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隐性采访在电视民生新闻,尤其是批评监督类新闻中具有不可替代的作用.隐性采访,就是通常所说的秘密采访或暗访,指新闻记者由于某种原因而不公开身份的采访.但是,隐性采访应该注意运用的技巧、注意控制量与度.  相似文献   

隐性采访是非公开身份或采访目的而进行的收集或披露新闻素材的方式,它能真实地采访到公开方式难以获得的新闻素材,将社会丑陋现象曝光,满足了受众的知情权,增强了舆论监督的力度,因而受到各新闻媒体的普遍青睐。但同时,隐性采访是否合法,作为舆论监督手段是否值得提倡的疑问也在学界存在。隐性采访有一定的法律基础,对隐性采访可以有条件地合法化,即隐性采访必须在法律允许的范围内,在道德的约束下采用,必须对其进行严格的限制和规范。  相似文献   

隐性采访是新闻满足人民知情权和代表人民更好地行使舆论监督权所必须采用的、获取信息和资料的一种手段,具有其合法性。公共利益至上是隐性采访的合法依据;采访对象及其行为是否受法律、法规保护,是否符合党和政府的政策、规定,是否符合社会公德和惯例是记者衡量自己隐性采访是否越界的一个重要标准。记者必须有深入扎实的采访作风和献身新闻事业的敬业精神,才能实施和完成隐性采访。  相似文献   

隐性采访在当今的新闻报道中越来越重要,在社会上引起的反响越来越大,同时也是受众最需求的。从市场争夺和媒体长远发展来看,隐性采访的地位显得更为重要。如何处理隐性采访的伦理道德问题是我们必须面对和探讨的问题。公共利益为上原则、守法原则、客观记录原则、公正原则、善意原则、真实原则、适度原则。  相似文献   

人文关怀理念是新闻报道的重要追求。以人为本是电视事业安身立命的法宝。隐性采访是对电视人价值取向和文化人格的考验。  相似文献   

新闻报道的合法性不仅要求内容的合法,同时也要求形式的合法。隐性采访作为一种有效的采访手段,为越来越多的新闻媒体所采用,由此也带来了许多新闻侵权问题的发生。因此,在隐性采访中必须规避新闻侵权问题。  相似文献   

隐性采访已被广泛采用,也由此引来一系列法律问题。新闻立法应当承认隐性采访的合法性,并在此基础上对隐性采访予以适当调整。具体而言,应当建立隐性采访的采访者从业资格制度;严格隐性采访器材管理制度;采访内容应限定在公众有权知晓但显性采访却无法获得的信息;采访应基于维护公共利益之目的。同时,应加强新闻审查机制对隐性采访的规范作用。  相似文献   

隐性采访已被广泛采用,也由此引来一系列法律问题。新闻立法应当承认隐性采访的合法性,并在此基础上对隐性采访予以适当调整。具体而言,应当建立隐性采访的采访者从业资格制度;严格隐性采访器材管理制度;采访内容应限定在公众有权知晓但显性采访却无法获得的信息;采访应基于维护公共利益之目的。同时,应加强新闻审查机制对隐性采访的规范作用。  相似文献   

本文从论证什么是隐性采访开始着手,进而详细论证了隐性采访的现实意义和其所具有的优势,以及在实际采访中如何进行隐性采访。全文重点论证了当前隐性采访所具有的道德和法律地位。  相似文献   

隐性采访是一种特殊的采访方式,其针对社会存在的问题和阴暗面进行揭露,抒发民声,深受广大群众的欢迎。目前,我国尚无一项法律对隐性采访进行明确界定。文章在肯定隐性采访合法性的基础上,力求平衡隐性采访权与被采访对象人格权的关系,并针对隐性采访中被采访对象人格权保护的具体问题展开论述,阐释作者对这个问题的看法。  相似文献   

The author describes her work as Education Officer for Thames Television. Broadcast ETV has failed to make as much impact as it should because of teachers’ difficulties in finding time to integrate television into their teaching, and producers’ difficulties in discovering programme styles which work for children familiar with adult viewing. There is a real need for greater D.E.S. involvement both in sponsoring research on children's media comprehension and in encouraging teacher training in television use.  相似文献   

从"广义修辞学"的角度看,"排比"在电视广告的各方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。"排比"的运用可使电视广告更具表现力,使电视广告最大限度地述诸观众的感官,以达到有效传播的目的。  相似文献   

在激烈的媒体竞争中,电视受到来自网络等新兴媒体挑战的同时,各种电视节目之间的明争暗斗也不可忽视。科教电视应以文化为本位,塑造节目的人文内涵与文化气质,全面提升电视文化的软实力,以收视率造成强大的传播效果,这样才能在激烈的市场环境中扩展生存空间。  相似文献   

What to do if you want to make an educational programme for 40% of the population and only 2% of them are watching? You can choose between giving up and a total face‐lift. The makers of the thematic educational broadcasts for Dutch television (TELEAC) chose to renew their product. The research activities reported here were undertaken to support the process of redesigning the programme through construction principles that can help to improve thematic educational television directed at independent learning. Three investigations were carried out: consultation with experts in the field of education, mass communication, and television programme design; consultation with educationally related groups; consultation with the audience at home. The results were interpreted in the light of an educational theory of self‐directed adult learning to produce proposals and suggestions on four main topics: context and image; content; form; and appeal to the audience  相似文献   

本文针对数字电视原理课程理论性强、内容广泛,高职学生普遍感觉学习困难特点.尝试使用SystemView仿真软件辅助数字电视原理课程教学,实践证明,SystemView辅助教学可以使抽象的数字电视传输理论变得形象化,利于学生的理解,很大程度提高了该课程的教学效果.  相似文献   

彩电业在农村市场的开拓乏力,在城市市场的产品同质化价格竞争.有线电视业在全国的入户率,尤其是在农村市场的入户率更低.作为产业链上的设备制造商和网络运营商,如何在模拟电视向数字电视的变革创造的巨大的市场机会面前,有利可图,培育竞争优势,两者结成营销联盟,应该是一个可行的战略选择.  相似文献   

Conclusion Since studies on physiology have been extremely important in the field of reading, the potential importance of similar studies in instructional television cannot be overlooked. Overcrowded schools, the teacher shortage, and the rising cost of education make it imperative that schools consider every new device available to give children a better education. However, these devices must not be accepted at face value with no consideration of their possible improvement or potential. Educators must begin striving for improvement of these devices. A good beginning would be in the area of the physiology of television viewing. Note: ThisAVCR supplement also includes papers by Abraham S. Luchins, Howard H. Kendler, Robert Glaser, Frederick J. McDonald, and James Deese, who wrote the summary and called the issue “a mine of possible applications” for audiovisual specialists. Since its publication, the demand for additional copies has been brisk. A limited supply is still available at $1.50 per single copy from the Publications Sales Division, National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. The discount for more than ten copies is 20 percent; for two to ten copies, the discount is 10 percent.  相似文献   

数字电视的条件接收系统运用各种数字技术通过对节目的加扰处理(对传榆流中的数字信号进行加密),使只有授权用户才能收看被加扰节目,从而保障运营商的利益,保证数字电视发展。本文主要阐述数字电视条件接受系统的用途和前景。  相似文献   

A commonly accepted belief is that the violence depicted in television programs, particularly cartoons, has a negative impact on young children’s behavior. However, young children may be less inclined to emulate violent actions seen on television than currently thought. Research indicates that young children have limited comprehension of television content but relatively sophisticated moral reasoning. Children’s understanding of the immorality of violence on television and the distinction between reality and make-believe may mediate these effects, as may the comic aspect of cartoons they view. We review current research concerning the effects of cartoon violence on children’s moral understanding and behavior to with the goal of helping early childhood educators and parents make informed decisions about children’s television viewing.  相似文献   

与欧美国家相比,中国电视的诞生较晚,在北京电视台第一次试播节目时,美国电视业已经用电视媒体与麦卡锡主义进行了英勇搏斗。直至改革开放,中国电视业的发展才真正开始腾飞。在中国电视日渐成熟的今天,放眼欧美电视,分析异同,寻找差距,对中国电视的进一步发展意义很大。以新闻节目为例,对欧美与国内电视节目进行比较。  相似文献   

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