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This article summarizes findings and lessons learned about implementing school improvement grant (SIG) initiatives in rural areas of the United States. The study examines state-level survey data based on the proportion of rural schools receiving SIG funds in the fall of 2010 in each state. In addition, the authors summarize related findings from rural-focused state and district case study work. The state survey showed that, regardless of the proportion of rural SIG schools, participating state officials (N = 46) reported providing similar supports to districts, such as technical assistance and increased monitoring and data review. However, fewer states with larger proportions of rural SIG schools believed these supports were important for improving schools. Among states with larger proportions of rural SIG schools, significantly fewer reported that replacing principals through SIG was key to improving student achievement. The case study data confirmed and elaborated on the survey findings.  相似文献   

地方师范院校作为农村中小学教师培训的重要阵地,有着自身的优势。而在落实教师培训这一"使命"的过程中也不同程度上出现了认识不到位、内容脱离实际等问题,需要及时的反思和改进,以提升地方师范院校在农村中小学教师培训中的实效,进而提高教师自身的专业发展,最终促进农村中小学教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

对安徽省阜阳市农村民办学校师资现状调查显示,民办学校师资管理不合理、水平相对较低、师资队伍不稳定、保障机制不健全等,制约了农村民办教育发展。为此,必须从政策上给予引导和支持,提高民办学校教师的地位,建立公平、公正的教师聘用和评审制度,以确保农村民办学校持续、快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the issue of internal legitimization and its importance in securing high-quality community engagement in K-12 schools. Drawing on the literature from the fields of community engagement, school reform, school–university partnerships, and school–community partnerships, this article describes some of the prevailing challenges and barriers external partners face when conducting reform oriented partnership work in K-12 schools. The discussion focuses on four factors that contribute to enhancing external partners’ internal legitimization within K-12 settings. The article offers a set of strategies for working through each of the four components.  相似文献   

当前,我国中小学校本研修在一定程度上提升了课程实施水平、教师专业素养及学校教育质量,但校本研修仍面临着课程价值、教学改进、组织形态、内省发展等困境。通过问卷调查可以看到,校本研修在促进教师专业发展和学生、学校整体发展中,面临组织构建、运行方式构建和内在情感力构建等领域的交叉性与系统的复杂性挑战。改进校本研修应关注研修自组织、课程目标以及笔墨文化的实现,构建以课例为载体的校本研修模型,建立学习组织、发现研究主题、实施课例研修、评价改进成果,从而促进校本研修的发展。  相似文献   

目前,我国农村中小学教师在整体水平上较之城市中小学教师尚存在很大的差异,这有违国家关于义务教育均衡发展的目标。为改变城乡师资这种不均衡态势,应进一步实施城乡教师双向交流制度,以城市优势资源带动农村弱势资源,对农村中小学教师要加大培训力度,并及时补充数量,保障物质待遇,全面提高农村中小学师资队伍水平,缩小城乡师资差距。  相似文献   

乡村小规模学校作为乡村长期存在的一种教育形态,是乡村教育的重要支撑,也是承接乡村文化的重要载体。确保乡村小规模学校的长足发展是奠定乡村教育“基石”、保障偏远地区孩子受教育的关键,能够有效地通过教育阻止代际贫困的传递。随着城市化、工业化的迅速发展与计划生育政策影响,乡村小规模学校不断增多,也暴露出诸多的现实问题,主要表现为校长领导力匮乏、师资队伍建设受限、政府公用经费投入不足、学校文化建设匮乏、受城市化办学导向误导严重,等等。针对这些问题,考虑到乡村小规模学校的内在优势条件,可以从以下几个维度入手促进小规模学校的长效发展:政府的宏观政策支撑——资源配置;高校的人才输入——对口帮扶;乡村社区资源支持——协同发展;乡村小规模学校的内在突破——特色发展。  相似文献   

Foreign language (FL) and English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching present considerable challenges in the rural U.S. South. Local language ideologies, budgetary considerations, and challenges in other curricular areas (e.g., math and science) lead to marginalizing both FL and ESL in schools. This article examines the personal and professional trajectories of in-service language teachers in K–12 settings in the state of Mississippi to better understand how participants conceptualize their practice and their roles in schools. By analyzing the interview discourse of nine teachers, we found that both ESL and FL teachers positioned themselves against dominant ideologies and educational policies and constructed themselves as agents of change in the classroom, school, and community at large. This study contributes to the argument for integrating FL and ESL in rural areas, where both groups need support, and provides suggestions for ESL-FL teacher collaboration in rural schools.  相似文献   

豫东地区农村高中体育教学现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豫东地区是以农业为主的人口大省,农村学校体育的状况在学校素质教育中占有十分重要的地位。从实际出发,采用文献法、调查法、逻辑推理法、数理统计法、对比分析法,对豫东地区农村高中体育教学状况进行研究,找出适合农村中学体育发展的对策,期望改变农村中学体育教学的现状,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

This study uses data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) to gain a better understanding of how academic performance and resources vary across rural–urban school communities in Australia. While it is well known that schools in rural areas have difficulty recruiting and retaining teachers, the degree to which schools in larger sized communities across Australia also face this problem is less understood. Moreover, very little is known about the degree to which shortages of instructional materials and equipment are associated with rural–urban location. The analysis includes 353 schools across eight community types that range in size of <1,000 people in small country towns to more than a million people in large capital cities. School principals reported the degree to which instruction in their school is hindered by a shortage of resources, which include qualified teaching staff and instructional materials and equipment. The findings highlight the extent to which school resources vary across geographic location, as reported by school principals. Principals of schools in the centre of large cities were the least likely to report that shortages of teaching staff or instructional materials hinder learning, while principals in rural and remote communities were the most likely to report that such shortages hinder instruction. These differences closely mirror student PISA academic performance and school socioeconomic composition. PISA data indicates that schools located in small rural communities have the lowest socioeconomic profiles, the lowest academic performance and the largest shortages of teaching staff and instructional materials, while schools in central neighborhoods of large cities enjoy the highest socioeconomic profiles, the highest academic performance and the fewest shortages.  相似文献   

目前,我国中等职业学校师资队伍建设过程中存在着重形式轻内容、重中职学校的师资队伍忽视培养培训单位的师资队伍建设、重教师个体能力轻教师整体结构、忽视制定教师能力标准等薄弱环节.针对这些问题,可采取如下策略:围绕“两个”目标,明确建设重点;重视培养教师的“两种”教学能力;推进两个“主体”积极合作,搭建专兼职教师互动平台;发挥“两个”带动作用,发展师资队伍整体实力;利用两个基地,提高教师实践教学能力.  相似文献   

当前,职业院校特别是农村职业学校面临着许多困难和问题,职业教育改革势在必行,创业教育也就成为了职业院校的必然选择。对湖南四所农村职业学校目前开展创业教育的现状调查结果显示:在开展创业教育过程中,普遍存在着学校重视不足、师资力量薄弱、教学方法单一、课程设置不合理等问题,对此提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the School Improvement Grants (SIG) program received more than $3 billion with the goal of substantially improving student achievement. The SIG program’s funding was to help states turn around the nation’s persistently lowest-achieving schools using one of four school intervention models—transformation, turnaround, restart, or closure. We used a regression discontinuity design and a large sample of schools from more than 20 states to evaluate the impact of implementing a SIG-funded intervention model on use of SIG-promoted practices and student outcomes. Our regression discontinuity design exploited cutoff values on the continuous variables used to define the SIG eligibility tiers to compare outcomes in schools that just met the eligibility cutoff for receiving SIG funding to outcomes in schools that just missed it. We found that SIG had no impact on any of the outcomes we examined, including math and reading test scores, high school graduation rates, and college enrollment rates. Using a correlational analysis, we found the turnaround model was associated with larger student achievement gains in math than the transformation model for grades 6 through 12.  相似文献   

熊向明 《教育与经济》2007,(2):50-53,25
本文在对河南中原地区农村中小学布局调整情况调研的基础上,反思了当地农村中小学布局调整的成功经验和存在的问题,并就如何促进农村中小学布局调整健康发展提出了三点建议:建立农村中小学教育投入保障体系;大力加强农村中小学标准化建设;结合人事制度改革,优化教职工队伍结构。  相似文献   

提升民族地区农村小规模学校教学质量的关键首推教师专业化发展,“以校为本”的教学研究已成为提高学校教学质量、促进教师专业发展的基本途径.然而,贵州民族地区农村小规模学校由于社会、经济、文化以及历史和地理等因素的影响和制约,其校本教研的开展大多处于一种低层次、低水平和低效率的发展状态.因此,发挥乡镇中心小学或九年义务学校的核心地位和作用,借助有关高校的师资力量和研究团队提供专业服务,以点带面,尽快建成一定数量的贵州民族地区农村小规模学校学区化校本研修示范区,以带动民族地区农村小规模学校教师专业化程度普遍提高、教学质量的整体提升,是民族地区农村小规模学校发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查、实地考察、访谈、文献研究等方法对新疆乌昌一体化先期合并的米东新区具有代表性的7所中小学校进行调研,结果表明:多数中小学校体育教学管理、实施新课标、大课间管理较为规范,特别是城区学校场地器材经费、师资培训比合并前有较大发展,但是在体育竞赛、体育教师科学研究与培训方面还较为滞后。建议:迅速加大农村学校的体育投入,重视农村学校体育工作,促使农村学校与城镇学校同步发展。  相似文献   

Program Improvement (PI) provisions in the 1988 Chapter 1 reauthorization were intended to improve the curricula and Chapter 1 services in ineffective Chapter 1 schools. Through site visits, we studied practices used by 15 California elementary and middle schools that had been in PI for 3 years. Following each school visit, data were summarized into a school profile. Using a uniform rating scale, we scored each school on four dimensions: staff, core curriculum, integration of Chapter 1 services, and capacity for change. Eight characteristics distinguished those schools engaged in change from those schools reluctant to change: a strong principal and site leadership team with a vision for the school, professional treatment of teaching staff, quality core curriculum, quality Chapter 1 services, a Chapter 1 coordinator as implementer, school autonomy and district support, positive administrator and teacher attitudes, and extensive parent and community involvement. In addition, findings common to all schools revealed a limited impact of PI and the negative effect of principal turnover.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the experiences of new teachers in urban schools at the intersection of three major policy agendas—alternative certification, new teacher retention, and the small schools movement. We examine alternatively certified teachers’ perceptions of the rewards and challenges of teaching in small schools, the support neophyte teachers seek and receive in these unique educational settings, and the reality of small school implementation in a modern urban environment. The findings have implications for policy-makers, urban school reformers, teacher educators and professional developers, administrators and teachers working to create and implement effective policy for twenty-first century urban schools.  相似文献   

农职院校通过建立校内推广服务体系、创新组织管理模式、调整专业设置、加强"双师"结构教师队伍建设、调动专家积极性、依托推广项目建立示范基地、严格把关科研项目和建设"生态校园"等方式有效开展农业推广工作,进而增强学校发展的可持续性.  相似文献   

教师是决定教学质量的重要因素,是学校发展的中坚力量。农村学校教师归属感的缺乏,影响到农村学校的教学效果、教学进度和教师队伍稳定。国家政策保障缺失、学校管理不善和教师个人素养偏低是农村学校教师归属感缺乏的主要原因。需要从完善国家政策保障、营造良好工作环境和提高教师个人素养三方面寻求农村学校教师归属感的建构。  相似文献   

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