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焦虑是每个人一生中不可避免要经历的一种情绪状态,适度的焦虑对人类的进化有着积极的意义,而焦虑症给人们带来的却是过度的担忧和痛苦。弗兰克尔的意义治疗理论从存在的角度对焦虑症进行分析并在此基础上提出治疗策略。在焦虑症的咨询与治疗领域,或许能够给出一些启发。  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of consumer culture that draws on Augustine’s vision of human consciousness, exploring consumerism’s formative effects on the memory, attention, and imagination of consumers. Drawing on William Cavanaugh’s analysis of consumers’ disposition of detachment, it explains how consumer culture distorts memory, attention, and imagination in consumers. It addresses the effects of consumerism on declarative, episodic, and procedural memory, on open awareness and concentration, and on intellectual, fantasy, empathy, and strategic imagination. The author suggests that religious educators should consider their work a form of reattachment therapy.  相似文献   

考试焦虑是学生在复习迎考过程中,围绕考试相关内容,产生紧张、担心、恐惧的一种复杂情绪状态。它是以人脑为生物性基础,在一定考试事件与情境中激发,从生物、情绪、行为、认知等维度表现出以考试相关内容为认知关注的,以不确定为核心的,以企图逃避为行为倾向,个体自身与外部环境共同发生作用的,以担心、紧张、忧虑为主的复合型消极情绪反应。通过对考试焦虑的形成机制进行分析,探索其形成的多元可能性,探讨考试焦虑的评估与应对策略。  相似文献   

英国幻想文学大师罗尔德.达尔在其作品《女巫》中,以精准的笔触和出奇的幻想,成功地运用"叙述上的真实"、"细节上的真实"、"幻想小说文本自身的真实"这三种叙事策略,将女巫世界"描写得如同发生了一样",不动声色地便让读者仿佛置身于一个全然真实的幻想世界中,成功地营造了幻想世界"大真大幻"的真实性和现场感。  相似文献   

马英 《培训与研究》2005,22(6):120-121
学生课堂焦虑水平过高很大程度上源于教师不恰当的提问方式。当学生的自尊心和自信心因为教师的提问而受到潜在威胁的时候,学生往往表现为课堂高焦虑。课堂高焦虑严重影响学生的听课和思考,甚至引发心理障碍。高明的教师知道如何提高自己的提问艺术以缓解学生的课堂高焦虑。  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify the effect of emotional intelligence (EI) on negative feelings (stress, anxiety, burnout and depression) in a gender specific model. Four hundred and twenty-five primary school teachers (326 males, 99 females) completed the measures of EI, stress, anxiety, burnout and depression. The multi-group analysis was performed using a structural equation approach. The moderated mediation results show that there are gender related differences in the relationships of age, emotional intelligence, stress, anxiety, burnout and depression. The results imply that school managers should take into consideration the teachers’ personal variables such as gender and age in order to assess the use of emotional intelligence in coping with negative feelings at the place of work effectively.  相似文献   

昌耀后期作品中弥散着无尽的"焦虑"情绪,与焦虑诗绪相伴的是诗风的巨大转变,诗体由富有时代特色的浪漫抒情诗转化为深沉郁结的散文诗体的叙述,内容充满病态的审美,底层艰难的生存处境和病态的精神状态被圣化为"美"、"崇高"甚至是"神圣"。这种转变是昌耀在无法调节理想追求的局限、个体命运的困厄、写作突破的压力等现实矛盾的状况下所采取的突围行动与结果。  相似文献   

瑞士作家舒比格的童话以其毫无羁绊的想象、独特的叙述方式、自然、稚拙的语言,表现着儿童的精神世界,打开了现实生活和幻想之间的大门。该文结合两部具体作品《当世界年纪还小的时候》、《大海在哪里》,从儿童思维、儿童心理的角度,探讨了舒比格童话的创作特点、美学特征及情感内涵。  相似文献   

This paper draws upon evidence from a three‐year longitudinal study of young children drawing across home, pre‐school and school. The study shows how the belief systems of significant adults and more able peers/siblings impact upon the child’s access to, use of and beliefs about drawing. Concentrating upon the children when in the Foundation Stage (aged between three and five), the paper highlights:
  • the importance of the mother’s role in organizing the home space, the child’s time and his or her access to materials;

  • gendered responses to an environment in which the mother is a constant presence in comparison with the limited presence of the father.


Childhood anxiety is a common condition which, if untreated, can cause considerable distress and impairment and increase the likelihood of mental health problems in adulthood. Developing good emotional health in children is therefore an important objective which has been emphasised in recent governmental initiatives and policies. In particular, schools have been identified as having an important role in promoting positive mental health in children. This paper summarises the different approaches, outcomes and shortfalls of school-based anxiety prevention programmes. One particularly encouraging programme based upon cognitive behaviour therapy, the FRIENDS for Life programme, is described. Outcomes from UK-based studies evaluating FRIENDS are summarised and the way the programme can be integrated within schools to complement other initiatives discussed. Finally, limitations of the current research are discussed and issues about the practical implementation of FRIENDS in schools highlighted.  相似文献   

白薇的悲苦恋情对她的创作产生了深远的影响,在她那富有理想和浪漫精神的笔墨之中,不仅展示了她在情感和理智的漩涡中奋力挣扎而不得解脱的痛苦过程,也写出了人生悲凉的无限遐思,包含着对男权的憎恨,对女性意识的发掘与探寻。  相似文献   

Students’ academic achievement in courses with a high mathematical content can be affected by their levels of trait, math and test anxiety. In this study, 180 university students were assessed on these types of anxiety and the relationships between them and students’ performance were evaluated. Higher levels of math anxiety were related to a low academic achievement, but a high level of test anxiety was related only to an increase in the number of errors. Moreover, although women reported higher levels of trait, math and test anxiety than their male peers, their academic achievement was similar. We conclude that math anxiety is the main emotional factor that can affect students’ performance in these courses and some proposals to help highly math-anxious students are discussed.  相似文献   

If education tends to be viewed as an antidote to social violence, this paper turns to Freud’s study of the ‘beating fantasy’ to consider the fictional representation of psychical aggression in scenes of schooling and being schooled. It is argued that such representations both express and fend off libidinal passions at the heart of student/teacher relationships, and language itself. Drawing on clinical examples and a controversial piece of student writing, I suggest that the teacher’s greatest emotional challenge will be to read with an eye for the unspoken communication of forbidden desire held in written iterations of Freud’s ‘beating fantasy’, without acting on her own.  相似文献   

马格里特是超现实主义的代表人物,超现实主义受弗洛伊德思想和存在主义哲学的影响,主张发掘未开发的想象、幻想、潜意识和心灵的世界,使人的思想全面解放。马格里特以其作品中形态的大胆变形、违反自然法则的光影描绘、物体材质的错位、不同物性的嫁接、一形多意的处理等极大地丰富了现代平面设计的表现语汇,使现代平面设计出现令人意外的视觉效果。  相似文献   

杜诗浪漫主义特色长期以来被他突出的现实主义成就所掩盖。杜诗艺术风格的多样化,表现在不同时期、不同题材的诗歌创作中,杜诗中大量使用想象、夸张、幻想等艺术手法,体现出的浪漫主义成就也是十分突出的。  相似文献   

文章以沈从文的散文及评论为证,说明沈从文乡土散文具有浓厚“形式主义-人文主义”的美学物质,在创作实践上能协调现实与想象,以美统摄真、对乡土人事作诗意重构及文化批评。此美学意识不但说明了沈从文的散文风格,更为中国散文史留下可供参考的典范。  相似文献   

Affective factors such as the achievement emotions are considered critical for students’ academic performance in STEM degree programmes and careers. In this study, a reciprocal causation model was tested between two affective factors: enjoyment and anxiety, and organic chemistry course performance. Each variable was measured three times in four sections of a first semester organic chemistry course. This study investigates a reciprocal causation relationship between anxiety, enjoyment and achievement as measured by exam performance compared to unidirectional structures of performance and affect relationships. Results show that the reciprocal causation model with an exam snowballing effect best fits data among the alternative models. There is a small and significant negative relationship between anxiety and performance contrasted with a positive relationship between enjoyment and performance throughout the semester. The evidence of the reciprocal relationship between anxiety, enjoyment and achievement indicates that instructors of organic chemistry can work to eliminate factors associated with low performance. Gathering information regarding anxiety and enjoyment along with performance can inform educators about the emotional state of their classrooms. Future research should consider achievement emotions in light of educational reforms to ensure that innovative curricula or pedagogies are functioning in the classroom as intended.  相似文献   

孤独一直是陈染着意表达的主题之一,但她笔下的孤独主题不是心绪的直白宣泄或纯粹形而下的阐发,而是她内在想象和形而上思考的结合。陈染在创作中深刻地感受孤独,品尝忧伤,并将孤独提升至人生哲学的层面,把忧伤升华为艺术境界。  相似文献   

《呼兰河传》是萧红写于生命之尾的一部作品。她以悲剧性的生命体验,着力于故土的景物人的书写,表达了她对呼兰河小城的追忆和回顾。萧红以成人与儿童的双重叙事视角,欢乐与凄凉的情感基调,明净与阴暗的文本色彩,展示了一幅幅明暗交织的生存图景。文本叙事元素的多重变奏使得文中的叙事充满了耐人寻味的张力,拓展了文本的审美意蕴的同时,也给予读者丰富的审美想象,传达了不尽之意。  相似文献   

Though many children’s texts include maps that visually demarcate their journeys, modern texts rarely involve active mapping by child characters themselves, suggesting that children cannot (or should not) conceptualise the world for themselves, but require an adult’s guidance to traverse it. Reif Larsen’s The Selected Works of T. S. Spivet (2009), however, views the child as active cartographer and expands the conversation on the relationship between children and space to uncover new (or more nuanced) understandings of children’s place in society, and their constant tension in finding selfhood. This article examines how the act of mapping in literature often leads a character away from home to a place where the child can reconstruct “home” within his or her memory—a memory that instils resistance against the status quo of the child’s position in life. Cartography’s direct relationship with children experiments with and subverts the binaries of child/adult, fantasy/reality, civilised/primitive and home/memory of home, completely dismantling them in the specific example of Larsen’s novel and demonstrating that the child protagonist’s space is neither solely real nor fantastic. Mapping induces the young protagonist to move into alternative spaces, and to resist social pressures in order to assert fuller agency over his or her identity formation.  相似文献   

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