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The affective and cognitive dimensions of attitudinal structure in Martin Fishbein's theory have been investigated rather thoroughly. Little research, however, has been conducted on the function of saliency in such a structure. While previous research has almost exclusively applied Fishbein's theory to impression formation and person perception, the present study adapted the theory to the prediction of attitude toward a proposed change in policy. Saliency in cognitive structure was conceptualized as the perceived importance to “self” and “others” of the consequences associated with the proposal. The addition to the theory of perceived importance of consequences significantly improved its strength in predicting attitude toward a proposed change in policy.  相似文献   


The authors examine the communicative, organizational, and political dimensions of how the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) treated the issue of nuclear arms control in the early 1980s. They argue that the NCCB as an organizational unit shaped a new “corporate advocacy” role for itself; the bishops responded to internal and external needs, revitalized their image within the Church, and achieved a new political status.  相似文献   


The ISSN ISO standard (ISO 3297) is under revision. The ISO Working Group established to prepare this revision (ISO/TC46/SC9/WG5) includes representatives of the various communities interested in publishing, distributing, accessing, and identifying serials and other continuing resources. ISO/TC46/SC9/WG5 has developed revisions to the standard and additional proposals and recommendations that should result in some very positive and exciting changes for ISSN users and the ISSN Network.

This paper focuses on the most important changes that will be brought about by this revision: changes in ISSN scope, clarification of the ISSN assignment policy, development of a new concept and function-the “collocating issn”1-and development of an ISSN link data distribution and look-up service.2 The paper briefly mentions the use of ISSN in conjunction with DOIs, OpenURL, and URN, and concludes with a discussion of the place and role of ISSN users in the ISSN standard revision process and in the ISSN system.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):215-221

Ralph Waldo Emerson's theory of public address may be characterized as a rhetoric of provocation. Emerson did not see truth as encompassed by the human mind, set down in a book, or defended by logic. It is a state of mind, an attitude of searching for and listening to the voice within, the voice of God. The preacher‐orator cannot communicate truth directly to other men; he can only provoke them into searching for it on their own. The philosopher, orator, or preacher was, for Emerson, “only a more or less awkward translator” of ideas already in the consciousness of his audience. An orator functions as a “divining‐rod” to the deeper nature of men, lifting them above themselves and creating within them as appetite for truth.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):183-216

Drawing upon role theory, this essay examines Will Rogers’ use of rhetorical irony as a means of persuasive influence. Through dramatic and Socratic irony, this rhetor “coached” audience members in the assumption of the “god‐role” of superiority. With enactment of the role, audience members theoretically and momentarily transformed their perceptions and modified their adherence to American cultural values, including technological progress, fair play, support for the underdog, anti‐imperialism, self‐determination by small nations, democratic manners, individualism, and anti‐intellectualism. Although attitude change from such role assumption is theoretically fleeting because of the transitory, non‐pervasive nature of the role, more lasting effects may be produced by repeated role assumption and enactment.  相似文献   


Jim Conran of the California Department of Consumer Affairs accused Sears’ auto repair centers of overcharging their customers. This accusation raised serious questions about whether Sears’ customers could really “Count On Sears” as its advertisements had assured us for years. I analyze this persuasive attack and apply the theory of image restoration discourse to Sears’ attempt to restore its tarnished reputation. I argue that the accusations were persuasive, while Sears’ response—especially its initial response—was weak.  相似文献   


Library instruction about reference materials, databases, and quality web sites never goes out of fashion for students, faculty, or staff. An annual professional development program on the Colorado State University campus offers an opportunity to provide specialized library instruction to targeted faculty and staff members. For two consecutive years, the authors offered a workshop called “«Find it Fast»: Research Tips for People in a Hurry.” Using a standardized assessment tool, attendees were asked to rank their level of satisfaction with various aspects of the instruction session. By evaluating and incorporating this feedback, the authors modified and enhanced the workshop's format and content. Higher levels of user satisfaction are achieved in the second year, along with recommendations to continue and broaden the workshop.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(61-62):41-50

This contribution describes the beginning years of a Holocaust Resource Center and its collection development in a four-year public institution, the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. The authors argue that, with such preconditions as strong institutional leadership and commitment and with good “town-gown” relationships, Holocaust and Genocide Studies can be placed central to the liberal arts experience. Such centrality is particularly important given the repeated occurrence of genocide in this century. In view of uncertain fiscal support for public higher education, multiple ways must but can be found to develop Holocaust and Genocide book and media collections.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):131-142

The principle of congruity was proposed several years ago as an explanation for certain behavioral changes in communication situations. In this article the principle of congruity is offered as an explanation for attitude change in an oral communication situation. A predictive model is developed, taking a listener's attitude toward the speaker, the speech topic, the speaker's delivery, and the stylistic treatment of the speech topic as the significant variables in determining what the listener's attitude toward the speaker and the speech topic will be after listening to the speech. An experiment to test the predictive model is reported. The results generally support a principle of congruity in this type of oral communication situation.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):227-247

It is argued here that students of rhetoric and communication, along with scholars in other disciplines, have tended to reflect “Establishment” biases in treatments of persuasion in social conflicts. As a result, we have often failed to come to grips with the nature of conflict, the needs of “OUTS” and “HAVE‐NOTS,” and the utility of conflict for societies. In the place of prevailing “system orientations,” a “dual perspective” is proposed—one which would examine persuasion in conflicts from the viewpoint of both the actors attempting to maximize their interests in conflict situations and the system attempting to regulate conflict in the collective interest. The concept of “coercive persuasion” is introduced, and several suggestions for research are offered.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):229-233

A general paradigm of a rating error theory is presented with a study testing relationships from the theory. The study aimed to discover the effects of source credibility, attitude valence, and task sensitization on trait errors in the evaluation of speeches. The main hypothesis of the study was an interaction effect on trait errors in the speech ratings. The results indicate a significant triple interaction, suggesting that when speech raters are sensitized to the task and are in favor of the view of the speaker, their trait errors on “ideas” will favor a low credibility speaker. The results are explained in terms of attraction and similarity.  相似文献   


How do academic library users search for scholarly information? While there are many possible ways, research from several scholarly fields offers a useful perspective; studies from social psychology, economics, and library and information science suggest that users will often favor “low-effort” information-seeking approaches. Though many academic librarians undoubtedly advocate efficient information-seeking strategies, we argue that development of a more systematic and coordinated low-effort approach would be beneficial. Accordingly, this article offers an organized “toolkit” of low-effort information-seeking strategies suitable for self-use by library patrons or inclusion in library instruction programs.  相似文献   

This paper contends with how postbroadcast television branding subsumes viewers’ affective interactivities with place to produce brand value. Focusing on the HBO series Treme, I argue that Treme engendered HBO's postbroadcast brand mutation by producing “passionate engagement,” where viewers were invited to interact with the show by touring New Orleans, thus adding place to online interactivity and multiscreen engagement as a means of constructing an “authentic” brand identity. The desire for viewers to connect to New Orleans’ culture is thus transformed into a vehicle for profit making for HBO and an assurance to shareholders that the brand still holds value.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):156-159

The authors of this research report list and discuss certain methodological and theoretical problems which they find in the Speech Monographs article on “Heart Rate as an Index of Speech Anxiety” by Ralph Behnke and Larry Carlile.  相似文献   


A superior learning environment provides students widi an opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of an instructor and encourages them to engage in research into the subject matter of the course. Collaboration between a course instructor and a library liaison using online courseware can lead to the creation of a “learning community” that enhances the learning experience. The authors describe an experiment (using Blackboard to create a “pseudo course”) that produced a learning community that nurtured students and fostered Student retention and success.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):135-161

This study attempts to summarize selected concepts from the theory of Kenneth Burke and test their applicability in a formal organization. Semantic differential scales and the paired‐comparison technique were used to gather data on “order,” “mystery,” and “identification” as perceived by members of all levels of the hierarchy within a university.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):249-258

The essay develops a theory of and models for a perspective on epistemology which may be referred to as “knowledge‐as‐status.” The perspective is intended to provide a particular conception of knowledge and a practical method for analyzing the development of and change in what we call knowledge. Toward those ends, the essay introduces the perspective, explains it as a way of understanding both the attainment of knowledge and changes in knowledge, and finally summarizes the issue of describing changes in knowledge.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):364-370

Concepts from Heider's “Attribution of Responsibility” theory were used to investigate the process of message source evaluation. The results of a role‐playing experiment indicate that: (1) When a message source's previous behavior has had favorable consequences for a receiver, the source will be rated more “safe,” “qualified,” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source; and (2) when the source's previous behavior has had unfavorable consequences for the receiver, the source will be judged less “safe” but more “qualified” and “dynamic” to the extent that responsibility for those consequences are attributed to the source.  相似文献   


Migrating from one automated system to another has become a common experience in libraries. Such a migration is as great a change for serials staff as implementing the library's first automated system. It involves conversion or re-entry of data, alterations in workflow, changes in system “philosophy,” and a lot of relearning. Much of the success of the process depends on staff training. This workshop offered practical ideas and suggestions for training serials staff to deal with a new system and the transition process. The emphasis was on practical steps to help with the migration process from initial planning through implementation and on to daily operations under the new system.  相似文献   

“Larry Edmunds Cinema and Theater Bookshop”, Inc. 6658 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. 90028: This bookstore was mentioned earlier in BBB under cinema [I:6:5 and II:4:6]

“Acres of Books”, 240 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, Calif. 90802: Dr. Kittross described this bookstore in an early issue of BBB [I:4:3]

“The Book Shelf”, 1217 South Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, Calif. 90250.

“Gene de Chene Bookseller”, 11552 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90025.

“Dawson's Book Shop”: 533 North Larchmont, Los Angeles, Calif. 90004.

“Cosmopolitan Book Shop”: 7007 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90038.

“West Los Angeles Bookstore”, 1670 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90025.

“Wilshire Books”, 3018 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, Calif. 90406.  相似文献   

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