory serve as the theoretical framework to examine the effects of bandwagon cues and identity cues embedded in retweets and users’ profile pages for health and risk online information processing. A posttest-only experiment with a self-report questionnaire was administered to participants. Results indicate that different online heuristic cues impact the judgments of competence, goodwill, and trustworthiness. Authority cues strongly influenced source credibility perceptions. A reverse-bandwagon effect was observed in influencing source credibility judgments.  相似文献   

The present study examines how language use (e.g., personalized vs. depersonalized language) and modality (e.g., tweets vs. Facebook status updates) influence source credibility interdependently. A total of 257 participants read personalized or depersonalized health messages embedded in mock-up tweets or Facebook status updates. The results show that users perceive depersonalized tweets as more credible than depersonalized status updates posted on Facebook. On the other hand, personalized status updates on Facebook generate higher credibility judgments than personalized tweets. The findings are discussed in light of the MAIN model as well as the preconceived user expectations and communication norms of social media.  相似文献   

This study examines credibility perceptions in online consumer reviews. Specifically, this work investigates the effects of review emotionality (high vs. low), review valence (positive vs. negative), and individuals’ need for affect on source credibility and information credibility. In an online experiment, U.S. adults (N = 327) viewed a product review from Amazon.com varied across four experimental conditions. Results indicate that high-emotionality reviews are perceived as lower in source and information credibility compared to low-emotionality reviews. A moderated mediation model was tested with the source credibility dimensions as possible mediators of information credibility and need for affect as a moderator for the effects of review emotionality. The effects of emotionality on information credibility were significantly mediated by source trustworthiness, and this mediation was moderated by participants’ need for affect, with the credibility-hampering effects of emotionality found only among participants with low and moderate levels of need for affect.  相似文献   

In the workplace, a supervisor’s communication of dominance can be used to help accomplish tasks and complete work. Further, perceptions of credibility can be integral in influencing employees and creating an open work climate. The goal of this investigation was to understand how supervisors’ messages of dominance were related to perceptions of supervisor credibility. In this study, 303 participants working in various industries completed measures of interpersonal dominance and credibility about their direct supervisor. As hypothesized, influence and focus/poise were positively related to competence, goodwill, and trustworthiness, whereas conversational control was negatively related to goodwill and trustworthiness. Further, self-assurance was negatively related to goodwill. Regression analyses determined that influence and focus/poise had the strongest relationship to all three dimensions of credibility.  相似文献   

The way female politicians are discussed in traditional and new media may contribute to the way individuals evaluate those candidates. Objectification theory suggests that framing individuals in a way that reduces them to their physical characteristics is detrimental to perceived agency. To that end, an experiment was designed to determine the impact of objectifying comments on the evaluation of female candidates. Researchers created two Facebook feeds discussing a hypothetical female candidate. For both feeds, the discussion focused on the candidate’s policy credentials, with one feed containing commentary on the female candidate’s body. Aspects of credibility and suitability for office were impacted by objectifying commentary, implying the need for future research directed at the specific impact objectification has on candidate evaluation.  相似文献   

借助于媒介可信度理论与媒介系统依赖理论,采用问卷调查方法,探讨大学生群体对于网络信息的可信度评价。研究发现,大学生群体对网上不同类型信息的可信度评价存在显著差异;大学生群体对网络的信任程度与其对网络的使用或者依赖程度呈显著正相关;大学生群体对网络的知觉易用性与网络的知觉有用性呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Previous research uncovered 12 factors impacting Web credibility judgments: authority, page layout, site motive, URL, crosscheckability, user motive, content, date, professionalism, site familiarity, process, and personal beliefs. These factors are examined in terms of general trends as they pertain to the three groups that provided the data: undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. A theoretical model is created from the data to describe the process through which web users make web credibility judgments.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether two medical orientations of physicians—biomedical vs biopsychosocial—influenced individuals’ perceptions of physician credibility. Participants read a vignette describing a physician communicating either a predominantly biomedical or a predominantly biopsychosocial orientation and then completed the Measure of Source Credibility in reference to the physician. Results indicate that physicians who display a biopsychosocial orientation were rated higher in perceived competence, character, and caring. Future researchers should address various effects of the medical context on physician credibility and how patients’ preferences regarding physicians’ medical orientation influence choice of and communication with physicians, patient satisfaction, and compliance.  相似文献   

互联网信息可信性是目前学界的研究热点。本文以时间演进为主线,辅以研究主题变化的考察,探讨了20世纪90年代末到目前国外互联网信息可信性研究的发展历程,发现该领域的主要研究特征是:多学科共同研究、研究主题相对稳定、研究对象进一步多元和细分、调研对象以分类趋向为主同时兼顾普适性、研究方法将定量和定性方法相结合。未来互联网信息可信性研究的重点是影响因素研究和用户信息行为环境和情景的考察。  相似文献   

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