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炳浩 《声屏世界》2011,(8):125+124
对广告主而言,整合传统电视媒体与户外电视媒体、网络视频媒体,进行组合传播可实现大覆盖率、低重叠覆盖率,同时又增加了跨媒体的广告曝光频次,实现了广告传播效果的最大化,达到资源的优化利用。新媒体传播时代,两股新生力量的崛起是我们不  相似文献   

我国网络广告市场现状及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为新兴的"第四类媒体",网络广告(Web Ad)是一种新兴的广告形式,是确定的广告主以付费方式运用互联网媒体对公众进行劝说的一种信息传播活动.其目的在于影响人们对所做广告的商品或劳务的态度,进而诱发其行动而使广告主得到利益的活动.  相似文献   

广告主与广告媒体在利益的牵扯中相互形成一种影响力。本文借用“两极传播”理论,讨论媒体的影响力如何被施于广告主,及其在广告主中间如何形成两级渗透。由于在广告主中间如何也存在信息不平衡的现象,因而媒体对广告主的影响也是分层逐级到达的。  相似文献   

随着中国媒体环境的变化,广告主也面临在广告预算上的调整,电视媒体日益高涨的价格,网络媒体的异军突起,使得广告主越来越重视新媒体的传播环境和传播策略,但是,网络媒体的监测及广告效果评估等方面不如电视媒体的体系成熟和完善。为搭建网络媒体与企业高层的实效沟通平台,广告人杂志社联合张默闻策划公司,特邀请十大门户网站专访快  相似文献   

广告业现金流的终端,却不见得利润最高。效果好、价格高,到底是不是虚的?问:甲方通常的抱怨有哪些?一般会如何处理?广告业的三方参与者:广告主、媒体和广告代理公司从自己的利益出发,诉求会有很大差别。作为广告产业的源头,广告主拿出的是真金白银,对于媒体  相似文献   

陈月明 《新闻界》2007,3(4):117-118,116
广告是一种特殊的商业性话语。广告是广告主通过大众媒体发布关于商品或服务的"言论",这种带有自利倾向的话语,在自由市场体系中不仅是必要的,而且客观上具有某些"利他"的价值。因此在西方社会中,一方面,积极鼓励发布广告话语,保护广告主的话语权,期望通过广告话语的传播和竞争,使市场信息更透明,防止市场垄断,同时促进产品和服务质量的改进和提高,使消费者获得更多的利益。另一方面,政府的广告法规和行业的广告规章对广告话语信息进行了严格的限制,以防止广告话语之间的不正当竞争,以及对消费者和大众产生的各种误导和伤害。  相似文献   

广告是广告主有计划地通过媒体向公众传播信息,以推销商品和劳务,宣传各种启事或观点的一种手段。这种以传播观点为主的信息发布成功与否,取决于广告中介组织或者广告文案(亦包括画面音响)的制作者,在为商品或劳务寻找的定位是否准确。一般来说,广告定位的准确率高低,与商品和劳务推销的多寡是成正比的。欲寻找广告的准确定位,不可忽视广告文案制作中诉求角度的分析。  相似文献   

2012中国经济和广告业充满坎坷。2013年一季度中国广告市场开局喜人,增长跑赢GDP。基于对广告市场、媒体市场、广告主、消费者、技术等方面的持续关注、分析,昌荣认为,2013年媒体传播将呈现6大趋势:趋势一:大数据与精准整合营销。大数据时代,新媒体不断涌现。如何借助大数据有效触达目标消费者,成为企业主首先关注的问题。昌荣年初与百度签订战略  相似文献   

巩明 《记者摇篮》2001,(10):31-31
广播媒体是一种声音媒体,也是广告信息传递最快的媒体之一。由于广播媒体同时还具有对突发新闻进行同步传播及不用文字做载体传递信息,适合不同文化层次的受众和极强的亲和力等优势,所以,广播媒体的广告经常被广告主及企业选用。这种以声音为主体的广告形式决定了广播广告只能通过对受众听觉的吸引而唤起人们的注意、兴趣和感知,从而发挥广告的作用。因此,广播广告的声音的魅力就显得格外的重要。  相似文献   

在广告产业链中,广告主所支付的广告制作费用和媒体购买费用是广告人与媒体经营者实现可持续发展的经济动力。这在无形中确立了广告主在广告信息传播中的强势地位及其垄断性的话语权力。话语权的垄断及广告主追求商业利润的本性造成了广告传播中义利观的失衡及社会责任的缺失,侵害了儿童、女性及低收入者等弱势群体在文化、经济等方面的相关利益。广告传播中对儿童的形象误导、对女性的定位偏差、对低收入者的阶层区隔无形中埋下了社会公正的缺失隐患。一、儿童广告的形象误导所谓儿童广告,是指所有指向0-14岁儿童的商品宣传,旨在影响、指导…  相似文献   

城市化、工业化和收入水平对媒介消费水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在考察中国不同地区(省份)的媒介消费形式(包括广告支出和受众消费)。与传统的相对常数假设(长期看,媒介消费占宏观经济的比重即媒介消费或广告密度是固定的)不同的是,本研究发现工业化水平、城镇化水平和城镇人均可支配收入综合影响着广告密度和媒介消费密度。工业化水平、城镇化水平和收入水平高的地区,其广告密度和媒介消费密度均高于其他地区,反之亦然。  相似文献   

Social media such as blogs, microblogs or electronic social networks can transform the ways in which we relate to other people and organizations. Government organizations are experimenting with social media to communicate with their constituents, and many analysts see in these media a powerful set of tools to reinvent government–citizen relationships. In this paper, we present the perceptions of risks, benefits and strategic guidelines about social media applications gathered from 250 public servants from Central Mexico, most of them working in information technology, as web masters or responding to Freedom of Information Act requests. The conclusions of the analysis are 1) that governments' participation in social media may result in improved communication and citizen participation, more transparency, and transfer of best practices among government agencies; 2) that a good implementation strategy is necessary to realize these benefits and to avoid risks; and 3) that the implementation of social media highlights the importance of updating laws and regulations, and of promoting changes in government culture and organizational practices.  相似文献   

Advertising is a highly visible force in Hong Kong society. Within this diverse environment, media organizations and marketers attempt to define target markets (market segmentation) composed of persons who are most likely to be influenced by their marketing and advertising efforts. This research, based on a 1,019 sample face‐to‐face intercept survey, segments the market based on measures of self‐ascribed individual modernity and individual traditionalism and Chinese and Western value orientation. The scales are statistically analysed by cluster analysis, to place each respondent into clusters. The segmentation scheme viability is analysed in relation to media consumption and attitudes about specific advertising issues in six areas: 1. consumer benefits and economic force; 2. credibility; 3. entertainment value; 4. social force; 5. manipulation and motivation; and 6. repetition. The segmentation of individual modernity/traditionalism and Chinese/Western orientation provides greater differentiation than age, gender, income, education or place of residence.  相似文献   

俄罗斯传媒法评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代末90年代初,苏联-俄罗斯传媒领域开始发生变革。一年之内(1990-1991),俄国连续出现了两部新闻传媒法。随后的转型中,传媒立法方兴未艾,原本一片空白的俄罗斯传媒法领域很快初具规模,形成了系统而有序的传媒法律基础。本文描述俄罗斯传媒法形成的历史背景,介绍俄罗斯传媒法系统的基本结构,分析法律基础对俄罗斯传媒变革的作用,指出传媒法的不足以及在运用中出现的问题。  相似文献   

邱文中 《新闻界》2007,(6):157-158
互联网广告的形式主要为四种基本类型:干扰型广告、融入型广告、关联型广告、主题型广告.本文将互联网媒体界定为直效型媒体、事件型媒体与认知型媒体,以帮助我们廓清互联网媒体在营销传播中的地位与角色.  相似文献   

The author considers the changing advertising expenditures and advertising shares of media, discusses difficulties of approaches and models used to forecast advertising markets, and offers his own model and forecasts for advertising expenditures and media shares through the year 2000.  相似文献   

On May 19, 1998, the Israeli Knesset voted unanimously to pass a proposed “Freedom of Information Law.” Israel has been slow to adopt the concept of freedom of information, and although it has been acknowledged in various court rulings, it has not been embodied in legislation. The purpose of this study is to examine the Israeli Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and to analyze it in respect to the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). More specifically, this article looks closely at the purpose of the law, the circumstances that permit exemptions to be exercised, the provisions made within FOIL that will enable its execution, and court cases dealing with freedom of information.  相似文献   

In 2013, with the introduction of the Transparency Law in Spain, a number of Spanish newsrooms started working with data journalism methods. In Sweden, which has one of the oldest Freedom of Information acts in the world, newsrooms invested in the skill development of data journalism at approximately the same time. Because previous research suggests that access to public data has been one of the key driving forces for the development of data journalism worldwide, it is important to understand how legislation is actually shaping the practice of data journalism. Based on a survey of 66 key informants in Spain and Sweden and ten in-depth interviews with data journalists from five media companies in each country, we conducted a comparative study, building on the frameworks of media systems to explore data journalism practices in these two countries. The differences found indicate that the national and EU legislation in both nations shape journalistic strategies for accessing data, turning journalists at times into activists fighting for the right to access public data. Beyond the law, data journalists advocate for a transparency culture among the civil servants, in order to secure public accountability.  相似文献   

A survey of 131 advertisers in the markets of six small daily newspapers revealed that the majority of advertisers were unknowledgeable about advertising conditions in their markets and that the majority of advertisers believed small dailies compete with other media for their advertising dollars. Unlike run-of-press (ROP) and local advertisers, insert and national advertisers tended to be knowledgeable about advertising. ROP advertisers cited both broadcast and other forms of print as competitors to dailies. Insert advertisers cited only other delivery vehicles as competitors.  相似文献   

陕西省内各地的广告发展非常不均衡,各地的广告市场具有很大的差异性;推进陕西媒介体制创新、调整广告经营单位产品结构、紧密结合新兴产业、推进广告资本市场的形成等举措,将有利于陕西广告产业的持续发展.  相似文献   

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