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Throughout the twentieth century Japanese martial arts, or budo, in the West grew from a hardly visible practice for Japanese diasporas and a handful of Japanophiles to an integral part of Western culture. Today, when they have been joined by other cultural exports from Japan, and Karate has been recognized as an Olympic sport in the midst of the decline of traditional martial arts and the rise of Mixed Martial Arts culture, the question of what forces produce such powerful ‘waves’ of Japanese cultural expansion becomes relevant again. To answer this question, the article compares the forces behind the spread of three arguably most popular Japanese martial arts – Judo, Kendo, and Karate – in the West, mainly in America and Europe. Here I offer an analysis based on the division of these forces into those which ‘push’ Japanese culture beyond Japan’s borders (pushing forces) and those which stimulate its consumption in Western countries (pulling forces). Based on the results of the comparison, the article argues that there are certain repeating patterns in both types that form a unique mechanism of Japanese ‘martial’ expansion to the West, with the ‘pulling’ forces being just as, if not more, powerful, than the ‘pushing’ forces.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the complex history of the taekwondo sport uniform. Although the uniform is an outward symbol of South Korea’s most popular martial art and national sport, few researchers have elucidated the uniform’s history. From studies into martial art uniforms, and the taekwondo uniform in particular, it is discovered that the tradition of wearing white trousers and jacket began with judo in the nineteenth century. This tradition was carried over to karate and other Japanese martial arts in the early twentieth century. After the liberation of the Korean peninsula from Japan, the taekwondo uniform began to evolve from its Japanese progenitors. The first important changes to the taekwondo uniform were implemented by Hwang Gi, who altered it to meet a traditional Korean clothing style. The 1970s saw the second important transformation to the uniform, whereby it became exclusively regarded as sports attire. However, since the 1970s, the taekwondo uniform did not account for traditional Korean clothing styles, and it faced several criticisms. Recent changes to the World Taekwondo Federation’s poomsae uniform have addressed these problems. The distinctiveness of the new uniform will further distinguish it from its Japanese counterparts, and help to promote the true identity of taekwondo, as well as Korean culture, worldwide.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、比较法、逻辑分析法、访谈法,对散打与空手道二者的技术特点进行了比较,在散打经过30多年的发展中,特别是最近的几年里,以推动散打进入奥运会为出发点,从规则的制定,技术的规定等多方面进行了改革,促进了散打的发展,并且吸收了空手道运动项目优势以及能在世界上得到成功推广的经验,为我国散打运动的改革与发展提出了很好的参考借鉴.文章进一步对今后散打运动的发展方向、策略进行了认真的探讨研究,通过散打与空手道的对比,对散打运动的发展现状提出结论与建议  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(4):457-475

In 1948, the seventh Olympic Art Competitions took place in London. The fact that such artistic competitions were conceptualized by Pierre de Coubertin and formed part in the Olympic program in the first half of the twentieth century is not commonly known. And although international sport historians researched different aspects of the Olympic Art Competitions since the 1980s, they have not sufficiently addressed possible artistic influences for such a concept and therefore treat them as a matter of fact. Particularly the fact that Pierre's father, Charles Louis Frédy de Coubertin (1822–1908), had been a famous painter at his time is overlooked up to now. This article traces the artistic background of the father and illustrates how his profession as Fine Art Salon painter influenced Pierre de Coubertin's concept of the Olympic Art Competitions. Subsequently, the paper compares organizational elements of the Fine Art Salons with those of the Olympic Art Competitions and unveils interesting parallels. Concerning the sources used, this article draws on art history sources as well as on unpublished material which was discovered in the archives of the descendants of the Coubertin family.  相似文献   


Olympic Art Competitions were part of the Olympic programme for 36 years in the first half of the twentieth century. According to sport history research, one of the reasons for their suspension was the participation of unknown artists. A careful analysis of the sources used by sport historians reveals that little is known about the artists. Even less is known about female artists in this context. Investigating the example of the German sculptress Renée Sintenis (1888–1965), medallist of the 1928 Olympic Art Competitions, is an attempt to address this research gap. Biographical research about the sculptress provides art historical evidence for her successful career, her impressive oeuvre and her outstanding societal position as a female artist; and, in doing so, backs up the publications by sport historians. Furthermore, the paper illustrates the circumstances under which female artists participated in the Olympic Art Competitions, evidencing that the artistic competitions had not been a topic on the agenda of the International Olympic Committee. Importantly, it also demonstrates that Pierre de Coubertin’s artistic family environment influenced his thinking about female artists in the Olympic Art Competitions.  相似文献   

空手道进入普通高校的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着中国空手道协会和大学生空手道协会的相继成立,表明国家正积极将空手道引入高等院校,而高等院校将是其发展的重要平台。空手道是一项以"礼"为核心身心俱炼的体育运动,是一种"点到为止"的符合人类生态文明发展趋势的安全对抗体育运动,空手道的运动形式为型(套路)与组手(对抗)并重,具有广泛的适合人群,适于今后在高校中大力开展。  相似文献   


This article analyzes the influence of the new civilizing sensitivity of the Spanish regenerationists in the introduction of sport, in place of bullfighting, during the first third of the twentieth century. Following the colonial collapse of the late nineteenth century and the subsequent demoralization of the country, the regenerationists saw in physical education and sport a way to reform the broken Spanish population. Sport had arrived in Spain in the mid-nineteenth century by way of the aristocracy and would then spread to the urban middle classes, imbued with the reformist sense of the regenerationists. It came in the form of amateur sport, with values of modernity and a civilizing sensitivity which were diametrically opposed to activities such as bullfighting that had such great support from the Spanish public. Amongst the urban middle classes, sport developed as a kind of amateur practice, used for the formation of a more civilized character and the expression of individuality; on the contrary, amongst the working classes, sport spread primarily in its professional form, by way of mass spectator sports (football and boxing), representing a civilizing spurt in severing the link between entertainment and death which was central to bullfighting.  相似文献   


Sport historians rarely use works of art as sources for their research. The main challenge they face is the difficulty to draw information and insights from the paintings that lie beyond what is apparent at first glance. This paper introduces the art historical methodology of iconological analysis that is of benefit to sport historians. This three-step approach is a tool for interpreting art works and contextualizing them with relevant biographical and societal information that influenced the artist’s life and work. The art work analyzed in this paper is the painting ‘Sports Allegory/The Crowning of the Athletes’ by Pierre de Coubertin’s father, the artist Charles Louis Frédy de Coubertin (1822–1908). This painting was chosen because of its relevance and importance to Olympic history. Up to now this piece has not been critically analyzed in sport history, and hence hardly any documentation on it can be found.  相似文献   

现代奥运会艺术比赛的由来和历史沿革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对现代奥运会艺术比赛的发展历程进行分析,借以说明它的重要意义和积极作用.奥运会是集文化艺术、商业活动和竞技比赛的盛大集会,现代奥运会与古代奥运会别无二致.虽然从十九世纪中叶开始,奥运会就设置了艺术比赛的项目,但由于艺术门类多样、评价标准不一等原因,是否应该设项比赛的问题始终困扰着国际奥委会和承办国,最后不得不将艺术比赛改为艺术展览.艺术与体育的审美效果具有合则双赢,离则两伤的特点.古代希腊人创立的这种模式具有非凡的文化意义和积极的社会作用,它被今天的人类继承、发扬和改良,相信它还将被永远地传承下去.  相似文献   

中国与日本地缘相邻,共处东亚,两国交流自古已有,其中武学交流更是从未间断过,日本武道项目众多,且多师从中国,柔道、空手道、相扑、剑道、箭道等日本历史悠久的传统武道在日本国内具有广泛的群众基础,同时日本人积极将其武道向世界推广,在国际上已具有了较强的影响力,其中柔道已是奥运会比赛项目。文章主要通过文献调查法、逻辑分析法,分析中日武学自古至今的发展历程,找出它们之间的不同,为武术今后的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料研究法和对比研究法。就空手道和武术的起源和发展、"道"与"德"、技术特点等进行比较分析。得出:传统的武术整体上优于过去的空手道;而目前,空手道在世界的推广却优于武术。最后总结出空手道的发展给武术带来的启示。  相似文献   


Bulgaria was one of the leading sport nations of the second half of the twentieth century; however, the Bulgarian national anthem has not been played at Olympic Games since 2008. In the current article, historical records on planning are compared to the results of athletes to determine the factors behind the remarkable rise and decline of Bulgarian sport during the last six decades. Historical geographical information systems (GISs) are used to analyze the spatial distribution of Olympic medals in each of the successfully developed sports. The data reveal that often the central Bulgarian planners failed to achieve the goals set in the ambitious programme of the totalitarian communist state. In spite of the efforts for diversification, Bulgaria’s success came from only seven sports mainly: less than any other of the leading sport nations during the 1970s and the 1980s. At the same time, the victories of Bulgarian athletes had little impact on the sport activity of the common Bulgarian.  相似文献   

The rise of the West to a position of dominance is one of the most important developments in world history in recent centuries. All writing about the world in recent times has to take into account the rise of the West. However, from its zenith at the beginning of the twentieth century, Europe's hold over Asia was dramatically weakened. The twenty-first century is increasingly ‘The Asian Century’. It is time to remove the Eurocentric lens through which much of recent world history has been viewed. The removal of this lens is the purpose of London 2012. Will a new Wilsonian Moment now occur? Will the ambitious vision of Woodrow Wilson be realised at last in sport if not politics? Will the world experience a Neo-Wilsonian Moment in sport with the nations of the East celebrating the full fruits of full national equality, recognition and acceptance in a long delayed post-1919 harvest earned in recent global sports mega-events? Will future Olympic Games fully embrace the histories, values and traditions of both West and East? Will the Eurocentric lens remain in place?  相似文献   

This chapter traces the way in which Nellie Kleinsmidt, known as the grandmother of karate in Africa, has negotiated discriminatory practices and overcome race and gender-related struggles, including the struggle to free the female body, in pursuit of empowerment. It explores her expectations and the constraints and frustrations she experienced, as well as the many contributions she has made to women's karate in South Africa. Nellie Kleinsmidt's karate career, which began in 1965, coincided with the early developments of South African karate. As a woman of colour her life and karate career were significantly shaped by apartheid legislation. It divided the country into areas of occupancy and residency according to race and was designed to prevent contact between the people of the government defined race groups. Black karate-kas were prohibited by law from practising karate in white designated areas. Lack of facilities and qualified instructors in areas allocated to Kleinsmidt's race group meant that she received very little formal karate instruction between 1966 and 1973. Soon after, she met Johan Roux, a white male. He was to become her chief karate instructor and life-long companion. They defied the apartheid legislation and in 1978 set up home together. They organized defiance campaigns, resisting the pressures from government to close their dojo because of its non-racial policies. Freeing her body at the broader political level involved the abolition of the race categories and all other apartheid legislation which impacted on her life choices and experiences. Initially this struggle and that of freeing her body occurred simultaneously. In her ongoing struggle against gender discrimination in the sport, it was in karate that Nellie Kleinsmidt could strive for the personal empowerment she sought. She could however not translate this into freedom in South African society itself. The impact of apartheid legislation together with the imposition of a sports moratorium by the South African Council on Sports (SACOS), hindered the growth of Nellie Kleinsmidt's karate career, yet she managed to obtain her sixth Dan Black Belt in 1998. This was a remarkable achievement given the constraints she had to overcome. In karate, Kleinsmidt was often viewed as a female first. The problem of female access is exacerbated by the overwhelming number of male instructors perpetuating the notion that the martial arts are inherently male sports. Accessing the various levels of karate has involved claiming physical and symbolic space on the dojo floor as well as involvement in the decision-making arenas of karate. In 1992 with the unification of karate in South Africa, Sensei Nellie began to extend her involvement with the refereeing arena and jointly established a Women's Karate Forum in her province. She has subsequently become a South African national referee and has earned the status of continental judge with the Union of African Karate Federation (UFAK). Nellie Kleinsmidt is the first and only woman of colour to have been appointed to the Referee's Board of South Africa and the only woman of colour in Africa to have obtained a sixth Dan Black belt.  相似文献   

Veteran breakers have always viewed their dance as a form of art, but the public often views it as a competitive sport, trying to standardize and commercialize this dance as other forms of physical education often are. The World Dance Sport Federation has recently succeeded in adding ‘breakdance’ into the Olympic movement and the first ever Olympic event of its kind took place during the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires. Twenty years of historical hermeneutic research, ethnography, and social-scientific analysis have revealed a development trend in which the art of breaking has been becoming more and more similar to competitive sports, but these veterans believe that breaking is best encouraged to continue realizing its social, cultural, and artistic values. In order for more people to be able to enjoy the full range of its potential benefits, breaking should not be made to lose its unique characteristics during assimilation into the world of sports.  相似文献   

空手道被列为2020年东京奥运会正式比赛项目,人们对空手道项目的重视程度达到了空前的高度。为科学地认识我国空手道项目在各地区的竞技实力现状,该文通过对2019年全国空手道三站锦标赛比赛成绩进行分析,发现我国空手道项目在全国各地的发展极不平衡,河南省、山西省和中国香港发展水平较高,其他地区的整体水平较差;在后备梯队建设方面,这3个地区的青训体系也优于其他地区。  相似文献   

Without doubt, the most famous and instantly recognisable work of art associated with the Olympic Games is Myron's Discobolus. Originally produced in bronze in the fifth century BC, the work is now known primarily through later Roman copies in marble, discovered in Italy during the eighteenth century. Whilst much has been written about the Discobolus as an exemplar of antique art, less attention has been paid to the reception of the work in the modern era. Accordingly, this article shifts attention to the impact made by Myron's work in visual culture produced during the period of the modern Olympic Games; that is from the late nineteenth century to the present day. From Victorian public sculptures, to official Olympic films and posters, and even contemporary art produced for the Beijing Games of 2008, Myron's work has continued to cast an influential shadow over art practices related to the Games themselves, as it has been adopted, adapted and transformed to signify a host of new and frequently diverse meanings. The prominent display of the work at the British Museum in London during the Games of 2012 offers testimony to the work's enduring legacy and its relevance for spectators of the present day.  相似文献   


As a phenomenon exogenous to China, the Olympics have been proactively interpreted in the local context since China’s entry (and subsequent re-entry in 1984) into the Olympic movement. With China’s increasing involvement in promoting three bids to host the Olympic Games, two of which were successful, respectively, in 2001 and 2015, the nature of the discourse of key stakeholders in relation to Chinese elite sport has both reflected and reshaped the meaning of the Games to Chinese elite sport. This paper examines the discursive construction process of the Olympics in the Chinese elite sport system by key stakeholders through analyzing statements of political figures on sport and Olympic phenomena, Chinese elite sport policy documents, and the commentaries of leading Chinese sport academics. The analysis of discourse highlights two main features in the construction of the Games in official accounts during the period under investigation. The development of these two themes reflects the nature of the Chinese Olympic discourse, manifests the political power over the interpretation of the Olympics in Chinese context, and continues to characterize the on-going major themes in Chinese elite sport policy.  相似文献   

Karate is a martial art that partly depends on subjective scoring of complex movements. Principal component analysis (PCA)-based methods can identify the fundamental synergies (principal movements) of motor system, providing a quantitative global analysis of technique. In this study, we aimed at describing the fundamental multi-joint synergies of a karate performance, under the hypothesis that the latter are skilldependent; estimate karateka’s experience level, expressed as years of practice. A motion capture system recorded traditional karate techniques of 10 professional and amateur karateka. At any time point, the 3D-coordinates of body markers produced posture vectors that were normalised, concatenated from all karateka and submitted to a first PCA. Five principal movements described both gross movement synergies and individual differences. A second PCA followed by linear regression estimated the years of practice using principal movements (eigenpostures and weighting curves) and centre of mass kinematics (error: 3.71 years; R2 = 0.91, P ? 0.001). Principal movements and eigenpostures varied among different karateka and as functions of experience. This approach provides a framework to develop visual tools for the analysis of motor synergies in karate, allowing to detect the multi-joint motor patterns that should be restored after an injury, or to be specifically trained to increase performance.  相似文献   

以体育为载体的国际社会文化活动——奥林匹克运动,在19世纪末期诞生不久,即随着西方近代体育文化的传入被介绍到了中华大地,为奥林匹克运动在近代中国的发展和普及起到了推动作用。新中国的成立,为奥林匹克运动在中国的进一步发展提供了前所未有的机遇,奥林匹克运动与中国文化背景逐渐交流、融合,并在中华大地得到了空前的发展,形成了当代中国体育的主流。进入20世纪80年代后,中国民众对以奥运会为代表的奥林匹克的关注程度,甚至高于对其他许多社会问题的关心。现代体育意识和奥运意识以潜移默化的方式,逐渐深入人心,成为当代中国发展奥林匹克运动的一大特色。  相似文献   

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