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卓越教师培养是当代我国教师教育的新主题,实践取向是我国教师教育改革的核心理念。教育实践是培养未来卓越教师的重要环节。教育实践具有主体性、情景性、智慧性、反思性、本体性等品性。教育实践以教育理论为前提,教育理论指导教育实践,教育实践与教育理论深度融合。构建职前教师教育实践模式,需要创新教育实践机制,建设教师教育协同创新体;完善教育实践内容,构建实践导向的教师教育课程体系;统筹教育实践时间,使教育实践贯穿大学教育的始终;拓展教育实践空间,建立多种类型的教育实践基地;创新实践教学方法,提升实践教学质量。  相似文献   

我国职前教师教育实践性课程开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业具有双专业特性,即学科专业和教育专业。实践性知识是教师教育专业的主要知识基础,它必须通过实践性课程的学习才能有效获得。我国职前教师教育实践性课程的不足与形式化,导致了准教师们的实践性知识普遍匮乏的现实,这决定了科学开发职前教师教育实践性课程的紧迫性。而养成教育智慧是实践性课程开发的首要目标;中小学教育场景是实践性课程开发的重要资源;“行动研究”是实践性课程开发的理念与程序。  相似文献   

教师实践智慧的获得是教师专业化实践价值取向的体现。《教育部关于大力推进教师教育课程改革的意见》和《教师教育课程标准(试行)》文件的出台,为教师教育课程的改革和教师的培养指明了方向。职前教师实践智慧的养成,可通过培养教师的自主发展意识、主动建构个人教育理论、自觉学习教师的实践智慧等内部因素去加强;同时通过教学改革实践课程,突出教育实践课程、加强教育实践环节,发挥专家型教师的引领作用等外部因素去改革。  相似文献   

教师专业素质建构:职前培养与职后培训之谱系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于教师教育一体化的背景,我们有必要对职前教师培养和职后教师培训作一统筹规划。职前的教师培养应侧重教师专业知识的建构;专业思维方式的训练;专业情感的培育和专业行为的初步习得;职后的教师培训则应侧重于专业实践知识的管理,专业反思习惯的养成和专业教育智慧的提升。  相似文献   

教师教育一体化的实施关键是设置一体化的课程。本文认为,教师教育课程设置一体化应处理好学术性与师范性、学科性与教育性、教育理论类课程与教育实践类课程、职前培养与职后培训等之间的关系,在此基础上构建职前培养、入职教育和职后培训相互贯通的一体化的课程体系。  相似文献   

教师职业的特殊性对其教育实践能力有较高的要求。教育实践能力的强弱,决定了职前教师能否尽快适应教师职业的要求,《教师教育课程标准(试行)》中提出实践取向的理念为职前教师的培养指明了方向,本文通过分析职前教师知识和实践能力的结构,从教师教育课程的改革、教育实践能力的训练和监控、职前教师培养队伍的加强和展现平台的提供等方面来探讨职前教师实践能力的培养,以期为高等师范院校教师教育的改革提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

论教师教育的一体化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教师教育一体化有两层含意:一是职前培养、入职教育、职后提高的一体化,即学历教育与非学历教育的一体化;二是教学研究与教学实践的一体化,即师范大学与中小学之间结成合作伙伴关系。当前制约实现教师培养培训一体化进程的因素有:政策制度、职前培养和职后培训中存在的问题。实现教师教育一体化,要以教师发展阶段理论为基础,使培养模式具备接触小学教育实践的职前培养特色和接触大学教育的职后培训特色。  相似文献   

高等师范院校与中小学合作培养教师是教师教育改革的重要任务.纵观国内外教师职前培养的实践模式,其共同特征就是使教师教育质量的提升与中小学教育质量的全面提高形成一种共生关系.这对我国教师职前培养提供了可借鉴的经验和启迪:高等师范院校与中小学合作要走内涵发展之路;要推广、完善并规范教师发展学校的建立;要增加师范生教育实践机会,完善教育实践制度;师范生要合理制定个人专业发展规划.  相似文献   

我国教师教育重视中小学心理健康教育专兼职教师心理健康教育能力的培养,而忽视了中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力的培养.在中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力培养上,我国教师教育存在思想认识上的不足、职前培养与职后培训上的分离、理论学习与实践上的脱离等问题.针对这些问题,可以采取以下措施:提高思想认识,增强中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力培养意识;职前培养与职后培训一体化,实现中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力全程培养;理论知识学习与实践活动训练相结合,提高完善中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力等对策,将中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力的培养工作落到实处.  相似文献   

医生与教师的问题解决和决策具有相似性,因此有必要借鉴医生的专业培养过程提升教师的专业性。职前教师和医生在培养时间、课程设置、教学方式、见习与实习、职业资格等方面存在差异,这些为职前教师教育提供了新的视角和思考。实践取向的教师教育需要构建专业发展共同体,改革教师教育课程结构,应用案例教学方式,改革综合性大学的职前教师教育课程。  相似文献   

职前教师的专业能力培养是高等师范教育的基本任务。教师专业能力具有职业的特殊性,以解决教育教学实际问题为目标导向。《中学教师专业标准(试行)》把教师专业能力划分为六大领域,各领域之间具有相互支撑、相互促进的关系。作为职前教师的师范生需要发挥自身主体性,积极参与学习、实践和反思,指导教师需要为师范生提供支持,为其创设有利于各领域能力成长的学习环境。师范生六大领域专业能力的形成机理各有特点,需要师范生和教师的协同配合。  相似文献   

职前教师教育实践的范式变迁与模式革新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职前教师教育所面临的一个核心议题是如何帮助职前教师恰如其分地将理论知识运用于教育教学实践中。越来越多的研究者认为,职前教师应该在习得和建构教育教学的理论知识的同时,需要充分理解、体验和建构实践知识,"从实践中学习,为实践而学习"。基于这种主张,本文重点讨论:大学场域中职前教师的理论知识习得与教育教学实践(田野经验)之间的关系。讨论的过程分为三个部分:教育实践内涵的再讨论、教育实践的范式变迁过程,以及教育实践的模式变革。  相似文献   

我国教师教育课程的突出问题是理论与实践的割裂,为促进信息技术教育专业的师范生实践性知识的发展,作者尝试在高师信息技术教学法课程中实施全新的课程设计,将"真实问题"、"可操作的"项目、"大学-中小学合作"的学习环境和"反思性行动"四要素融入课程教学,完成信息技术教育专业师范生实践性知识的发展。  相似文献   

Teacher efficacy beliefs is an important characteristic to predict instructional quality and the level of cognitive activation and educational support. Since teacher efficacy beliefs are context and domain specific, this study focuses on how special education pre-service teachers' individual interest and subject knowledge in mathematics predict their efficacy beliefs in teaching mathematics. Data were collected from 57 special education pre-service teachers. The results indicated that the individual interest of pre-service teachers has a strong effect on teacher efficacy beliefs, while subject knowledge has only an indirect effect.  相似文献   

教学活动不仅需要新教师具有教学理论智慧,更应具有教学实践智慧。教学实践智慧是指教师在理解和把握教学本质和规律的基础上,通过长期对具体教学情境和教学事件的关注、体验、感悟、反思和探究,在教学实践过程中形成的对课堂进行创造性驾驭,对教学情境高度敏锐,并能够灵活应对的一种综合能力。研究新教师的实践智慧不仅是提高教学质量、促进学生成长的需要,也是加速其自身发展的需要。所以,对新教师实践智慧缺失性问题进行研究并找出解决策略是必要的且亟待进行的。  相似文献   

This paper explores what foundational concepts pre-service primary teachers are employing when they teach religious education. The study measured the attitudes to science and its relationship to religion of 92 pre-service primary teachers. Analysis of extended interviews with eight of the pre-service primary teachers illustrated how specific religio-scientific frameworks could be linked to distinct differences in approach to the teaching of religious education. The implications for teacher education were then discussed, as well as the necessity to integrate the teaching of religion and science into the design of future pedagogical approaches.  相似文献   

Several international reports promote the use of the inquiry teaching methodology for improvements in science education at elementary school. Nevertheless, research indicates that pre-service elementary teachers have insufficient experience with this methodology and when they try to implement it, the theory they learnt in their university education clashes with the classroom practice they observe, a problem that has also been noted with other innovative methodologies. So, it appears essential for pre-service teachers to conduct supportive reflective practice during their education to integrate theory and practice, which various studies suggest is not usually done. Our study shows how opening up a third discursive space can assist this supportive reflective practice. The third discursive space appears when pre-service teachers are involved in specific activities that allow them to contrast the discourses of theoretical knowledge taught at university with practical knowledge arising from their ideas on science and science teaching and their observations during classroom practice. The case study of three pre-service teachers shows that this strategy was fundamental in helping them to integrate theory and practice, resulting in a better understanding of the inquiry methodology and its application in the classroom.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of three different computer integration models on pre-service mathematics teachers’ beliefs about using computers in mathematics education. Participants included 104 pre-service mathematics teachers (36 second-year students in the Computer Oriented Model group, 35 fourth-year students in the Integrated Model (IM) group and 33 fifth-year students in the Exploring Mathematical Relationships with Mathematical Software (EMReMaS) group. The results indicated a remarkable change in beliefs within the EMReMaS and IM groups concerning computer use in teaching and learning mathematics. The present study offers empirical evidence that the pre-service mathematics teachers’ experiences in computer-based mathematics courses played a significant role in this change. Teacher education programmes should consider this learning method for pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

As part of an undergraduate concurrent initial teacher education programme pre-service teachers participate in an education module consisting of a number of workshops relating to the integration of development education active learning methodologies into their teaching. Following completion of the module, pre-service teachers participate in a 12-week teaching practice placement. This study, based on questionnaires and focus group data, was conducted following their return from teaching practice and examines their attitudes towards development education, the extent to which they included development education issues in their teaching while on teaching practice and their attitudes towards including such issues in the future. Results indicate that while pre-service teachers were positive towards integrating development education into post-primary schools and indicated their hope to include such issues in the future, they face a number of barriers that prevent them from doing so. As they begin their teaching career, the integration of development education is not viewed as a major priority for these pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest and importance of pre-service teachers’ cross-cultural experiences, a review of the literature shows that few studies have discussed the international teaching practicum experiences of pre-service teachers from Asian countries. Bridging this gap, this qualitative case study examined the perceptions and experiences of 15 Korean social studies pre-service teachers who participated in an international teaching practicum in the United States. The findings of the study demonstrated that although participants encountered difficulties in speaking a foreign language and adjusting to a different culture, they also gained confidence and self-efficacy by negotiating and actively participating in the teaching and learning process. This international teaching practicum also helped participants promote their own understanding of multiculturalism and their different perspectives of the teachers’ roles, teaching pedagogies, and local education systems. This study offers implications for future multicultural professional development in teacher education and contributes to developing a body of research and scholarship on international teaching practicums from Asian contexts that have, to date, been largely underexplored.  相似文献   

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