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如何进行个案研究及撰写研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个案研究,顾名思义,是指研究者对个别对象进行的研究。“个案研究”可以归入教育研究方法中的“行动研究法”。行动研究法适应于小范围进行的教育改革或探索,这种研究的目的在于比较科学地解决教育实践中的实际问题,而不是建立某个完善的理论体系。行动研究是在行动的过程  相似文献   

陈群 《华章》2013,(14)
纪录片是通过对真实的记录使观众发现和认识世界,如果不以艺术的视角来审视,纪录片可以被视为一种研究手段。在纪录片的创作过程中,经常会用到一些科学研究的方法,主要包括定性研究中的实地研究法和文献研究法,以及定量研究中的统计调查研究法和试验研究法。在纪录片创作个人化、个性化、多元化的背景下,创作者如果具有科研思维并且有意识的利用科学研究方法能够引导纪录片创作更加尊重事实,接近真实。  相似文献   

对胡适有关史学研究的具体方法进行了较为全面的介绍和分析,指出胡适在其“大胆的假设,小心的求证”和“历史的态度”这两大学术方法论基础上,还提出了更为具体的史学研究法,即:史料真伪的审定与整理、历史比较研究法、中国文化史(历史)研究法、传记与年谱的撰写和中国思想史(哲学史)研究法等。  相似文献   

在人文社会科学研究领域,质化的叙事研究取向,目前正受到国内外学者的广泛关注。心理传记学作为质化研究一种典型的表现,也正受到研究者的肯定。心理传记学不仅是新兴的学术领域,也是一种特殊的研究方法。作为一种了解个人生命发展的重要方法,心理传记学对心理学的研究有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

在人文社会科学领域,研究范式的转变已日益明显.质化的叙事研究取向正受到国内外学者的广泛关注.心理传记学作为质化研究一种典型正受到研究者的肯定.心理传记学不仅是新兴的学术领域,也是一种特殊的研究方法.作为一种了解个人生命发展的重要方法和心理学研究的方式,探讨心理传记学的历史发展、研究方法等,对心理学的研究有着深刻的启示意义.  相似文献   

随着商品经济的发展,广告应运而生,生产经营者通过广告宣传其产品,达到促销的目的;广大消费者通过广告了解商品。广告在人们生活中的作用越来越大。一则成功的广告,往往是创作者独具匠心精雕细琢的产物。人们在广告语言中使用各种修辞手法,从而产生了新颖别致、生动形象、引人瞩目的效果。本文拟从语言艺术的角度去分析英语广告的常用修辞手法。 一、排比 排比是对某一个词、词组或者某个句子进行重复。其目  相似文献   

教育技术学之传记研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育技术学是否有或者应该有自己的研究方法?这是教育技术学研究领域一直存在的一个争议问题。任何一个领域或者学科都没有必要强求专属于本领域或本学科的研究方法。选择恰当和合理的研究方法才是科学研究最为重要的问题。在以往的研究中,我们更多关注教育技术学学科本身,却忽视教育技术学发展过程中人的作用与价值。回顾教育技术学发展历史,关键人物是推动这一学科本土化发展的原动力。传记研究对于关注社会发展过程中个人历史的作用以及个人与文化群体、个人与社会变迁的研究来说,有明显的优势。因为它的架构是历史的,背景是社会学的,目的是文化人类学的。它以生命经验为研究核心,重视个人主体性的表达和过程资料的提供,重视叙述性、脉络性和历史性等方面的价值,能够克服量化与质性研究方法的对立,避免理论探究与实证经验的分离,因此可以作为一种有效的沟通工具,了解个人及其所处的时代背景。在教育技术研究领域运用传记研究方法,可以将技术促进与改善教育作为联系的焦点,审视"人"通过技术在教育领域中的种种自我表演,为梳理教育技术基本思想和发展历程提供方法和途径。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,中国现代文学作家传记创作呈现繁荣局面。对这些作家传记进行深入研究,显然有利于现代文学研究的拓展,同时也有利于当代传记文学的发展。现代文学传记写作中的主体性主要表现在传记作家对传主的态度、传记作家的对话意识、价值判断、文体意识等几个方面。只有充分发挥传记作家的主体意识,树立当代传记观,才能推动中国传统传记向现代的转型,建设具有当代性的传记诗学。  相似文献   

教育叙事研究法是一种传统的教育研究方法,当现行的教育研究方法遇到科学主义的桎梏时,教育研究方法发生转向,试图通过叙事的方法采寻找教育的意义和价值所在。教育叙事研究法在教育研究领域中的应用为其在成人教育研究中的应用奠定了基础,成人教育的本质决定了其应用的可行性,成人教育的特殊性为教育叙事研究法在成人教育研究中的应用开辟了广阔的前景。教育叙事研究法在成人教育研究中的应用路径可以分为前研究、实质研究和后研究三个阶段。  相似文献   

面向2035,我国教育正处于迈向现代化的关键阶段。让热爱教育、懂得教育的教育家,坚守教育阵线,终身兴教办学,是新时代的迫切呼唤。以杨志行、韦力、杜蕴珍三位中华人民共和国成立后在全国有影响力的津门教育家为研究对象,主要运用了文献研究法、比较研究法和案例研究法,从求同的角度出发进行比较,探索津门教育家的教育思想及人格魅力,从而为一线校长、教师追求事业发展、实现个人价值目标提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

广告是社会文化的一部分。广告与同属文化的政治、经济、教育、科技等有千丝万缕的关系,受"包罗万象的复合体"的影响。广告的文化叙述使广告与受众之间获得沟通的平台,文化的共享性使这种沟通成为可能。广告同时需要研究强势品牌的文化与亚文化的关系,即强势品牌的本土化问题。广告的文化叙述体现在广告对社会价值观、思想方法、人际关系、风俗习惯、流行文化、传统文化等诸方面的表现上,也体现在文化符号、修辞手法的运用上。广告在文化叙述中得到提升,广告推动社会文化的发展。  相似文献   


On examining today’s research practices in the area of social sciences, one can perceive a distinct interest in biography. Observation of the lives of individuals, (re)cognising social micro worlds from the perspective of individual biographies, and analysis of – and searching for – meanings of individual life experiences are subjects of great interest as well as confidence among researchers. It is also noticeable that researchers, with even greater attention and concern, are turning their attention to the methodological legitimacy and correctness of the projects they undertake. This is especially important when there is a necessity to problematize and further specify the methodological identity of the biographical approach. The article is a contribution to the discussion concerning the nature and types of so-called biographical research conducted in the area of andragogy – which may adopt at least three differing forms: biographical, auto/biographical and autobiographical approaches.

It is also our intention to reflect on the research process as a learning process, experienced by the researcher-andragogue. These reflections are based on the individual experiences of researchers acquired during the Microworlds of motherhood and Life between the notes projects, in which the biographical and auto/biographical approach was applied.  相似文献   

我国公益广告的历史、现状与未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济时代的到来,市场竞争日趋激烈,广告的应用也愈加普及.广告的形式多种多样,公益广告就是其中一种.它有别于商业广告,以反映社会现实、帮助改善或解决社会公共问题为己任.通过对公益广告历史、现状与未来的研究,可从中把握其创作、管理、发展的客观规律,以利于更好地推动我国公益广告及公共管理事业的发展.  相似文献   

Classifying people into categories not only helps humans simplify a complex social world but also contributes to stereotyping and discrimination. This research examines how social categorization develops by testing how language imbues with meaning otherwise arbitrary differences between people. Experimental studies (= 129) with 2‐year‐olds showed that generic language—language that refers to abstract kinds—guides the development of social categorization. Toddlers learned a new category after hearing generic language about individuals who shared an arbitrary perceptual feature but not after hearing matched specific language, simple labels, or plural (but nongeneric) language about the same set of individuals. These findings show how subtle linguistic cues shape the development of social categorization.  相似文献   

中国古代广告研究述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
清末以来,中国古代广告研究主要围绕其起源、表现形式、分类以及自身演化过程中的规律和特点等问题展开,出版了一些学术著作,取得了一定的研究成果。从社会历史发展看,广告研究的重点应是探讨广告与社会之间的互动关系,所以应加强广告自身特点的研究,以及与中国地域、社会、民族、生活等历史文化背景相结合进行研究。突出中国古代广告的特质,明确广告与社会之间的发展规律。  相似文献   

Traumatic childhood experiences predict many adverse outcomes in adulthood including Complex-PTSD. Understanding complex trauma within socially disadvantaged populations has important implications for policy development and intervention implementation. This paper examined the nature of complex trauma experienced by disadvantaged individuals using a latent class analysis (LCA) approach. Data were collected through the large-scale Journeys Home Study (N = 1682), utilising a representative sample of individuals experiencing low housing stability. Data on adverse childhood experiences, adulthood interpersonal trauma and relevant covariates were collected through interviews at baseline (Wave 1). Latent class analysis (LCA) was conducted to identify distinct classes of childhood trauma history, which included physical assault, neglect, and sexual abuse. Multinomial logistic regression investigated childhood relevant factors associated with class membership such as biological relationship of primary carer at age 14 years and number of times in foster care. Of the total sample (N = 1682), 99% reported traumatic adverse childhood experiences. The most common included witnessing of violence, threat/experience of physical abuse, and sexual assault. LCA identified six distinct childhood trauma history classes including high violence and multiple traumas. Significant covariate differences between classes included: gender, biological relationship of primary carer at age 14 years, and time in foster care. Identification of six distinct childhood trauma history profiles suggests there might be unique treatment implications for individuals living in extreme social disadvantage. Further research is required to examine the relationship between these classes of experience, consequent impact on adulthood engagement, and future transitions though homelessness.  相似文献   

Looking at ‘biographical learning’ as part of a work transition, the aim of this paper is to investigate how social relations enable and constrain such a learning process in outplacement clients. To examine the process, its character and social conditions, the study draws on interviews with workers who had been made redundant and were enrolled at an outplacement agency. The interviews were analysed using a comparative cross-case analysis. A distinction was made between ‘strong’ (long-term and intimate), ‘weak’ (short-term and non-intimate) and ‘formal’ (e.g., professional counsellors) relations. Findings showed that strong and formal relations were rather influential on people's engagement in biographical learning while weak relations were important to the straightforward career. Since transitions in late modern society has become not only a passage but also a learning option, the different sources and functions of social relations should be considered a vital part of outplacement counselling. Future research should examine more closely both parties in strong relationships and the (joint) process of career decision-making inherent in occupational transitions.  相似文献   

谢霄男 《唐山学院学报》2015,28(4):12-13, 16
深化对社会发展规律的认识是一个重要的历史性课题。原因在于:改革是发展生产力的客观需要,是化解社会矛盾的有效手段,是新旧体制更替的助产婆。改革既要解放生产力,又要发展生产力,要敢于涉险滩,要改善社会主义具体制度。为此要秉持为绝大多数人谋利益、公平分担改革成本以及重视顶层设计的原则。  相似文献   

As part of the Learning, Media & Technology series on ‘Key Thinkers and Theoretical Traditions’, this paper explores the relevance of C. Wright Mills’ much lauded book ‘The Sociological Imagination’. The argument is made that we would do well to take heed of many of the central tenets of Mills’ call to arms for a historically aware, politically focused and carefully crafted social science. These include Mills’ concerns over the dominance of abstract empiricism, being beholden to the demands of ‘bureaucratic’ research agendas, a tendency towards psychologism and/or resorting to default explanations of the apparent failings of individuals and institutions in terms of a cultural/technological ‘lag’. The paper argues how Mills’ writing should inspire researchers to think beyond the realms of their own experiences, interests and passions, to look beyond the shallow allure of the latest ‘new’ technology, and to critically engage with the social, historical, biographical and political dimensions of education and technology.  相似文献   

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