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首先分析和探讨Web2.0技术应用于高校图书馆学科建设的可行性,并提出应用BLOG、RSS、WIKI、AJAX等Web2.0核心技术建设互动化、有序化、个性化的学科建设服务平台的构想;其次,以上海大学图书馆基于Web2.0技术的学科建设服务平台为例,重点介绍学科馆员博客系统、新闻聚合系统、学术百科系统、AJAX个性化平台等子系统的建设和使用情况,并进一步探讨Web2.0技术应用于学科建设的发展方向;最后列出在平台建设过程中遇到的困难和应注意的问题。  相似文献   

随着Web2.0的出现,图书馆2.0(Lib2.0)应运而生。图书馆2.0是Web2.0技术在图书馆中的应用,其中最有代表的是博客(Blog)、信息推送(RSS)、标签(Tag)、维基(Wiki)等技术。探讨了基于图书馆2.0理念的图书馆信息服务模式。  相似文献   

通过对华中地区七所高校图书馆的调查研究,分析了目前Web2.0的技术和服务在高校图书馆中的应用现状。包括高校图书馆2.0应用情况,用户对图书馆2.0服务的使用和需求情况,并对改进图书馆2.0的服务提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

Web2.0的出现和广泛使用,使网络互动的概念深入人心,对图书馆网络互动服务的研究逐渐引起了学者们的关注。以华北地区高校图书馆网络互动服务为研究对象,对高校图书馆网络互动平台的搭建情况和网络互动服务项目开展现况进行调查。华北地区高校图书馆网络互动服务发展不均衡,北京和天津市高校图书馆网站建设水平和互动服务开展情况较好,OPAC服务和参考咨询服务是最为普遍的互动服务项目。高校图书馆需从平台建设、深化互动服务功能、人员队伍等方面切实提高网络互动服务的质量与水平。  相似文献   

向璨  李彬  张晓苗  王海英 《图书馆学刊》2012,34(11):133-135
以Web2.0为研究背景,以国内"211"院校图书馆为研究对象,深入调查Web2.0技术在我国高校图书馆的应用情况,分析我国高校图书馆2.0建设以及读者2.0服务存在的问题,结合Web2.0技术的理论基础、图书馆2.0理念、信息交流服务对图书馆2.0建设进行探索性思考,提出解决各种相应问题的新思路、新办法,以促进高校图书馆2.0建设水平、图书馆服务水平及图书馆优势竞争力的提高。  相似文献   

在对美国国会图书馆、大英图书馆、澳大利亚国家图书馆网站的调查基础上,分析了其网站使用Web2.0技术的情况,比较分析了中国国家图书馆网站应用Web2.0工具的情况,结果显示:美英澳国家图书馆普遍重视Web2.0技术的应用,及时采用新技术,应用效果显著。对改进国内图书馆2.0的服务提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

当图书馆被Web2.0技术深深影响,服务方式亦发生变革时,图书馆营销也应顺势而为寻求创新与变革。吸收营销2.0“互动、参与、体验、交流、扩散”的精髓,利用Web2.0技术的优势创造更多的创意营销形式,从而构建图书馆的营销2.0之路。参考文献12。  相似文献   

文章调查了国内20所高校图书馆互动式网站建设情况,发现高校图书馆网站建设中或多或少都融入了不同方式的互动。特别是在信息技术高速发展的今天,Web2.0技术在图书馆网站建设中也逐渐被采用,由此不仅网站风格有了新变化,而且改变了图书馆传统网站的服务模式,能够吸引更多的读者使用图书馆。  相似文献   

潘梅蓉 《晋图学刊》2011,(4):23-26,54
Web2.0网络技术和云计算技术把人类社会带进了Web2.0与云服务时代。图书馆界将Web2.0网络技术与云计算技术引入到数字图书馆建设当中,使传统图书馆逐步蜕变为云图书馆。云图书馆要求传统图书馆员树立Web2.0互动理念与云服务理念、掌握相关软件与技术、具备较高的外语水平,逐步晋级为云图书馆员。图书馆界应该立足人才机制创新,从改革人才培养体制、开展理论教育与研讨、举办技能竞赛、改进考核与奖惩体系等几个方面大力培养云图书馆员。  相似文献   

在数字图书馆追求集成、汇聚和语义导航的今天,跨界合作(Mashup)提供了经济的视角和快速的解决之道。它采用“搭积木”的方式,用应用程序接口(API)等手段,将已有Web应用系统整合成新的应用系统,为因特网用户提供全新和一致的信息体验。跨界合作应用的“构件”是Web应用系统,如谷歌地图(Googlemap)和美味书签(del.icio.us)等,而不是程序代码、控件或组件(DCOM、COBRA)或Web服务(Web Service),这意味着无需再发明或制订新的标准技术,现有的因特网已经具备“自编程”和“自集成”的能力,只需要用户的参与和跨界合作的思路就可对现有的Web应用系统进行“升级”和“进化”,整个过程完全由社会对因特网的需求和无数因特网用户参与驱动,这也使得数字图书馆真正融入因特网,通过信息资源、服务时空和图书馆员的“解构”,成为因特网的有机组成部分,并逐步进化到语义网络。 基于上述理念,本专辑的4篇论文尝试从不同角度,探讨跨界合作对图书馆信息服务、学术数据库、新型图书馆(图书馆2.0)和竞争情报的影响和社会意义。《图书馆信息服务和搜索引擎的跨界合作》从以网络为中心的信息服务出发,分析了图书馆信息服务与搜索引擎跨界合作的技术框架,从信息资源、图书馆员和服务时空3个方面对信息服务进行分析,并总结了跨界合作对图书馆信息服务在信息集成、个性化服务方面的启示;《从Web2.0到图书馆2.0:服务因用户而变》则着重讨论了图书馆2.0与Web2.0的不同之处,以及图书馆2.0的应用现状、问题和未来趋势等。最后提出了图书馆2.0应用的五项原则;《学术数据库与普及型搜索引擎的合作研究》从学术数据库出版商的角度,以维普数据库与谷歌学术搜索(GoogleScholar)的合作案例出发,阐述学术数据库在跨界合作领域的探索和研究,包括观念前提、技术机制、品牌互动以及现实意义。对我国学术数据库在网络时代的发展战略提出了思考;《企业竞争情报系统中的跨界合作》就建立协作式的竞争情报信息系统提出了“跨界合作”的思路和架构。4篇专文本身就是来自图书馆员、出版商和软件提供者的“跨界对话”,期待广大图书情报学人的参与和讨论。 跨界合作并非是解决数字图书馆面临的所有问题的“灵丹妙药”,但它至少提供了一种思路和可能,通过对规则的跨越,不同领域的人士、技巧和组织相互合作,催生了各种各样的Web应用,数字图书馆与其被动追随新技术,不如主动跨出一步,从数据合作入手,整合信息供应链直至服务融合,与出版商、博物馆和创新基地实现多层次和多形式的跨界合作。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a reconnaissance of major academic libraries located in Australia, Canada, the U.K. and U.S.A. that have embraced Web 2.0 tools for enhancing library services. The research is based on a survey of websites of 277 university libraries. The checkpoints used for this evaluative study were given by Nguyen (2008) for evaluating various Web 2.0 tools. Additional checkpoints were arrived at after visiting and browsing the various sites. The findings of the study acknowledge the strength of Web 2.0 tools in improving library services for users. Really Simple Syndication (RSS), Instant Messaging (IM) and blogs are popular in academic libraries. The paper concludes by offering best practices for implementing Web 2.0 tools in academic libraries.  相似文献   


Rather than create a collection solely to support distance learners, libraries should consider the needs of all customers when developing a digital library. The acceptance of digital libraries is dependant upon the conversion of resources to an electronic format that is easy to use and is fully searchable. While electronic journals are widely accepted by most academic library customers, the delivery of online books has had a very different acceptance rate. Rather than support the sequential reading of books, electronic books are commonly used to find information and can be particularly well-suited for reference purposes. This article will provide insight into the history of e-book models and evaluate the usage statistics of a large electronic book collection in an academic library.  相似文献   

In recent years, many academic libraries have started adopting social media by, for example, establishing their own Facebook pages. Our research investigates the current Facebook usage among seven university libraries in Hong Kong. Using a mixed-method research approach, we examined the characteristics of academic libraries Facebook usage and its effectiveness to engage with their patrons, based on online observations and Web content analysis from the publicly available data of the Facebook pages.Our results indicated that most libraries in Hong Kong adopted Facebook as a marketing tool, yet the user engagement level in these pages is low. In addition, we also discovered that communication-related posts and video-type posts can attract the most attention of patrons. Based on these outcomes, we provided some recommendations on the application of Facebook for academic libraries.  相似文献   

This study examines several key design elements of 37 academic library Web sites (members of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries) and how they have changed between 2012 and 2015. While several studies have reviewed library Web sites looking for common design elements and content, the present work may be the first to look at the design elements of a large group of library Web sites over time. This study has two main goals: to present an objective analysis of the navigation and search interface designs at research university library Web sites, and to assess the usage of Web-scale discovery systems and content management systems in libraries. Other areas explored include when sites were most recently redesigned and whether sites have adopted a mobile-friendly, responsive design. Notable findings include a very high usage of Web-scale discovery systems, an increasing adoption of open source content management systems, and increasing implementation of responsive design. Also noted was a strong and growing standardization in navigation design. This study concludes with a review of the trends and discussion of current design patterns in academic library Web sites.  相似文献   


This study explores the current status and features of Pakistan's academic library Web sites. A checklist describing features and content was prepared based on a review of the literature related to academic libraries’ Web sites. Then, all 85 library Web sites of Pakistani universities and degree-awarding institutions recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan were surveyed and analyzed using the checklist. Interviews with library professionals were conducted to learn more about the problems and issues with building and maintaining library Web sites. Results indicate that Pakistani academic library Web sites have effective features such as contrasting color schemes, easily readable text, minimal use of horizontal scrolling, and English-language text. Staff information, OPACs, and navigation features are also widely found on the Web sites. Features found less frequently include the use of Web 2.0 technologies, Web site aid tools, information about library buildings, and general library information. By offering information about the status of Pakistani academic library Web sites, the study can serve as a foundation for discussion between libraries and other parts of the university, as well as a benchmark for evaluating the progress of academic library Web sites in Pakistan  相似文献   

The study analyzes the U.S. academic library spending, staffing and utilization trends during the “great recession” in the period 2008–2010. These trends are compared to similar trends during the period 1998–2008, one of the most robust economic periods in U.S. history. The data used in the study was from publicly available surveys from the National Center for Education Statistics. In general it was found that for both periods many similar trends persisted and were not significantly affected by macroeconomic conditions, and that U.S. academic libraries cannot be seen as a homogeneous group with similar investment and operating profiles. Between 2008 and 2010, growth among especially small to medium sized libraries has declined; while large libraries continue to expand their investments and grow, particularly in electronic services. The economic collapse that occurred in 2008 and the effects of which are still being distributed through the economy and society are having the same impact on all types and sizes of libraries, as many library trends are not influenced by the economic downturn of the period 2008–2010. The study describes the significant differences in the level and scope of spending, staffing, and utilization by size of library, and how the differences among small and large libraries became more accentuated in the period of the great recession.  相似文献   

论文以2013年美国新闻与世界报道的大学排名中前100所高校图书馆作为调研对象,以网站浏览的方式对其Web2.0技术的应用现状进行调查,使用定量分析和内容分析的方法对调查结果进行统计,介绍Web2.0技术在美国高校图书馆应用现状,希望为我国高校图书馆的发展提供一些启示与参考。  相似文献   

Library Journal's 2011 Ebook Penetration and Use in U.S. Libraries Survey testifies to e-books’ increasing popularity in academic libraries. This review tracked literature published from 2005 that focused on academic librarians’ best practices for acquiring, cataloging, maintaining, and promoting e-books at their institutions. Some of these practices include implementing trial accesses, considering institutional requirements, providing an e-book presence in the library catalog, monitoring usage statistics, and utilizing the library Web site for promotional efforts.  相似文献   

Web2.O环境下用户参与是图书馆信息组织发展趋势之一。为验证这一趋势,文章以国内外高校图书馆为对象展开调查,发现Web2.0技术已在国内外图书馆得到较普遍应用,用户也有着较高的参与度,为用户参与图书馆信息组织奠定了实践基础;但也存在着缺少用户参与的激励引导措施和质量控制措施等问题。对此,作者认为图书馆应加强对用户的激励引导和对用户参与信息组织进行质量控制。  相似文献   

Since the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) unveiled its WorldCat Local library catalog discovery layer in 2008, library instructors have debated how to incorporate this tool into their teaching. WorldCat Local's faceted searching brings both educational benefits and unexpected challenges to the classroom. Instructors frequently hold formal and informal discussions on such topics as which search features are most effective during teaching and which patron groups benefit most from this tool. The authors of this article surveyed instruction librarians at U.S. academic libraries that are using WorldCat Local in order to gather and organize this feedback. This article presents the findings of this survey.  相似文献   

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