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Guided by the appraisal theory of emotion, this paper examines how various emotions shape communication strategies within romantic relationships. Events that changed people's relational uncertainty levels provide the context for the investigation. Participants in dating relationships (N = 141) described their experience of relational certainty and uncertainty increasing events. Relational certainty increases coincided with relatively high levels of happiness, and relational uncertainty increases corresponded with heightened degrees of anger and sadness. Integrative behaviors were a frequently reported response to both kinds of events. Consistent with appraisal theory, specific emotions were associated with particular strategies; however, some effects were moderated by the type of event. The discussion highlights the utility of appraisal theory for understanding how romantic partners manage fluctuations in relational uncertainty.  相似文献   

This study examines how news stories framed in terms of discrete emotions (anger, fear, hope) influence online news message processing and information seeking. Results revealed that participants who read the approach emotion stories (anger and especially hope) spent more time on the story page than those who read the avoidant emotion (fear) story. These two emotional frames also differentially affected the information that people selected post-exposure in emotion-consistent ways. Overall, the findings deepen our understanding of the role that the emotional framing of news stories plays in determining how consumers respond to and selectively engage with online news content.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the prevalence of emotion stereotypes in children’s television programming, in both educational and non-educational programming. It was hypothesized that gender stereotypes of emotion would still be prevalent in both entertainment and educational programming, with females showing more fear and sadness and males showing more anger, and that all shows would have more male than female characters. A total of 8 children’s programs were included for analysis: 4 entertainment programs and 4 educational programs. Programs were coded for the total number of males and females and for the emotions displayed by each character: happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. Overall, the analyses revealed that the majority of shows still have more male than female characters. Males were found to portray more of all emotions than females. Educational programming did not differ much in the amount of stereotypical versus counter-stereotypical emotion portrayed. Entertainment programming showed a trend toward more counter-stereotyped emotions. Future research should explore the influence of viewing specific shows on young children’s current gender stereotypes to assess the immediate impact of such viewing.  相似文献   

Immediately following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, family and friends of victims missing in the towers began placing “Missing Person Posters” of their loved ones around New York City. In this paper, we argue that the posters represent a powerful response to a traumatic and in some ways unprecedented situation, a response that transformed the death of loved ones from a reality or future certainty into a probability made possible by the searchers' desire, emotions, or imagination. We demonstrate how the posters, operating in the “subjunctive” voice, transformed the “liminal” space between life and death and “haunted” onlookers, so that survivors and spectators alike could ponder the possibilities of a world that would “hopefully” turn out for the best. We also consider the implications of the posters for those who were unable to acknowledge the loss of their loved ones.  相似文献   

The intricate connection between nation branding efforts and the emotions they evoke has been inadequately addressed in existing branding and international relations literature. I propose a heuristic account that theorizes this relationship. By tracing the branding efforts made by China and the de-branding efforts made by Shen Yun Performing Arts (a troupe established by Falun Gong practitioners), I argue that these “authentic” Chinese cultural presentations elicit certain emotions. The emotional works are different for Chinese domestic audiences and for international audiences. I propose a duplex model to account for the emotional processes in these two groups of audiences. Four operating emotions—pride, guilt, admiration, and anger—solidify into various political attitudes toward China. Finally, I discuss the contributions of this duplex model and its further complications.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):227-247

It is argued here that students of rhetoric and communication, along with scholars in other disciplines, have tended to reflect “Establishment” biases in treatments of persuasion in social conflicts. As a result, we have often failed to come to grips with the nature of conflict, the needs of “OUTS” and “HAVE‐NOTS,” and the utility of conflict for societies. In the place of prevailing “system orientations,” a “dual perspective” is proposed—one which would examine persuasion in conflicts from the viewpoint of both the actors attempting to maximize their interests in conflict situations and the system attempting to regulate conflict in the collective interest. The concept of “coercive persuasion” is introduced, and several suggestions for research are offered.  相似文献   

Abstract There is little research about how visitors to zoos and aquariums respond emotionally to the animals they experience. The research that does exist has seldom been informed by current psychological literature on affect, which examines the nature and roles of sentiments, moods, emotions, and affective traits. Emotion is multidimensional: it focuses on a person's core goals; directs attention and interest; arouses the body for action; and integrates social group and cultural factors. It is thus a central component of meaning‐making. This article provides an overview of the literature on emotion as it applies to human emotional responses to animals. Informed by this literature, this paper presents results from a research study conducted at a zoo. Subjects (279 adults) were each electronically paged once while viewing one of three zoo animals (snake, okapi, or gorilla). Subjects completed scales on 17 specific emotions, seven items measuring evaluation and arousal, and other scales and responses to the animal. Four patterns of emotions emerged, ranging from “equal opportunity” emotions to “highly selective” emotions. The variables that were most important in influencing emotions were not demographic ones, but the kind of animal, subject's emotionality, relation to the animal, and other items predicted by emotion theory. Implications for biophilia, conservation, and the study of emotional responses to animals are discussed.  相似文献   


Front-line library staff members often encounter “problem patrons” —those patrons who put others in fear for their own physical security, whether or not that fear is ultimately justified. This article identifies the risks and suggests some precautions, including: defusing anger at the service points through improved interpersonal communication techniques and staff training, drafting policies and procedures to help guide staff as they deal with incidents, and improving the security of library buildings. Legal issues surrounding library security also are examined.  相似文献   

The article argues that the legal about face in 1950s law in which film was granted First Amendment protection was driven in part by a change in the “emotional regimes” of US democracy, or emotions/performances of emotion that are part of legitimate political culture. The legal understanding of how film does or does not contribute to democratic political culture tracks historical shifts in these emotional regimes. In the teens, elites feared the activation of the masses, as crowds, in political uprisings. By 1950, elite fears had turned to passive audiences, “narcotized” masses that might easily be seduced by totalitarian demagogues.  相似文献   

This study examines how a sample of African American women understands the uncertainties fundamental to cancer risk communication. Utilizing data from four focus groups, Problematic Integration (PI) theory is applied as an interpretive lens for illustrating their felt difficulties of talking openly about cancer and breast cancer in everyday life. The women describe worry about cancer and its prevalence among African American women; ambivalence and uncertainty; belief that what is not uncertain is certain and awful; fear and avoidance; contradictions in “claiming” and “rebuking” cancer; and hopefulness.  相似文献   

Recognizing inconsistencies between the extant fear appeal theories and emotion literature, this research integrated cognitive appraisal theory and functional emotion theory into a fear appeal literature and proposed a model that describes a process through which both fear and anxiety can contribute to adaptive responses. Findings from an experiment (N = 927) supported the predictions. Fear and anxiety emerged as distinct constructs. Perceived susceptibility was a stronger predictor of anxiety than fear, while perceived severity was a stronger predictor of fear than anxiety. In addition, greater fear and anxiety led to greater response efficacy through increased motivation to obtain protection-related information and heightened attention to such information, thus mediating the threat and coping appraisal processes. The SEM model testing the predictions showed that perceived susceptibility had the strongest total effects on protection intention, followed by anxiety, perceived severity, and fear.  相似文献   

This study examines the psychological processes that determine how fear appeal and sponsor type impact young adults’ responses to public campaigns against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in Singapore. The results showed that fear appeal in the STD messages increased the level of anger arousal, while the STD messages sponsored by a commercial company versus a government agency increased the level of negative cognitions among participants. The interaction between fear appeal and sponsor type was found in both affective and cognitive responses of psychological reactance against the STD messages.  相似文献   

This research examines the influence of message recipients' emotional responses to televised PSAs on their attitudes toward the advocated issues. Integrating the affect-as-information paradigm and Epstein's cognitive-experiential self-theory, this research hypothesizes that message-induced emotions will have a greater influence on persuasion for individuals who have a strong faith in intuition than for those who have a weak faith in intuition. Overall, the main hypothesis was partially supported. There is some indication that faith in intuition moderates the influence of message-induced emotions on persuasion such that people with a stronger faith in intuition tend to rely more on experienced emotions when making judgments. The moderating effects of faith in intuition, however, appear to be confined to specific PSAs and discrete emotions.  相似文献   

Message appeals are a key component of communication campaigns and an important source of campaign influence. However, research on them is heavily fragmented and it is difficult to generalize findings from the many diverse field studies. Based on a large and unique data set using quantitative and qualitative meta-analyses, this research provides measures of the relative impact of each type of appeal, as well as the major differences among them, and identifies the moderating variables that lead to a better understanding of each. This investigation is based on persuasion research, which provides a framework for understanding the unique characteristics of these advertising appeals. It highlights empirical gaps in the academic literature and acts as a conceptual guide for our research hypotheses. Results reveal weaker effect sizes than those previously reported in the literature and show important differences among appeals that lead to a “hierarchy of appeals.” Specifically, emotional appeals, led by sex and humor, appear to be more effective than fear and rational appeals. The study finds new theoretical and empirical generalizations; some results are counterintuitive and differ from findings generated from single appeal studies. Findings are of theoretical and practical importance.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)暴发流行后,大量信息和舆论铺天盖地而来。准确把握疫情暴发期公众的信息获取行为及特征,分析探索错失焦虑的形成与影响因素,对于重大突发公共卫生事件的应急管理与科学决策具有重要价值。[方法/过程] 基于使用与满足理论、认知心理学等梳理分析错失焦虑、信息获取行为、无聊倾向及情绪之间的关系,构建研究模型。通过问卷调查法采集957份样本数据,利用偏最小二乘法检验模型,结合访谈对结果进行讨论分析。[结果/结论] 重大突发公共卫生事件暴发期,移动新媒体是信息获取的主要渠道,接收推送分享与主动搜寻行为均衡,信息阅读观看的日均耗费时间较长,呈现高频次短时间隔获取特征。疫情关注度显著正向影响错失焦虑与信息获取行为;无聊倾向与错失焦虑之间呈现显著正相关关系。错失焦虑是信息获取的动机性因素,具有显著正向影响作用;错失焦虑较高的个体更容易感染负面情绪;信息获取行为与负面情绪之间有显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

The central concern of this paper is to address the question, “Is it more dangerous to be a woman journalist when reporting conflict”. Beck states “risk is the anticipation of the catastrophe—so it is existent and non-existent”. Is the contention that female journalists are more at risk, knowledge, or a construction of knowledge? Are editors and journalists who decide that women are more at risk merely anticipating a catastrophe? There is no certainty, of course, that women are more at risk, but the fear that they might be can prevent them from being sent to cover conflict, or force them to decide not to go to dangerous places. Certainly, an improvised explosive device or rocket fire does not distinguish between sexes. In many situations being female actually helps women journalist in conflict zones. In this paper we present findings from a survey of journalists who work in conflict zones and ask whether it is the job or the gender which is the most dangerous?  相似文献   


“Social movement”; is a set of meanings and not an objective phenomenon. We therefore require explanations of “movement”; in rhetoric, not explanations of persuasion in allegedly discrete and objective situations.  相似文献   

Greater fear arousal is associated with greater engagement with persuasive messages, and negative information and events are more potent than their positive counterparts. Hence loss-framed persuasive appeals, which emphasize the undesirable outcomes of noncompliance with the communicator's recommendations, should elicit greater message processing than do gain-framed appeals, which emphasize the desirable outcomes of compliance. But a meta-analytic review (based on 42 effect sizes, N = 6,378) finds that gain-framed messages engender slightly but significantly greater message engagement than do loss-framed messages. This effect is apparently not a result of whether the appeals refer to obtaining or averting negative (e.g., “skin cancer”) rather than positive (e.g., “attractive skin”) outcomes.  相似文献   

This research contributes to the growing body of literature exploring emotion and communication in the workplace by considering the workers in a variety of jobs that require “compassionate communication.” Compassion is conceptualized as one form of emotional work and is theoretically developed through a model that highlights the subprocesses of noticing, feeling, and responding. Analyses of interviews with 23 workers in a wide range of human service jobs indicated a number of complexities in the communication of compassion in the workplace. Processes of “noticing” included both noticing the need for compassion and noticing details of clients’ lives in order to communicate more successfully in compassionate ways. Processes of “connecting” included both emotional processes (empathy) and cognitive processes (perspective taking). Processes of “responding” included both nonverbal strategies, such as immediacy behaviors and environmental structuring, and verbal strategies for balancing the informational and emotional content of messages. These results are interpreted in the light of both contemporary and traditional communication theory, and practical implications are presented for human service workers and others involved in compassionate communication in the workplace.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):250-263
This study assesses the usefulness of voters' emotions toward presidential candidates in predicting voter attitudes toward, involvement with, and learning of the candidates' statements at a debate. Three different models of the effects of emotions, including the bipolar model, Marcus and MacKuen's (1993) two-dimensional model, and a discrete emotions model were tested for their efficacy in predicting the responses of 81 participants who watched the 2000 Presidential Debate at Wake Forest University. Overall, the bipolar model in which positive and negative emotion terms fall along one continuum of affective valence was most consistent with the data. With regard to both presidential candidates, the more positive the emotion felt toward the candidate, the more positive the voters' attitudes were toward that candidate. Likewise, attitudes predicted greater involvement with the candidates, which subsequently predicted greater learning from the candidate at the debate.  相似文献   

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