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This article deals with the most important features of Lithuanian library history and describes specific features of the Soviet period. It also describes the current situation of librarianship in independent Lithuania. Historical analysis shows that Lithuanian libraries status, level and rate of development are influenced by particular historical conditions, social, and economical demands of the society.

During the first stages of their history, Lithuanian libraries were a valuable part of the whole European library history. Their activities subsided when Lithuania lost its independence. This eliminated libraries from the national historical process. After Lithuania regained its independence, it became possible for libraries to recover. Unfortunately this process had subsided during the Soviet years. Society depreciated library activities and librarians work. Nevertheless, librarianship of this period has some achievements also. There is a rather good system of library education, several library networks and scientific research in library and information science.

The last period is very hard and difficult for Lithuanian librarianship. During the years of economic crisis, libraries must struggle for their existence. So we can speak only about the possibility to ensure minimal conditions of existence, about the possibility to survive. The technical basis of libraries is especially weak: few of them use computerized technologies. This new period of the Lithuanian library development raised new problems and sharpened the old ones. The Lithuanian state has to change the library system and its functions, and rearrange library activities. The current situation in Lithuania creates new premises for libraries to develop. The most important premise of these changes is restoration of Lithuanian independence. A lot of work is already done to deideologize library activities, and to consolidate in them the principles of democracy. This work must guarantee the right of all Lithuanian citizens to use information stored in libraries. Now Lithuanian libraries strive to restore and establish new international relations, and to integrate themselves into the world's information system.  相似文献   

This article examines the historical development and current state of professional librarian training in Uzbekistan. It aims to determine the main challenges that face LIS education in that country. The article begins with a brief literature review and some historical background on library education in Uzbekistan prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It then describes the educational activities of the Department of Library-Information Systems at Tashkent University of Information Technologies, which is the only institution in Uzbekistan currently offering graduate degrees in librarianship.  相似文献   


The Republic of Lithuania, one of the three Baltic States, declared its independence from the Soviet Union on 11 March 1990. Lithuania joined the United Nations in 1991 and became a member of NATO and the European Union in 2004. Dalia Grybauskait? was elected president of the Republic of Lithuania in 2009 and reelected in 2014. Lithuania adopted the euro as its currency as of 1 January 2015. This paper discusses free websites that elucidate Lithuanian government, culture, and heritage.  相似文献   


The author, Library Director at the University of Klaipeda (Lithuania) and Washington State University Libraries' Library Fellow, writes about her own library in the context of other Lithuanian academic libraries and emerging consortia in Lithuania and the European Community. Both the Consortium of Lithuanian Libraries' project, the Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS), and the European Community's project, the Trans-European Cooperative Scheme for Higher Education (TEMPUS), are specifically noted. The author also offers both her impressions of American academic libraries gathered during her experience as a Library Fellow based at Washington State University Libraries and her hopes for the future of academic libraries in Lithuania.  相似文献   

中国两次新图书馆运动比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国20世纪的新图书馆运动与21世纪的新图书馆运动是对我国图书馆事业的发展方向、服务方式、服务理念产生深远影响的两次图书馆运动。这两次新图书馆运动在其发生的背景、推动我国图书馆人文精神和研究方面所做的贡献及其对中国图书馆理论与实践所产生的意义等方面都各自有其独特之处。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]"随军书店-图书馆"是我党为加强军队学习和思想政治建设而创建的机构,在解放战争时期发挥了重要作用,探索其功能、模式、特点对于当下图书馆工作具有借鉴意义。[研究设计/方法]从"随军书店-图书馆"的创建与发展、功能定位、模式与特点出发,结合丰富史料进行探讨。[结论/发现]"随军书店-图书馆"是解放战争时期我军革命宣传工作的主要参与者,开辟了图书馆参与行业融合的业务模式,对现代图书馆建设亦有启示。[创新/价值]从图书馆史的角度研究"随军书店-图书馆",总结其先进经验,为现代图书馆事业拓展服务外延、提升服务效能提供历史参考。  相似文献   

杨昭悊早年图书馆学行考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为我国现代图书馆学和图书馆事业的重要奠基人,杨昭悊先生早年的图书馆学行活动是相当重要的文献史料。阐述了杨先生译介《图书馆学指南》的缘由及其撰著《图书馆学》的自觉与影响,评述杨先生赴美途中对日本图书馆的报道与推介,考察其早年图书馆学行活动,以原始史料复原这位早期图书馆事业先行者令人尊敬的图书馆精神与情怀。  相似文献   


This paper is an overview of national bibliography in the Baltic states. Its purpose is to present the main lines of development and discuss the major publications that contributed to and currently make up the national bibliographies, current and retrospective, of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. With the growth of printed material from the sixteenth century, there were early efforts by individuals to provide general coverage of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian publications long before national bibliography was politically viable. The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw a shift from the languages of ruling elites to vernacular language in publications, and emerging expressions of national consciousness that fostered the development of national bibliography. During the periods of independence in the inter-war period, national bibliography flourished, influenced largely by individuals and independent organizations. Soviet-era national bibliographies, despite their ideological focus, were numerous and well produced, and provided a continuum and basis for national bibliography today. Since the collapse of Soviet authority in 1991, scholars and librarians have reclaimed the past and re-established national bibliography appropriate to Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian history, language, and culture.  相似文献   

图书馆经济现象、经济活动研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
图书馆的经济现象和经济活动属于图书馆经济学的范畴。图书馆的经济活动主要有 :信息咨询、收集 ;多次文献加工 ;多媒体文献服务 ;各类型辅导班 ;办公文具、图书馆设备制造 ;开办书店等。图书馆的经济活动在某种程度上为图书馆增加了一些收入 ,有利于图书馆职工队伍的稳定 ,从而保证或促进图书馆事业的健康发展。参考文献 2。  相似文献   

中华图书馆协会成立的背景因素、历史意义之考察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
沈占云 《图书馆》2006,(1):24-26
20世纪20年代,我国图书馆的发展,逐渐从传统藏书楼模式,转变成以新式图书馆的经营管理方式服务大众,新兴的公共图书馆有如雨后初笋般繁荣。图书馆事业从萌芽到发展,是中华图书馆协会成立的背景因素,协会创建及所做的工作,给日后图书馆事业的发展起到了一定的促进作用,我国近代出现了图书馆史上的第一次发展高潮。  相似文献   

梁灿兴 《图书馆》2006,(1):11-13,17
本文讨论了在近代公共图书馆出现之前,图书馆事业的依附性.指出公众图书馆的出现是图书馆事业在近代获得独立的社会地位的标志,并分析了公众图书馆的本质特征,试图探索图书馆事业获得社会独立的原因。  相似文献   

This study examines the current state of business librarianship. What are the educational backgrounds of business library and information practitioners? Where and in what manner are they providing business librarianship? How do they interact with their peers? Is business librarianship a field which is attracting new librarians? Perhaps most importantly, are business librarians happy in their profession? Past articles have focused specifically on academic business librarians. However, a significant amount of business librarianship occurs outside of academia. This survey benefited from data gathered from librarians from all types of libraries.  相似文献   

《中华图书馆协会会报》由中华图书馆协会创办于1925年,停刊于1948年,是民国期间存续时间最长的图书馆学刊物。该刊有五个常设栏目,其载文数量与我国图书馆学期刊的发展阶段特征相吻合,其中载文最多的主题集中在各类型图书馆、外国图书馆事业和图书馆业务工作三个方面。该刊对于中华图书馆协会的会务工作,对当时的图书馆学术研究和图书馆事业的发展等方面均起到了非常积极的推动作用,是我国图书馆发展史上的时代华章。  相似文献   


This article describes the role of exploratory teams in leading radical innovation within academic libraries, empirically expanding on Jantz’s research on the managerial and environmental conditions necessary for the creation of such units. Using historical and contemporary private-sector examples, as well as an in-depth case study from successful implementation of one such unit, this article documents the components, characteristics, and return on investment associated with academic library R&D. Finally, by tackling the concept of exploratory activities at the organization, team, and individual levels, the article presents actionable techniques for fully supporting, and adequately nurturing creative professionals whose job is to redefine 21st century librarianship.  相似文献   

The author received a ten‐month Fulbright grant to lecture in Ukraine on digital library concepts. In this article she shares her observations and experiences gathered by visiting libraries and librarians all over the country. After 17 years of Ukrainian independence, the libraries are generally in a better situation than they were immediately after the breakup of the Soviet Union. However, they are also in a state of great transition as they rethink their role in society and grapple with new information technologies.  相似文献   

关于美国图书馆事业研究文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着美国图书馆事业的快速发展,近几年来对它的研究引起我国图书馆员和图书馆的高度重视。文章描述了主要类型图书馆的研究概貌,并概述了关于藏书发展、参考服务、数字图书馆、图书馆管理等方面的主要观点。  相似文献   

中国图书馆学会第七次全国会员代表大会闭幕词   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国图书馆学会第七次全国会员代表大会是一次具有里程碑意义的盛会。新一届理事会要以开放态度、务实精神去开拓我们的事业。要做到图书馆事业的和谐发展,一是要缩小东西及城乡差别,争取均衡发展;二是要发挥高校和科学系统图书馆的优势,缓解公共馆压力, 扩大事业影响;三是发挥专家学者作用,促进图书馆学和图书馆事业发展。为共谋发展,必须达成如下共识:学会理事,必须“理事”,学会领导必须向全体会员和图书馆同仁负责;要加强学会秘书处的建设,使学会工作运转灵活。  相似文献   

《20世纪以来中国的图书馆事业》系统地反映了20世纪中国图书馆的发展面貌,重点叙述了改革开放30年来图书馆的变化,用发展的眼光评论了图书馆工作与技术的进步。全书史料丰富、脉络清楚,具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

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