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论述自然科学地方文献是地区建设的核心基础资料,是地方文献的重要一翼,但理论界和实践界对其关注严重缺失。在总结前人关于“自然科学”和“地方文献”研究成果的基础上,首次提出自然科学地方文献概念,指出自然科学地方文献是记录有某一地域自然科学知识的一切载体,并从特征、范围等方面对其内涵和外延作了进一步的界定。  相似文献   

奏议文书从唐前期通行的表、状、笺、启、牒、辞六种文书形态逐步扩充、分化,具体表现在书、奏日益兴起,与启、辞的上奏功能不断混合,状、启、书三类奏议文书兼具"公""私"性质,成为官僚士人阶层在制度内外彰显政治诉求的重要面向。从内容与功能角度,可将奏议文书划分为表状类、议类与疏类三种类型。一方面,三类奏议文书维持了较为稳定的书写程式与结构;另一方面,三种具有不同属性的奏议文书在各具职能的同时,又都与唐代的政治形势与制度转型相配合。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为了解我国标准文献的学术影响力, 以为标准文献的利用提供参考, 从标准文献的角度出发, 分析其被引证特征。[方法/过程] 选择中国引文数据库中1994-2013年标准类引文数据, 采用文献计量的方法, 从标准引文总量、篇均标准引文量等方面分析标准文献的总体被引用情况和学科分布情况。[结果/结论] 标准引文量和篇均标准引文量占引文总量比例很小;各学科标准引文量差异较大, 工科和医科对标准文献的引用较多;标准引文数量和被引频次较高的专题集中于自然科学;大部分社会学科标准引用量为零;标准引文的半衰期整体上较长, 老化速度较慢。  相似文献   

Process rather than product, becoming rather than being, dynamic rather than static, context rather than text, reflecting time and place rather than universal absolutes—these have become the postmodern watchwords for analyzing and understanding science, society, organizations, and business activity, among others. They should likewise become the watchwords for archival science in the new century, and thus the foundation for a new conceptual paradigm for the profession. Postmodernism is not the only reason for reformulating the main precepts of archival science. Significant changes in the purpose of archives as institutions and the nature of records are other factors which, combined with postmodern insights, form the basis of the new perception of archives as documents, institutions, and profession in society. This essay explores the nature of postmodernism and archival science, and suggest links between the two. It outlines two broad changes in archival thinking that underpin the archival paradigm shift, before suggesting new formulations for most traditional archival concepts.  相似文献   

The main vectors for reforming Russia??s scientific-technological and innovative spheres, which are reflected in program documents that were adopted in late 2011 and early 2012, are discussed in the article. The authors propose to formalize the concepts that were used in these documents, such as world-class research competence and world-leading science and technology sectors. Using the Field Normalized Citation Score (NCSf) as a bibliometric indicator for the analysis of different research areas of Russia??s clinical medicine, the authors show the degree of variance between individual research areas within the same national subject field in terms of their correspondence to world-class excellence. The authors also emphasize the necessity of developing Russia??s national methodology for auditing Russian science, which will take its Russian-language segment into account where the world??s recognized methodologies are not always adequately applicable.  相似文献   

《文献学导论》一书反映我国文献学研究的最新进展,在非法出版活动和非法出版物、科学技术对文献研究和文献工作的影响、评奖等问题提出了一些新见解。  相似文献   

图书馆学知识图谱分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
以来自Web of Science数据库有关图书馆主题的3319条文献为研究对象,通过CiteSpaceⅡ软件对相关引文数据和主题词数据进行分析和处理,以知识图谱的方式,梳理了图书馆学的重要学术文献及学术代表人物.本研究得出以下结论:图书馆学的研究力量主要集中在美国,英国、加拿大、中国、德国和日本等亦有突出贡献;当前图书馆学发展的知识基础是由奠基性文献和共被引频次及中心性都比较高的关键文献集合构成;组成图书馆学研究前沿的一系列节点包括搜索引擎的利用、数字图书馆的建设、图书馆的信息服务、信息计量指标和信息组织等众多主题;20世纪90年代以来,图书馆学研究热点包括数字图书馆、信息科学、公共图书馆、国家图书馆、大学图书馆和信息服务等,其中最具代表性的热点是数字图书馆.  相似文献   

Cited non-source documents such as articles from regional journals, conference papers, books and book chapters, working papers and reports have begun to attract more attention in the literature. Most of this attention has been directed at understanding the effects of including non-source items in research evaluation. In contrast, little work has been done to examine the effects of including non-source items on science maps and on the structure of science as reflected by those maps. In this study we compare two direct citation maps of a 16-year set of Scopus documents – one that includes only source documents, and one that includes non-source documents along with the source documents. In addition to more than doubling the contents of the map, from 19 M to 43 M documents, the inclusion of non-source items strongly augments the social sciences relative to the natural sciences and medicine and makes their position in the map more central. Books are also found to play a significant role in the map, and are much more highly cited on average than articles.  相似文献   

Search facilitated with agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods was studied in a collection of Finnish newspaper articles (N = 53,893). To allow quick experiments, clustering was applied to a sample (N = 5,000) that was reduced with principal components analysis. The dendrograms were heuristically cut to find an optimal partition, whose clusters were compared with each of the 30 queries to retrieve the best-matching cluster. The four-level relevance assessment was collapsed into a binary one by (A) considering all the relevant and (B) only the highly relevant documents relevant, respectively. Single linkage (SL) was the worst method. It created many tiny clusters, and, consequently, searches enabled with it had high precision and low recall. The complete linkage (CL), average linkage (AL), and Ward's methods (WM) returned reasonably-sized clusters typically of 18–32 documents. Their recall (A: 27–52%, B: 50–82%) and precision (A: 83–90%, B: 18–21%) was higher than and comparable to those of the SL clusters, respectively. The AL and WM clustering had 1–8% better effectiveness than nearest neighbor searching (NN), and SL and CL were 1–9% less efficient that NN. However, the differences were statistically insignificant. When evaluated with the liberal assessment A, the results suggest that the AL and WM clustering offer better retrieval ability than NN. Assessment B renders the AL and WM clustering better than NN, when recall is considered more important than precision. The results imply that collections in the highly inflectional and agglutinative languages, such as Finnish, may be clustered as the collections in English, provided that documents are appropriately preprocessed.  相似文献   

‘Here is a book that makes you want to shout, "Finally!"’That is the opening sentence of a recent book review that theauthor of this review wrote for the International Journal ofPublic Opinion Research about Campaigning for Hearts and Minds:How Emotional Appeals in Political Ads Work by Ted Brader (2006).The remark refers to the fact that Brader’s book focuseson an issue that has thus far received very little attentionin the field of communication studies, or, for that matter,in the fields of political science or sociology, namely, themajor role emotions play in explaining collective behavior,social decisions, opinion formation and—especially inthe case at hand—the effects of media coverage on opinionformation. Now, in the form of Katrin Döveling’scomprehensive new  相似文献   

The statistics published each year by U.S. secondary publishers reveal trends in scientific communication, including political, economic, and social factors. For the first time since 1957, the number of documents abstracted and indexed by U.S. secondary services has declined—following thirty-five years of often rapid growth. The author traces the history of abstracting and indexing services in the United States, considers reasons that the coverage of secondary services has stabilized, and discusses why comprehensive coverage of the scholarly literature may no longer be a viable strategy for secondary services to follow in the years ahead.  相似文献   

论文献的选择性传播   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文献传播具有选择性。文献选择性传播的意义是 ,促进文献流传 ,传承优秀文化 ;其发生机制可分为主动选择、被动选择和自然选择三种方式 ,文献传播的选择性应用广泛 ,对图书情报学领域讲 ,意义更为重要。参考文献 10。  相似文献   

We propose a method for performing evaluation of relevance feedback based on simulating real users. The user simulation applies a model defining the user’s relevance threshold to accept individual documents as feedback in a graded relevance environment; user’s patience to browse the initial list of retrieved documents; and his/her effort in providing the feedback. We evaluate the result by using cumulated gain-based evaluation together with freezing all documents seen by the user in order to simulate the point of view of a user who is browsing the documents during the retrieval process. We demonstrate the method by performing a simulation in the laboratory setting and present the “branching” curve sets characteristic for the presented evaluation method. Both the average and topic-by-topic results indicate that if the freezing approach is adopted, giving feedback of mixed quality makes sense for various usage scenarios even though the modeled users prefer finding especially the most relevant documents.  相似文献   

《情报学报》是公认的我国情报学权威期刊 ,不仅发表了大量情报学论文 ,同时其引用文献更是覆盖了中外情报学及其相关领域的重要文献。其引用文献的数量、语种、类型、年代分布、学科分布、来源期刊、自引等数据不仅可以客观公正地评价《学报》的学科地位 ,也可以更加全面地把握我国情报学发展的动态过程、特点和规律 ,以及与相关学科的关系  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of the archival issues that relate to digitally signed documents. First, by way of introduction, the advanced digital signature is presented briefly. In the second part, a number of problems are discussed that present themselves when a digital signature is used as a proof of authenticity and integrity for digital documents in general. In particular, it is also being investigated whether it makes any sense for the archivist to digitally sign all electronic records under his or her management. Problems relating to the (medium) long-term archiving of digitally signed documents are dealt with in the third part. After an overview of the sticking points for long-term validation (“Archival issues”) a number of possible solutions are discussed (“Solutions for long-term archiving”).
Filip BoudrezEmail:

In this section the International Journal of Public OpinionResearch reviews articles that have recently been publishedin peer-refereed journals and which broadly relate to the fieldof public opinion. The intention is not to give an exhaustiveoverview of a given study but rather to alert our readers tointeresting ideas and research in our field. For this issuethanks are due to Ken’ichi Ikeda (University of Tokyo)for help in compiling the reviews. Arai, Kiichiro (2006). A mechanism of political participation:Experience and evaluation. Review of Electoral Studies, 6, 5–24. This paper examines how citizens are engaged in political activities,with a focus on their experience of political participationand their evaluation of the experience. Using data from theJapanese Election and Democracy Study 2000 survey, an empiricalanalysis shows that people who positively evaluate their experienceof participating in political activity (such as helping election  相似文献   

彭树欣 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(2):175-177
梁启超在文献学领域取得了较大成就,在中国文献学发展史上占有一席之地。对梁启超文献学的研究大致从文献学的整体研究、目录学研究、图书馆学研究、辨伪学研究、比较研究等五个方面展开,主要集中在其文献学的内部研究上,缺乏在纵向和横向上的研究,因此有必要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

"文献"是一个集合概念,是档案文献、图书馆文献的属概念.档案文献和图书馆文献是"文献"的子集.实践中,两种类型的文献存在定义上不精准,使用上"同语异意,异语同意""用而不定"现象.从种属关系入手,准确定义两种类型的文献术语,是档案学和图书馆学共同的使命与任务.  相似文献   

提升图书情报学学科地位的思考——基于CSSCI的实证分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据CSSCI的引证数据对图书情报学研究特征进行分析,指出目前国内图书情报学论文存在着引用文献偏少、引用外文文献比例较低、跨机构跨地区合作研究不够、理论研究成果缺乏等问题,这些问题对图书情报学学科地位产生了一定的影响.提升图书情报学学科地位的措施包括:加强理论研究和理论创新、提升论文的学术性、推出学科精品之作扩大社会影响、加强学科间合作、扩大学科成果的应用领域等.  相似文献   

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