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美国高中数学教材的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前各国都在大力进行基础教育改革,在这场改革中,教材的编写得到了优先、充分的重视,对习题的编写也特别的关注. 然而,如何处理习题的编制,各国、甚至各套教材都不尽相同. 美国麦克道格公司出版的《代数》《几何》教材习题以丰富的文化背景、新颖的能力内涵、多样的编排方法,从一个侧面透漏着当代美国的教育理念和方法,这对我国的教材编写将有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

青少年法治德育是我国法治教育的重要内容.人民教育出版社与澳门教育暨青年局共同编制了"品德与公民"课程教材,其中《法治生活》教学模块比重大,为澳门青少年法治教育、弘扬法治精神奠定了良好的教学基础.文章从编写理念、封面设计、编写设计、设计思路、内容结构等对《法治生活》教学模块进行系统分析,阐述澳门《法治生活》教材系统完整、案例丰富、生活性显著等特点,对我国内地政治教育教材修订的启示在于:在法治教育教材编写中要注重价值取向,努力实现认知与实践能力的统一;在法治教育内容上要注重结构完整,凸显时代性、发展性、创新性的需求,体现新时代对法治的新要求;在教材编排上要合理科学,形式丰富,扩展、延伸教材空间,对教材中的案例进行精选;充分发挥德育课程综合性强这一特色,注重学科知识内容与跨学科方法借鉴,补充完善法治教育内容.  相似文献   

美国数学教材的习题特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前各国都在大力进行基础教育改革 ,在这场改革中 ,教材的编写得到了优先、充分的重视 ,对习题的编写也特别的关注 .然而 ,如何处理习题的编制 ,各国、甚至各套教材都不尽相同 .美国麦克道格公司出版的《代数》《几何》教材习题以丰富的文化背景、新颖的能力内涵、多样的编排方法 ,从一个侧面透漏着当代美国的教育理念和方法 ,这对我国的教材编写将有一定的参考价值 .美国教材中习题的数量较大 ,每一小节的习题少则六七十 ,多则上百 ,并按预习、学习、复习、探索、课外作业分别设计不同数目、不同层次的习题 .现以《几何》[1 ] 教材第一章…  相似文献   

当前健康教育在世界各国普遍引起重视,但发展不平衡。本文对中英两国小学健康教育教材从内容到编写体例作了比较,分析了各自的特点,找出了差距,以期为我国教材的日臻完善提供改进的思路。  相似文献   

教材作为教学的重要资源,教材内容的选取、组织与呈现直接影响教师的教和学生的学,不同国家的政治、经济、文化和教育思想各具特色,因而教材的编写也存在差异,比较分析各国教材特色与差异对完善我国地理教材编写和教学实践具有重要意义。本文以英国牛津AQA和我国人教版的“荒漠化”内容为例,对比中英两国高中地理教材在内容选取、组织与呈现形式方面的异同,并在此基础上提出完善我国高中地理教材内容及教材使用的建议。  相似文献   

美国公民教育中心编写的公民教材每学段分为四册,分别以美国政府宪政模式中的四种基本观念——“权威”、“隐私”、“责任”和“正义”为主题,深入阐述了美国联邦宪法的精神,其教学目标是向学生传授维护美国民主政治所必备的知识、技能和价值观.美国宪法教育的成功经验,对进一步加强我国中小学的宪法教育,培养社会主义核心价值观,具有思想和方法上的双重借鉴作用.  相似文献   

我有幸读到了由江西省教研室和教科所组织编写的江西省地方课程通用教材.这套贯穿义务教育全学段的教材(共9册).以素质教育理念为指导,用丰富的学习内容和新颖的编排方式来打造,是对江西省中小学生进行主题教育、省情教育和现代公民必备素养教育的优质课程资源. 仔细阅读这套教材,感到编者在处理以下两对关系上有独到之处.  相似文献   

美国、新加坡和我国香港特别行政区的初中德育教材在内容组织、呈现方式、版面设计上各具特色 ,具有典型性。美国公民教材设计为学生学习的向导和工具书 ;新加坡《公民与道德》设计为“学本”;香港《做个好公民》注重学生生活经验、版式生动活泼。美、新、港教材编写的特点对我国新一轮初中思想品德教材改革有启迪和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

世界各国地理教材均有各自的特色。在地理新教材编写中,研究和借鉴国外地理教材编写经验,具有重要意义。1.体制多样化教材编写的组织体制对教材编写质量产生重要影响。按照教材组织编写方式的不同,可以将国外地理教材  相似文献   

加强公民教育已成为世界各国教育改革的共同趋势.公民及公民教育是社会发展与民主政治的产物.公民教育是社会现代性的表征之一,关系到一个国家社会政治民主化和经济发展的速度与效度.在我国,公民教育对现阶段和谐社会发展、社会民主环境营造及公平体系保障还具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of citizenship education in the Philippines and Singapore. Through an analysis of historical contexts, citizenship education policy and curriculum, it examines Makabayan in the Philippines and National Education in Singapore. It identifies particular policy and curriculum trajectories as responses to national and global imperatives to demonstrate how countries are redefining the kinds of knowledge, skills and values deemed necessary for national citizenship in global contexts. This comparative case study illustrates some of the tensions and contradictions facing citizenship education in new global contexts and highlights the different ways countries try to manage these tensions through citizenship education policies and curricula. Findings point to different factors that shape and constrain the implementation of citizenship education programmes in both countries.  相似文献   

公民教育的进展研究:发达国家的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪初,无论是在国家层面还是在国际范围,人们都开始对公民教育产生新的兴趣。越来越多具有多元文化的民主国家对作为民主公民教育基础的人权教育的国际共识、全球化进程所带来的统一性与多样性之间关系的冲突特征、许多民主的民族一国家对公民(特别是年轻人)的政治参与水平以及对种族主义倾向的反民主运动的忧虑等,都被看作是引进和加强公民教育的原因。一个由国际学者组成的研究小组,通过考察、研究为我们确认了多元文化的民主体系中公民教育在教学方面的一些重要原则、概念以及公民教育对学校课程的促进。发达国家在实践方面的经验显示,成功的公民教育要求一个清晰的政策框架和专业的教师培训等。  相似文献   

In recent years the mathematics education research community has undergone a social turn towards a greater interest in the values and broader educational purposes of mathematics education, including issues of social justice and citizenship education. Building on these developing interests, this paper presents a conceptual framework that links the teaching of school mathematics with moral education. Then, in a case study involving two countries, England and Canada, this framework is used to explore the affordances and constraints faced by mathematics teachers in those countries if they want to intentionally practice moral education in the classroom.  相似文献   

法国学校公民教育浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国学校公民教育的近代传统丰厚,公民教育的组织化程度高,其人权教育的地位突出。教学目标的中心是强调把学生培养成既有社会责任心,又能行使自己公民权利的理想社会公民。其内容包括三个方面:民主国家的基本价值观和法律知识;各种国家的政治制度;法国在世界事务中的地位和作用。相应的教育实施有相当部分是在课堂和学校活动中进行的,同时也建立了系统的公民教育社会参与机制。  相似文献   

法国公民教育述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
法国是公民教育起步比较早的国家。法国学校通过教学活动、课外活动、与校外教育机构合作和互联网等多种途径和形式向学生传授诸如平等、民主、权利和义务之类的“共和国价值观”,旨在培养能够积极参与社会生活的合格公民。法国公民教育在凸显民族意识、重视社会整合,多种途径综合施教以及重视实践能力的培养等方面表现出明显的特征。  相似文献   

The present article focuses on the counter stories of two Chilean social studies high school teachers. Counter stories describe how teachers use their professional experience to confront those mega narratives composed of dominant educational policies that impinge upon their pedagogical practices. The mega narrative described in this study as a citizenship education mega policy narrative is composed by citizenship educational guidelines that have become influenced by other market-driven educational policies, and is not only present in Chile but has also been influenced by policies coming from countries such as England and the US. Therefore, the discussions that emerge from these counter stories on the nature of this mega narrative and the ways through which teachers can confront it through their teaching, and the implications that all this has for the field of citizenship education, do not only fill a gap in Chilean research but also contribute to discussions on counter and mega narratives in the field of citizenship education within a wider international scope.  相似文献   

Decreasing levels of civic participation and political engagement are generating an interest in citizenship and citizenship education. New forms of citizenship education which go beyond traditional instruction on political institutions are being sought, such as “democratic citizenship education”, “education of, for and through democracy” and “teaching democracy”. One area which has been little investigated is primary school teachers and citizenship education. This article reports on questionnaire‐based research among Slovak teachers that shows great variety in the focus of citizenship education. Teachers emphasised national pride as well as multicultural, global, regional and human rights aspects and the common good of an entity. The connections between teacher focus on citizenship education, the curricular framework, models of citizenship education and generational differences are all discussed.  相似文献   

2007年1月25日,英国教育与技能部发表了题为《课程检视:多样性与公民权利和义务》的白皮书.白皮书根据过去公民教育的实施情况提出了改革建议,提出在公民教育的过程中更多听取学生的意见,在课程教学中对学生进行公民权利与义务的教育,并制定政策保证学校领导和教师有机会接受公民教育的相关培训,尤其强调要在公民教育中增加尊重多样性教育的内容,以促进社会朝更加和谐的方向发展.  相似文献   

In post-conflict and fragile contexts, one central aim of education is to prepare citizens to rebuild society and manage conflict. In this paper, we discuss the ways that citizenship education, students’ civic attitudes, and student civic practices vary across two post-conflict contexts in Africa: Liberia and Rwanda. First, we consider the historical and current complexities of citizenship education in these countries drawing on a post-colonial framework and Osler and Starkey’s three dimensions of citizenship. Next, we discuss survey and interview data from secondary students based on separate multi-level case studies in the respective countries. We note differences and similarities in student conceptions of good citizenship, civic identity, classroom climate, and civic engagement across the two countries, as well as variation by school type and gender. Some notable findings included less active conceptions of citizenship and openness to discussing controversial issues in Rwanda than in Liberia, and less participation in out of school activities among young women than young men. These and other results highlight differing contextual values of development, security, freedom of speech, and civic action and the overall importance of citizenship education in a post-conflict context.  相似文献   

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