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Widening access to higher education (HE) has been an important policy objective in Scotland over the last twenty years. While there is evidence that high levels of participation have been achieved, and some evidence of reduction in inequalities in participation rates among young people entering higher education, there is also evidence of persisting inequalities, and of patterns of differentiation and stratification. As a result there is evidence that, with the development of mass higher education in Scotland, a stratified system of higher education has emerged. Furthermore there is evidence that these patterns of stratification are being maintained over time, despite the policies which are designed to widen access. This paper will review the evidence regarding the nature and extent of these patterns of stratification, and briefly consider the policies which are designed to tackle this issue.  相似文献   

This paper traverses three consecutive policy periods with respect to Australian higher education equity, the first two driven by the policies of successive Labor Governments and the third by a highly deregulatory market liberal Coalition Government. It identifies the distinguishing characteristics of the national equity policy, planning and reporting framework put into place by Australian Labor Governments in the first of these periods (mid 1980s–mid 1990s). The second and abruptly concluded period is significant in terms of the evaluation it provides of the achievements of that framework and the elaboration of the principles, policy and procedures required to entrench progress over the longer term. The paper goes on to identify what remains of that framework in the third and contemporary era, given that the policies of the current conservative Coalition Government have brought about changes in higher education funding and policy directions which threaten to reverse what progress had been made in the two earlier periods.  相似文献   

Like many other higher education systems in the Western world, Dutch higher education underwent profound changes during the last decade. In this article we will present an overview of these changes, and try to formulate an analytical framework that might be suited to analyze this process. In order to set the stage, we will begin with an overview of the Dutch higher education system, in which the broad structure is described, and some trends are presented. Next, an overview is given of the retrenchment and restructuring operations with which Dutch higher education was confronted during the last decade. Drawing, mainly, on public administration and political theory, we then attempt to formulate a framework for analysis. In this we focus on the Dutch higher education system as a policy network, and address the relationships that exist between the various key actors in the network: between government and higher education, among higher education institutions themselves, and among the different actors within the institutions, especially administrators and academics. In doing so, we hope to demonstrate that at all these levels some identical basic processes operate which to a large extent determine the outcomes of governmental policies aimed at changing the higher education system. Time and again the modern state stumbles over the academic system (Clark 1983: 137)  相似文献   

Developments in Chines higher education since the creation of the People's Republic in 1949 are reviewed with special reference to the periods before and after the Cultural Revolution. Recent changes in admission policies the use of work experience, the linking of theory with practice, length of course, and teacher-student relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the changes in Russian higher education policies and the role of international organizations—the World Bank and OECD—in promoting education reforms in this country. General and specific recommendations offered by the World Bank and the OECD expert teams to improve Russian higher education are analysed to determine if any of their suggestions have been considered and applied in recent government policies. We explore the mechanisms though which new policies are implemented at the institutional and national levels. Finally, we suggest that higher education institutions and the Russian government experience coercive, mimetic, normative and discursive pressures emanating from these global policy actors.  相似文献   

本文基于公开的数据库与相关期刊和书籍等,使用量化研究方法,对1979~2019年日本高等教育研究主题内容和方法等发展变化做了较为全面和系统的考察。本文主要发现包括:首先,1979年以来高等教育研究文献数量的持续增长说明,高等教育研究在日本并非一个日趋衰落或越来越不受重视的领域。其次,日本高等教育政策和高等教育改革措施直接影响了高等教育研究的主题变化及其数量。日本高等教育研究总体上比较注重研究与政府和社会变化的联系,具有较强的问题意识,强调研究的实践性和针对性等。第三,从国别研究来看,日本高等教育总体上仍然一直重视对美国的研究,但20世纪90年代后期开始,日本高等教育比较研究的焦点逐渐从西方、尤其是从欧洲大陆的主要国家过渡到东亚的中国和韩国。最后,过去40年高等教育的学术研究逐渐从重视史料及文本的整理和解读,转向更多基于大规模问卷调查数据的量化研究。此外,与早期多注重介绍和翻译来自美国学者的研究相比,近年来的学术研究更强调原创性和具有新意。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代至今,法国移民子女教育政策经历了短暂的跨文化教育、教育优先发展区以及新世纪反歧视教育三个政策发展阶段。在这个过程中,法国国民教育部颁布实施入门班、特殊班级、教育优先发展区等诸多政策,旨在改善移民子女的教育状况,培养移民子女的国家认同感,最终使其成为合格的法国公民。法国移民子女教育政策凸显出共和同化的教育理念,而多元文化教育的缺失仍是其显著特征。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):187-198
Higher education in Spain broke away from its close dependency on the State in the last decade. In this paper we analyze the steps undertaken by the Spanish higher education system which has allowed market influences to grow in recent years. We analyze the historical framework and legal changes which have facilitated market trends in higher education. We consider the influence of these market trends on the financial and organizational structure of universities. We conclude that, though the steps are still hesitant, market-like elements are increasingly affecting every aspect of higher education life.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, Chile and Mexico have been implementing neoliberal policies to reform their higher education systems. This report compares the development and impact of those policies within three main areas in both countries, namely: (1) trends and characteristics of the growing private higher education sector, (2) commercialisation and business-like trends that private academia is experiencing and, finally, (3) it discusses how all this has created tensioning situations with assessment and accrediting agencies to ensure quality in their private higher education systems. This study shows that private higher education is facing the following challenges in both nations: (1) an uncritical implementation of neoliberal policies, (2) that there is a very unregulated legislation that has allowed many private institutions to profit within loopholes in the law, (3) that quality has become a central concern and some of the mechanisms applied to correct it have not been effective, showing a lack of a comprehensive system of quality assessment, and (4) that enrolment has grown but with several mismatches that challenge the initial goal of advancing economic development through human resources capacities. Alternative policies are discussed.  相似文献   

As a result of the changes to school administration and curriculum in New Zealand over the last ten years, primary teachers have had to make significant changes to their assessment practices. This paper briefly reviews literature relating to the competing discourses of assessment that underpin teachers' practices and describes how the changes to New Zealand education have provoked a reconsideration of the balance between formative and summative assessment. It then reports findings from a qualitative investigation into how some primary teachers have attempted to accommodate these competing discourses and the effects these have had on their teaching practice. These results are discussed in light of the research literature and suggestions for changing national and school policies and practices to prioritise assessment for better learning over accountability conclude the paper. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本研究基于对新中国70年民族教育政策的数量统计和内容分析,从价值取向层面将我国民族语言教育政策的发展分为突出少数民族语言平等权利的探索奠基期(1949-1965年)、强调语言标准的规范形成期(1977-1999年)和注重多元并存的体系建设期(2000-2018年)三个主要阶段,具有始终维护和保障少数民族语言的平等权利、着力坚持民族语和国家通用语的共同发展、积极探索"民、汉、外"三语教学的协调发展等特征。在各时期民族语言教育政策的规范和引导下,我国民族语言教育逐步建立了从以民族语教育为主、汉语教育为辅的双轨制过渡到国家通用语教育与民族语教育并存、外语教育协调发展的语言教育多元体系。70年来我国民族语言教育政策取得了历史性成绩,但受限于我国多民族多语言和区域发展不平衡的现实条件,体制和机制上仍存在着不健全、不完善、不科学等诸多现实问题,亟待通过构建统筹协调的民族语言教育规划机制、完善科学联动的民族语言教育决策系统和建设规范有效的民族语言教育管理体系来加以改进和完善。  相似文献   

This article explores gender, social class and ethnic issues in parental involvement in students' choices of higher education. It draws upon interviews with students and their parents, who were a small group of an Economic and Social Research Council-funded study of students' higher education choice processes in the UK. Gender was highly significant in several respects, illustrating changes in higher education over the last 20 years, whereby more women than men now enter higher education. Most of the interviewees were female. They were mothers and daughters who were thinking about higher education. The article explores first how gender is inflected in choice processes--from whether students choose to involve their parents in the study, to their parents' characteristics, to the forms of involvement revealed. Different facets of involvement are considered--interest, influence and support, investment and intrusion. Secondly, the article provides illustrations of girls' collaborative approaches to the choice processes, in which some of their mothers also engage. This is contrasted with boys' perspectives and those of fathers who were interviewed. This illustrates how gender is woven through social networks across the generations. Parental involvement varied in terms of gender, educational and social backgrounds, or notions of 'institutional' and 'familial habitus'. Finally, the authors reflect upon why gender is salient in how young people and their parents think about their involvement in choosing universities and relate this to changes in higher education policies and practices.  相似文献   

Where have been the main policy drivers for the development of British higher education over the last 50 years? This article argues that while higher education policy was once driven from the inside outwards, from the late 1970s it has been driven exclusively from the outside inwards. Policy decisions under either regime were rarely driven by research findings especially from within the higher education community. The current imbalance between ‘inside‐out’ and ‘outside‐in’ policy formation is paradoxically most apparent when the higher education system has a more widely diversified funding base than at any time since the 1930s. The key policy challenge is now not what new policies are needed but what new framework should be developed for policy making.  相似文献   

不确定性是客观世界的内在本性。不确定性问题是关于事物相互联系尤其是因果联系的一种哲学研究。近30年来,尽管我国民办高等教育实现了跨越式发展,但依然存在着生存基础的不稳定性、制度供给的非连续性和社会认知的模糊性等不确定性因素。因此,在不确定性视阈下,我国政府应该在稳固民办高等教育的生存基础、增加制度供给以及提高社会认同等方面作出相应的政策调整。  相似文献   

While the history of British higher education is not an unexplored field, this article offers a new perspective by focusing on the development of institutional self-representations. Based on the analysis of 133 undergraduate prospectuses of English and Welsh higher education institutions, the article investigates how higher education and the depiction of it have changed over the last 80 years. By concentrating specifically on what the prospectuses communicated concerning the purpose of higher education, the student experience and the power relations that structure higher education, it is shown how fundamentally the nature and understanding of higher education have altered over time and how much the institutions of higher education themselves contributed to these changes.  相似文献   

Education policy-makers in the UK have repeatedly stated their central aim as transforming British education into a ‘world-class system’. Over the last 20 years, several large-scale education reforms have brought radical changes to the school curriculum, teacher professionalism and educational leadership. Explicit in these reforms, is the deployment of measurable standards of pupil attainment as a lever for achieving school improvement. However, despite this proliferation of policies, the claims to educational improvement made by policy-makers have been contested. Concerns about the unpredicted and damaging long-term effects of these policies can be linked to the limitations of systems thinking which underpins much of this education reform. A significant flaw of systems thinking is the level of simplification at which policy-makers operate on abstract categories such as standards, as if they were reality. Based on case study research conducted in two primary schools, this paper suggests that the systemic approach adopted by policy-makers may be contributing to an erosion of educational quality and placing potentially damaging expectations on children.  相似文献   

新中国成立60多年来,中国高等学校文科专业经历了巨大的变化。其发展历程大致可以分为三个时期:缩减时期(1949~1976)、复苏时期(1977~1992)和调整时期(1993年至今)。文章勾勒了这一历史演变的过程,描述了不同时期文科专业的规模、地位和构成所表现出的不同特征。研究发现专业地位的变化与国家对文科的定位有着密切的关系。  相似文献   


The place of access policies within higher education through a comparative approach which examines recent developments in Scotland and Australia is examined. The development of access policies is presented in the context of wider change, which is restructuring higher education in both societies. The importance of factors associated with national economic development in this process is emphasized, and the possible conflict with policies which are designed to encourage equity is explored. The impact of these policies both on the structure of the higher education systems, and on participation rates is examined. While there are major differences between these two societies, in terms of geography, history and political agendas, this paper emphasizes important areas of similarity, which are helping reshape higher education in these and in other societies.  相似文献   

我国大陆学校心理健康教育二十年   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20余年来,我国大陆学校心理健康教育大致经历了四个发展阶段:调查、呼吁期,尝试、起步期,探索、发展期,推进、繁荣期。本文回顾了我国大陆学校心理健康教育的发展历程,考察了学校心理健康教育的现况与特点,分析并探讨了学校心理健康教育存在的主要问题及其应对之策,认为要从根本上解决这些问题并使学校心理健康教育获得可持续发展,各级政府及教育行政部门应进一步加大政策力度,应从当前的“准政府行为”逐步走向“完全的政府行为”。  相似文献   

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