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There have been numerous attempts recently to promote technology based education (Shrestha, 1997) in the poorer third world countries, but so far all these have not provided a sustainable solution as they are either centered and controlled from abroad and relying solely on foreign donors for their sustenance or they are not web-based, which make distribution problematic, and some are not affordable by most of the local population in these places. In this paper we discuss an application, the Local College Learning Management System (LoColms), which we are developing, that is both sustainable and economical to suit the situation in these countries. The application is a web-based system, and aims at improving the traditional form of education by empowering the local universities. Its economicability comes from the fact that it is supported by traditional communication technology, the public switching telephone network system, PSTN, which eliminates the need for packet switched or dedicated private virtual networks (PVN) usually required in similar situations. At a later stage, we shall incorporate ontology and paging tools to improve resource sharability and storage optimization in the Proxy Caches (ProCa) and LoColms servers. The system is based on the client/server paradigm and its infrastructure consists of the PSTN, ProCa, with the learning centers accessing the universities by means of point-to-point protocol (PPP).  相似文献   

刘耀南 《成人教育》2012,32(5):28-30
地方高校立足地方、服务地方,为继续教育的大众化、建立学习型社会等方面做出了重要的贡献。但是由于地方高校继续教育当前面临困难,导致其发展受到一定程度的制约,为此,迫切需要寻求一种适合地方社会需求的教学模式,以促使继续教育可持续发展。针对存在的问题,提出了适合地方高校继续教育的网络学习与教学的有效模式,分析了模式构建过程,并指出实施网络学习与教学时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

在当前大学思想教育艰难和艰苦时期,区域文化传统和乡土优良美德,是地方大学思想教育的重要内容介体。以世界客都梅州的嘉应学院为例,客家千年优秀传统道德和中华优秀传统道德同根同源,客家美德继承、发扬、光大了中华优秀传统道德。客家民系聚居区的传统美德,是客都大学充分发掘和利用的宝贵资源。汲取客家优秀传统道德,以客家传统美德为生长点,整合并发扬光大,这是当前地方大学进行思想教育的独特内容。  相似文献   

伴随着综合性大学全面参与教师教育人才培养,地方高师院校综合化及教师教育的转型发展,地方高师院校教师教育专业面临着质量提升、内涵建设、转型发展的困境。实施教师教育专业建制,强化教师教育的师范性,推进与基础教育协同育人,推动教师教育一体化是地方高师院校摆脱发展困境,实现可持续发展的可行出路。  相似文献   

面对WTO的挑战,切实转变办学理念和办学体制,提高办学质量,重组教育功能,完善教育法规,积极兴办社区教育,鼓励地方设立大学、民营高校以及与国外合作办学,开拓境外教育市场,重新审视高校科技发展问题等,是我国高等教育应对WTO的主要策略。  相似文献   

The argument of this article is that higher education is forced to respond to the dominant social pressures of the day, especially the demands of advanced capitalism. Globalisation has produced an international division of labour with more knowledge-based workers in the West. Higher education in those countries has, consequently, endeavoured to respond to the demands of these workers in innovative ways and these changes point the direction that higher education elsewhere might have to go. However, some countries will not have sufficient knowledge-based workers to force changes in the higher education system and market-orientated Western universities will fill that gap through new means of delivery. Where universities are not responding to the needs of the international division of labour, transnational companies are taking the initiative in creating their own universities.  相似文献   

Distance learning in higher education has developed differently in the United States from the way it developed many other countries. Driven by the developments in technology and fueled by partnerships with industry, distance education in the U.S. is charting unmapped waters. For over a century, universities have relied on students coming to them. Now they find that they must go to the students. This article examines some of the history, technology, research, and trends in distance education and raises key questions. What part does the profit motive play in the corporatization of education? How can traditional universities adjust to meet the needs of a changing population, and who will be the gatekeepers? The opportunity is here to improve on existing educational institutions and add flexibility to the monolithic institutions of traditional universities. Distance educators will need to be vigilant to ensure that the strengths of sound pedagogy are not lost in the race to embrace new technologies.  相似文献   

郭然 《成人教育》2014,(7):8-11
我们要构建的开放大学,其教育功能和知识视野,已与诞生于工业社会时期的开放大学,大异其趣。在当下中国,伴随着剧烈的社会变迁,导致教育范式的变革,并深刻影响教育嬗演的路径。事实上,对这种变化最为敏感的是基层电大,虽然他们已经朦胧地意识到这种社会变迁带来的变化,将深刻地影响开放教育,但是因为欠缺从理论的高度进行思考,基本上还停留在感性认识阶段。因此,文章以地市级电大转型开放教育为考察对象,探讨转型时期地方开放大学生存定位和发展问题。  相似文献   

计算机公共课是很多高校非计算机专业学生的公共必修课.现在很多高校仍然采用传统的讲授模式,这种模式难以满足学生个性化的学习要求,存在很多问题.信息技术的大发展,催生教育领域的理论及实践诸多创新,总体来看,使教育资源的利用效率极大提升,学生学习的个性化需求也更好得到满足.文章以计算机公共课教学模式改革为切入点,提出了基于个人能力模型的计算机公共课教学模式,设计了相应信息系统的框架,并结合我校的实际情况,主导开发了相应的无纸化考试系统.  相似文献   

Higher education systems in low-income countries are usually fragile and sensitive to the surrounding political and economic environment. This environment poses various problems for students, graduates, and universities with regard to issuance and verification of academic records management. The process of verification and accreditation of certificates is long and costly for both students and universities.This study endeavors to address these problems by introducing an innovative solution based on blockchain technology. We propose establishing a national hybrid blockchain-based platform that brings together all possible stakeholders in the field of higher education, including students, universities, government agencies, policymakers, and companies from the business sector. This study evaluates the costs and benefits from establishing this platform and investigates the possible commercialization of its contracts. Furthermore, we test the feasibility of this platform in two of the most instable low-income countries: Syria and Sudan. We find that this platform is feasible and can serve as a marketplace for all stakeholders in the higher education system and would increase the internationalization of higher education. The establishment of this platform will ensure inclusive and equitable education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for students from low-income countries and thus meets the fourth goal of Sustainable Development.  相似文献   

远程教育发展到现在,同传统的教学形式相比较,有其优越的一面,但是其本身也存在着一些弊端。随着信息技术的发展,将语义网、Ontology技术应用于远程教育体系,会使现有的远程教育系统具有语义,系统可以与学生进行更好的交流,在一定程度上提高学生的学习效率,促进学生的学习积极性。本文对目前的基于网络的远程教育进行了分析,提出了一种基于语义网的远程教育体系模型。  相似文献   

野外地质实践教学是地学教育的关键环节,一直受到地质教育界的关注,但是由于其与不同普通课堂教学,表现出实践教学的交互式、开放式、多样式和启发式等特点,加之科研和教学工作的数字化程度不断提高,教学工作需要利用现代信息科学技术进行优化管理。在本文中,笔者从教学形式方面探索野外地质教学资源优化配置和合理利用策略,以北京周口店野外实践教学资源为例,设计了地学野外教学资源分布式数据库系统和网络化建设方案,其搭建的课程教学平台已被教育部评为"国家精品课程"。  相似文献   

师资建设与高校双语教学可持续发展探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校双语教学能否实现可持续发展,师资是关键.面对双语教学的特殊要求,当前我国各高校在师资方面普遍存在的问题是:教师水平总体不高、知识结构比较单一、教学模式和教学方法陈旧、创新意识不强,这些问题不仅影响了教学质量的提高,同时也阻碍了双语教学的可持续发展.为此,我们必须从人才培养、提高水平、完善制度、健全机制、优化结构出发,在求实创新上做文章,在长效机制建设上求突破,努力实现双语教学师资水平的跨越式发展.  相似文献   

慕课,指“大规模、开放式的网络在线课程”,对传统高等教育带来的挑战极大,影响着我国高等教育的教学改革。目前教育部希望引导一些普通本科高校转型为应用技术型大学,旨在发展我国职业教育,而新建地方本科院校由于其的特殊性成为转型发展的主要对象。本文探讨在此种大环境下,基于翻转课堂的项目式教学模式对新建地方本科院校教学改革的意义及适用性,并介绍其具体的教学模式和指出目前实施过程中存在的挑战。  相似文献   

Virtual organizations are goal-driven associations of intellectual agents working within the information space. The development of virtual organizations and their agents is a natural continuation of the long movement in western society towards organizing for efficient commerce and communication. For at least 800 years cities and traditional organizations fulfilled these purposes, but now with the advent of high-speed communication and rich interconnectivity, a general diaspora of commerce and education may be expected. All of the technology needed to nurture the rise of virtual organizations is in place, albeit in a primitive form. The authors argue that in the next decade this technology will reach such a level of sophistication that traditional universities and schools with their massive physical assets will no longer be sustainable, and will be replaced by virtual organizations delivering education and training with a minimum of physical infrastructure  相似文献   

制度是影响高等教育发展的关键,广西新建本科院校中实行的“区市共建、以市为主”管理体制作为政府的一种制度,运行中出现了诸多问题和矛盾,必须尽快调整或完善这一管理体制,以促进广西区市共建本科高校健康持续发展。  相似文献   

我国高等学校素质教育的现状不容乐观,必须将高等学校素质教育建立在高校体制改革的基础之上,而高校体制改革是一项系统工程;宏观层次上转变教育观念,是实施素质教育的必要前提;中观层次上加大人事制度改革,建立科学的评价制度和多元的办学体制,是实施素质教育的根本保证;微观层次上加强教学改革,完善课程体系,建立创新方法,制度是实施素质教育的关键所在。  相似文献   

重点高校以“科研”优势为基础,突出学生创新精神与创业能力培养,重在推进科技创新与成果转化;地方高校以改善学生的“学习”条件为支撑,突出学生知识水平与应用能力的提高,以服务区域经济社会发展为己任;高职高专院校更加侧重于“产”,以提高学生综合素质和就业能力(职业能力)为出发点和落脚点,以培养技能型、技术应用性人才为目标.不同层次高校的产学研合作教育模式对地方高校经管类专业“拓宽视野、依托优势、突出特点、健全机制”开展产学研合作教育带来了有益启示.  相似文献   

基于可持续发展观下探索技工教育的创新,不仅是为了丰富和完善职业教育理论体系,更是为了指导和推动技工教育事业永续发展,体现"科教兴国"战略意图的一项重要基础性工程。文章立足黑龙江省技工教育现状,借鉴发达国家成功经验,对黑龙江省技工教育的观念创新、机制创新和模式创新进行了探讨,以期对技工教育的发展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

地方高等院校承担着吸纳本省生源的责任,而毕业于地方院校的学生也大多就职于高校所在地,这是当地社会经济发展所需人力资源的重要保障。通过对近10年来江西农业大学招生和各专业发展情况的分析发现,随着办学水平的不断提升,地方院校招生稳步发展,热门专业是适应社会需求的新兴专业,而传统优势专业与特色专业建设有待加强。上述情况表明,地方高校未来承担的主要任务依然是培养本地学生,服务于地方经济发展,因此,在学校发展的过程中,应注重热门专业与特色专业的平衡发展,保持地方高校可持续发展。  相似文献   

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