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成功者总是勤于思考,善于反思。他们回想过去是为了找出现有模式的变革机会,他们关注细节是为了发现改进之处,他们关注未来是为了找出新的热点与机遇。走向成功的第一步,是向成功者去学习,但不是简单模仿。只有用成功者的思想来思考问题,你才更有机会触碰到成功。  相似文献   

正南山和尚有两个弟子,一天,大弟子下山化缘得到一筐桃子,在归途中内急就将桃子放在树下,结果被村民偷吃了。大弟子说村民太坏,偷吃别人的东西。又一天,二弟子下山化缘摔伤了腿,被村民抬去医治。二弟子将被救经历告诉了大弟子。南山和尚笑着说:"村民只是普通人,你给他们一个善的契机,他们就表现为善,你给他们一个恶的契机,他们就表现为恶。所以说,恶要原谅,善要引导,你把一筐桃子放在树下不管,还怪别人偷吃吗?"  相似文献   

孔子有众多的门人弟子,他们各有各的特点、长处和优势。门人弟子在孔子生前和逝后对孔子多所助益,他们尊师重道,给孔子以精神鼓舞;他们照顾孔子日常起居生活,使孔子安心从事各种活动;他们维护孔子威信、宣传孔子,扩大孔门弟子集团,使孔门团结;他们提升孔子学问道德;他们慷慨资助、并跟随、保护孔子周游列国宣传思想学说;他们辅助孔子设坛教学、为政治国、整理典籍;他们践行孔子为政治国理念、传播孔子学说,发展儒家学派。门人弟子对孔子的助益是多方面的,是相当之大的,可以说没有这些助益孔子是不可能闻名当时,也难以蜚声后世的。一言以蔽之,孔子的炼成,儒家的形成,儒学的盛行,孔子门人弟子功莫大焉。  相似文献   

这里,四名成功者向你讲述他们自己的创业故事。他们都曾经是职校的学子.他们都以自己的聪明才智开创了属于自己的一片天地。听一听他们的创业体会,。读一读他们的创业历程,想一想他们的成功之道,也许,我们年轻的心中会升腾起更多的美好向往,我们也会像他们一样.把今天的创业梦付诸行动.在不远的未来,也成为一个成功者。  相似文献   

成功者都是"精神胜利"大师,古往今来,越是成大事者,其精神的力量愈是强大。成功旅途,失意难免,挫折难免,成功者不是没有低潮,而是他们绝不会让自己在低潮中"呆得太久"。  相似文献   

哲学家和他的诸弟子信步于大街上。此时的整个街市车水马龙,好不热闹。不时有叫卖声传来,街头呈现出一派繁荣的景象。他们走了一段距离,哲学家停下,问弟子:“刚才所看到的商贩当中,他们哪个面带喜悦之色呢?”一个弟子抢先回答道:“我经过的那个  相似文献   

奔跑  尹霜静 《高中生》2010,(13):53-53
曾有人问我:"陈老师,为什么我无法激发出自己的潜力?"我告诉他:"原因只有一个,因为你没有跟成功者在一起。"如果你与成功者在一起学习,他们都非常热  相似文献   

一天,休谟带着众弟子路过田野。休谟指着田野问弟子说:“你们看田野里长着些什么?”“杂草。”众弟子异口同声地回答。“那你们告诉我,要怎样才能除掉这些杂草?”众弟子不禁有些愕然,心里说:这个问题也太简单了。“只要给我一把锄头就够了。”大弟子首先开口说。二弟子马上说:“还不如用火烧来的快。”三弟子反驳道:“要想斩草除根,只有深挖才行。”等众弟子七嘴八舌讲完后,休谟微微一笑,说:“你们回去后按自己的方法去清除一片杂草,一年后,我们再来讨论这个问题。”一年后,众弟子再次相聚,他们都很苦恼,因为无论他们采取什么办法,都不能清…  相似文献   

一位智者门下有很多满腹经纶的弟子,他看到弟子们即将成才,心中自是高兴,但他感到自己来日无多,对弟子还有些不放心,于是把他们召过来,露天设坛讲了最后一课。 “你们看田野上长着些什么?” “杂草。”弟子们不假思索地说。 “告诉我,你们会如何让田野上长出庄稼来?” 弟子们愕然:这问题也太简单了。 “直接播种!”他们异口同声地喊到。 智者站起来说:“这堂课就上到这里 。你们回去播种吧 ,一 年后再在此相聚。” 一年后弟子们来了,他们都很苦恼,因为播下种子后,庄稼不但没长出来,杂草反而更多了,弟子们急着向智者请教。然而智者已经离开了…  相似文献   

一位智者门下有很多满腹经纶的弟子,他看到弟子们即将成才,心中自是高兴,但他感到自己来日不多,对弟子还有些不放心,于是把他们召集来,在露天设坛讲了最后一课。  相似文献   

汉语中“狗”的文化内涵探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉族人对狗的评价具有双重性———尊贵与卑贱并存,忠诚与奴性共在,更多地是负面评价。文章简要概括狗文化在汉语中的表现形态,揭示狗在汉语中的文化内涵,并分析其成因。  相似文献   

对獒肉和狗肉中的蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、总糖、和脂肪酸几种生物大分子含量进行了初步分析.结果表明:獒肉中蛋白质含量15.53%,家狗肉蛋白质含量14.19%,獒的总脂肪含量30.50%,狗的脂肪含量20.31%.獒的总糖含量1.59%,狗的总糖含量1.43%,17种氨基酸中人体必需氨基酸含量均略高,其中赖氨酸的含量獒是狗的近三倍.脂肪酸含量均非常丰富,其中油酸含量达40%多.獒与狗的部分指标含量差异明显.  相似文献   

“狗”的意象图式发展使得流行语中多了大量“狗族”词汇,其中“VP成狗”更是风靡一时,为大众广泛使用“。VP成狗”的发展是隐喻机制作用的结果,它的固定化、语法化与意象图式变化相关。从认知语言学角度出发,概述“VP成狗”的构式来源和演化路径,以及“狗”的意象图式的修正与再建对该构式形成的影响。  相似文献   

The great increase in the study of dog cognition in the current century has yielded insights into canine cognition in a variety of domains. In this review, we seek to place our enhanced understanding of canine cognition into context. We argue that in order to assess dog cognition, we need to regard dogs from three different perspectives: phylogenetically, as carnivoran and specifically a canid; ecologically, as social, cursorial hunters; and anthropogenically, as a domestic animal. A principled understanding of canine cognition should therefore involve comparing dogs’ cognition with that of other carnivorans, other social hunters, and other domestic animals. This paper contrasts dog cognition with what is known about cognition in species that fit into these three categories, with a particular emphasis on wolves, cats, spotted hyenas, chimpanzees, dolphins, horses, and pigeons. We cover sensory cognition, physical cognition, spatial cognition, social cognition, and self-awareness. Although the comparisons are incomplete, because of the limited range of studies of some of the other relevant species, we conclude that dog cognition is influenced by the membership of all three of these groups, and taking all three groups into account, dog cognition does not look exceptional.  相似文献   

Both English and Chinese are rich in "dog" cultures. In order to learn English well and communicate successfully with foreigners in cross-cultural communication, it is necessary to make a comparative study on "dog" cultures in both languages. This thesis makes a com parative study on two language-speaking people’s attitudes and feelings toward dog, histories, customs and stories about dog in both Eng lish and Chinese cultures .Through the comparative study, the thesis reveals the differences and similarities of "dog" cultures in both lan guages.  相似文献   

在人类文化中,客观世界的“狗”都是相同的,但是“狗”在不同文化中,具有不同的文化意义,从而造成了“狗”词语的不同文化修辞价值。从各种语言文化的视角讨论“狗”词语的文化修辞价值,并探究其缘由,从而进一步了解不同文化之间的差异。  相似文献   

桓谭《新论》中记载了两个狗怪故事:狗成为精怪,并以家中刚死去不久的人的身份和面貌出现,让世间人厌恶,最后被打死。狗具备灵性,曾充当很多部族的图腾,使人们相信狗会成精,以狗为图腾的部族与汉民族关系不错,使人们相信即使狗成精也不会伤害人类,因此故事中两只狗精没有给人带来多大灾难。但是汉代的谶纬迷信、人们的生存本能使人们对"精怪"的特殊本领有深层恐惧;汉代的生产力水平使得人们在面对自然界的猛兽时处于劣势,因此一直站在与"魑魅魍魉"等猛兽精怪对立的立场。人们的恐惧导致了狗怪被打死的厄运。  相似文献   

Bray et al. (2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(32), 9128–9133) recently showed that maternal interactions between service dog mothers and their puppies were predictive of puppies’ future success as a candidate service dog. These findings prompt questions into the role of genetics and early experiences and may provide useful selection tools for working dog breeding programs.  相似文献   

Colleen Livingston 《PRIMUS》2019,29(7):677-687

This paper describes an activity using a dog treat ball to introduce systems of first-order differential equations. Beads are placed in the first of two hemispherical chambers of a food-dispensing dog toy. As the ball is turned, students track the number of beads in the first chamber, the second chamber, and the exterior of the ball. Students develop a working assumption, write a system of differential equations to model the number of beads in each region, and use a spreadsheet to compare their experimental and model results.  相似文献   

Although it is commonplace for early childhood educators to include a theme or unit on pets, opportunities to incorporate safety goals frequently are overlooked. Approximately 400,000 incidents of dog bites to children are documented in the United States annually and this estimate may be low, due to the fact that not all injuries are reported. Young children are the group at highest risk of sustaining dog bites. Due to the child’s smaller stature, these bites are more likely to be severe or disfiguring. Yet research from various disciplines supports that many of dog bite injuries to children are preventable with education and even brief interventions appear to be effective. This article offers research-based, developmentally appropriate strategies as well as a wide array of free or inexpensive resources that teachers can use to coach children in ways of interacting more safely with dogs. By making health and safety concerns a key component of themes or units about pets, teachers not only improve the curriculum but also make an important contribution to young children’s well-being.  相似文献   

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