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清末日本监狱学书的中译本在日本出版之后,主要通过轮船寄至中国,由指定书店销至各地;在国内书籍销售中采用了报刊广告等近代化营销手段;监狱类书籍还通过封疆大吏以地方法政考试用书的方式,大量订购,流向官场读者;在日本政治家大隈重信主持编纂并赠送清朝皇帝大臣的宣扬明治维新成果的《开国五十年史》丛书中,也有监狱书籍。通过这四条书路,日本近代监狱改良思想在中国得到传播。  相似文献   

那珂通世对《元朝秘史》进行日文译注,翻阅和研读了大量汉文和外文文献史料,大致可以分为正史、别史、杂史及其他类文献,另外还广泛参阅并吸收了清人研究元史及西北史地的研究成果,以及《元史国语解》和古代字典辞典、诗文集、西文书籍。那珂通世译注《成吉思汗实录》所用文献史料的丰富多样、所作注释的详备缜密、学识的独到渊博等,都表明这部书是日本蒙古学的奠基之作。  相似文献   

International assessment studies have shown since decades that Japanese students score highly on math and science tests. As a consequence, many scholars, education policy officials and journalists outside Japan share the opinion that quality of education is ensured and turn to the Japanese educational system to identify educational effectiveness enhancing factors. Simultaneously, a sense of educational crisis exists within Japan, which resulted into numerous education reforms. In this paper, we describe how quality in education has been ensured in Japan, what changes in the assurance of quality are brought forth by the most recent wave of reform measures as well as the reaction of scholars toward these measures.  相似文献   

晏阳初是国际知名的平民教育家。宋恩荣所著《晏阳初及其平民教育和乡村建设》一书 ,在日本出版 ,不仅为日本人了解晏阳初其人其业 ,而且为日本青年理解中国、了解中国农村 ,提供了丰富多彩的素材。  相似文献   

日本民族比较单一 ,经济发展也比较平衡 ,这使得日本社会在经济高度发展时期之后的一段时期里被认为是“平等社会”。因此 ,有关教育不平等方面的研究也不多。 艹刈 谷刚彦可以认为是日本近几年研究教育公平问题的第一人 ,通过他的分析会重新发现日本“平等社会”中教育的不平等问题  相似文献   

日本义务教育结构改革的战略构想与行动计划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本通过高质量的教育培养出了整体素质较高的国民,从而为经济发展提供了丰富的人力资本。为了创建世界上最高水准的教育,进入21世纪以后,日本进一步加快了改革的步伐,本文探讨了其于2005年颁布的有关义务教育结构改革的文件的核心内容,期望给我国教育工作者提供思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

泰戈尔作品的译介在日本掀起了三次高潮,第一次高潮发生在泰戈尔首次访日前后,出版了很多泰戈尔的作品译本和研究专著,但这次人们关注的多为其思想而非作品本身。二战后,日本人在不安和绝望中重新找到泰戈尔,又恰逢1961年泰戈尔诞辰100周年,为此日本各地都组织了泰戈尔纪念会,翻译出版了很多泰戈尔的作品,特别是诗歌。20世纪80年代,日本泡沫经济高腾,引发了第三次泰戈尔热,日本学者更全面地翻译了泰戈尔的作品。  相似文献   

Doug Kirby transformed the field of sex education by conducting rigorous research that led to new, critical insights about ways to strengthen programmes, evaluation and policies related to sexual health throughout the world. Throughout his career, Kirby was meticulous in compiling evidence and translating findings into actionable recommendations for interventions, research and policy. He published more than 150 scientific articles, book chapters and monographs that have been widely cited and more than 900,000 copies of his publications have been distributed. Kirby's impact has been recognised with awards from numerous professional organisations and his unique and powerful scientific voice is greatly missed by his colleagues and friends.  相似文献   

日本高等教育质量与数量的均衡发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张玉琴 《教育研究》2006,27(2):84-89
自日本近代学制产生以来,高等教育内部便出现了两种不同的教育理念、教育体系及教育财政拨款制度,从而形成了高等教育办学主体的二元结构。这一结构特征有效地解决了日本高等教育数量与质量二者的关系,使战后日本高等教育得以均衡、协调发展。日本高等教育办学主体的二元结构的构成,为后发性国家高等教育数量与质量的均衡、协调发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

周作人是中国近代文坛上较具影响力的一位作家,也是留日归国的作家中颇具争议的一位。也正因为留日的背景,他的散文中使用了大量的日语借词。收集其发表在《语丝》上的散文中出现的中日同形词,采用量化统计的方式,辅以文献学和实证研究的手段可确定其散文中日语借词的数量及使用情况,以管窥周作人在中日词汇交流中的作用和影响。  相似文献   

英国威尔士大学的科林·贝克博士是世界最著名的双语教育权威之一,著有12本有关双语和双语教育的专著和五十多篇双语教育方面的论文。其中《双语和双语教育的基本原理》堪称目前国外双语教育理论方面最具影响的专著。文章译自他的《家长和教师双语教育指导手册》一书。该书自1995年问世以来已再版了三次,专门为家长和教师科学地认识双语现象,正确地对待双语教育及双语教学的规律和世界各国开展的双语教学实践进行了精辟的阐述。  相似文献   

Though Japan has established one the largest higher education systems in Asia much earlier than most of the other Asian countries and some European countries, including the UK, Germany and France, except for a very few Japanese books and articles, little research has been published in Japan on this topic. This article will address the research question: how did Japan’s higher education shift from massification, through to post-massification and, now, to near universal access? By examining the changes in the enrollment in Japan’s higher education based on quantitative analysis, the article will provide an example of how an Asian country had experienced different stages of the growth in enrollments in higher education. Moreover, it is also argued that the major findings from Japan’s case study are not necessarily consistent with the definition of the three-stage linear changes in higher education enrollment by Martin Trow.  相似文献   

美国教育家约翰杜威于1916年发表了在教育史上具有划时代意义的《民主主义与教育》,该书全面反映了杜威对教育的深刻认识,对美国和世界20世纪的教育理论和教育实践产生了深刻的影响,是理解近百年来美国及众多国家教育化的钥匙,其核心就是通过教育来塑造民主社会的合格公民.  相似文献   

曾国藩教子家书的现代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国藩之后曾氏家族代有英才,曾国藩家书特别是教子家书在华人中影响非常大。其基本内容是教育子女在修身、读书、事功等方面如何去做.至今这本家书对我们教育后代仍有许多值得借鉴的东西。  相似文献   

坂元昂先生是日本教育工学的奠基人,更是中日教育技术学术交流的“催化剂”,其代表作《教育工艺学简述》自1979年翻译中文出版后,给我国早期电化教育(教育技术)的发展带来了不可替代的“模板”性作用。而后,坂元昂先生曾多次访问中国,参加我国与教育技术有关的各种学术研讨会,“中日教育技术研究与发展论坛”就是在坂元昂先生的提议下成立的,时至今日已连续举办4次,成为目前中日两国教育技术学术交流的重要纽带,探察坂元昂先生教育工学之学术思想,对处在瓶颈期的我国教育技术学学科发展至关重要。  相似文献   

试论日本文化对日本社会教育活动的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本发达的社会教育已被世人列为学习的典范,它对日本经济的腾飞、社会的进步做出了巨大的贡献;而社会教育活动犹如一面镜子,折射出了日本社会教育实践的方方面面,对其研究可谓了解日本社会教育的一条捷径。因此,笔者试图从与教育息息相关的文化作为研究的切入点,找出其日本文化对社会教育活动发展的深层影响,希望能给我国建立具有中国特色的学习化社会带来借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

周作人在20世纪二三十年代中日关系日趋紧张时期,曾发表了大量日本批评和日本研究的文章,这些文章体现了其日本认识。周作人执着于对日本文化的喜爱,往往从文化的角度来寻找对日本的政治行为的解释,这使他的日本认识显示出文化批评视野的局限性。  相似文献   

The German gymnasium teacher Alexander Kapp (1800–1869) was to all appearances the first one to use the andragogy concept as a term for adult learning. In 1833 he published the book Platon’s Erziehungslehre, als Pädagogik für die Einzelnen und als Staatspädagogik. Oder dessen praktische Philosophie. This book takes all Plato’s writings about education as a starting point. While working on these papers, Kapp noted they involved not only young people and their education, but also adults and their education. Thus, Kapp’s book contains a separate part that deals with adult education, which he calls andragogy. This is not a theory of adult learning. He justifies the necessity of education for adults, and elaborates on what qualities it is important to develop – in general and in different occupations. The emphasis on inner qualities rather than outer, objective competence is central in Kapp’s andragogy. The forming of character is the foremost value for human beings, Kapp claims. This article gives a presentation of his andragogy, its similarities to contemporary movements and a comparison to later approaches in the field. Unfortunately, Kapp’s andragogy seems to have been forgotten. Possible reasons for this are also presented.  相似文献   


This article examines the current state of foreign language education in Japanese universities as illustrative of the troubling conditions facing the liberal arts (i.e. the transformative arts) in a globalized neoliberal milieu. The utopian ideal in education has always insinuated, at the least, a pedagogy that inspires personal agency, creative investment, challenge to power and social change. This imagining of incalculable futures, however, has been undermined by the seemingly inevitable and confluent forces of a networked world, represented most forcefully by the socioeconomic reductionism of neoliberal globalism. In the context of contemporary Japanese higher education, these forces are joined by Japan’s uniquely ambivalent relationship with the ‘outside’ world, and manifested in the rigid conceptualizations that motivate deeply problematic government and institutional initiatives for the ‘globalization’ of higher education. Within the frame of Bernard Stiegler’s work on transindividuation (psychosocial transformation), this article critiques these influential practices as fundamentally antithetical to the challenge of engaging Japanese learners of foreign languages in sustainable ‘economies of contribution’—economies which foster critical engagement and which open paths to transindividuation. The article concludes by arguing for a radical reimagining of the landscape of foreign language pedagogy in Japan and for a repositioning of learners from ‘short-circuited’ semiotic consumers to ‘long-circuited’ semiosic participants.  相似文献   

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