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在线考试已成为计算机辅助教学的发展趋势之一,然而在线考试还主要用于客观题(选择题,判断题等),由于各门课程都存在各种主观考试题,而在线考试系统很难实现主观考试题自动评阅,因此在线考试还很少真正推广使用.阐述"工程经济学"、"Oracle数据库"和"C#.Net程序设计"等多种课程主观考试题自动评阅的算法以及开发自动评阅主观题考试系统所需要的关键技术问题.  相似文献   

黄莉 《考试周刊》2008,(20):1-2
近几年来,在高考现代文阅读理解试题中"淡化客观题,强化主观题"已逐渐成为一种趋势.主观表述题答题的规范和准确直接影响着考生的语文高考成绩.本文主要对规范答主观题的必要性和方法进行了简要论述.  相似文献   

在信息技术新课程建设任务的序列中,总结性评价的研究是相对薄弱的部分。本文中课题组以过程化、人性化为总结性评价命题的主要原则,设计了一些新思路下的信息技术总结性评价试题,并提出,试题从主观—客观的维度分为客观题、半客观题、微型主观题、主观题四种类型更为合理。  相似文献   

立足于2014年各地高考试题,归纳出文言阅读命题的特征及变化方向:选材跳出正史范畴,类型更加丰富;部分客观题被主观题取代,主观题比重增大;主观题题型也逐渐丰富.就文言阅读命题的变化作了三个方面的反思:客观题的主观化不能过度,主观题的革新不能无限度,文言语句翻译如何丰富区分度.  相似文献   

从1990年开始,全国化学高考在广东五年试验的基础上,实现了标准化考试。标准化改革的一项重要措施是对客观题和主观题实行分卷,在第Ⅰ卷(客观题)和第Ⅱ卷(主观题)中,根据不同的题型特点,考查不同层次的知识和能力要求,其中客观题的题型和命题方式与传统考试有着明显的差异。经过了六年的实践,化学高考标准化改革的结果是满意的。目前,化学高考客观题和主观题的命题已逐渐形成了较鲜明的特  相似文献   

特点题型主观化探究性阅读题都是主观题型,现在是这样,将来更是这样。因为主观题型为考生提供了探索、思考、发表独立见解的空间,有助于考生创造力的发挥,有助于展示考生的创新见解和语文能力。与客观题相比,它的优势显而易见。  相似文献   

增加主观试题突出能力考查海淀区教师进修学校语文教研室田福春今年《考试说明》突出了能力考查,可以看出今年《考试说明》明显地由知识立意向能力立意发展: 第一,减少了客观试题,增加了主观试题。以往的试题有诗歌鉴赏题还有文学常识题,原来的两道诗歌鉴赏题是两首古诗,今年把两道诗歌鉴赏题改为主观题。这实际上就增加了鉴赏的力度。  相似文献   

在分析爱尔兰都柏林理工学院学术英语课程的教学目的、内容、特色以及考核方法的基础上,针对我国现行英语测试中的不足提出建议:英语教学和考核更应注重阅读、分析、论证,注重主观题目以及个人观点,通过教学和考核培养学生思辨能力;在考核中合理设计客观题与主观题的比例以及主观题的题型,保证测试的信度与效度,确保考试的可靠性。  相似文献   

本文先提出学生不喜欢学习语文的真正原因是今天的语文科"学多学少一个样,学与不学一个样!"接着分析过于泛滥的主观题是造成语文考试缺乏区分度的根本原因。最后提出试卷的命制既要主观题与客观题并重,又要使主观题的设置真正以考生为本。  相似文献   

高考语文主观题在开放的前提下尽量客观化。解答这样的主观题,要从它的客观材料中发现命题人的主观意图——题目的隐蔽命意。从主观题的客观材料中发现隐蔽的命意,可以展示考生进人大学后的学习潜能。发现客观材料中隐蔽的主观命意的方法大体有如下一些:一、发掘题干修饰语寓含的命意客观化主观题题干中的修饰语是表达命意很重要的句子成分,一定要把它寓含的隐蔽命  相似文献   

Changes to the design and development of our educational assessments are resulting in the unprecedented demand for a large and continuous supply of content‐specific test items. One way to address this growing demand is with automatic item generation (AIG). AIG is the process of using item models to generate test items with the aid of computer technology. The purpose of this module is to describe and illustrate a template‐based method for generating test items. We outline a three‐step approach where test development specialists first create an item model. An item model is like a mould or rendering that highlights the features in an assessment task that must be manipulated to produce new items. Next, the content used for item generation is identified and structured. Finally, features in the item model are systematically manipulated with computer‐based algorithms to generate new items. Using this template‐based approach, hundreds or even thousands of new items can be generated with a single item model.  相似文献   

针对目前高考语文阅读主观题评分方法的局限,提出基于SOLO理论的分类评价法和基于阅读认知过程的建构整合模型(CI)评分法。选择1019名学生高考语文阅读三道主观题的真实作答,采用三种评分法评分,采用项目反应理论对三道主观题进行测量学分析,结果表明:相对于原始评分法,SOLO评分法和CI评分法题目之间具有更高的相关,测验模型拟合更佳,题目区分度较高,题目得分的难度阈限和步长更合理,题目的信息量更大,而CI评分法又明显优于SOLO评分法。研究支持了将CI评方法作为高考语文阅读主观题评分方法的潜在优势。  相似文献   

难度不是试题的固有属性,而是考生因素与试题特征之间互动的结果。很多试题分析者倾向于将试题难度偏高的原因仅仅归结于学生未掌握相关知识或技能,而忽视试题本身的特征。通过分析60道难度在0.6以下的高考英语试题,探究其难度来源。结果显示,除考生因素外,难题或偏难题的难度来源也与命题技术有关,比如答案的唯一性与可接受性、考查内容超纲、考点设置与评分标准欠妥等方面的问题。为此,提出考试机构应提高命题水平,加强试题质量监控,确保大规模考试科学选拔人才。  相似文献   

Testing organization needs large numbers of high‐quality items due to the proliferation of alternative test administration methods and modern test designs. But the current demand for items far exceeds the supply. Test items, as they are currently written, evoke a process that is both time‐consuming and expensive because each item is written, edited, and reviewed by a subject‐matter expert. One promising approach that may address this challenge is with automatic item generation. Automatic item generation combines cognitive and psychometric modeling practices to guide the production of items that are generated with the aid of computer technology. The purpose of this study is to describe and illustrate a process that can be used to review and evaluate the quality of the generated item by focusing on the content and logic specified within the item generation procedure. We illustrate our process using an item development example from mathematics drawn from the Common Core State Standards and from surgical education drawn from the health sciences domain.  相似文献   

多面Rasch模型在主观题评分培训中的应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
主观题的评分受到很多因素的影响,如评分者的知识水平、综合能力和个人偏好等。这些评分者偏差不仅会导致不同评分者之间存在主观差异,也会到导致同一评分者在不同的时间也具有主观不稳定性,最终导致主观题评分信度的降低。本研究将多面Rasch模型运用到某国家级考试论述题的评分培训中。通过分析6名有经验评分者对58份试卷的试评数据,鉴别出四种评分者偏差,然后据此对每个评分者进行个别反馈,从而提高评分的客观性和精确性。  相似文献   

Many procedures have been developed for selecting the "best" items for a computerized adaptive test. There is a trend toward the use of adaptive testing in applied settings such as licensure tests, program entrance tests, and educational tests. It is useful to consider procedures for item selection and the special needs of applied testing settings to facilitate test design. The current study reviews several classical approaches and alternative approaches to item selection and discusses their relative merit. This study also describes procedures for constrained computerized adaptive testing (C-CAT) that may be added to classical item selection approaches to allow them to be used for applied testing, while maintaining the high measurement precision and short test length that made adaptive testing attractive to practitioners initially.  相似文献   

基于某资格类考试考后数据,对包含单选题和多选题的复合选择题的雷同答卷进行分析,提出单选甄别、多选甄别和合并甄别3种甄别方案,设计不同测验长度、难度、被抄袭考生水平、题目抄袭比率、作弊考生比率及显著性水平的实验样本。研究结果显示:合并甄别和单选甄别都表现出较好的甄别性能,多选甄别由于多选题数量方面的劣势,甄别率低且Ⅰ型错误率高。据此,提出甄别雷同答卷的建议:如果对甄别出的雷同答卷考生进行违纪违规处理,可将单选甄别和合并甄别分别甄别出的结果取交集作为最后处理依据;如果不对甄别结果进行处理,可将2种方案分别甄别出的结果取并集,以此来对考区或考点的考风考纪进行监管。  相似文献   

Traditional methods for examining differential item functioning (DIF) in polytomously scored test items yield a single item‐level index of DIF and thus provide no information concerning which score levels are implicated in the DIF effect. To address this limitation of DIF methodology, the framework of differential step functioning (DSF) has recently been proposed, whereby measurement invariance is examined within each step underlying the polytomous response variable. The examination of DSF can provide valuable information concerning the nature of the DIF effect (i.e., is the DIF an item‐level effect or an effect isolated to specific score levels), the location of the DIF effect (i.e., precisely which score levels are manifesting the DIF effect), and the potential causes of a DIF effect (i.e., what properties of the item stem or task are potentially biasing). This article presents a didactic overview of the DSF framework and provides specific guidance and recommendations on how DSF can be used to enhance the examination of DIF in polytomous items. An example with real testing data is presented to illustrate the comprehensive information provided by a DSF analysis.  相似文献   

建国以来高考语文知识试题的变迁表明:一定的考试制度总是体现着一定时期掌权者对人才规格和需求的规定,影响着人们(主要是主考者)对考试内容的选择,从而达到对应试者的思想意识和行为方式的影响,最终达到控制社会的目的。  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of how to detect item preknowledge using item response time data in two computer‐based large‐scale licensure examinations. Item preknowledge is indicated by an unexpected short response time and a correct response. Two samples were used for detecting item preknowledge for each examination. The first sample was from the early stage of the operational test and was used for item calibration. The second sample was from the late stage of the operational test, which may feature item preknowledge. The purpose of this research was to explore whether there was evidence of item preknowledge and compromised items in the second sample using the parameters estimated from the first sample. The results showed that for one nonadaptive operational examination, two items (of 111) were potentially exposed, and two candidates (of 1,172) showed some indications of preknowledge on multiple items. For another licensure examination that featured computerized adaptive testing, there was no indication of item preknowledge or compromised items. Implications for detected aberrant examinees and compromised items are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

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