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曾李  罗伯叶 《出版参考》2009,(20):39-39
“售出率”(SellThrough)是美国杂志出版业的一个专业名词,指的是最终售出的册数除以零售上架的杂志册数而得的一个比率。杂志销售收入来自订阅和零售两大部分。前者属于“先收钱,后出刊”,对杂志出版商的收入是巨大的保证;后者是“先出刊,后收钱”,收入的高低取决于上架杂志售出的比率。在美国,售出率有逐渐下降的趋势。因此引发了业内人士的争论:到底多大的售出率是盈亏平衡点。美国((对开》杂志网站刊蹙的这篇文章“28%的杂志售出率终究还是不错的吗?”正是代表了他们的某种声音。  相似文献   

"售出率"(Sell-Through)是美国杂志出版业的一个专业名词,指的是最终售出的册数除以零售上架的杂志册数而得的一个比率.杂志销售收入来自订阅和零售两大部分.前者属于"先收钱,后出刊",对杂志出版商的收入是巨大的保证,后者是.先出刊,后收钱",收入的高低取决于上架杂志售出的比率.在美国,售出率有逐渐下降的趋势.因此引发了业内人士的争论:到底多大的售出率是盈亏平衡点.美国<对开>杂志网站刊登的这篇文章"28%的杂志售出率终究还是不错的吗?"正是代表了他们的某种声音.  相似文献   

美国每年平均创刊800种杂志,期发行量超过100万份的接近100种,杂志广告量近10年增加了70%,广告金额增长2.6倍。广告收入远远大于杂志的销售收入,成为杂志的“生命线”。而9·11事件后,大环境发生了变化,许多公司企业倒闭,造成杂志广告急剧下降。另外,零售店只能售出配送杂志的30%,70%要做退货处理。许多零售店为求生存重组批发,加之成本  相似文献   

卓少锋 《出版科学》2007,15(6):23-25
图书成本的变动很大程度上决定着图书利润的变动,编辑需要加强成本控制意识.图书成本控制可以从四个方面着眼:精心策划选题,做好成本预算;建设高水平的作者队伍,控制稿酬成本;控制印装工价、纸张采购和营销费用;从图书制作的细节有效控制成本.  相似文献   

大雪  云起 《出版参考》2009,(3):11-11
我们已经讨论了人类作为经济动物,在择偶这个古老命题上的世界观,那就是经济基础决定行为方式。现在我们再在经济学的框架下,讨论我们在择偶命题上的方法论。这个方法论基于三个基本的经济思想:人是理性的——这是整个经济学的基础;人们对激励作出反应——趋利避害是经济人的天性;最优决策决定于边际分析——边际收益等于大于边际成本。以下的讨论或许荒诞不经,却完全在经济学思想的支配下。  相似文献   

在经济学中,规模是一个很重要的概念,相应的规模决定相应的影响力.对于今天的出版产业来说,如何判定一个出版社在产业中的地位,规模无疑是重要的指标之一. <出版经济>杂志截取了最近三年的出版社的造货码洋进行排名并分析,最终决定以"亿元"划线,对我国出版社的规模进行相应的比对,试图通过这些比对,了解中国出版社的基本规模状况.  相似文献   

从《暖通空调》杂志的经营状况出发,阐述了科技期刊论文的质量是杂志的生命之源,决定着杂志的水平高低;广告经营是期刊经营的重要手段,是论文内容的重要补充。科技期刊社应该狠抓质量,重视经营,以实现杂志社会效益与经济效益的双赢。  相似文献   

日本的出版新闻公司公布了一九七九年的日本出版状况。过去十年中出版新书的数目逐年上升,一九七九年比一九七八年增加了新书一百七十七种,总数达二万七千零八十二种,售出的册数共有七亿零二百万册,比一九七八年增长了百分之四点一。总销售额为六千六百四十亿日元(约合二十九亿六千四百万美元)。一九七九年也称“杂志年”,因为这年的杂志发展特别迅速。现在日本差不多有一万种杂志,其中在市场上出售的杂志,包括政府单位、学术团体、文学同人办的刊物在内,共有三千一百六十种,这比一九七八年增加了一百  相似文献   

记者从全国新闻出版局长会上获悉,1997年全国共出版图书120888种,比上年增长6.5%,重版率达45.3%。总印数71.14亿册(张),比上年增长0.5%;总印张356.22亿印张,比上年下降1%。 1997年出版杂志7917种,总印数24.47亿册,比上年增长4.5%;总印张70.63亿印张,比上年增长1.5%。 到1997年底止,全国现有出版社565家,较1996年只增加了一家。  相似文献   

IP经营体现了传媒经济学中的范围经济模式.传媒产业不仅要靠传统的传媒产品,而且还要大力开发衍生产品,进行品牌延伸,从传媒产品领域进入一般商品领域,尽可能延伸产品价值链和经营范围.本文通过对罗德尔公司的杂志IP经营现状进行分析,总结出“版权价值+品牌运营”的成功经营模式.  相似文献   

The publishing industry in Malaysia has an annual net revenue of USD 335 million. Almost 20,000 new titles or new re-editions are published annually which amounts to 639 titles per million inhabitants (2012). Malaysia has a population of 30.7 million (2014). There is room for growth and the government has been active in promoting reading and publishing and aims to achieve a goal of 30,000 new titles a year.  相似文献   

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world with more than 250 million people and 17,000 islands. Indonesia was the guest-of-honor at the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair, and as such was the first southeast nation to be represented. The publishing industry in Indonesia has an annual net revenue of USD 466 million (2013) and is dominated by a few large players. Almost 40,000 new titles are published annually. About half of all books published are translations. Ebooks currently contribute only 2 % of total turnover.  相似文献   

What is Amazon up to and why? Amazon reported $24 billion in annual revenue, from their 2009 year-end financial results. The Media/book category delivered $5.96 billion, or 1/4 of their total revenue. That’s considerably more than any of the largest companies in the traditional print or digital book business. Barnes and Noble/B Dalton collected $4.52 billion (2008), while Borders/Waldenbooks combined revenue was $3.11 billion (2008). Amazon’s book revenue steadily increases, while Borders and Barnes and Nobel continue to decrease. What strategies and values are fueling this growth? What is their vision and where have they put their money? Amazon has a demonstrated history of consistent behavior since their start-up in 1995, with big visions, long-term strategies, dedicated to streamlining, surgically eliminating costs, prolific innovations, strategic investments, and an obsession over the customer. We’ll track Amazon’s M&A investments in book publishing and digital to see exactly what they are doing to learn where they may be going. It is wise to stay current on one of the most influential companies in the world.  相似文献   

刘骐铭 《出版科学》2011,19(5):50-54
随着市场快速变迁与法令修改等外在因素影响之下,现代传媒集团必须将其核心竞争力业务适时调整,把握现有资源与优势往更多相关领域扩展。本文先以回归分析法中的逐步回归分析法探究康卡斯特公司近三年来的总收入与其所有业务的相关性,再由一元线性回归分析法来看其核心业务对总收入的影响。借由这两项分析法可看出,作为康卡斯特核心收入的有线电视业务,其发展有限,往内容领域扩展已成为未来大型传媒集团的发展趋势,并可作为我国传媒集团发展的启示。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):208-226
This study uses qualitative research interviews and a survey to quantify and analyse business models at online newspapers in the UK. Senior editors and executives reported that news websites rely on advertising income to a greater extent than their print counterparts. Despite this, British news sites continue to charge users for some content, although to a varying degree. The fact that online editions still contribute barely a tenth of total revenues explains this experimental approach towards business strategy. Although paid-for content has mostly failed as a mechanism for the online news business in the past, changes in technology and net culture may mean that it is becoming an option again. The authors examine what content is being charged for and why, and investigate: how the 12 newspapers studied are balancing the need to develop additional revenue streams with the demand for traffic in a buoyant advertising market; the extent to which cannibalisation of the print parent is still a concern; the complementary benefits of developing digital products; strategies towards archived content; the value of columnist content to online users; the success of digital editions and email alerts; the potential of mobile services; and the rapidly developing number of online services and commercial partnerships hosted by newspapers on the Web.  相似文献   


The authors present a detailed analysis of the major factors (sales price, net broadcast revenue, average daily audience size, program expenses vs. station profitability, and sales price) which help define a station's economic value. One major conclusion is that higher program expenditures appear to correlate with higher station profits (and economic value). Mr. Blau is a doctoral candidate in mass communications at Indiana University, while Drs. Johnson and Ksobiech are associate and assistant professors, respectively, in that university's department of telecommunications. The study was conducted with the support of grants from the NAB and an Indiana University Faculty, Grant‐in‐Aid. Naturally, the opinions and other content do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of those institutions, and no official endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

This study found that in the 1O years since the near total deregulation of the New Zealand radio environment, the number of available youth- oriented radio choices has increased in three of the four markets examined, while the variety of choice increased in all markets. Results also showed that 10-17 year old 7ime Spent Listening (TSL) had increased significantly, contrary to trends in overseas markets, but growth was restricted to areas where the number of outlets had increased. It was evident that at least two of the promised benefits of deregulation (increased listener choice and increased listening) were justified. However, it did appear that there was an order of impact as a function of market size, with listeners in larger markets benefiting before those living in smaller, less revenue rich areas. Such growth was dependent on the financial success of commercial operators. It was concluded that the full effects of deregulation take time, particularly with reference to less commercially desirable markets, but there were warning signs that the impact could be selective and restricted to markets that can assist operators in achieving financial growth and profitability. It was suggested that countries considering changes to broadcast policy could learn from the New Zealand experience.  相似文献   

设计了由税收征收率、税收成本率、税收对经济的影响度、税务形象、人员素质五个指标组成的县级地税管理绩效评估体系,以湖南省120个基层税务局的数据作为样本,运用BP神经网络模型对各基层税务机关的绩效进行评估。实证结果显示,网络仿真结果的误差都控制在5%以内,全省平均评估得分为0.69,这说明总体上湖南省的县级地税局绩效良好,但也还存在着较大的绩效提升空间。  相似文献   

分析中国图书出版产业规模状况以及图书出版单位扩张规模的市场行为特征,利用前10家图书出版单位的相关数据分析2004--2006年图书出版产业总收益的影响因子,发现资产规模对总收益的影响明显,但是通过对收益规模弹性系数的分析,发现图书出版产业规模经济性不强.  相似文献   


This paper examines the emergence of a news ecosystem, focusing on Hespress, Morocco’s first, largest, and most popular news website and its current economic success. My analysis investigates Hespress’s emergence and growth into a significant source for news content, reaching an unprecedented number of readers in Morocco and abroad. This paper argues that the success of Hespress’s business model is grounded in a particularly well-developed understanding of social media, the changing habits of digital readers, and a strategic combination of investigative reporting and curated user-generated content. My findings, then, show how Hespress used a strategy that can serve as a sustainable revenue model which was diversified to include other sources of revenue such as e-commerce, branded events, and native advertising, combined with distribution strategies that rely heavily on social and other digital platforms.  相似文献   

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