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针对工科院校车刀几何角度测量实验中存在的问题,从教学目标出发分析了车刀几何角度测量仪应具有的目标功能,在此基础上研制了多功能车刀几何角度测量仪,并进行了实验验证。该测量仪具有参考坐标系的建立、车刀几何角度测量和车刀纵横方向进给等多种功能,便于学生对金属切削刀具知识的学习、理解和掌握。  相似文献   

It is an ongoing challenge in higher education context to design appropriate learning tasks for students that balances the diversity in student knowledge and variable skills with student’s potential to learn under guidance. Obtaining feedback from students on what they know is made more complicated when students are passive during learning activities. In this paper we report on a project that ran over 2 years in which 67 students (28 in 2005; 39 in 2006) from culturally diverse socio-historical backgrounds used an anonymous knowledge sharing tool, the dynamic frequently asked questions (DFAQ) to engage with authentic learning tasks in an Organisational Learning Module. The module was part of the Organisational Psychology honours degree programme at a higher learning institution. The students used the DFAQ tool to consult with both peers and faculty staff. DFAQ is a special purpose web-based tool with a Short Message Services (SMS) interface. A thematic analysis was conducted on students’ experiences gathered from focus group discussions. Artefacts from DFAQ are also analysed. The paper reports that DFAQ mediated the educator’s access to the students’ level of understanding and the potential to learn under guidance. The DFAQ tool therefore allowed the educator to provide students with appropriate guidance that met individual students’ knowledge gaps. The paper concludes that DFAQ mediated access to the gap between actual and potential development, stimulated knowledge sharing, peer learning and impacted on pedagogical designs of learning tasks.  相似文献   

亚里士多德以法律的正当性论证法律的权威性,追求法律的价值理性。法家把法作为治世、驭民的工具,强调法律的现实作用。二者有着历史背景迥异的经济基础和文化传统,对二者的比较对理解中国法治现代化具有特别的意义。  相似文献   

随着现代学徒制试点在中国兴起,其暴露出工具理性主义思维,过度关注“功能与效用”,忽视“价值与意义”。从现代学徒制的育人模式、治理手段和价值选择上看,其凸显出较强的工具化取向、工程化取向和国家中心取向,暴露出工具价值对内在价值的僭越、就业需要对生长需要的僭越、员工身份对学生身份的僭越等理性危机。现代学徒制亟需价值理性的回归,平衡育人中的功利化倾向,以实现职业教育的“善”的旨归。  相似文献   

本文认为语文课程的根本属性是工具性,就是要培养学生读、写、听、说能力,让学生学会使用语言这个工具。而人文性、思想性等等只是它的相关属性。明确了这一点,语文学科才能在保持个性的前题下健康发展。  相似文献   

计算机网络中的概念往往与过程相关联,而这些过程一般不直接可见,是复杂的、动态的,这使得网络概念难以理解,难以教学。实际教学中,教师使用网络模拟工具Packet Tracer,并提供适当的方法,可促进积极的学习,增强理解。对学生参与活动前后进行测试,测试结果显示学生在理解上有显著进步。  相似文献   

在科学技术发展和市场经济背景下,升学率成为教育追求的目标,学校也为利益所驱动,使工具理性主义盛行于各项工作中。这不仅不能形成学生的创造性人格,而且造成了教育的文化价值失落。因此,必须强调教育的育人功能,形成反思现实,追求未来的乌托邦精神。  相似文献   

语篇的生成要受到它所产生的情景语境的制约。通过对情景语境中“语场”、“语式”和“语旨”等制约因素的分析,可以准确地理解特定语篇的意义功能和交际目的。汉英翻译教学中引入语篇的情景制约的规律,可以帮助学生有效、快捷地理解原文,产生能够再现原文意义和交际功能的译文。动态的教学理念运用到课堂中,可以调动学生的学习积极性,提高学习效果。  相似文献   

语言工具论是传统的语言观,学术界对它普遍持批判的态度。然而,语言工具论实际上只是对语言工具职能的表述,并不是对语言的定义,不应受到压倒性指责。同时,语言工具论的表述确实存在缺陷,致使/~-4~1对其理解的片面和肤浅,造成对英语教学的负面影响。因此,有必要对语言工具论进行拓展,使它的表述更为完善,从而让人们对语言形成恰当的认知以便指导语言教学。高职英语教学侧重的是让学生掌握语言作为交际工具的职能,在开展高职英语课程教学时可以用拓展的语言工具论作为指导,对高职英语课程进行适当的设置.选择合适的英语课文材料.实现预设的教学目的。  相似文献   

个人便携式数控机床具有安全、高效、经济等特点,广泛适用于大专院校的数控加工教学及培训。学生在安全轻松的环境中学习数控加工技术,有利于掌握数控加工技术,激发创新性技能。  相似文献   

本文论述了刀具半径补偿在数控铣床及数控车床编程中的意义。总结出一种判别左右刀具半径补偿的方法,分别例举了数控铣床及数控车床在编程中刀具补偿的应用。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the construction of word meaning by students during collaborative activities in a multicultural classroom at a Dutch primary school. The analysis is based on recordings of student talk in small groups of four or five students during mathematics lessons. Difficulties with specific terms and expressions frequently arose during group work. Students could easily ask each other about the meaning of difficult words as a part of the collaborative activities they were accustomed to. In the groups with both Dutch and minority children, the minority students addressed their Dutch classmates as language experts. Conversations about language difficulties also occurred in the groups with only minority students. The conversations about word meaning revealed four patterns: (1) ignoring a question about the meaning of a word, (2) showing the meaning using gestures, (3) explaining, or (4) discussing word meaning. In none of the cases were the language problems solved by referring to the everyday meaning of the word. Instead, the conversations focussed directly on the specialised meaning which the word had in the context of the mathematics lesson. This means that the children used the mathematical discourse as a mediational tool for constructing a mathematical meaning of the words.  相似文献   

《今昔物语集》的具格助词有四个"シテ""ニテ""ニシテ""ヲ以テ"。"シテ"前接具体名词,后续能动动词,表示工具。"ニテ"和"ニシテ"前接具体或抽象名词,后续能动动词,表示工具或手段。"ヲ以テ"前接具体或抽象名词,后续能动或使役动词,表示工具、手段、材料,用例最多且语义最为广泛。通过与汉语原典的比较发现,《今昔物语集》的具格助词用例所对应的汉语原典大都使用介词"以"字,由此可知《今昔物语集》具格助词的使用深受汉语原典的影响。  相似文献   

经济学作为一种分析工具,号称“天下之公器”。经济学的工具属性确定了它在诉讼中可以发挥很大的作用,然而现实中人们却忽视了这种作用。这种作用具有很强的现实性和可操作性,它至少可以表现在两个方面:一是有助于认定案件事实依据;二是可以为法官裁判提供一个参考标准。通过两个现实案例的分析,我们可以清楚的看出经济分析是如何在诉讼中发挥作用的,同时也可以看出经济分析对于法官来说非常重要,因此法官掌握一定的经济分析实乃职业之必需。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated how students used a drawing tool to visualize their ideas of chemical reaction processes. We interviewed 30 students using thinking-aloud and retrospective methods and provided them with a drawing tool. We identified four types of connections the students made as they used the tool: drawing on existing knowledge, incorporating dynamic aspects of chemical processes, linking a visualization to the associated chemical phenomenon, and connecting between the visualization and chemistry concepts. We also compared students who were able to create dynamic visualizations with those who only created static visualizations. The results indicated a relationship between students constructing a dynamic view of chemical reaction processes and their understanding of chemical reactions. This study provides insights into the use of visualizations to support instruction and assessment to facilitate students’ integrated understanding of chemical reactions.  相似文献   

教学话语作为教师规范化的教学口头语言,是教师表达思想、传递信息的重要工具。在教学过程中,同音异词、同词异音、言不尽意、言不由衷等情况导致教师教学话语的表述晦涩,致使学生理解偏颇。这种偏颇主要表现为学生对教师教学话语中言内意义、言外意义和实得意义三部分的理解差异,致使话语呈现出异彩纷呈的状况。针对教学话语的晦涩,可以从提升教师内在专业素养,强化教师话语转换能力以及落实课堂师生民主关系入手予以弥补,力求教师教学话语的畅明。  相似文献   

In this study, we seek to describe how the meaning of a tool was co-constructed by the students and their teacher and how the students used the tool to construct mathematical meaning out of particular tasks. We report the results of a qualitative, classroom-based study that examined (1) the role, knowledge and beliefs of a pre-calculus teacher, (2)how students used graphing calculators in support of their learning of mathematics, (3) the relationship and interactions between the teacher's role, knowledge and beliefs and the students' use of the graphing calculator in learning mathematics, and (4) some constraints of the graphing calculator technology that emerged within the classroom practice. We found five patterns and modes of graphing calculator tool use emerged in this practice: computational tool, transformational tool, data collection and analysis tool, visualizing tool, and checking tool. The results of this study suggest that nature of the mathematical tasks and the role, knowledge and beliefs of the teacher influenced the emergence of such rich usage of the graphing calculator. We also found that the use of the calculator as a personal device can inhibit communication in a small group setting, while its use as a shared device supported mathematical learning in the whole class setting.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

文章通过分析在线形成性评价工具在学生英语写作应用过程中遇到的困难,进而提出相应的对策。研究结果显示:学生对在线形成性评价工具持肯定态度;在物理、学术及管理环境中,影响学生写作的因素分别为:"基础设施不完善"、"没有教师进行在线写作辅导"和"问题处理不够及时"。对相应对策进行了探讨:(1)正确定位在线形成性评价工具的价值;(2)发挥教师在写作技能指导和心理疏导方面的作用;(3)不断完善在线写作环境;(4)关注性别差异对在线写作的影响。  相似文献   

文章将语境分为上下文语境和情景语境 ;模糊语义分为相对的动态模糊语义和静态模糊语义。文章从五个方面讨论了语境对模糊语义的影响 ,并得出结论 :语境对动态模糊语义极为重要 ,动态模糊语义的研究有助于静态模糊语义的理解  相似文献   

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