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应试导向的NCLB对美国教师教育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NCLB法案培育的"成绩文化"变革着美国K-12课堂教学和教师教育.美国的教师教育项目正承受着NCLB所带来的应试教育之痛:对"高质量教师"的界定使考试成为惟一入职门槛,教师的同质化趋势与学生多元化趋势之间的矛盾日益加剧,承受"成绩问责"考验的中小学制约了教师教育项目学生的实习过程,大学的教师教育项目必须在迎合NCLB成绩至上和秉持教育本质属性之间寻求平衡.  相似文献   

美国大学与中小学基于合作伙伴的教师教育改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国大学与中小学合作具有悠久的历史.美国大学与中小学基于合作伙伴的教师教育强调职前教师培养和在职教师的专业发展.合作伙伴的教师教育实践模式包括:西维吉尼亚大学的专业发展学校、南缅因州大学的学区合作伙伴、加利福尼亚大学的农村区域伙伴、马里兰州大学的教学合作伙伴.为了达成高水平的教师质量,美国不断探讨大学与中小学合作伙伴的影响因素,确保合作的有效性.  相似文献   

本文综述美国NCLB法对中小学教师素质的新要求,当前各地为实现NCLB法的教师素质目标所采取的措施、面对的挑战以及这一素质提高运动的发展趋势。  相似文献   

全民环境教育是21世纪人类可持续发展战略的需要.目前全世界各国都在通过学校教育与社会公众教育普及环境知识和可持续发展的思想与理念.2003年11月2日中国教育部颁布了<中国中小学环境教育实施指南>,我国新一轮基础教育改革中已把环境教育正式纳入中小学新课程体系,环境教育已成为我国中小学课程中不可或缺的组成部分.因此,从基础教育改革对教师素质要求的角度考虑,对基础教育教师进行环境教育是十分必要和紧迫的任务.  相似文献   

自2002年美国颁布<不让一个孩子掉队法案>(NCLB)以来,联邦政府在集权化、标准化的政策导向下,强力介入中小学教育.在法案的威慑下,教育实践者疲于应对联邦和州的各项考试,逐渐丧失了对学生创新能力的培养.另一方面,由于美国经济发展对新型人才的需求,21世纪学校运动应运而生,以建构主义理论为依据向NCLB发起挑战.为平衡标准和创新两种力量的冲突,NCLB法案正在进行调整,力求在保证自身完整性的同时,促进学校教育的创新.  相似文献   

对面临择业的美国大学毕业生来说,教师职业正以其日益突显的魅力,吸引最优秀和极聪明的一部分人加入此行列。到2008年,美国中小学教师将需要增加12%到14%,对5500万学龄儿童而言,大约需要350万教师(Hussar & Gerald,1996;NCES,1998)。未来对于这些即将成为教师的人来说似乎是  相似文献   

论中小学骨干教师的素质及培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师.“通过培训,使骨干教师在思想政治与职业道德、专业知识与学术水平、教育教学能力与教育科研能力等方面有较大幅度的提高,提高他们实施素质教育的能力和水平,发挥他们在实施素质教育中的骨干带头作用和示范辐射作用,使其尽快成长为教育教学专家、学科带头人和骨干力量.“这是&lt;中小学教师继续教育工程方案(1999-2002年)&gt;对中小学骨干教师提出的期望和要求.   ……  相似文献   

2002年1月18日,布什总统在《不让一个孩子掉队》(No Child Left Behind,NCLB)上签了字,使之成为了一个有效力的法案。这个法案被认为是1965年开始生效的《初等和中等教育法案》(ESEA,又译《中小学教育法案》)的新版本。《初等和中等教育法案》的重点是普及中小学教育,而NCLB则强调在普及的基础上关注每一个孩子,提高美国中小学的教与学的质  相似文献   

1980年代后各国教育改革多以市场管理的运作,来提升学校教育质量以及教师素质。美国历经二十余年的改革经验说明教育改革是否成功攸关教师素质的提升。2001年NCLB法案的公布,即是美国以管理中的证照、标准、绩效等概念,作为提升教师素质的象征。本文旨在了解NCLB法案制定的国际与美国本土教育改革脉络,以及NCLB法案提出教师素质基本门坎,对美国教师素质管理的影响,最后提出未来教师素质管理的整体发展趋势。  相似文献   

NCLB法案的目的在于改善美国教师群体的质量,但是很多美国学者通过研究发现,NCLB对美国教师群体、教师质量以及一些教师教育项目相关者等都产生了消极影响.这也能为我国新课改提供一些启示和借鉴.  相似文献   

The success of students with disabilities in school and community largely relies on productive family professional partnerships (FPPs). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) recognises the importance of family collaboration to student success by mandating that parents be involved in the Individualised Education Plan (IEP) process as full team members. While several previous studies examined the perspectives of parents of children with disabilities on partnerships with educators, less research exists on teacher perspectives on family professional collaborations. Additionally, there are even fewer studies that focus on teacher perspectives on partnerships with parents of children with autism, a disability category which continues to increase in prevalence. The present study contributes to the literature by examining teacher perspectives on factors that build and hinder positive partnerships with families of children with autism. Researchers surveyed 25 Special Education teachers and conducted additional individual interviews and open-ended questionnaires to examine teachers' first-hand experiences. Findings identified four common themes that educators felt helped and hindered collaborative relationships with families. Study results may lead to the development of specific family professional collaboration strategies that can be implemented and discussed in school districts, teacher trainings, pre-service teacher education programs and family workshops.  相似文献   

The paper examines the effectiveness of recent reforms in teacher education in Turkey, specifically the restructuring of programmes in university faculties of education. It first, briefly, sets the reforms of the 1990s in an historical context, prior to the 1997 Act which increased the length of compulsory schooling from 5 to 8 years, and the 1998 restructuring of faculties of education. It considers the national need for the restructuring of teacher education and the issues involved. The thrust of the paper is a study of how teacher educators across the country perceive both the changes and their effect on the quality of teacher education, methodology as a discipline, school partnerships, and relationships with the Ministry of National Education.  相似文献   

The aim of this international study was to generate recommendations for curriculum improvement in family–school partnerships (FSP) by examining teacher candidates’ understandings, attitudes and experiences. A survey of 1144 candidates in their first or final year of preparation at three universities, one each in Belgium, the Netherlands and the USA, provided qualitative and quantitative data regarding their understandings, attitudes about FSP and their experiences in their teacher preparation. The data indicated modest approval of the value of partnerships, understandings of partnerships weighted towards teacher to parent communication, preference for traditional teacher–parent activities over non-traditional choices, and, among final year candidates, mildly positive feelings of preparedness. Candidates wished more interactions with parents during field experiences and practical strategies for communicating with parents. Inferred in their responses was the need for curriculum to develop an expanded view of partnerships, enhance attitudes, especially among secondary education candidates, and cultivate skills in working with families from culturally diverse backgrounds. However, few candidates expressed a desire for exploring theory and research on partnerships or for the opportunity to develop a personal philosophy, components which are thought critical for teachers’ ability to establish partnerships with parents.  相似文献   

近年来,澳大利亚的职前教师教育经历了由传统的以大学为基地的培养模式向伙伴合作模式的转型.伙伴合作教师教育模式建立的背景,伙伴合作教师教育的主要模式和特点、以及成效和问题是了解澳大利亚职前教师教育改革的有效途径.  相似文献   

Large-scale school/university partnerships for the enhancement of teacher professionalism and teacher professional learning have been part of the teacher development landscape in Australia for the past two decades. This paper takes a historical perspective on Australian school/university partnerships through detailing three national projects over a 15-year period, arguing that regimes of increased compliance and accountability that have characterised education policy in Australia over the past decade in particular, have impacted upon the way that school/university partnerships for professional learning have been conceptualised and framed. The kinds of transformative and emancipatory approaches described and advocated by scholars such as Stenhouse, and Carr and Kemmis, in the 1980s, which visibly guided earlier iterations of national projects, are largely absent from their successors. Increasingly, projects have been guided by instrumentalist approaches that emphasise efficiency, such that university-based partners are positioned more as ‘providers’ of professional development than learning partners, and relationships are conceived of as short-term and funding-dependent. Finally, the paper explores the capacity of school/university partnerships to overcome this trajectory, meeting the accountability demands of the current age of compliance while also working into the more transformative domain of teacher development. It suggests conditions under which such partnerships might flourish and concludes with a challenge to both school- and university-based practitioners to reclaim this generative edge in their partnership work, regardless of the policy framework within which it is enacted.  相似文献   

The Metal Trades     
Universities and schools are struggling with the critical issues surrounding teacher quality, student learning, and the gap between research and practice. This study employed a collective case-study design to explore the impact of leadership teams and school-university partnerships on teacher leadership, professional development, and overall participant dispositions of three grant-funded projects connected by their approach to implementing school reform. Analysis of interviews, focus groups, observations, and project documents yielded three primary themes: transformation of teacher roles, improved meaningful professional development, and increased collective efficacy. Discussion of the findings addresses implications regarding teacher leadership, professional development, and school-university partnerships, especially as they impact teaching and learning.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing trend to promote partnerships for inclusive education that share responsibility for teachers' and students' learning. Yet, the complexities of collaborating across institutions and professions as well as the identity work that goes with it has been under theorized in inclusive education partnerships. Drawing from Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and the literature on boundary practices, this paper advances theoretical tools to examine and further understand the work of inclusive education partnerships. We conceptualize partnerships as a fertile ground for learning and identity development as professionals work across institutional boundaries and face tensions and contradictions created by the overlap of different communities of practice and their respective policies and mediating tools. We illustrate theory with examples from our own work in a professional learning school for inclusive education and provide recommendations for teacher learning in teacher education programs.  相似文献   

为了增强基础教育的世界竞争力,提高职前教师教育水平,英国教育部于2010年和2011年相继出台了白皮书《教学的重要性》和咨询意见稿《培训下一代卓越教师》。其中相关的职前教师教育新政策主要有提高职前教师教育质量、优化职前教师教育的路径、强化大学与中小学伙伴合作、加大对职前教师教育的资助力度。新政策体现了注重政策发展的连续性、注重促进公平与效率、注重巩固伙伴合作关系等特点。  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - Developing a third space in preschool teacher education is fundamental for a true partnership to thrive. Strong partnerships between stakeholders in teacher...  相似文献   

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