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The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of players’ dismissals on the outcome of attacks in elite futsal matches, and to establish the performance profile of the attacks made in numerical superiority by elite futsal teams. One hundred and twenty five attacking game situations in numerical superiority (dismissal of opponents from defensive team) were analysed from the regular season of the Spanish professional Futsal League. The effect of contextual-related variables (quality of opposition, match-location, match-periods, opponent team’s fouls, match-status, attack-duration and match-type) on goal effectiveness was analysed using binomial logistic regression and two-step cluster analysis. Results from the binary logistic regression showed that the highest attack effectiveness was achieved when the teams play at home, perform the attack during minutes 33–36 and the opposing team has 3 fouls. Secondly, the two-step cluster analysis technique allowed identifying four types of attacks when the teams were playing with numerical superiority. The results showed the great importance (in order) of match-type, match-status, attacking team’s fouls, match-period, quality of opposition, opposing team’s fouls, match-location, goal situation, and attack duration. The identified trends may help coaches to design the superiority/inferiority scenarios more specifically during training and to monitor them during competition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of quality of opposition and match status on technical and tactical volleyball performances, as measured by block, attack, serve, and set actions related to the tasks, space, players, and efficacy of selected game actions. Twenty-five matches from the men's World Cup 2007 were notated and through cluster analysis were classified as "high" (HIGH), "intermediate" (INT) or "low" (LOW) quality. The difference between points scored and points allowed was used to define match status. Multinomial logistic regression identified an association of match status with: set direction (likelihood ratio test [LRT]?=?15.5, P?=?0.017) and block typology (LRT?=?9.6, P?=?0.047) in HIGH vs. HIGH matches; attack player (LRT?=?17.4, P?=?0.026) and block typology (LRT?=?9.2, P?=?0.010) in LOW vs. LOW matches; and serve type (LRT?=?17.4, P?=?0.002), block strategy (LRT?=?53.7, P?<0.001), and serve efficacy (LRT?=?26.0, P?=?0.001) in HIGH vs. LOW matches. Results suggest that volleyball teams took more risky decisions in unbalanced situations. They also carried less risk through technical and tactical decisions in balanced and moderate situations whether they had the advantage or not. Therefore, strategic behaviour was affected by the interaction of quality of opposition and match status, providing a better understanding of volleyball game performance and new insights for practice, competition, and research.  相似文献   

第15届女排世界锦标赛技术统计结果与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、录像统计法、观察法、比较分析法等方法,对第15届世界女排锦标赛进行技术统计分析,并对中国女排同俄罗斯、巴西、德国、荷兰四场失利比赛统计结果分别进行比较研究,结果显示:中国队扣球成功率低、拦网实力不高、失误增多是导致比赛失利的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用文献资料调研、录像统计等方法,对第14届世界女排锦标赛中国女排与5支参赛队6场比赛数据进行对比分析,结果显示:中国队一攻的发球得分多于其它队,防反、拦网得分多于其它队,少于意大利队。特别指出的是,中国队总体失误多于其它队,是导致比赛失利的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、录像观察、对比分析、数理统计等方法,对参加第30伦敦奥运会排球竞赛的男、女四强第二阶段16场比赛的得分特征进行了比较与分析。结果表明:伦敦奥运会男、女排的竞赛特征、得分方式及得分结构都存在显著性差异。竞技表现是决定男排运动成绩的重要因素;竞技水平是决定女排运动成绩的重要因素。女排的主要得分手段是进攻,男排的得分手段均衡,进攻、发球、拦网和对手失误相当。男排比赛突显攻击性,也增加了失误的风险;女排比赛突显稳定性特点,提升了进攻和拦网得分的比率。并针对以上差距提出训练的具体对策。  相似文献   

新版武术竞赛规则的修改实施,使武术套路比赛更加具有竞技性、可比性、观赏性,在武术比赛中指定高难度动作已成为整个套路的核心,其完成的好坏直接影响着运动员的成绩。文章运用资料统计法、问卷调查法、访谈法分析研究了竞技武术套路比赛中运动员难度动作的完成情况,结合长期教学与训练的经验,指出竞技武术南拳套路比赛中难度动作发挥水平的高低是高水平运动员竞争的要点。现代武术运动竞赛的特点是运动员之间的技术水平比较接近,因此竞争更加激烈。在紧张、激烈的比赛中,各运动队要根据各运动员的难度动作薄弱环节,通过科学调控有效地进行大运动量高强度训练,使运动员在比赛时能产生最佳模式,建立固定动作量化指标。同时要科学合理地进行心理训练,形成适宜比赛的良好心理定势,就一定能在武术套路比赛的群雄逐鹿中,立于不败之地。  相似文献   


Analysing performance in competitive environments enables identification of key constraints which shape behaviours, supporting designs of more representative training and learning environments. In this study, competitive performance of 244 elite level jumpers (male and female) was analysed to identify the impact of candidate individual, environmental and task constraints on performance outcomes. Findings suggested that key constraints shaping behaviours in long jumping were related to: individuals (e.g. particularly intended performance goals of athletes and their impact on future jump performance); performance environments (e.g. strength and direction of wind) and tasks (e.g. requirement for front foot to be behind foul line at take-off board to avoid a foul jump). Results revealed the interconnectedness of competitive performance, highlighting that each jump should not be viewed as a behaviour in isolation, but rather as part of a complex system of connected performance events which contribute to achievement of competitive outcomes. These findings highlight the potential nature of the contribution of performance analysis in competitive performance contexts. They suggest how practitioners could design better training tasks, based on key ecological constraints of competition, to provide athletes with opportunities to explore and exploit functional intentions and movement solutions high in contextual specificity.  相似文献   

采用录像观察、数理统计等方法,对2012伦敦奥运会中外女排接应二传基本情况、得分手段和效果进行分析,结果表明:中国女排接应二传平均年龄正处于竞技排球黄金阶段,身体形态、网上高度及绝对弹跳力方面中国女排接应二传均具有优势。发球上,中外女排接应二传得分均是采用跳飘及上手飘,但得分效果不及交手队;拦网上,得分均是来自拦前排强攻的球;扣球上,快攻是中国女排接应二传得分的主要手段,而交手队主要以前排强攻得分为主,中国女排接应二传的前排强攻得分效果与交手队相比,相对较差。  相似文献   

由第37届世锦赛看女子体操发展的新趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
韩华 《山东体育科技》2004,26(1):5-7,10
依据第37届世锦赛女子体操比赛实况录像及相关文献资料,采用统计法、文献资料法和逻辑推理法,系统分析了当今世界女子体操发展的新动向:美、罗团体对抗的局面将形成,“稳”将更为突出地成为团体赛的先决因素,“6-3-3”赛制也将为中国、澳大利亚等国提供更多挑战奖牌的机遇;全能奖牌的竞争将更加激烈,针对各单项潮流性动作技术特点的“王牌”选手培养,是单项发展的重点;而完成10分起评的10分成套动作编排,也将是优秀选手雅典奥运会前所要解决的急切问题。  相似文献   

中国男子排球队与世界强队进攻时间特征的比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料调研、录像统计、比较分析等方法,对第29届奥运会男子排球比赛中中国队的进攻时间特征与美国、巴西、意大利队进行比较分析,结果显示,中国男子排球队跳发大力球的节奏与世界强队相比较慢;中国队的快节奏主要体现在3号位,其他位置体现不足,特别是在一传不到位情况下。启示中国队应进一步加强接发球的训练,以保证快速多变的进攻战术运用;并指出中国队进攻体系应全方位地朝着快的方向发展。  相似文献   

本文就目标设置的意义及其在体育运动中的应用作了一些分析及探讨。认为,只有合理地、切合实际地进行目标设置,才能使运动员或运动队的运动水平得到更好的发挥。  相似文献   

We observed how sailors manage their sleep and alertness before and during competition in a long-haul yacht race. Global performance of the teams was also recorded. We assessed eight sailors aged 21-30 years, split into four teams, who competed in the Tour de France à la Voile 2002 yacht race. Two phases of the race were examined: two legs in both the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Sleep length, sleep debt, and sleepiness before competition and on board during the race were assessed using ambulatory polysomnography. Intermediate and final rankings were considered as a reflection of performance. A significant correlation was observed between the sleep debt before competition and the total sleep time on board during the Atlantic legs. The greater the sleep debt, the more sleepy the participants were. During the Mediterranean legs, almost all the sailors were deprived of sleep and slept during the daytime competitions. We observed that the final ranking in the race related to the sleep management strategy of the participants. In extreme competitive conditions, the effect of a good night's sleep before competition on performance is important. The strategy of the winners was to get sufficient sleep before each leg so as to be the most alert and efficient during the race.  相似文献   

通过对中美两国高等学校高水平运动队外部领导和内部管理体制的比较研究,得出两国在外部领导和内部管理体制上,有较强的互补性。在继承与创新、借鉴与扬弃中,为建立有中国特色的高校高水平竞技体系,为健全和完善我国高校高水平运动队竞赛制度,尽快与国际接轨,为建立和健全各种法规制度,做到有法可依,为提高我国高校高水平运动队社会化程度,为我国高校体育改革和我国高等学校竞技体育的发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对中国国家队女子柔道运动员赛前训练节奏安排的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为取得1996 年奥运会女子柔道比赛参赛资格和实现奥运会夺得1 枚柔道金牌的目标,对参加1995 年世界女子柔道锦标赛和1996 年奥运会的国家队女子柔道运动员的赛前训练节奏安排进行了全面、系统的研究。研究结果提示:4 项生化指标较准确地反映了每个参赛队员每周负荷后机体的各项反应,可作为今后我国高水平女子柔道训练节奏安排的依据  相似文献   

竞技体育重点项目是奥运赛场的主要夺金点,在备战东京奥运会的关键期,总结世界竞技体育强国重点项目奥运备战举措,对于提升我国备战参赛水平具有现实意义。研究认为,我国重点项目备战形势严峻,美国、英国、日本、俄罗斯等世界竞技体育强国在备战主体、人才选拔、科技驱动、国家队组建、情报搜集、保障体系、复合型团队等多个层面采取了针对性举措,围绕重点项目加大投入,竞技实力不断提升;我国重点项目整体竞技水平不平衡,存在体能制约短板、后备力量不足、科技助力不够、复合型团队效能不高、信息情报掌握不准等问题。研究提出,挖掘政府、社会、协会、俱乐部等优势资源,分类强化重点项目备战参赛;科学统筹重点项目参赛资格计划,确保综合实力最强的重点运动员参赛;加强对项目规则和重点对手的情报研判,提升重点项目备战参赛的精准度;针对重点项目、重点运动员打造个性化体能训练方案,增强专项体能储备;打造重点项目科技精准助力方案,强化备战参赛关键问题的联合攻关;配套精细化的赛时风险预警和防控策略,提升重点项目体系化保障能力。  相似文献   

采用摄像法、观察记录法和序列分析法,对网球双打比赛环境中的成员间互动特征进行量化分析,探讨双打中团队成员互动与团队绩效的关系。研究结果表明:1)获胜团队的信息交流数量对于失利团队,同时获胜团队的交流模式能够更好地解决问题,在每个得分之间,团队成员可以分享即将进行的计划、经验,能更好地协调赛场条件,最终更好地解决问题。失利团队虽然有情感支持的互动特征,但解决问题的能力低于获胜团队,进而影响了团队表现和绩效。2)团队成员的组队配合时间与比赛绩效成正相关。3)男女性成员互动的模式存在差异:男性互动倾向于任务或工具性领域,女性倾向于社会情感领域。  相似文献   


This study evaluates home advantages both for national (Super 12) and international (Tri-nations) rugby union teams from South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, over the five-year period 2000 – 2004 using linear modelling. These home advantages are examined for statistical and practical significance, for variability between teams, for stability over time and for inter-correlation. These data reveal that the overall home advantage in elite rugby union has a mean of +6.7 points, and that this changes little from year to year. Closer scrutiny nevertheless reveals a high degree of variability. Different teams can and do have different home advantages, which ranges from a low of ?0.7 to a high of +28.3 points in any one year. Furthermore, some team home advantages change up or down from one year to the next, by as much as ?36.5 to +31.4 points at the extremes. There is no evidence that the stronger teams have the higher home advantages, or that a high home advantage leads to a superior finishing position in the competition.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、观察法、数理统计法和比较分析法,对2011年全国U20女排联赛的14支球队的得失分进行比较和分析。研究表明:在进攻环节,U20女排进攻一般,不能有效地组织反击;在拦网环节,拦网意识和拦网技术(拦网的时机、手型等)有所欠缺;发球和接发球技术还有待完善;基本技术及小球串联技术失误过多;比赛中队员心理不够成熟,抗压能力不足。  相似文献   

世界女子排球后排进攻技术运用现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用录像统计法、文献资料法、观察法、比较分析法等,对第28届雅典奥运会女排赛、第9届世界杯赛后排进攻的状况进行比较研究,结果表明:世界女排后排进攻运用数量急剧上升,而质量下降;主动运用的效果明显好于前排进攻,世界各国女排在拦防后排进攻方面都已接近拦防前排进攻的水平,旨在为中国女排今后的训练提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

竞技武术的概念界定与本质新论   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
洪浩 《体育学刊》2005,12(5):53-55
将竞技武术的概念界定为:在传统武术的基础上发展起来的,以专业人群为活动主体,围绕竞赛项目和竞赛规则、规程的要求强化训练,最大限度地发挥和提高个人或集体的运动竞技水平,争取获得优异运动成绩为目的的一种武术运动.其运动形式主要有套路、散打和太极推手.依据列宁和毛泽东对本质的有关论述,提出武术的本质具有一般本质与特殊本质两个层次;进而提出健身本质、民族文化本质和技击本质是竞技武术在体育、民族传统体育和武术层面的一般本质,而竞技本质是其特殊本质.  相似文献   

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