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制动盘表面螺旋纹理的消除方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新要点:提出以冲刷代替传统磨削过程对制动盘进行抛光;研究扶取规定表面质晕下的最优冲刷条件。  相似文献   

前期创造社以“自我表现”为核心建立起统一的文学批评观,作家们强调文学的自我表现性,认为情绪是文学的本质。情绪表现是创造社小说的一致倾向,小说形态显示出许多非传统和现代化的特质,体现了一种开放和创造的精神。  相似文献   

Conclusion The word association test and idea association test are open-ended tests which assess students' linking ability and also their accuracy in retrieving the relevant knowledge. These tests break through the “spoon-fed” and “drilled” types of assessment. The earlier study has shown that linkage of knowledge is one of the influential factors in determining problem solving performance (Lee, 1986). A replication study has confirmed the earlier findings that these two non-traditional measures assess learning performance as do the traditional methods. Apart from providing the numerical scores, for the learning performance, the two non-traditional tests also provide teachers with useful qualitative evidence of how students proceed with their learning and with their understanding of concepts. The technical procedures of setting, carrying out and scoring the tests are reasonably easy to handle. On the basis of the evidence shown, it is suggested that the word association and idea association tests should become part of the regular testing of chemistry learning in schools.  相似文献   

Three intervention methods to assist non-traditional college students in evaluating and improving their chemical and mathematical backgrounds were developed and implemented over three successive years. The goal was to improve students' self-confidence and success in the course. The first method was a one-day optional symposium featuring a variety of tutorial sessions. In the second, a pre-test helped students determine potential deficits in requisite knowledge, and topical workshops were made available outside of class time. The third method used the same assessment pre-test combined with instructional videos on selected topics drawn from the pre-test. The three approaches were compared in a formative sense with respect to 1) student identification of areas of potential weakness, 2) accessibility of each method to the non-traditional student population. The success of the third method at improving student course performance was also examined.  相似文献   

论冷战后的非传统安全问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷战结束后,非传统安全威胁对国际安全、国家安全以及人的安全的影响日益增加。党的十六大提出未来20年是我国必须紧紧抓住的重要战略机遇期,因此创造安全稳定的国内国际环境至关重要。本文主要分析了非传统安全的概念及其特征与危害,进一步提出了我国应对非传统安全威胁的建议与设想。面对非传统安全威胁,首先要转变传统的安全观念,同时要积极地参与跨国和跨地区的多边国际合作,共同应对非传统安全威胁。  相似文献   

中亚非传统安全问题与跨国合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联时期,非传统安全问题在中亚地区已经存在。各国独立后,由于种种原因,这些问题进一步严重化。本文主要分析了中亚地区非传统安全问题的产生,特点及解决非传统安全问题上中亚国家所进行的跨国安全合作。近年来中亚非传统安全问题的滋长势头有所减缓,不过距完全解决还任重道远,所以中亚国家还需进一步加强国际合作力度。  相似文献   

冷战结束后东亚地区出现各种不同类型的非传统安全威胁,推动了东亚地区非传统安全合作的进展.本文考察了当前东亚非传统安全合作的基本特征,分析制约东亚非传统安全合作主要因素,最后就目前合作模式提供了三种相互竞争的理论解释视角.  相似文献   

The author argues that so-called non-traditional universities, particularly those offering postgraduate course and degree programmes to mature students in mid-career, have come into existence to fulfill a growing demand for further training that is not being met by the traditional "bricks-and-mortar" institutions. Yet these institutions, if they are not accredited, are stigmatized as diploma mills. If they do manage to become accredited, they may have been forced to adopt characteristics of classical universities that detract from their non-traditional innova tions. The author thus sketches a set of standards that non-traditional higher education providers should uphold and proposes that the traditional and the non-traditional higher education institutions develop mutual tolerance and co-operation and that both encourage the traditional accreditors to broaden their perspectives.  相似文献   


Drawing on a sample of undergraduate social work students from four mid-western social work programs, this study compared perceptions of field instructors regarding non-traditional and traditional students. Field instructors rated their perceptions of the successful fulfillment of the demands of field practicum and the impact of several life characteristics for traditional and non-traditional students.

Non-traditional students were rated significantly higher on a variety of measures as assessed by field instructors. This study has implications for social work education that involves differential recruitment, retention, and support of traditional and non-traditional students.  相似文献   

关于提高课堂教学驾驭能力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学质量能否提高,教学任务能否顺利完成,很大程度上取决于课堂教学。教师的教和学生的学,绝大部分都是通过课堂教学来完成的,因此,课堂教学是教师表演的平台,是教师驾驭教学的主要载体,提高课堂教学的驾驭能力,至关重要。本文拟从课堂教学的主体、课堂教学的内容、课堂教学的方法等方面进行论述,意在指导教师提高课堂教学的质量。  相似文献   

This paper explores student identity construction through the narrative life history of one non-traditional student, engaged in teacher education in a non-traditional way – a fully online university degree course. The students within this course are all mature-aged. Most are female, and have already developed personal identities as partners, friends and mothers, as well as professional identities such as teacher aides. Adding the new identity of “student” to these already established roles has an impact on these participants’ actions, beliefs, experiences and hence on their identities. Further, the notion that they are now “pre-service teachers” forces students to consider their professional identity in new and sometimes uncomfortable ways. This paper explores the challenges for one student created by the need to negotiate this complexity. Through this exploration using narrative life history methods, the paper considers the implications of the experience of becoming a student and a teacher.  相似文献   

目前的作文教学中,很多教师往往是学生写完,教师讲评完就算完成任务。这样的作文教学效果欠佳。学生只有通过不断地修改,才能真正提高作文能力,作文质量才能有大的提升。  相似文献   

The educational implications of non-traditional delivery methods atpostgraduate level are not yet well understood. A major question is whetheradvantages of access and flexibility are accompanied by trade-offs inlearning experiences and outcomes. In this paper we address the effectivenessof delivery methods currently used in postgraduate coursework programs inAustralia. We draw heavily on a national study of flexible delivery methodsin postgraduate education, conducted in 1995.Following a nation-wide survey, we investigated the effects of deliverytechnologies on learning and teaching in seven postgraduate courses.Information was collected, mostly by taped interview, from staff andstudents, and also from course documentation. We present here a typology,based on teaching and learning characteristics, by which we found it usefulto group delivery methods. We identify and discuss four major issuesconcerning the effects of these delivery methods on learning and on teaching,under the headi ngs learner control of learning, interaction and socialexchange, teachers as supporters of student learning and feedback inteaching. As well, we report, according to the typology, the effects ofspecific technologies on teaching and learning.We conclude that on the score of encouraging intellectual independencemany non-traditional delivery methods are fairly robust – on managingcomplexity or uncertainty and encouraging a lively critical inquiry, theyfare less well. From what we have seen, the most effective strategies atpostgraduate level use integrated delivery approaches to create flexiblelearning environments with premiums on individual time management andpractical application of learning. Considerably more detailed evaluation ofthe resulting learning outcomes is needed.  相似文献   

Median noise barriers, like parallel noise barriers, can be employed to reduce the impact of traffic on roadside communities via the direct propagation path. The performance of different shapes of median barriers was compared using reactive and passive surfaces and a 2D boundary element method (BEM). In the case of reactive surfaces, quadratic residue diffusers (QRDs) and primitive root diffusers (PRDs) were used on the top and stem surfaces of median barriers. To introduce passive barriers, two different absorbent materials including fibrous material and a grass surface with flow resistivity of 20 000 and 2500 kg/(s·m2), respectively, were similarly applied. The effect of thin absorptive barriers was similar at lower frequencies and better at mid and high frequencies to that of their equivalent rigid barriers. More improvement was achieved by covering the top surface of thick barriers with grass rather than with fibrous material. The performance of QRD and PRD barriers where the diffuser was located on the top surface was more frequency dependent than that of barriers coated with fibrous material. A comparison of the average A-weighted insertion loss in the thick barriers showed that the greatest improvement (2.59 dB (A)) was achieved using a barrier of 30-cm thickness covered with grass.  相似文献   

《红楼梦》中的王熙凤形象具有一系列的非传统特征,主要表现在:违背“女主内”的角色定位,做了许多本该男人们做的事情;颠覆女子“温柔淑静”的品格,泼辣甚至狠毒;无视封建的纲常伦理,既不孝敬公婆,又不忠顺丈夫。王熙凤非传统性格的形成,既与社会、家庭环境的影响有关,也与其个人的天性、学养有着极其密切的关系。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheOSSI(OffsetSurface/SurfaceIntersection)problemisasub-problemofgeneralSSI.AlthoughtheOSSIproblemcanberesolvedbyapplyinggeneralSSIalgorithm,itiscomputationallyexpensiveandexhaustive.Inrecentdecades,effortshavebeenfocusedoncomputingSSIexactly,efficiently,androbustlyinageneralsetting(Abdel-MalekandYeh,1997;Changetal.,1994;BurkeandSabharwal,1996;Mullenheim,1991).Thesetechniquescanbeclassifiedmainlyintofivecategories:algebraic,latticeevaluation,marching(tracing)method,…  相似文献   

就银行代理业务在分布式数据库上的实现进行了研究,借助于J2EE规范中的EJB技术来实现对分布式数据库的操作.并利用数据访问对象模式来封装数据存储的细节,实现EJB组件与数据库的松散耦合;用值对象模式封装相关的业务数据,减少数据库的频繁操作,以提高系统性能.  相似文献   

研究了热轧终轧温度对含IF铜的组织和力学性能的影响.确定本钢热轧生产过程中合适的终轧温度.  相似文献   

本文在总结实践和参考大量文献的基础上提出了利用往复循环走丝方法,以降低高速快走丝电火花线切割机床加工工件的表面粗糙度值;并用单片机实现了相应的控制,完成了控制线路电路板设计和制作,利用控制电路对现有线割机床进行了改造。实践表明,该控制系统电路输出控制信号稳定;从实际效果上看,可显著提高工件表面质量。  相似文献   

目前高职院校学生管理面临着思想政治教育方法落后、学工队伍建设不完善、基层团组织战斗力不强、过度强调就业率、非传统因素的不断出现、学生管理条例落后、学生组织自主性不强等方面的挑战。为此,高职院校要不断创新学生思想政治教育的方法、方式、渠道,重视团支部的建设,制定在校学生校外兼职管理办法,制定符合时代特征的学生管理制度,大力建设学生社团等。  相似文献   

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