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This article, rationale for the lifelong professional work of the author, shows how conceptual revolutions have changed the way we view our world. The author believes that another conceptual revolution is needed as we “learn how to live within the limits of the ecosphere that gave birth to us.” That means replacing the 10,000-year-old block-field agriculture system with perennial food and soil-building crops system. This change is needed to replace the energy-intensive planting, fertilizing, and harvesting of single annual crops by the application and use of expensive hydrocarbons that pollute the air, soil, and water. The 35th anniversary (November 2005) issue of Smithsonian magazine profiles Jackson as one of “35 Who Made Difference” in shaping our present and future world. This article is presented in PLQ because it lays out proactive alternative to an energy-intensive agriculture and modest, piecemeal environmentalism. The author's citations of scholars and ecological movements lead readers to numerous individuals and organizations working to create viable food-production pathway to achieve bright future for our world.  相似文献   

This article is expanded from a commencement address delivered by author Wes Jackson to graduating seniors at Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland, May 20, 2007. It adds detail to his longstanding argument that the environmental majority is mendaciously optimistic in suggesting that new—and sometimes still uninvented—technology will solve the world's food and energy problems. Jackson lays out statistics on how fast the world is using up its energy sources, noting that biofuels such as agriculture‐based ethanol will provide insufficient energy to power U.S. cars and trucks even if we use all of the food in the world to produce motive power. Jackson's previous article, “Conceptual Revolutions: Who Needs Them? Why?” was published in Public Library Quarterly 24‐3 (2005). The two articles form an intertwined statement on world resource limitations and opportunities. These articles were selected for inclusion in PLQ for the fundamentally different view they offer library professionals on the biofuels‐and‐ecology debate, in the hopes of balancing competing points of view in library collections.  相似文献   

秦升泽 《出版科学》2018,26(3):37-39
选题策划直接关系到出版社编辑工作的成败.策划农业科学类图书选题要结合中国农业发展的实际,把握我国农业发展的新变化和新动态.在中国特色社会主义新时代和农业供给侧结构性改革大背景下,农业科学类图书选题可以向绿色可持续、食品安全、乡村旅游与休闲、农民职业技能培训和农产品品牌五个方向倾斜.  相似文献   

In this article, author Wes Jackson reminds us that the professions have a special responsibility to their knowledge heritage-what he calls “a way of knowing” about our current society, its recent changes and those that will come in our lifetimes. He points out that talk radio and the even more bizarre guerilla war of manipulated-issue television are not the place to get at the imperative facts about our way of life. The centerpiece of Jackson's concern is world climate change. He calls on professionals to use their scientifically based “way of knowing” to decide and help carry out the action that must be taken if climate change is going to be reversed. The problem, quite simply, is to find a way to power the Planet Earth on one-fifth of the carbon-based fuels that we use today to sustain our lifestyles and our commerce. Jackson points out that this challenge is a huge one, and that to be effective in this cause, lots of “neutral” professionals are going to have to become proactive in helping find and implement climate solutions.  相似文献   

我国农村公共文化信息供给体系主要包括农林科技信息供给系统、农家书屋、文化馆、公共图书馆等,从组织机构、作用、途径和特征等方面分析我国农村公共文化信息服务体系主要构成。  相似文献   

数字环境下我国农业信息资源保障体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业信息资源保障体系建设是农业信息化的核心问题,对加快我国农业经济发展、建设社会主义新农村有着非常重要的意义。本文阐明了农业信息资源保障体系建设的意义,分析我国农业信息资源保障体系建设存在的问题,提出了我国农业信息资源保障体系建设的六点策略。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):341-349
The traditional design for the study of language variables is a controlled message design in which one kernel message is manipulated to produce message variations that represent the language variable contrasts. Thus message content is the same across treatment conditions and hence crossed with the treatment factors. Jackson and Jacobs (1983) criticized this design on three grounds. They argued that messages should be natural rather than contrived, that messages should be nested within treatment conditions rather than crossed with treatment factors, and that each study should use as many messages as possible. Their paper has been used by reviewers as the basis for rejecting studies done using the traditional design. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the arguments presented in Jackson and Jacobs (1983) as well as subsequent papers by Jackson (1984) and Jackson and Jacobs (1987). The arguments are shown to contain both methodological and substantive errors. When the arguments are corrected, it is shown that nested designs and multiple messages should be used only when absolutely necessary. It is the traditional controlled message, crossed design and not the naturalistic message, nested design which is robust; robust against not only incidental but fundamental confounding, robust against message by treatment by message interactions, and relatively robust against Type II error. Taken together with meta‐analysis, the traditional single message, crossed design can detect and identify message by treatment interactions. On the other hand, the multiple message design makes it impossible to identify such interactions.  相似文献   

十九届五中全会强调要“优先发展农业农村、全面推进乡村振兴”“提升公共文化服务水平”。因此,十四五时期关于文化服务推动乡村振兴建设,需要从管理逻辑转向治理逻辑,多主体协同供给进而优化供给结构,激活乡民主体性提高参与度和获得感,采用全媒体供给增强供给能力,全方位提高乡村公共文化服务效能,实现乡村公共文化服务高质量发展。  相似文献   

吕晓燕 《晋图学刊》2004,(2):1-3,22
农业信息化作为农业现代化的一项重要内容,是农业现代化新的发展阶段的必然选择,也是农业现代化的继续和发展,目前我国正处在传统农业向现代农业发展的新阶段,因此,本文就农业信息化建设的基本策略与措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化和经济建设的快速发展,一座座高楼大厦鳞次栉比拔地而起,塑造了高密度的新城市景观。由于土地资源本身固有属性的限制,土地供需矛盾,尤其是高密度地区用地供需矛盾日益尖锐。图书馆建筑也出现低层向多层纵向发展的态势,其周边绿地表现出新的空间特征。在这种背景下如何做好绿地规划与建设,本文提出一些原则和方法,以期图书馆空间环境质量得到不断提高。  相似文献   

经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的重要特征,随着经济全球化的发展,国家经济安全的地位日益重要。中国在经济全球化进程中经济发展的主要风险有:产业结构层次低,市场化程度低,在国际生产、贸易、投资领域处于劣势地位;农业基础薄弱,农村和农业安全面临世界农产晶生产销售大国的冲击;金融体系不完备,在面对国际金融巨头竞争、规避国际金融风险方面尚缺乏有效的机制和手段。为此,我国必须切实建立起完善的社会主义市场经济体制,优化产业结构;进一步加强农业在国民经济中的基础地位,提高农业产业的国际市场竞争能力;深化金融改革,完善金融体系,确保国家经济安全。  相似文献   

中国农业信息化建设研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
从原始农业到古代农业 (传统农业 ) ,进而发展到现代农业 ,人类社会农业经济的发展已经持续几千年的历程。历史经验表明 ,农业生产上的每一次重大突破 ,无一不和科技进步息息相关 ,依靠科技进步发展农业已经成为当今世界农业的大趋势。两项新的科学技术成果———生物工程技术、信息技术已经在农业领域得到广泛应用 ,并推动了农业飞速向前发展 ,可以预见到由新技术广泛应用于农业而引发的一次新的农业革命即将来临。生物工程技术将是新的农业科技革命的核心 ,信息技术将是新的农业科技革命的先导。本文以农业科技对农业经济发展的促进作用及农业对信息技术的需求为背景 ,通过对国际农业信息技术的发展状况及我国农业信息技术发展面临的机遇与挑战的分析 ,提出我国农业信息化建设的 3个阶段 :农业信息基础设施建设、农业信息技术集成应用、信息农业 ,并论述了每个阶段的内容  相似文献   

罗昊 《高校图书馆工作》2006,26(3):19-21,28
文章由概述Internet农业信息资源的主要信息源出发,归纳、总结了相关资源的获取途径,并在此基础上,对我国Internet上农业信息资源的建设提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

运用遥感手段精确监测马铃薯种植面积是稳固马铃薯主粮化政策、维护国家粮食安全的必要保障。本文以 吉林省长春市九台区纪家镇、兴隆镇为研究区,选用landsat8 OLI遥感数据,借助ENVI平台构建了基于BP神经网络的 土地覆盖分类模型,应用于研究区的马铃薯等作物分类研究。以landsat8 OLI7个彩色波段作为输入,不断调节分类参 数,最终确定了最优分类网络结构。结果显示,BP神经网络法马铃薯的分类生产者精度为94.22%。研究表明,BP神经 网络分类方法是一种手段灵活、结果较准确的马铃薯遥感识别方法。  相似文献   


On June 3–5, 2008, international organizations and heads of state met in Rome to discuss the critical situation in global food supplies and prices during the World Food Crisis Summit. The intent of this column is to provide approaches to identifying the complex issues that impact public health, public safety, and nutrition on a global basis. The Web sites selected provide a background for the complex issues involved (energy, climate and environment, agriculture, and politics) and reveal controversial and competing agendas with many far-reaching implications.  相似文献   

本文从丰富馆藏、农业科技档案信息的开放和利用及科技档案的编研方面,论述了科技档案在新农村建设中的作用,结合实际提出了收集优势产业的科技档案、商品价值高的科技档案、农业技术人才档案,建立具有当地特点的农业种、养、加特色档案.  相似文献   

农村市场信息服务模式构建的相关因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村市场信息服务存在着信息资源整合与利用不够,供求信息和价格针对性不强,并且缺乏预期性,自建自享,手段落后,管理分散,无序发展等问题.以多元化网络化为主,抓好农业信息服务体系建设,强化保障措施,加大投资,开发农村市场信息应用软件,科学制定信息化服务中的收费机制,是搞好农村市场信息服务模式的关键。  相似文献   

Agriculture is an important sector of the economy in India as it provides employment to a large number of people and is concerned with the food and nutritional security of a huge population. Indian agriculture is facing several challenges ranging from farmers' debt, climatic changes, technological up-gradation, development of communication infrastructures for more effective extension activities and most importantly, bridging the knowledge gaps existing within India. This article examines the hurdles the Indian agricultural sector face and the potential of ICTs to aid and enhance agricultural development.  相似文献   

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