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课堂观摩:1.(多媒体出示Jim跑步的图片)T:What is Jim doing?S:He’s running.请生熟读句型:What is xxx doing?He’s…2.xxx,run,please.(该生做跑步的动作。)T:What are you doing?生边跑边说:I’m running.请生熟读句型:What are you doing?I’m…请该生继续做跑步的动作,T:What is she doing?Ss:She’s running.3.Work in pairs:What are you doing?I’m…S1:What are you doing?S2:I’m…  相似文献   

正一、教学内容Part A二、教学目标(1)能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词morning,home,help,math。(2)能听懂、会说、会读和会写:What is/are...doing?He’s/She’s/I’m/We’re/They’re...(3)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:The telephone is ringing.Are you free now?What are you doing?What is she doing?How about...?Can you come and help...with...?See you this afternoon.(4)让学生能用英语打电话,同时养成乐于助人的好习惯。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.询问某人正在做什么事1.—What are you doing?—I am studying.——你在做什么?——我在学习。2.—What is she doing?—She’s cooking.——她在做什么?——她在做饭。3.—What’s he doing?—He’s reading the newspaper.——他在干什么?——他在看报纸。4.—What are t  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.出示D部分Look and talk的挂图,请学生仔细观察图片。2.师指图片上的一个男孩,问:Who’s he?S:He’s Ben.T:What does Ben have?S:He has a kite.T:What is he doing?S:He’s flying a kite.3.结合句型"What do/does…have?He/She has…"/They have…What is/are…doing?He/She is…/They are…进行同桌间问答。4.Act it out."非生态"问题:1.学生在看了图片后兴致不是很高,致使同桌之间问答操练的效果也不是很好。2.在表演的过程中,虽已给  相似文献   

<正>〔教学目标〕1.Enable the students to learn the four skill sentences by heart:What is it doing?It’s eating bananas.What is she doing?She’s jumping.2.Enable the students to use the sentences to ask and answer questions.3.Help the students to understand the sentences:The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.〔教学重点〕1.Enable the students to learn the four skill  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1.Free talk (略) Step 2.Presentation and practice 1.Pre-reading Activity 1.学习句型"What are you doing?"及回答"I’m…" T:Let’s play a game.(做唱歌状)Guess what I am doing. S:Sing. T:Yes!I’m singing.(课件显示:sing→I’m singing.) T:(做跳舞状)What am I doing?  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.师拿出Helen,Mike,father and mother的头饰,请生分别扮演这几个人物,并且在扮演之前说明:Hello,I’mMike/Helen/Mike’sfather/mother.2.师指着mother引导全班学生问:"Who’s she?"拿着Helen和Mike图片的学生回答:"She’s my mother."3.同法以"Who’s he/she?He’s/She’s…"问答其余人物。"非生态"问题:1.生在问答时往往不知道该轮到自己了,浪费了课堂上的宝贵时间。2.参与的学生不够多,特别  相似文献   

Bill,the postman,pushed his bike towardsMrs Green’s house.His work for the day was_1_finished,and now he had only one letterwith him to_2_to Mrs Green.She lived overa mile from the village.Therefore(因此)whenBill had a letter for her,he always finished hisday’s work much later.He didn’t_3_this,however(然而),she always asked him to comein for a cup of tea。  相似文献   

教学目标:1.知识与技能:能够听、说、读、写以下单词及缩写:smart,active,shy,funny,how,old,are,he,she,he’s,she’s;能够听、说、认读句子:He/She looks active;能够在适当的情境中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子:How old are you?I’m nine,How old is he/she?He’s/She’s twelve.2.过程与方法:学生在学习单词和句型的过程中,学会合作、学会探究、学会倾听、主动参与实践。3.情感、态度与价值观:能够进一步增强学习英语的兴  相似文献   

Unif7令一What does your fdend look like?一She 15 medium build,and she has long hair. 1 .Han Mei 15 her mother. she—reading,too.(ilJ东省) A .likes:likes B.like:like C .like:likes D.likes:like 2.一Please tell me what U Ming looks like.一_.(山东烟台市) A.He 15 sad B.He’5 all right C .He’5 tall D.He’8 high令一She never stoPs talking. 3 .At last the ehild stopPed_and listened to the musie·(重庆市) A .toe叮B.erying C .ery D.eried 4.We have worked肠r three hours.Now let’5 stop—a r…  相似文献   

Father:Your teacher phoned (打电话) me, and she finds (发现) impossible(不可能的) to teach you any- thing (任何东西)! Son:That’s why I say she’s not good!  相似文献   

[教材分析]语言功能:就现在正在发生的事情提问和回答.语言结构:What are you doing?I'm….What is he/she doing? He/She is….What are they doing? They are….  相似文献   

看图回答:双休日,天气晴朗,同学们都忙起来了。他们要去做什么呢?请同学们试试用英语回答好吗?1.例:What is she going to do?She’s going to go fishing.3.What are they going to do?They’re________________________2.What is he going to do?He’s_______________________4.What is she going to do?She’s________________________Keys:2.He’s going to swim.3.They are going to have a picnic.4.She is going to the zoo.它们去做什么@梦妮…  相似文献   

Mr Clark lived in a small village.He had a few pieces of land at thefoot of a mountain.He worked hard and got some money. His wife diedand left a daughter to him.The girl’s name was Linda.She was clever andgood at her lessons. Mr Clark liked her very much and tried his best tosatisfy(使满意)her.He thought he was poor just because he had littleknowledge. So he sent her to a middle school in the town after she had  相似文献   

I have a happy family.There are three people in my family: My mother, my father and I. Let me tell you about my family’s looks: My father has short straight hair and bright black eyes. He is medium build and he is very tall. He is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect him. He likes telling jokes. He never stops talking. I love my hand- some father just because he loves me. My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She has long curly fair hair. She is tall and slim. I think she is beautiful. But no...  相似文献   

怎样描述一个人的穿着?记住两个句型就可以啦! What is he/she wearing? 他(她)穿什么衣服? He’s wearing jeans and a red sweater. 他穿着牛仔裤和红色羊毛衫。a blue suit. 一套蓝西装。black pants and a green sport shirt. 黑裤子和一件绿色运动衫。She’s wearing a white skirt and a purple blouse . 她穿着白裙子和紫衬衫。a pink dress. 粉色连衣裙。  相似文献   

How Small Are They:a Little,a Bit,and a Little BitAbit and a little are a pair of words often usedinterchangeably to indicate“not much”,butthey can also have different meanings indifferent contexts.My hunch is that“a little”is a littlebit larger than“a bit”,and“a bit”is a little bit morecolloquial than“a little”.Well,these two words do gotogether,don’t they?Here are some examples:He was a bit surprised that she couldn’t cook.He was a little surprised that she couldn’t cook.He …  相似文献   

PEP五年级下册第六单元A部分话题是讨论某人正在做什么事:She’s/He’s doing sth.Are you/they doing sth?提供的词组有:taking pitures,watchinginsects,picking up leaves,doingan experiment,catching butterflies.Warm up or lead in设计一:A photographer师带相机进入课堂,T:Look,I have a camera.Take apicture.Now I’m taking picturesfor you.You,come here and takea picture.Hi,class,what am Idoing?Ss:You’re taking a picture.T:Miss White is taking apicture,too.Look.师出示本课主题图,让学生听课文录音进入新课的学习。  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up/Revision1.Greeting.2.Let’s sing the song"I love my family".(PPT链接歌曲动画)设计意图:在歌曲中将学生带入英语学习情境,潜移默化地进行情感教育。3.Let’s chant.T:(PPT shows the chant)Father,father,he’smyfather.Brother,brother,he’s my brother.Grandfather,grandfather,he’s my grandfather.Mother,mother,she’s my mother.Sister,sister,she’s my sister.Grandmother,grandmother,she’s my grandmother.  相似文献   

PEP五年级下册第六单元B部分话题是询问某人正在做什么事:Is he/she playing chess/counting insects?并能正确回答:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.教材提供的词组有:countinginsects,collecting leaves,writinga report,playing chess,having apicnicWarm up or lead in设计一:歌曲导入百度上输入:洪恩Gogo学英语MTV23,可找到这首歌曲:What’s she doing? She is  相似文献   

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