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所谓运动员的合理营养有以下的要求: (1)运动员饮食中的营养素要齐全,所含热量应与运动的需要相适应,不宜缺乏或过剩。根据不同项目特点及各训练期的不同来合理安排饮食,使各种营养素趋于合理。 (2)运动员饮食要求食物营养丰富,热量较高,一般要求一日的食物总量不超过2500克,同时要求食物的体积要小。 (3)运动员的食物要求新鲜、种类多样化,色、香、味俱全,既能促进运动员的食欲,又容易被吸收消化。  相似文献   

根据皮划艇运动项目的特征,阐述了皮划艇运动员的营养特点、基本要求,以及如何做到正确选择和合理利用食物,旨在为皮划艇运动员训练和比赛期的营养安排提供依据。  相似文献   

科学、合理的选材和训练是运动员取得成功的重要保证。独生子女时代的到来,运动员的选材和训练逐渐成为棘手的问题,通过分析双胞胎在各类大赛中所取得的成绩、双胞胎的特殊成长环境和双胞胎的"心灵感应"等方面探讨双胞胎运动员培养的可行性。  相似文献   

江苏省摔跤队膳食营养状况的调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晓梅  曹佩江  陆鹏 《体育与科学》2006,27(6):90-92,84
研究目的:膳食营养是保证运动员营养素的需要和维持体能的最重要的物质基础,对训练起重要的保证作用,与膳食营养在竞技体育中重要位置不相适应的是运动员膳食的不平衡现象普遍存在,它长期影响训练的效果和训练后的恢复。本研究通过调查备战十运会的江苏省摔跤队的膳食状况,对其做出评估,为平衡膳食提供依据。研究方法:采用食物称重法,称量并记录每个运动员所吃主副食的熟重、剩余重量,计算出所吃食物生重。记录运动员饮水量及营养品服用量,用软件计算出各种营养素摄入量及食物构成。将计算结果与运动员每日膳食营养供给标准,食物摄入供给标准进行比较做出合理评价。研究结果:江苏省摔跤运动员三大营养素的摄入比例多不合理,碳水化合物78%不足,56%的运动员脂肪和蛋白质超过推荐标准。中餐、晚餐的能量摄入比例超标比例较高,早餐不足。运动员各种矿物质摄入都超过推荐值,运动员的维生素摄入相对不足,VA、VC、VB1、VPP不同程度地缺乏。运动员每日的摄入量变化很大,最大幅度可达到83%。运动员进食的多少与运动量、运动强度、饭菜的内容以及个人的喜好有很大的关系。  相似文献   

田径运动包含的运动项目特剐多,从事不同田径项目训练的青少年运动员,由于项目本身的特点以及训练手段的不同,对营养的需求也大不一样。我们必须首先了解不同项目的训练特点和供能特点,然后才能从营养补充方面作出针对性强的措施,提前预防各类容易出现的营养问题,保证运动训练的效果。  相似文献   

学校的运动员在生活上具有不规律性,饮食条件差,教练员为了取得好成绩又大多采用大强度、大运动量的训练,这就导致运动员大量的体力能源被消耗,不但影响运动员获得好的比赛成绩,还可能对运动员今后的身体健康埋下隐患。为了避免上述情况的发生,要给运动员补充合理有效的能源,这样才能保证运动员的训练和比赛。众所周知,食物中所含的营养素可分为蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、无机盐、  相似文献   

毕红星 《游泳》2003,(3):2-4
游泳项目属于体能类项目范畴,以表现速度、耐力、力量素质为特征。游泳运动员(以下简称为运动员)竞技、训练及恢复阶段所需要的大量能量与各种营养素,几乎全部来源于食物。因此可见,营养食物的摄取对于运动员是非常重要的,尤其是做到合理调配食物以符合运动员营养的需求则是最为关键的问题。运动员食谱是指为了合理调配食物以达到营养需  相似文献   

田径耐力型项目运动员的合理营养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张勉 《体育科研》2002,23(2):29-30,37
在现代田径运动项目的训练比赛以及恢复期 ,耐力型运动项目运动员对饮食中的各种营养素的需求也受到其本身项目特点的特殊性而明显区别于其它田径项目 ,运动员的饮食营养合理化越来越受到教练员的重视。本文从训练和比赛中 ,运动员对水和电解质、糖、脂肪、蛋白质以及维生素的不同需求和补充 ,来讨论耐力型田径运动员训练和比赛中的合理营养问题 ,促进教练员、科研服务人员注意对运动员膳食进行科学搭配和调整 ,保证运动员的营养需求  相似文献   

<正> 正确选择食物是保证饮食质量的关键。运动员对各种营养素的需要量,要根据项目、运动强度和体格条件来决定。合理地安排饮食营养对消耗能量较大的耐力运动项目——长中跑来说尤为重要。笔者根据自己训练、竞赛以及有关资料证实,运动员饮食安排一定要科学、合理,要因人、因项目而异。选择食物要讲究营养,既易消化,又符合运动员的需要。平时主食不宜过于精细,品种要多样化,米面应合理搭配,充分发挥食物的互补作用。副食不能单从价格出发,关键在于荤素搭配,酸碱性食物搭配。平时吃的食物按性质可分为两大类:一类是  相似文献   

1. 儿童青少年运动员应该食用多样化的食物,其中,蛋白质应占膳食总能量的12%-15%,碳水化合物至少占55%,而脂肪至多占30%。日常生活中如何吃才能满足这些要求呢?膳食指南宝塔提供了一条可行之道。2.有些营养素对热爱运动的儿童青少年运动员非常重要,要保证摄入充足,这些营养素是碳水化合物(包括纤维素)、维生素B6、维生素D、铁、钙、镁、锌、铬。科学合理、包罗各类食物的平衡膳食,对青少年运动员最大程度地全面摄取各种营养素,满足生长发育和运动训练的需要,是非常必要的。3.鼓励儿童青少年运动员在运动训练前、中、后进行补液,以避免脱水的发生。4.如果膳食合理平衡,就没必要额外补充营养品。  相似文献   

康杰 《体育科研》2016,(4):1-10
运动员的日常饮食会影响其运动表现,而在训练和比赛中过程中不同的食物选择也会影响其训练和比赛的状态。良好的饮食习惯可以在强化训练的同时减少疾病和损伤的发生风险,还会提高肌肉及其他组织的训练适应性。通过国际奥林匹克委员会2012年运动营养指南的解读,对运动营养指南各个部分的生理学原理、研究依据、示例、具体建议进行阐释,使其更容易为教练员、运动员及科研人员所理解、掌握。虽然没有所谓的"全能饮食",但还是有很多可以让运动员吃得更好的方法应用于特定的比赛和专项中。  相似文献   

The goal of training is to prepare the distance athlete to perform at his or her best during major competitions. Whatever the event, nutrition plays a major role in the achievement of various factors that will see a runner or walker take the starting line in the best possible form. Everyday eating patterns must supply fuel and nutrients needed to optimize their performance during training sessions and to recover quickly afterwards. Carbohydrate and fluid intake before, during, and after a workout may help to reduce fatigue and enhance performance. Recovery eating should also consider issues for adaptation and the immune system that may involve intakes of protein and some micronutrients. Race preparation strategies should include preparation of adequate fuel stores, including carbohydrate loading for prolonged events such as the marathon or 50-km walk. Fluid and carbohydrate intake during races lasting an hour or more should also be considered. Sports foods and supplements of value to distance athletes include sports drinks and liquid meal supplements to allow nutrition goals to be achieved when normal foods are not practical. While caffeine is an ergogenic aid of possible value to distance athletes, most other supplements are of minimal benefit.  相似文献   

Ramadan fasting, involving abstinence from fluid and food from sunrise to sundown, results in prolonged periods without nutrient intake and inflexibility with the timing of eating and drinking over the day. Dietary choices may also change due to special eating rituals. Although nutrition guidelines are specific to the sport, to the periodized training and competition calendar, and to the individual, many promote the consumption of carbohydrate and fluid before and during exercise, and consumption of protein, carbohydrate, and fluids soon after the session is completed. Failing to meet overall nutritional needs, or to provide specific nutritional support to a session of exercise, is likely to impair acute performance and reduce the effectiveness of training or recovery. Muslim athletes who fast during Ramadan should use overnight opportunities to consume foods and drinks that can supply the nutrients needed to promote performance, adaptation, and recovery in their sports. Because of the benefits of being able to consume at least some of these nutrients before, during or after an exercise session, the schedule of exercise should be shifted where possible to the beginning or end of the day, or during the evening when some nutritional support can be provided.  相似文献   

The primary roles for nutrition in sprints are for recovery from training and competition and influencing training adaptations. Sprint success is determined largely by the power-to-mass ratio, so sprinters aim to increase muscle mass and power. However, extra mass that does not increase power may be detrimental. Energy and protein intake are important for increasing muscle mass. If energy balance is maintained, increased mass and strength are possible on a wide range of protein intakes, so energy intake is crucial. Most sprinters likely consume ample protein. The quantity of energy and protein intake necessary for optimal training adaptations depends on the individual athlete and training demands; specific recommendations for all sprinters are, at best, useless, and are potentially harmful. However, if carbohydrate and fat intake are sufficient to maintain energy levels, then increased protein intake is unlikely to be detrimental. The type and timing of protein intake and nutrients ingested concurrently must be considered when designing optimal nutritional strategies for increasing muscle mass and power. On race day, athletes should avoid foods that result in gastrointestinal discomfort, dehydration or sluggishness. Several supplements potentially influence sprint training or performance. Beta-alanine and bicarbonate may be useful as buffering agents in longer sprints. Creatine may be efficacious for increasing muscle mass and strength and perhaps increasing intensity of repeat sprint performance during training.  相似文献   

对玉林师范学院备战2006年第6届广西大学生运动会运动代表队的部分队员进行大强度训练后机体血液中的铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)5种元素含量的测定、比较和分析,了解大强度训练对其在人体内含量的影响,为运动营养、运动训练和加强医务监督提供科学参考依据。(1)抽检一次临近比赛前的大强度训练,检测训练后运动员机体内这5种元素的含量;(2)发现大强度训练对运动员机体内钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)的含量影响很大;(3)为了确保大专院校运动代表队训练效果,应重视队员在训练期间的营养平衡。  相似文献   

冰球运动员运动疲劳恢复的途径   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
项树清 《冰雪运动》2009,31(3):30-32,39
冰球运动员的运动训练恢复是运动训练中的一个重要组成部分,只有采用良好的消除疲劳方法,才能提高运动员的体能水平和比赛成绩,才能保证日常训练的有序进行和保持其运动状态。通过分析疲劳的产生与特征,提出采用合理安排训练计划与作息制度、合理营养与膳食、心理学恢复、物理恢复等方法与手段促进运动员运动疲劳的积极恢复。  相似文献   

What players should eat on match day is a frequently asked question in sports nutrition. The recommendation from the available evidence is that players should eat a high-carbohydrate meal about 3 h before the match. This may be breakfast when the matches are played around midday, lunch for late afternoon matches, and an early dinner when matches are played late in the evening. The combination of a high-carbohydrate pre-match meal and a sports drink, ingested during the match, results in a greater exercise capacity than a high-carbohydrate meal alone. There is evidence to suggest that there are benefits to a pre-match meal that is composed of low-glycaemic index (GI) carbohydrate foods rather than high-GI foods. A low-GI pre-match meal results in feelings of satiety for longer and produces a more stable blood glucose concentration than after a high-GI meal. There are also some reports of improved endurance capacity after low-GI carbohydrate pre-exercise meals. The physical demands of soccer training and match-play draw heavily on players' carbohydrate stores and so the benefits of good nutritional practices for performance and health should be an essential part of the education of players, coaches, and in particular the parents of young players.  相似文献   

科学合理的营养补充是运动员取得良好运动成绩的前提条件。通过营养素的使用,使运动员能够跟上训练节奏,较好地完成教练员的训练计划。通过长期的运动训练实践,总结出如何进行力量训练的营养补充,以及达到怎样的恢复效果。有针对性的、合理的营养素(糖、电解质、维生素等)补充,可以帮助运动员加快运动后疲劳的恢复。  相似文献   

Carbohydrates and fat for training and recovery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An important goal of the athlete's everyday diet is to provide the muscle with substrates to fuel the training programme that will achieve optimal adaptation for performance enhancements. In reviewing the scientific literature on post-exercise glycogen storage since 1991, the following guidelines for the training diet are proposed. Athletes should aim to achieve carbohydrate intakes to meet the fuel requirements of their training programme and to optimize restoration of muscle glycogen stores between workouts. General recommendations can be provided, preferably in terms of grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of the athlete's body mass, but should be fine-tuned with individual consideration of total energy needs, specific training needs and feedback from training performance. It is valuable to choose nutrient-rich carbohydrate foods and to add other foods to recovery meals and snacks to provide a good source of protein and other nutrients. These nutrients may assist in other recovery processes and, in the case of protein, may promote additional glycogen recovery when carbohydrate intake is suboptimal or when frequent snacking is not possible. When the period between exercise sessions is < 8 h, the athlete should begin carbohydrate intake as soon as practical after the first workout to maximize the effective recovery time between sessions. There may be some advantages in meeting carbohydrate intake targets as a series of snacks during the early recovery phase, but during longer recovery periods (24 h) the athlete should organize the pattern and timing of carbohydrate-rich meals and snacks according to what is practical and comfortable for their individual situation. Carbohydrate-rich foods with a moderate to high glycaemic index provide a readily available source of carbohydrate for muscle glycogen synthesis, and should be the major carbohydrate choices in recovery meals. Although there is new interest in the recovery of intramuscular triglyceride stores between training sessions, there is no evidence that diets which are high in fat and restricted in carbohydrate enhance training.  相似文献   

Implementation of a nutrition programme for team sports involves application of scientific research together with the social skills necessary to work with a sports medicine and coaching staff. Both field and court team sports are characterized by intermittent activity requiring a heavy reliance on dietary carbohydrate sources to maintain and replenish glycogen. Energy and substrate demands are high during pre-season training and matches, and moderate during training in the competitive season. Dietary planning must include enough carbohydrate on a moderate energy budget, while also meeting protein needs. Strength and power team sports require muscle-building programmes that must be accompanied by adequate nutrition, and simple anthropometric measurements can help the nutrition practitioner monitor and assess body composition periodically. Use of a body mass scale and a urine specific gravity refractometer can help identify athletes prone to dehydration. Sports beverages and caffeine are the most common supplements, while opinion on the practical effectiveness of creatine is divided. Late-maturing adolescent athletes become concerned about gaining size and muscle, and assessment of maturity status can be carried out with anthropometric procedures. An overriding consideration is that an individual approach is needed to meet each athlete's nutritional needs.  相似文献   

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